NWALA (THE BITTERSWEET STORY) Part 45 – Opeyemi Akintunde

NWALA (THE BITTERSWEET STORY) Part 1 - Opeyemi Akintunde

©️ Opeyemi Akintunde.
As Inspired by the LIVING WORD.

I couldn’t sleep, the reality of what my mother had said to me was a wake up call. It was a call of the need to be grateful to God. It was a clear resounding call to thank God for the gift of Reuben. As I laid on the bed going over my mother’s piercing words, my phone beeped.

I rushed at it thinking it was Reuben calling to give me news about Amos, but Surprisingly it was Bishop who had just sent me a chat.

Not knowing what to expect from the chat, I tapped the open icon to glance through.

“Daughter, I had a chat with Reuben yesterday, it was quite intense. I recorded it without his knowledge, Look through. I am sure this will give you a peep into his heart.”

I shakily tapped on the document. I realized it was a video .

I saw that it was a video recorded From Bishop’s office. I noticed Bishop was positioning the Camera . He went back to his chair while he waited for someone to come in. My heart skipped a beat when Reuben walked in. It seem to me like it was the previous day because Reuben wore the same shirt he was wearing at the hospital.

” Son! How are you doing?”

” I am good Dad!”

“Praise God! How is your Beauty?”

“She is good” Reuben answered like there was nothing wrong .

That made me ask myself the question. “Does it really mean, Reuben has not told his family that Amos is not his son?”

“You sure she is good?” Bishop asked piercingly

“Yep!” Reuben said bowing his head

“Apart from being a prophet, I am your father and without searching the Spirit, I know when you are trying to cover up. You are not someone who tells lies so when you bow your head, I know there is something you are trying so hard to cover up…Son, What is it?”

” Nothing Dad! Beauty and I are good!” Reuben insisted

” Ok, if you say so!”

” Yes sir!”

There was a moment of Silence, like the Bishop gave that moment to see if Reuben would crack, but he didn’t, instead he said…

” You asked to see me?”

” Yes! I was led to have a conversation with you” Bishop replied

” Ok sir?”

“What are the seasons we have in Nigeria?”

“Wet and Dry. Are we planning a program?” Reuben asked

“No. When is the Wet and When is the Dry Season?”

“The wet season is from April to October, and the dry season, from November until March

“Likewise, we have seasons in life, we have seasons in Marriage, We have Seasons in Ministry, We have seasons in career and Business and one thing is Sure, each season will pass.”

“Hmm…” Reuben said looking up at his father .

“Genesis 8:22 states that While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.
Reuben, Life obeys the Law of Seasons and it is important to understand that no one can escape the Law of Seasons like we can’t escape the Law of Gravity. It is very important for everyone to prepare themselves for every season so that the season does not come and cause havoc and loss.

Reuben, in Marriage, there is the wet Season like in life where every thing you plant grows, where air quality improves, fresh water quality improves, and vegetation grows substantially, leading to crop yields late in the season. This is the sweet time in Marriage, the time you want to hug each other everytime, this is the time you get warmth from each other. This is the sweet time in marriage. We all want this season to last forever. We however forget that it is normal for the dry season to show up. The time plants become stressed, Growth ceases, nutrient transport slows, and plants wilt as cells become water-deficient. This season is usually harsh, in Nigeria here, the sun comes out, sometimes causing sunburn. Dry season in Marriage is when everything is dry and boring, it is when the wine in the marriage is finished and there is the thirst for more wine.”

Reuben had his head bowed..

” Reuben, What Season are you in your marriage?”

From where I sat watching the video, tears flowed down and together with him I said…

” Dry!” Reuben in the video said

” Don’t you think it has overstayed it’s time?”

Reuben Nodded!

” Do you want to talk about it?”

Reuben Nodded and just like a trapped flood of water, Reuben burst out in tears, wailing like a baby…He tried to talk several times but his voice and emotions failed him…

All he could manage to say was ..

” I loved her!”

The use of the Past tense tore my heart..


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