My Ungrateful Husband Episode 5 – Princess Joseph

MY UNGRATEFUL HUSBAND Episode 1 - Princess Joseph

My Ungrateful Husband
By Princess Joseph

Episode 5

I fell on my bed and laughed out

I am so happy doing this
I quickly called Michelle and explained to her
I told her to fake being a lawyer
Once I flash her she should call me back in Dave’s present
I knew that Dave is going to ask me to come serve him the beans and plantain because he hates eating out
He is so used to the food prepared by me
Not so long, he came knocking on my door

Samantha I am so hungry
Can you please prepare me some noodles to eat tonight?
He asked and I scoffed

I said there is beans and plantain in the pot
If you don’t want that, then go to the kitchen and take noodles from the carton and prepare it yourself.
I don’t have strength to cook anything this night
Dave, if you are ready to eat, call me I will go warm the beans and plantain for you. I said and he sighed

Samantha, ok fine, come and warm the beans for me
He said and I put on my sexy lingerie that transparently shows my breast and my pant then walked out

I quickly flashed Michelle and she called me back

I picked it up and raised my voice

Hello ma
OK, his name?
His name is Dave Wilfred
My name is Samantha Julius
Please don’t use Dave’ as my name cos I no longer bare that name a long time ago
Make sure you prepare that paper as soon as possible cos I don’t want delay at all
I need to get the hell out of this house
Thank you
About the kids?
Never mind
I will handle that
The kids are mine
Just don’t worry about that
Just prepare the divorce papers and make sure it will be available in less than one week
I said and hanged up the phone

I looked back and saw Dave peeping through the kitchen door
I smiled and continue with what I was doing

Dave’s POV

I sluggishly went back and sat on the sofa
I am so so worried about this new Samantha
The Samantha I know is very soft hearted
She prepare any kind of food I want and apologize even when she is not at fault
Just for peace to reign
I don’t just know what came over her
Is she truly serious about this divorce of a thing?
I wasn’t serious
I only wanted her to beg me but now the case turned the other way round
I can’t imagine to lose Samantha
She is turning to something else
I said thinking deeply
My phone rang and it was my side chick Mirabel
I decided to answer the call proudly in the presence of Samantha
Maybe she might feel jealous
If she felt jealous, that means she still love me
I said and picked up the call
At this point, Samantha was already walking towards me with the food in her hand

Hey baby
How are you doing?
I missed you too
Sorry I didn’t get to see you before going
I am sorry
I promise I owe you a kiss tomorrow. I said and cut of the phone ending it with I love you

I looked up at Samantha face and she wasn’t looking worried at all
She was just smiling

Oh Dave, next time she calls you please endeavor to send my regards to her
She can as well move into the house so she can take my place cos you know I will be moving out soon
And please
One more thing, make sure she is beautiful
I mean very beautiful and skinny
Skinny girls love 2 min sex Like you do
Remember you are a 2min man
So go for the one that will be able to cope with you when I am gone
I am only managing you and I thank God that the management is over
Samantha said and walked away

I stared at her her with my mouth and eye wide opened

Samantha’s POV

I sat down on my bed with tears flowing down my cheeks
So Dave is actually cheating on me?
He is cheating on me?
No wonder he developed this wicked character
So his side chick is the one behind this
I am shocked
Dave is cheating on me and even has the gut to answer her call in my presence
Right now I can’t think of anything but I am very sure Michelle will give me a solution to this
I will deal with him
I surely will. I said and lay on my bed thinking of next step to take

I woke up very early the next day, tidied up the house took my bath, dressed sexily and sat on the sofa sipping my juice gently

Dave came out and looked at the dinning table and looked at me

Samantha, there Is only tea and bread in the table
Didn’t you prepare anything this morning?
I am about to go to work Samantha and there is nothing to eat
Dave said and I took my juice, sipped again and looked at him

Please eat whatever is there
That is the highest I can do this morning and please be fast
As you can see, I am dressed to go out
I am only waiting for you to leave so that I can close the door and go
Please be fast
You are delaying me! I said and he looked at me

You mean you are going out dressed like this?
You are a liar
Listen, I am still your husband and I still have a say over you
Yes you heard me right
You can’t decide what will happen on your own
You have to go inside and change that thing you are putting on
Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?
Have you ever seen a married woman dressed indecently like this?
Have you?
You are not leaving this house like this
Men will toast you Samantha
Dave said and I burst out laughing uncontrollably

You are very funny Dave
Now I see that you are senseless!
You leave the house at will, come back home at will do whatever you like and even sleep outside our marriage but just because of my dress, you are complaining
Anyways, this dress is what I want to wear today
If you aren’t ready to go out, then maybe I should drop the extra key for you
When you are done doing whatever you want, you lock the door and go
See you later
I said and walked out on him angrily

Next episode
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Is Samantha over reacting?

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1 year ago

I love this new Samantha