NWALA (THE BITTERSWEET STORY) Part 30 – Opeyemi Akintunde

NWALA (THE BITTERSWEET STORY) Part 1 - Opeyemi Akintunde

©️ Opeyemi Akintunde.
As Inspired by the LIVING WORD.

I drove back home thinking about Daniel. I knew hewas probably still hurt, I had not heard from him inyears. After my phone call to him that day at thehospital, I saw him at his father’s burial, which wastwo months after our wedding.

At the burial ceremony, he didn’t even acknowledgethe presence of my family and I but his mother and
siblings did. My father had made it compulsory for usto go pay our last respects to Daniel’s father. I wasangry he didn’t even apologize for what he did toReuben.

Due to the cold shoulder I received at the burial,
coupled with the good life I was having with Reuben, Iforgot about Daniel…
I need Daniel to forgive me and lift any curse he has placed on me. I don’t need a change of name” I said tomyself.

On my wedding day, Amara had whispered in my ear.

“I was never interested in Reuben, that little act in
your room that day was planned by mummy and I. Weare happy it has paid off. A little jealousy sent youback to him”
I was surprised, but knowing who my mother was, itshouldn’t have surprised me…

“Well… thank you”
Initially, I was careful of drawing her closer to me
after marriage, but two years after I got married, shegot herself a God fearing sweetheart called Ikenna.

Their wedding was beautiful.

After her wedding, Amara gained my trust back andsince she was the closest family my age, we became

I could tell her just anything…Amara, are you home?” I asked her over the phone. Iwanted to share my thoughts about Daniel with her…


“You want to reach out to Daniel to reverse a curse
you think he issued against you?” Amara asked aftermy speech

“Yes, Amara, back in the days, Daniel used to say mywomb was his alone, and that only his children arepermitted to stay in my womb. Amara, I think that’swhat is happening to me. Reuben’s babies are notstaying in my womb. I have miscarried four times in
six years ”

“I understand you Nwala, but contacting him is not
important. Why do you need to contact him? You canreverse the curse by yourself in your room”

“No… we have to see face to face, so he can use his lipsto reverse it”

“Nwala, knock that thought OUT now! That’s the devilspeaking to you, that’s you trying to bring mess intothis beautiful life of yours”

“So how do I reverse the curse, if I don’t contact him?”

“Pastor Mrs Nwala, what happened to prayers on
breaking evil covenants. Nwala what happen to
prayers like…

‘Oh lord, break every evil soul tie or covenant betweenDaniel Osuji and I;
Oh lord, render to null and void, all promissory wordsspoken to each other that is hindering my fruitfulness. What happened to such prayer points backed up with
fasting?” Amara said to me

I was quiet, because Amara made a lot of sense…

“Nwala, what if Daniel is dead as we speak, will you goto the grave or the world of the dead to ask for hisforgiveness?”

“Definitely not”

“Exactly! Therefore imagine he is dead and out of yourlife, and take the case to God”

“Yeah… You are so right. Thank you” I agreed

We talked about other things including the change ofname…

“Spiritual matters can not be looked down on, it won’thurt to change the name, a lot of people change names
and afterwards their lives became better. I know a
few… I know an old roommate whose name was Linda,you know Linda means serpent, suddenly I saw that
she had change her name to Grace. I asked her why, she said for years she used to see a big serpent coming
to have sex with her in her dream, but after changingher name prayerfully, she became free…


“I know a guy too, whose name was Ifafunmi, he was aChristian, but his name was giving glory to a diety, henoticed his life was a struggle. He prayerfully changed
his name from Ifafunmi which means “Given by Ifa”to Oluwafunmi “Given by God”, afterwards his life
became a fertile land…

Amara gave me a long lecture on changing names andunlike my parents, she made me see reason why I
should change my name…

“You should consider “Goodness” because Nwala, Godhas been good to you…

“Nah! It doesn’t sound chic”

Amara laughed, and we were about to continue ourgirl talk when the horn of her kid’s school bus blasted
in our ears… She had two girls, twins girls; Joy and

I was given a new name, and guess who did my
christening; Reuben’s Dad. This was after I did a threedays prayer and fasting program.

Reuben was indifferent about the name change; hewas ready to do what will bring smiles to my face.

Hewas the one who suggested my new name:

”Beautiful” He had said in the bedroom…

“People don’t bear Beautiful”

“Well, when I think of you, all I think of is how you
have made my life beautiful”

“Aww… thank you Reuben and when I think of you, allI hear in my heart is Joy… You have given me so muchJoy and peace…”

‘I have two new names then… Joy & Peace…” He
replied Laughing

“No let’s keep Reuben… I am now an expert in
checking for the meaning of people’s name… Reuben
means… Behold, a son!”

“Really, you are doing a lot of research, well for me Ilove Beautiful”

“Let’s use Beauty then…” I concluded

To be continued….

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