NWALA (THE BITTERSWEET STORY) Part 32 – Opeyemi Akintunde

NWALA (THE BITTERSWEET STORY) Part 1 - Opeyemi Akintunde

©️ Opeyemi Akintunde.
As Inspired by the LIVING WORD.

I waited for another four days constantly checking myphone and the date.

On the 28th of May around 12 noon, my phone rangand I saw a private number. I did not need a seer totell me it was Daniel.

“Hello” I said careful not to call his name for fear of itbeen another person.

“Pastor Mrs Nwala!”

“Oh thank you lord, thank you Daniel for calling back.This means a lot to me”

“Wow! I never thought a day would come when youwould sound so excited to hear from me”

“Well, we never say never. I am calling because I needa huge favour from you. I know you are a busy personso I wouldn’t want to keep you on the line for so long”

“I actually have 10 minutes before I go in for anothermeeting. What’s the trouble in your paradise thatwarrants this call?” Daniel said with a rich masculine
tone giving rich man vibes.

“My childlessness…” I went straight to the point.

“Ok? You need money for IVF? Send me your account”

“No… I get pregnant but I end up having miscarriages”

“So how do I come in?”

“I need your forgiveness, I have a feeling you are yetto forgive me, and also there is a statement you usedto say that I believe is standing in my way of havingkids for my husband”

“That your womb belongs to me?”

“Yes! You remember?”

“Nwala, you expect me to forget? How can I forget
anything about you. You were my first investment inlife. The investment that crashed… I remember every
second, every minute, every hour, every day, everyyear I spent with you…”

“I am sorry”

“Sorry… Nwala sorry does not cut it for me… What’sthe sorry for? Sorry you left you for a rich lame man”

“Reuben is not lame”

“What do you call a man on a wheelchair”

“He is no longer on the wheelchair. Daniel for
whatever pain I caused you, God has shown you
goodness. You are a big man, who is married and havegood kids…”

“I am not married, neither do I have kids, and point ofcorrection, my handwork and resilience brought mehere not God!”

I didn’t know what to say anymore. He was hurt and Iknew I couldn’t achieve what I wanted to achieve…


“Yes, I am here”

“So what do you want from me?”

“I want you to reverse those words, and say it fromyour heart that you release me to have kids for myhusband”

“Ok, Nwala I release…”

“Please hold on, I no longer bear Nwala, I am nowBeauty…”

“Beauty? Why did you change your name? who gaveyou the new name?”

“My husb…”

“I can not call you what he calls you. I only know
Nwala, I don’t know

“I am still the same person, but Nwala means son of
the soil and Reuben means a son as well. It technicallymeans a man marrying a man, so that was standing inmy way of having kids”

“Oh my Days! Nwala, when did you become this fickleminded, you have allowed yourself to become one ofthe religious fools… You know what, I am running latefor my meeting. I can’t deal with this. I will be inNigeria in 10 days, let’s meet to deal with this…”

“Oh! That would be nice”

“Alright… I have to go… Bye Nwala”

He ended the call abruptly…

“Am I relieved?” I asked myself

“No… instead I feel more pressured, my heart feelslike stone.”

I became afraid…

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