My Ungrateful Husband Episode 4 – Princess Joseph

MY UNGRATEFUL HUSBAND Episode 1 - Princess Joseph

My Ungrateful Husband
By Princess Joseph

Episode 4

how dare you?
How dare you Samantha?
You now have the gut to talk to me anyhow you like
Samantha what is your problem?
Are you crazy?
Are you insane?
What is fucking wrong with you Samantha?
You dare make your hair without my permission?
He said and I was shocked at his last statement

Oh wow!.
This is serious!
So you want to enslave me to the extent of me taking permission from you before making my hair
This is slavery of the highest order
Dave, listen to me attentively
Gone are the days when you talk to me anyhow you like
Yes you heard me right
I wont give you chance or room for that
Yes I won’t
Don’t think that I am an illiterate because I am submissive to you
Remember I am a graduate
First class graduate
Remember how intelligent I was during school days
So don’t try to enslave me in this house
You heard me
Get it at the back of your head
I said and tried to leave and he held me back and raised his hand to slap me and I stopped him

Don’t you dare!.
Don’t even try that with me Dave if you don’t want your name to change from Dave to sorry
I am as dangerous as a snake
Very dangerous if you don’t know
So don’t try me
The next time you try to raise your hands on me again
I will show you the other side of me.
Don’t tempt me!
Do not tempt me!
I said and he smiled

Are you actually talking to me in this manner?
Samantha, am I the one you are talking to in this manner?
Now I have finally seen that you already got someone who’s taking my place in your life
If that is the case, then get ready to go back to your wretched father’s house
We are divorcing
Yes you heard me right
I am divorcing you
I am done with this shit called marriage
Dave said and I burst out laughing

Prayer answered!
Are we divorcing today or tomorrow cos I am ever ready to call this shit a quit
Should I go start packing my things right now?
Good news
Let me start packing my things right away!
I said looking around and Dave stared at me surprisedly

Samantha! You are ready for divorce? Dave asked me and I nodded happily

I am very ready Dave
Do you know how long I have been praying to God to make you say this and finally you said it
Prayer answered!
So do you have a lawyer already or I should call one? I asked and Dave shaked his head and went back downstairs

Dave, I know you can hear me but listen, whether you like it or not, I am calking a lawyer to prepare a paper for us. I said and sat on the bed

I burst out laughing at myself and I walked to the mirror

Samantha, you can do this right?
Just be strong
You can do this
He is getting confused already
When the game is just starting
Dave, this is just the beginning
I soliloquized and started picking up some of my things

Dave walked to the room and was surprised to see me packing my things

Where are you taking them too? He asked and I ignored
I continued packing alongline with singing my favorite song

“E dey pain you”

Am I not talking to a human being?
I said where are you taking them to?
He asked hitting his hand on the table and I looked up with NY two hands akimbo

Are you talking to me?
Oh sorry
I even forgot someone like Dave exist here in this room
And as per your question, I am packing my things
I am getting ready for the divorce and while the divorce paper is being prepared, I will move to the visitor’s room for now till when the divorce paper is ready
I already called my lawyer to prepare it for us so we…………………

I said and he interrupted me shockingly

Whaaaat! You did what?
You already called the lawyer?
So fast? He asked
Why are you in so much haste?
What is wrong with you?
What have came over you?
Why are you so happy about the divorce issue?
I expected you to beg at least for the sake of Kate and Junior our kids
You didn’t even think about their feeling
Samantha, what………..

Hold it there Mr. man
Oh, you want me to cry and beg you right?
Impossible Dave!
I am no longer your wife
Yes I am serious
Are you no longer ashamed of me?
I am no longer your wife
Thank God the divorce issue came out from your mouth first and I already called lawyer that will get the divorce papers read
And as for my children, they will understand when I explain everything to them
I decided to call the lawyer because you might delay in getting and I really do want to get myself out of this house
But for now, let me move out of this room till the papers are ready
Remember my pussy is wide and smelling
So you shouldn’t be sleeping with me
I said, winked at him and carried my bags including my make up box and left

He followed me frustratedly

But, but, but Samantha,
Dave stammered

I was laughing happily within me

Dave when did you become a stammerer? I asked him not looking back

Samantha, what about dinner?
I went to the kitchen and met only the beans and plantain you cooked this morning
You didn’t cook anything tonight nor in the afternoon
I am hungry and I can’t eat the beans and plantain
Dave said and I stopped and looked back

Dave listen, its high time you start learning how to eat any food you meet at home
I can’t kill myself because of marriage
Not at all
I am tired of preparing three meals per day and if you feel like taking juice, always get 5alive or Chivita juice when coming home
They are made with fruits too
If you are ready to eat the beans and plantain you let me know so I can come and help you to warm it

I said and entered into the visitors room and banged the door

To be continued….

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