My Ungrateful Husband Episode 6 – Princess Joseph

MY UNGRATEFUL HUSBAND Episode 1 - Princess Joseph

My Ungrateful Husband Episode 6 – Princess Joseph

Michelle babe, do you know that Dave is cheating on me
After talking to you yesterday about the divorce issue, his phone rang and he picked it
He called the girl babe and so other romantic name and ended the call with I love you baby
I can clearly hear the side chick voice
She was responding happily
I never knew that Dave is cheating on me and even had the courage to answer the call right in my presence. I explained and Michelle didn’t even look shocked

I said it!
I knew it!
I told you
I told you that he is cheating on you but love has blinded your eyes that you can’t even see things happening right before you
Any man that has the boldness to tell you that he is ashamed of taking you out is capable of doing anything
Didn’t I warn you?
I told you that
I told you but you couldn’t see the handwriting that was written boldly in the wall
OK babe, no need of putting much blame on you
I was once in your shoes
So tell me how did you react?
Hop you didn’t cry in his presence cos you are too fond of crying
Michelle asked me and I smiled

Babe trust me!
I felt bad but I pretended lackadaisical in his presence
He was even surprise to see me react that way
I told him to make sure he dates slim girls that will be able to manage a 2 min man like him and he can as well let the girl move in cos I will be moving out as soon ad our divorce paper is ready
I said and Michelle burst out laughing

That’s so good of you
I expected you to do that
You are indeed a strong woman. She said and I smiled

But babe I felt really bad
I got to my room and started crying
I never expected Dave to do this to me
How can he have the courage to cheat on me
No conscience at all and he even had the impetus to answer the call right in my presence
Babe I am pained!
I said wiping away the tears that was about dropping down my cheeks

Babe calm down
Just let it slide
Don’t let that weigh you down
Remember you are on a mission to get back the love of your life
By the time you are done treating him the way he deserves, he will come back crawling to you and by then, he will value and respect you more
Just continue with what you are doing
Tell me how he reacts to your new character?
Michelle said and I smiled

It is written all over his face that he is totally surprised and even scared of the new me
Michelle, he was shocked when I told him that I called a lawyer for divorce
He said he expected me to beg and not jump excitedly into the offer
Babe I loved the way his face appeared when he heard me talking to you then
I even loudspeakered the phone so he can hear our conversation
But seriously I am not happy doing this
This is not the kind of wife I prayed to be to my husband
But Dave left me with no choice
I have to do it to get my man back
I said and she nodded

I understand Samantha, you are only fighting for your love
You are fighting for your love
You just need to be strong and be determined to get what you are looking for
Michelle said and I nodded and thanked her

We continued talking until almost night

I got home, opened the door and met my mother in-law and Dave talking

I looked at them and greeted mother in-law only and she walked towards me

Where the hell do you think you are coming from?
She asked me with a thunderous voice

Mother in-law, we haven’t seen for a while and this isn’t what I expected from you.
I mean, I expected you to ask me how I have been faring and when I intended getting a job
I said and she laughed clapping her two hands together

Are you serious or you are just kidding me?
What do you mean by that
By the way, where are you coming from? She asked and I was mute

I don’t want to repeat this question Samantha
Where are you coming from? She asked again

Anyways, I was having fun with my friends
And while I was coming back, I branched to the boutique to get myself something nice as you can see. I said and lifted my hand to enable her see my shopping nylons

Oh spare me that nonsense!
I was told that you have grown wings
You now go out and come back at will
And even go out falsely when you are asked not to step an inch
And take a look at the dress you are putting on
You aren’t even ashamed if yourself
You exposed your laps and back
Is this how a decent married woman should dress?
She asked pointing at my dress

Anyways, I dressed like this because I need a new guy in my life
I want to get married to a guy that will value and respect me without minding my background
I want to start my wedding preparation as soon as the divorce paper is out
I can’t wait to get out of this god-damned place or didn’t your son tell you about our place of getting divorce?
You need to see the way guys were approaching me today
Even when I tell them I am married and have kids, they didn’t mind
They just want to get married to me immediately
Dave, didn’t you tell you mother that we are planning of getting divorced? I asked him and he continued staring at me confusedly

He walked toward me and tried to touch me but I dodged him

Don’t touch me please
My body is too precious to get touched by that filthy hands of yours
I said and he was shocked

Samantha what have come over you? Dave asked and I scoffed

Samantha what is wrong with you?
What have come over you? He asked and I looked around

The same thing that came over you, also came to me
Dave, didn’t you know that I tried my possible best to be a good and submissive wife to you
But you took my love for advantage
You took advantage of my submission
I hate you
You threw my love to the dogs and I hats you for that
As you see me standing here, no iota of feeling is left on me
I no linger have any feelings for you at all
You we t and invite your mother all the way from Benin to Lagos
Anyways, that is your own cup of tea
But right now, my mind is made up
My live for you is dead and buried
Get that at the back of your head
Shameless goat! I said and turned to leave and my mother held me back and almost landed a slap on my cheek but I was sharp enough to dodge it

How dare you?
How dare you call my son a shameless goat in my presence?
No respect for him and to me too
I can see you have totally gone insane and for this, I will bring in a new wife for Dave. She said and I clapped my two hands together

Prayer answered!
Good news!
Best news of the year!
Please do
If possible, bring her in today
I just can’t wait for our divorce paper to be ready so I can sign it and move on with my life
I have got so many better things to do with my life
I can’t die in this stupid thing called marriage! I said and left
I looked back and saw Dave with a pleading look

I ignored him and left

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