OJADILI Final Episode 20 by Erasmus Ugochukwu Okafor

OJADILI Final Episode 20 by Erasmus Ugochukwu Okafor

OJADILI Final Episode by Erasmus Ugochukwu Okafor

**The last revelations**

The celebration and reconciliatory burial of Ifenkili was one of a kind. It was memorable indeed because it was graced by important dignitaries and lots of interesting activities that made it worth it.

Agbusi Igwe was on his best priestly native attire as he officiated at the burial.

Many kings, even outside the seven kingdoms were present on that very day except the king of Ajani. Even though he wasn’t there, the ceremony went on as his arrival was awaited.

Specially selected guards from each of the seven kingdoms helped in bringing Ifenkili’s body from Amachara to Amaudo where the burial took place.

After a series of incantations and divining, Agbusi Igwe took the Ikoro drumstick and began to tower the entire square with the sound. The entire seven villages began to sound the Ikoro. This made everyone know that the great woman was about to be lowered into the earth. Even though the villages were wide apart, there was a spiritual connection among the chief priests. This was why they knew that it was time to use the Ikoro to alert the people about the interment.

It was surprising to everyone that princess Chinonye began to dance the egwu ngala (prideful dance). Her dance was so enchanting and interesting that people remained wowed as they admired her dance moves. As she danced, she eulogised Ifenkili that lay lifeless before them all. Her dance became divine when she began to handle the oja (flute).

To the greatest astonishment of everyone, the beads on the princess’s body began to fall as she danced. It was then that everyone knew that she was the reincarnation of Ifenkili. Those who never knew about the secret were all surprised.

The people scampered to pick the beads even though the commotion was controlled by the guards present. Many people with different kinds of illnesses were instantly healed because of the fallen beads they picked. The beads spelt fortunes for all that picked them; even one lame boy who hadn’t walked since his birth got the bead from his mother. With a single touch of the bead, the boy’s legs were healed.

It was as this apparition of Ifenkili took place that Ojadili remembered that the beaded dress was picked from Odiwaragboo hut. The son of the gods began to understand that there was a connection between the hut he occupied in the palace and Ifenkili.

Ojadili suddenly felt touched by the supernatural as he meditated on the importance of the beads. That strange touch made him come out from hiding where he observed from. He suddenly went to Agbisi Igwe; collected the Ikoro drumstick, and began to sound the Ikoro. As the sound of the Ikoro was heard, the white eagle appeared from nowhere and rested on Ojadili’s shoulder.

When the chief priest saw this, he shivered convulsively because he never envisaged such exotic scene.

Umuabani suddenly appeared in his hooded attire. People were surprised at seeing him.

It was then that Igwe Obiajulu of Amirioma kingdom realised that it was Ojadili that was behind the Ikoro. Seeing Umuabani reminded the king of the strange language written on the sand in his palace.

Obiajulu attended the burial in the company of his wife, son, and daughter. He was so surprised seeing Ojadili after a long search by his guards in the forest. His guards didn’t succeed in locating Ojadili after many days in the forest. For this, he was so elated and honoured setting his eyes on him.

Pointing at Ojadili, Obiajulu yelled: “This is the one that brought back my family. This is the great son of the gods and the man that should be revered,”

Ojadili didn’t stop but continued beating the Ikoro while the princess danced and used the flute.

The hefty eagle began to dance on Ojadili’s shoulder making the entire His Royal Highnesses bow before Ojadili. In Igbo land, the eagle is usually associated with royalty, leadership and kingship.

Seeing the eagle of Ojadili’s shoulder made the other kings to hold Ojadili in high esteem.

Seeing this, Agbusi Igwe was perplexed to the extent that he couldn’t explain the meaning. Closing his eyes, he was suddenly possessed by the spirit of Umuabani.

As this happened, the hooded boy was seen no more. People didn’t know that the officiator had been possessed by Umuabani.

Agbusi Igwe began to dance the surugede (dance of the spirits) making the entire six chief priests in their villages to join in the dance.

After the dance, there was calmness everywhere.

The seven guards came forward and lifted Ifenkili’s body that was laid on the podium. They took her body to the grave and began to lower it into it. As this happened, the dance continued.

After making Ifenkili’s body occupy its space in the earth, Chino poured a handful of beads into her grave. That was her way of bidding her adieu into the afterlife. After this ritual, the grave was covered with sand and stones.

Agbusi Igwe raised his voice and said: “Today, the great woman goes home to her ancestors and gods,” Having said that, the dance stopped and calmness thrived.

The six kings were still in the genuflecting position, making Agbusi Igwe kneel too.

The eagle suddenly flew away and wasn’t seen anymore.

Ojadili’s divinity vanished; making him surprised seeing that people bowed to him. He didn’t understand what was going on; even the princess was surprised too.

“What are they doing, Obim (my heart)?” The princess asked Ojadili feeling confused.

Ojadili didn’t even understand what took place a couple of minutes earlier, so he was appalled too.

“I am just a servant to you all, my great kings,” Ojadili said in confusion but they remained in that position. “What’s happening?” he asked rhetorically making his question to return to him unanswered.

Agbusi Igwe got up, bowed before Ojadili, and said: “You’re the greatest king among the six kings present. You’re the long-awaited king of Ajani kingdom,”

“King of Ajani,” Ojadili repeated in great confusion, “How come?”

“Destiny can be delayed but not denied,” Agbusi Igwe echoed before the people. Looking at King Ozoemena, he said: “Your son, Onodugo will soon join you. Let me say this,” he pointed out without mincing words, “you were wrong in allowing Mazi (Mr) Okorocha Amaraegbu and his wife to sneak into your kingdom without asking questions. Ojadili’s parents were running away from destiny and you aided that. You didn’t help by your actions but by your inactions,”

King Ozoemena stood before the people using the help of his guards. He was surprised that Agbusi Igwe knew about the secret plot of many years back. He never wanted to talk about it but kept the secret; maybe because he was misled too.

Being that Agbusi Igwe was under the influence of Umuabani, king Ozoemena had to divulge what he knew.

“I was only saving Okorocha and his wife Mgborie by allowing them to come into Umuabani,” Ozoemena said remorsefully, “I was told by Ezeani Dibia that Okorocha and his wife were banished because they were against the atrocities of the king of Ajani. Being that Ajani was the only kingdom in good terms with Umuabani, I accepted them. The king died some years after. I was happy thinking that the gods killed him for banishing the innocent,”

“Ignorance,” Agbusi Igwe muttered and shook his head disapprovingly, “Continued,” he urged him.

Clearing his throat and feeling ashamed of his actions in the past, Ozoemena crossed his fingers. “In Umuabani,” he continued, “Mgborie gave birth to Ojadili. The child grew to be so loved by me. It was unfortunate when he’d grown that he was later accused of killing his parents with Otanchala powder.

For this singular reason, I decided to banish him amid my love for him. Ezeani Dibia advised me not to banish him but excommunicate him so that he wouldn’t leave Umuabani. I didn’t have to distrust the mouthpiece of the gods, so I concurred and acted accordingly,”

Agbusi Igwe smiled and said: “That same Ezeani is suffering in Ubommiri River right now for his sins against the gods. Now let’s hear the real truth,” he added looking at the faces of the listeners, “Ezeani Dibia conspired with Okorocha and Mgborie to hide Ojadili from his true destiny; no wonder the gods took their lives after the third warning to them.

The gods gave them the opportunity to obey him but they chose to be adamant to that. They were later killed using Otanchala powder,”

Ojadili became more interested at this point, so he came closer looking thoughtfully at Agbusi Igwe. On the second thought, he began to realise that it was Umuabani speaking through the chief priest. No other person knew that Agbusi Igwe was possessed by Umuabani except Ojadili.

“I want to hear it all,” Ojadili said looking so interested and eager, “how then did I wake up with the powder in my palm if I wasn’t the one that killed my parents? Meanwhile, can the entire kings sit? They must be tired in this genuflecting position. I should be a subject to them and not their master. This isn’t kingly,”

Agbusi Igwe smiled and said: “My son, you may be the youngest but you’re the greatest in the eyes of the gods. Your life has been a puzzle even to the gods. But in the end, the dots have been connected; making it comprehensible. You’re the king that Ajani never had for so many years,”

“Many years? How possible?” Ojadili asked looking dazed and eager for more information.

“Your parents acted in defence because the lineage of Amaraegbu where you come from must produce the king,” Agbusi Igwe’s narration continued, “There was an apocalypse that the person to bring an end to the Iwenwanne war must come from Amaraegbu lineage.

Okorocha, your father never knew it would in his lifetime. Due to this, he took his wife and sneaked out from Ajani and took refuge in Umuabani. They had to bribe the chief priest to allow them to stay in Umuabani. Being that the king of Umuabani believes whatever comes from the chief priest, it was used against him,”

“Chai, ariri (sorrowful)” King Ozoemena blurted with regrets and hissed.

“In life,” the chief priest continued, “never you betray the one that trusts you so much,”

“And the devil in the guise of an arbiter just did,” Ojadili grumbled.

“The gods revealed it to Ezeani to send Ojadili back to Ajani, to fulfil the mission,” Agbusi Igwe’s revelation progressed, “but he refused blatantly because of constant money and gifts he gets from Okorocha,”

“Ije ego (monetary venture)” Azuamailo added and shrugged.

“According to history,” Agbusi said huskily, “the past kings in Ajani always die mysteriously because they weren’t meant to be in that throne. It was in the record to the point that Ajani kingdom was named Ajani enwe-Eze (Ajani without a king). Each family that tries to usurp that kingly position ends up in mourning. The throne became vacant for many years even though there was peace. After some years, the message came to Okorocha your father that it was time.

He was told that his son would be the fulfilment of the promise the gods made to Ajani when he prayed for peace. Being that Ajani was the only one who never participated in the war, the gods decided to bring the peacemaker from the same kingdom. Nothing could have stopped the gods from getting the peacemaker from any of the other six kingdoms. But it’s said that honour should be given to whom honour is due.

As the peacemaker was awaited, many strong men decided to take the throne by force. This turned Ajani to what they called ‘Ini ndi Eze’ (the grave of the kings). People became afraid to produce the king until it was revealed to Okorocha. To avoid such, the frightened man went on self-exile in Umuabani. With the chief priest as his cohort, the conspiracy was sealed,”

There was grave silence as the other kings began to sit. Calmness flourished while the observers remained speechless. The aptness of the revelation from Agbusi Igwe got everyone listening and fervent.

“So how did my parents die?” Ojadili asked nostalgically as fears cursed through him, “was it a suicide?”

“No,” Agbusi Igwe replied unequivocally, “they died of natural causes,”

Ojadili remembered when the young version of himself revealed to him that his parents died of natural causes. He didn’t understand it then and still didn’t understand it when Agbusi Igwe repeated the same.

“Explain more because I’ve heard this before,” Ojadili said and watched the princess come closer to give him comfort.

Princess Chinonye knew that Ojadili was losing his mind, so she came closer to lend her help as a companion.

“Ezeani was jealous because he’d always believed that his son, Ezenduka would be the heir to the Umuabani’s throne,” Agbusi Igwe’s narration continued, “being the confidant and trusted friend, Ozoemena promised to hand over the throne to Ezenduka.

But that is if he ends up without an heir. When Ojadili was born, it seemed as if king Ozoemena began to love him like a son. Due to this, the chief priest began to feel insecure. He felt that the king might one day change his mind and make Ojadili an heir. This was why he singlehandedly prepared the Otanchala powder and took it to Okorocha’s house.

He put the powder in the food meant for you,” He said directing his gaze at Ojadili, “but being that your parents sent you out on an errand that evening, they ate the food meant for you,”

The people began to murmur and discuss the implications of what they just heard. The murmuring continued until Agbusi Igwe cleared his throat to have their attention.

“The gods are merciful,” King Ozoemena muttered meditatively, “The folly of the gods is better than the wisdom of men,”

“That’s wisdom speaking,” Agbusi Igwe eulogised Ozoemena.

“This is boomerang on the conspirators, but I wish it was Ezeani that ate the food,” Ojadili added sorrowfully thinking about his parents’ mistakes.

The breeze was friendly and a bit wanton. People stared at the narrator with awe and amazement while all ears were attentive.

“When Ezeani came to check if his trap killed the animal he hoped to kill,” Agbusi Igwe said and sat on the Ikoro for he was getting tired, “he was surprised that the trap meant for the rat caught a shrew instead. He saw that Ojadili’s parents were lifeless, so he used his powerful Ife Aju (charming) to make the boy come back home.

When Ojadili came home that night, he thought the parents were sleeping, so he slept off weak. The boy already had enough food at his friend’s house, so he didn’t need to search for food,”

Ojadili nodded thoughtfully as he wrapped his head around the revelation. “Seriously then, I knew it was unusual for them to sleep even when I wasn’t home yet,” Ojadili whispered to Chinonye, “but I ignored it because I suspected nothing. What an insensitive child,”

“You weren’t insensitive,” Agbusi Igwe said making Ojadili surprised because he didn’t know that the diviner heard his whisper. “You were just the careless boy whose parents never allowed growing in wisdom,” he added.

“So if there must be blame here,” Chino added supportively, “it’s to Okorocha and his wife,”

Ojadili felt consoled by the justification of his actions by Agbusi Igwe and the princess. He felt relieved as he listened on.

“When you were asleep,” Agbusi Igwe carried on looking at Ojadili, “Ezeani put the barely empty jar of the Otanchala powder in your palm. After that, he left incognito back to the shrine,”

“God will punish him for using me,” King Ozoemena outcried feeling rueful for being gullible to Ezeani.

“Amadioha will strike him dead wherever he is,” he cursed brandishing his staff of office.

“Unfortunately,” Agbusi Igwe entered, “He won’t die anytime soon. He’ll beg for death but will get none; not even a slumber will cross his eyes,”

“Complete the story,” Ojadili said with utmost inquisitiveness as tears gained possession of his eyes.

The princess assisted greatly by making Ojadili manly to avoid losing himself.

“Ezeani told Igwe Ozoemena that abomination has happened,” Agbusi Igwe continued, “he informed him that he saw everything from the shrine; a lie though. He urged the king to send the guards to Okorocha Amaraegbu’s compound. This was to be done at the first crow of the cock at dawn. The king obeyed as usual,”

“Ozoemena ibu ewu (you’re foolish)” King Ozoemena jeered at himself.

“Nna anyi (our father), don’t curse yourself,” One of his wives said in consolation, “You felt that you were obeying the voice of the gods,”

“That’s true, Nna anyi,” the second wife supported, “You acted in ignorance but at least, the gods are punishing him now with ura abia n’anya (sleeplessness),”

“Following the king’s order,” The narrator continued, “The guards came to Okorocha’s house and saw Ojadili sleeping with the jar of the potion enclosed in his palm. The boy’s trouble began from there.

But still, after this, the wicked chief priest didn’t want you to answer the call of destiny by allowing Ojadili to go. He knew that the banishment of the boy will inadvertently take him to the place that the gods want him to be. That was why he suggested that Ojadili be excommunicated instead of being banished,”

“And I fell for that,” King Ozoemena blurted angrily making his five wives surround him for comfort. They wept with him in solidarity.

“The journey towards the fulfilment of the destiny began when Ojadili decided to commit suicide,” Agbusi Igwe went on, “the boy drowned himself in Ubommiri River on Nkwo market day but the gods didn’t allow him to die. The river carried the boy to Mmirimma River in Amirioma.

Ojadili woke up after one market day, which was why he was seen in the river on eke market day. He thought it was just a twinkle of an eye without knowing that he’d lasted one full day in the river without being drowned. That was where the journey began,”

“The gods are supreme indeed!” King Obiajul exclaimed with great excitement and respect for the supernatural, “and that was when he was brought before me to condemn. Thanks to the gods for now allowing me act foolishly amid my confused mind,”

Ojadili took a deep breath because he was wowed at this point. His tears suddenly dried up; welcoming a crumb of joy in him. He reminisced on the entire suicide mission and how he survived it.

He smiled. “The gods are truly wise,” he said to the listeners and chuckled, “but why am I being addressed as the king of Ajani? I haven’t seen the connection yet,”

“Because you’re the king,” Agbusi Igwe replied swiftly, “At this Amaudo where we’re standing right now, your forefather made a sacrifice to the gods to seek their help in ending the Iwenwanne war. His prayer was answered but not fulfilled until you were born. Your parents tried to prevent you from seeking your destiny; no wonder they never allowed you to listen to the language of the forest.

They knew that you were coming up with those gifts, so they tried to suppress it. The gods created the confusion that made them eat the food meant for you,”

Muteness overtook everywhere as everyone pondered on the historical exposition. They were all surprised that Agbusi Igwe knew the history but never revealed it to anyone since. No one knew that the chief priest was possessed by Umuabani.

“Sorry to ask,” Princess Chino broke the silence, “we’ve heard so much about Iwenwanne war but no one ever told us what caused it,”

“That’s an intelligent question, my princess,” Ojadili supported, “all we hear is that it was as a result of envy. Can we hear the details?”

Agbusi Igwe smiled, looked at the princess and said: “It was Ifenkili that just spoke through you,”

The princess looked at herself from shoulder to feet but didn’t see traces of being under the influence of a spirit. “But I’m the one standing and talking,” she said doubtfully and smiled. “Is Ifenkili here right now, Nna anyi, Agbusi?”

Agbusi Igwe giggled at the mortal being and shook his head to her ignorance. “Ifenkili sought for this same answers in her lifetime but got no clue until she died,” he explained, “That was why she was happy seeing Ojadili on the day of the Ije Ifele (show of shame) at the palace in Amachara. She thought that she’d get the answers from Ojadili but the cold hands of death touched her at that spot.

You’re the Ifenkili of our time, my princess” he added and bowed to Chinonyelum, “Ifenkili was destined to remain unmarried all through her lifetime but the new version of her shouldn’t be unmarried. She reincarnated through you to correct the natural faults she couldn’t end in her lifetime.

No one dares look at Ifenkili, but for you, everyone is free to look. Ifenkili never loved that nature she was born with. That was why she supplicated the gods for a second chance. She came back through you to correct them all. She was desperate to have children but she got none; so she came back as Chino to make babies as many as she wants. You’re blessed, my princess, the Ifenkili of our time,”

The people began to clap for the princess, making her shy. She hid her face bashfully on Ojadili’s shoulder; making the latter cuddle her for comfort.

“This is great and I’m so proud of you, Nwunyem (my wife)” Ojadili whispered to the princess.

“Wow, you already addressed me as your wife?” she asked shyly with her face still hidden from the people.

Ugoeze couldn’t help but smile with lots of love looking at her daughter. She just imagined her youthful age when Azuamailo asked for her hand in marriage. It was obvious to her that the princess’s shyness was innate; from her mother precisely.

“You’re not just my wife,” Ojadili muttered to Chino, “but my queen; because you can now see that we’re taking over the leadership of Ajani kingdom. I’ll be the king while you’d be my darling queen. Ugo chara acha nkem (the unsullied eagle of mine)”

The princess was swept off her feet with the romantic words from Ojadili. She couldn’t help but cry silently as she imagined how life would have been without him.

The people observed and clapped for the potential young king and queen. Many ladies wished to be in the position of Ojadili’s wife, so they simply looked and admired.

“I’m so happy for my princess,” Omasiri said tearfully and cleaned her teary eyes.

“Me too,” Ochomma and Chizaram replied in unison.

“It was promulgated,” Agbusi Igwe voiced aloud, “that the person to bring peace to the seven kingdoms would be he without the blemish of the heart. Your ancestor, Ajani was without blemish, so are you, Ojadili,”

On hearing this, the people mobbed Ojadili just to touch him. They believe he was the blessed and chosen one.

When the crowd was becoming much, the guards dispersed them to avoid suffocating the young man. Even the guards touched Ojadili too but pretended to be dispersing the crowd. Everyone wants to be associated with greatness.

It was a moment of joy indeed and the princess couldn’t be prouder of her man.

“And what started the Iwenwanne war?” Ojadili reminded Agbusi Igwe to avoid sweeping the details under the carpet of the celebratory mood.

The chief priest smiled at the wits of the young man. He then cleared his throat and said: “The fact that a child is drowning in the middle of the river shouldn’t make him address the crocodile as his father,” Looking up, he took a deep breath and voiced: “Iwenwanne war started as a result of envy,”

“Tired of hearing that,” Ojadili muttered furtively, “Tell me something new,”

“The fact that we’re in a celebration,” Agbusi Igwe said to Ojadili, “wouldn’t make you to pretend that I’ve answered the question already,”

“Glad you know already,” Ojadili said smilingly, “Let’s hear the gist,”

“Nwaimo and his wife Njalu had problems with their first child, Amachara, “Agbusi Igwe narratively started while others listened, “This was because of the Umuabani. After the birth of Ajani, Nwaimo and Njalu decided that it was the end of childbearing. And for the record, Nwaimo was a very rich man; with lots of livestock and foods in his barns.

He was among the richest in those days. He never lacked anything but a female child. His entire children were male. When Ajani was born, they decided to end the production of children since a female child couldn’t come. Many years passed as they raised the six children in peace and love.

All of a sudden, Njalu began to feel like sick. She didn’t take it seriously until she visited the native nurse called Nwanyi Ukwuogidi or Nwanyi Ukwuaja (The woman with pillar-like hips). This nurse confirmed to her that she was pregnant, making her be shocked. She didn’t know how to break the news to her husband but had to do that later.

When Nwaimo later got the news, he realised that there was nothing he could do against it. He decided to keep the baby as a blessing from the gods,”

“So Umuabani was born by mistake,” Ozoemena jeered making everyone to laugh.

“No birth is by mistake,” Ojadili said astutely, “there is purpose of each person’s creation. If not, Umuabani kingdom wouldn’t have been in existence,”

King Ozoemena was so proud of Ojadili’s wits, so he hailed him by raising his staff of office for him.

“Amachara being an adult when his mom was pregnant,” Agbusi Igwe entered, “he got mad at his parents, so he began to feel bad. He felt that his mom may die because she wasn’t too strong anymore.

In a bid to save the mom’s life, he prepared an abortion potion and put it into the water meant for Njalu to drink. Even though Njalu drank the water, the baby didn’t die, instead, Njalu became so sick. The illness almost killed Njalu but the gods saved her. It was later discovered that it was Amachara that was behind it. Azummiri, the fourth child was the one that saw Amachara when he poured the potion into the jar of water,”

“The gods are wise,” Ugoeze murmured and remained calm like others.

“Azummiri couldn’t keep calm when he discovered that Njalu was about to die,” Agbusi Igwe continued, “that was when he hinted Nwaimo, his dad. The furious dad almost dismembered Amachara while punishing him. This made the son to bolt for safety. Out of anger, Nwaimo chased after him but slipped, hit his head on the ground, and died instantly,”

“Aru (abomination)!” some listeners murmured.

“This is the height of it,” King Ozoemena croaked and shrugged.

“Amachara was banished because of this,” Agbusi Igwe proceeded, “Njalu was heartbroken when she heard what happened. She’d have died out of grief but fought for her life because of her love for her children. At the end of it all, she pulled through and delivered the baby. She mourned her darling husband for seven years.

Withing the years, she ensured that her head remained bald. Amachara stayed on at his Ikwunne (maternal home) when he was banished. Throughout his stay, none of his siblings visited him except Ugoloma, the second son. Amachara came back after the seventh year. Umuabani never knew who Amachara was until he returned from banishment. When Amachara came back home, instead of getting a warm welcome, most of his brothers weren’t even happy.

It was even the innocent boy that tried to be friendly with him but he was aloof to the boy. Amachara felt so bad; transferring his anger and resentment to the little boy. He was opinionated with the fact that it was Umuabani that made him use the potion just to save the poor mother,”

“Ana akogheri (foolish talks)”, Azuamailo muttered angrily “That’s not an excuse for wickedness. My ancestor mezuru emezu (was treacherous),”

“Of course, it’s not an excuse for the perpetuation of evil,” Agbusi Igwe went on, “Before the banishment, Amachara was the closest child to Njalu. He was like a husband to his mom; even her best friend too. The man felt that his moves to save his lovely mother from dying landed his life in abysmal failure. When he came back from exile and discovered that the entire love meant for him had been transferred to the little Umuabani, envy set it,”

Ojadili nodded in affirmation and looked at Chino.

The princess shook her head in dismay and shrugged away her disbelief.

“Now I see where the envy came from,” Chinonye grumbly said, “But this isn’t to be called envy anymore but the elder brother being a sadist,”

“That’s gross and sheer wickedness,” Ojadili seconded.

Agbusi Igwe smiled and said: “Amachara became envious of the boy for losing his special position in the heart of his mother,”

“But how did he expect to win the love back when his mother will always see him as the evil child that murdered her husband?” Akwaugo who kept calm for a long time said observantly.

“All I can say is that the kick at frog isn’t a disadvantage to it but a lift; for it to have a long jump,” Igwe Ozoemena mouthed shrewdly, “there has been wickedness in the blood of Amachara before a sneeze provided the force for the mucus to jump out of the nose,”

“Okwu okenye (words of the elders)” Ojadili supported with a nod.

“Gbam (exactly)”

Azuamailo concurred.

“That envy skyrocketed to full-blown war called Iwenwanne,” Agbusi Igwe broke in, “It is said that brotherly anger doesn’t go deep but Iwenwanne went deeper into the marrows. The family later became divided due to this war. Njalu later died out of heartbreak as she witnessed her children fight each other.

The death of the poor widow intensified the war. Azummiri later divulged to Umuabani the main secret. He told the boy who was then at his adolescent age, that his elder brother wanted to terminate him at foetal stage. This led to the reason why Umuabani left at that young age to establish his family.

He married very early just to ensure that his offspring fight back Amachara’s offspring. It was only Ajani who tried persistently to make peace. This was how the war began until the present day,”

“This is mind-blowing,” Chino shouted with her mouth agape.

“Have I finally answered you two?” Agbusi Igwe inquired looking owlishly at Ojadili and Chino.

“Ikwuchawo ya (you have said it all)” Ojadili said with a great feeling of satisfaction, “Thanks Umuabani…sorry, Agbusi Igwe,” he corrected himself immediately.

The people laughed at Ojadili’s supposed mistake without knowing that what the mysterious boy saw while sitting, they couldn’t see it while standing.

The king of Amachara, having been abreast of the details, raised his voice and said to the king of Umuabani: “Now I know the root, and I’m deeply sorry for what my forefather did to yours. Umuabani was just a child, so he shouldn’t be blamed. I have held these grudges for long without knowing that I should be begging for mercy,”

“No wonder Umuabani appears as a child all the time,” Princess Chino whispered to Ojadili and nodded in confirmation of her claims, “his childhood stage was the most important part of his life, I guess,”

“You’re right, my woman,” Ojadili said and kissed her forehead.

“Any Amachara man or woman here should embrace Umuabani people,” King Azuamailo said to everyone’s hearing. “I’ll take the lead as the king,” he added and went to king Ozoemena and embraced him.

“Iwenwanne ebigo (the brotherly anger is over)” King Ozoemena said to Azuamailo as they embraced each other. “We’re now a family once again,” he added assuredly.

Just as their king instructed, the Amachara people exchanged embraces with the Umuabani people. It was celebratory and joyous as this happened among the people.

Even though peace had been restored by the sacrifice made with a pureblood, a demonstration was pertinent. This was why the embrace among the people formally put an end to the war.

“Igweeee (the king)” Eze Azuamailo shouted happily looking at Ojadili with pride, “I am happy that the one who gave me life when I lost it is the same to be made the king. The gods aren’t sleeping, so I praise you today, the great one,”

Ojadili felt so proud of himself as he listened to the man he respects a lot. He was happy knowing that Azuamailo would soon be his father-in-law.

Looking at Ikenta standing beside king Obiajulu, Ojadili smiled at him and said: “Remember that I told you that your wife would come back to you. I am glad that you listened to my advice and now you are happy,” And to king Obiajulu, he said: “It’s no more news that my wife-to-be was the one that appeased the spirits.

With her singular effort, your family is back to you. You used to be anxious to know how I’d bring your family back. But remember that I told you that the person was yet to be revealed. Fortunately, I never knew that the person would end up being my wife and my queen. All praise to the gods,”

King Obiajulu felt so honoured, so he raised his staff of authority and said: “I bless the day I found you, my fellow king. Meanwhile, the great Akaaka died with your name buried on his lips. His blessings and prayers for you when you were to be led to Obiakpo shrine led you through. In your secret prayers, always pray for his happy repose,”

Recalling the face of the former oldest man in Amirioma, Ojadili smiled. “He will forever be in my thoughts, and may Chi-Ukwu receive him in his bosom. But my king, you never told me you have a son, Igwe,”

King Obiajulu smiled and said: “My son was estranged because of his attitude, so I disowned him. But when his mom and sister returned home, he came back to me and begged for mercy. It was then I realised that it was the same spirit that confused my wife and daughter that cursed my son too,”

“And for being used by Mpiawazu spirit,” Akwaugo said to king Obiajulu, “I’m deeply sorry,” Raising her voice to ensure she was heard by all and sundry, she added: “All those whose sons and daughters, husbands and wives got lost because of me, I am on my knees as I apologise,”

As Akwaugo wanted to go on all fours to apologise, Ojadili rushed at her and held her. “It’s okay, the great woman,” he said assuredly to her, “no one is judging you now. This is a moment of freedom and happiness. It isn’t for sorrows and regrets. Do not shed tears because you’re now free,”

The words were soothing to Akwaugo, making her smile and embrace Ojadili. “Thank you, son,” she said proudly, “you’re the greatest among all indeed,”

The people of Amirioma applauded their king for taking his erstwhile prodigal son back. They cheered and whistled in jubilation. After a while, silence returned unannounced.

“Now that everything is as it’s supposed to be,” Agbusi Igwe echoed in that silence, “Can I have the crown meant for the king of Ajani,” Looking at Ojadili and the princess, he said: “My son and my daughter, kneel. Let this ritual be completed with the enthronement,”

Ojadili and the princess knelt before Agbusi Igwe. Notwithstanding that, they felt that there was no formal wedding to make them husband and wife. To them, it was like putting the cart before the horse.

Umuabani knew that the people would be surprised that Ojadili would be crowned a king without the completion of the conjugal rights. Through Agbusi Igwe, he said: “When the son of the gods is involved, protocols aren’t observed, and procedural errors accepted. Let it be written today in the hearts of men, that only one king is made without due process. Let it also be known today that the gods make the rules while humans obey.

Ojadili isn’t just a king but a link between mortals and the gods,” The crown was presented immediately by Ajani elders. Taking the crown, Agbusi Igwe crowed, “As Chi-Ukwu witnesses this coronation, may the peace already restored in the seven villages remain everlasting,”

“Iseeee (amen)” The people chorused in unison.

Agbusi Igwe placed the crown on Ojadili’s head leading to cheers and applause that lasted long.

King Azuamailo and Ugoeze came forward and blessed the union by placing their hands on their shoulders. The most elderly among Ajani elders represented Ojadili’s parents to witness and bless the enthronement too.

Chinonye was adorned with the ornaments befitting a queen. Her crown was placed on her head to consummate the process.

Being that Ojadili had been crowned a king, the other six kings came forward to greet him as the kings do to each other. They greeted using their staff of office.

It was surprising how the staff of office meant for Ojadili was seen in his hands even when none existed before him.

As the celebration continued, Onodugo arrived; making king Ozoemena and the people of Umuabani to welcome him warmly. There were tears of joy as they watched Onodugo embrace his father.

Looking closely at Onodugo with pride, Ozoemena said to the people: “Ugosimba nwam alotago (My son, the eagle from the Diaspora, is back)”

As the celebration went on, Umuabani suddenly left Agbusi Igwe and never returned. That was the last time he was seen by Ojadili.

The chief priest suddenly became conscious of everything when Umuabani left. As the mouthpiece of the gods, he smiled knowing that something divine just took place inside of him. Shaking his head, he said: ”Ndi muo, dalukwanu (thanks to the spirits)” and to the people, he said: ”let the celebration go on,”

There was standing ovation for Agbusi Igwe for the successful officiating of the ceremony.

The chief priest was happy and felt honoured being used by the gods.

There were cheers and happiness, making everyone to begin to enjoy the moment.

The celebration of peace among the seven kingdoms continued until it was late in the evening.

Each kingdom returned to their villages with cheers, dance, and celebration.

As Onodugo and his wife returned to Umuabani his father, Uremma entered into labour. She delivered to a baby boy, making the celebration to be taken to another level. They took the baby home and continued with the celebration.

Ojadili and his queen were accompanied to Ajani to occupy their position as royalty.

Ajani people were so happy to have a king after donkey years. The celebration continued when their new king and queen arrived home safely. Those waiting at home joined in the celebration.


The wedding between Ojadili and Chinonye was grand; attracting lots of dignitaries. The love that existed between King Ojadili and Queen Chinonye was remarkable. People in many kingdoms didn’t just emulate the couple but named them ‘Oku udo na Ifunanya’ (the light of peace and love). Many families with grievances and marital disputes settled their differences using Ojadili and his wife as role models.

There was a lasting peace in the seven kingdoms under the auspices of Ojadili as Eze ndi Eze (the king of the kings).

Ezeudo (The king of peace) was the name Ojadili attracted to himself in the third year of his kingship without fight or dispute.



_*(If touched by the story, you can encourage the writer in anyway you can)*_

🤝🤝 *Thanks for reading* 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Cynthia Orokumo
Cynthia Orokumo
2 years ago

I really went on an epic adventure with the writer,

To the writer of this lovely story your hands are blessed, thank you for taking me on a adventure, I saw myself in Amaracha, Umubani and almost everywhere ❤️❤️❤️❤️

2 years ago

Yeah! Very intresting

2 years ago


2 years ago

Beautiful indeed
I enjoyed every episode

2 years ago

Wow……it felt like I was watching a movie
It’s been long I read such an interesting story for the first time in a while I wished the story wasn’t short
Thank you to the author of this interesting story
Greater you I pray
Than you @OpraDre for posting 🙂

2 years ago

This story is a brilliant work and captivating also

2 years ago

Kai! I really enjoyed this story, it was very captivating. It really potrayed some of the cultural and traditional beliefs of the Nigerian Igbo tribe. I just wish this story can be put into a movie.
Thumbs up to you Author and thank you opadre for posting.

2 years ago

Wow, this story is so captivating, the story line is so detailed i read as if am watching a movie…beautiful story kudos to the writer cant wait to read more of your stories…remain blessed

2 years ago

Nice one i over enjoy the story kudos

Udeh patience
Udeh patience
2 years ago

Wow…. Interesting and inspiring epic story ever

2 years ago

U are the best

2 years ago

Such a lovely read,very insightful. I loved it!

2 years ago

Beautiful story, good work

2 years ago

Wow I so much love this.

2 years ago

Interesting. I love it.

Gift Ebere
Gift Ebere
2 years ago

So so interesting ❤️❤️❤️

2 years ago

Very nice and captivating

Olic Ken
Olic Ken
2 years ago

Great story, this should be documented as a movie and I a book…. great piece of work…. nice job

2 years ago

I enjoyed every bit of this story….a happy ending indeed

Ngozi Ambrose
Ngozi Ambrose
2 years ago

I have not read any book as interesting as this. Igbo traditions well represented and lots of lessons to learn from it. I love it

Ejiofor Osinachi Mary -Jane
Ejiofor Osinachi Mary -Jane
2 years ago

It was a wonderful story I enjoyed reading. May the Almighty God continue to grant you the Wisdom to write more Amen

Mafolabomi Hannah praise
Mafolabomi Hannah praise
2 years ago

For the first since 8years have been glued to my phone for the pass 3days just to get to the end of this wonderful story. Ha!
I really enjoyed the story . More inspiration dear.
Thanks for this mind blowing story.
You help me get back my reading habit.
One ❤
Can’t wait to get your other stories.
And pls can you make this story a movie?

Erhabor Victoria
1 year ago

Kudos to the writer
You did an amazing job

1 year ago


i am very honored and inspired by this lovely story

1 year ago

Mind blowing

Oma Real
11 months ago

Wow you are indeed a great and credible writer, the story was in a masterpiece