My Ungrateful Husband Episode 10 – Princess Joseph

MY UNGRATEFUL HUSBAND Episode 1 - Princess Joseph

My Ungrateful Husband
By Princess Joseph

Episode 10

I woke up the next morning and went and peeped through Dave’s room and saw Dave sitting on his bed with his two hands on his jaw

I felt so bad for him and quickly went out to prepare some paper

I have decided I am going to forgive Dave but that will be with so many conditions

Not up to 30 mins I returned back and went to Dave room

He was still sitting in the same position I left him

Dave, good morning
I greeted and he smiled responding to my greetings happily

It was as if my greeting revived back his happiness

Samantha, you greeted me?
Wow I am so happy
That means you are beginning to forgive me right? He asked trying to hold me and I shifted back

I have forgiven you Dave
All I want from you now is to sign the divorce papers
The lawyer called me this morning to inform me that the divorce paper is ready so I quickly went to collect it so we can both sign it before you leave for work
I need to leave this house and moment from now
I said handing over the papers to him

He collected it and read through it
He was shocked and tears started flowing his cheek immediately
He looked at me not knowing what to say and he let his tears flow down freely

Samantha, are you actually serious about this divorce of a thing? He asked and I nodded

Samantha what about our kids?
They will be coming back first week of next month
What are we going to tell them? He asked me with tears still flowing down her cheeks

Dave, this is not time for tears nor discussion
Please sign this so you can go to work
Its late already. I said not looking at me

I am not gonna sign the papers Samantha
I don’t want to divorce you
Please dont do this Samantha
I still love you so much
He said looking into my eyes

I looked away cos his eyes is making me fall in love with him over and over again and I may kiss him cos I have been longing to

Samantha please look into my eyes please
I don’t want to divorce you Samantha
The other day i said it, I just said it
I didn’t mean it.
I never knew you are going to take it this serious
Samantha its me Dave
The love of your life
Remember that

And love is life
Remember that
When you don’t feed it, cherish it and value it
You lose it
And when you lose it
There is nothing you can do about it
Remember that our elders said that you wont know the value of what you have until you lose it
You took advantage of my submission and sacrifices and you threw my love to the dogs
You treated me like a maid
Even when I begged you to get me a mid because the chores and stress was becoming much for me
You refused
You love eating fresh meals Dave and I did that just to make you happy
I roast myself in the kitchen everyday in the next of cooking fresh food for you
You never appreciated that
You even went as far as pouring the food I prepared for you on my body but God payed you back by using Tricia to pour soup on you so you would know how it feels
Not only that Dave
You slapped me the other day and you told me to my face that I am not worthy to be your wife
Have you forgotten that?
Did I suddenly become worthy of being your wife?
Are you no longer ashamed of introducing me as a daughter of a palm wine tapper?
You told me to my face that I should kneel down and worship you because you are my God
You saved me from poverty
Bla bla bla
Not only that Dave
The most heartbreaking part is that
You cheated on me so many times
Which I am sure that you are still cheating
You had the hardihood to call your side chick in my presence without even considering my feelings Dave
You did that because you thought I am gonna die
I am still alive bouncing
You really thought me how to stop loving
Some women do say that all men are the same and I keep defending you thinking I married the best man not knowing you are just a wolf in sheep’s clothing
Dave you are wicked and you don’t deserve someone like me
You deserve a woman like Tricia that is why I brought you this divorce paper to sign it
I no longer want to bear Mrs. Dave.
Dave that doesn’t respect me as his wife?
How will I bear the name of someone who doesn’t regard me as a living thing
No way
I want to start bearing my wretched father’s name as you usually call him
Remember he is still my father and with that his tapping palm wine, he was able to see me and my siblings through education if not that i married a selfish man who wouldn’t let me work
I just wasted 5 years in school and also my father’s sweat
I am going back to my father’s house
I cant waste his sweat just like that
He needs to enjoy from his daughter
What did he benefit from sending me to school
The last time you gave then money was 9 years ago when my mother came visiting and you even warned her to stop visiting you unannounced
Dave you have hurt me so much and the love I have for you is dead
There is nothing I can do about that.
I said as uncontrollably tears flowed down my cheeks

Samantha, please don’t make me believe that the love you have for me is dead? Dave asked looking into my eyes

And buried!
Long time ago!
Dave you are wasting my time and you are prolonging this matter
Please sign this papers
I said and he collected it from me

I am sorry but I am not gonna sign it
Samantha, I admit I have hurt you so much
I admit I haven’t been a good husband to you
I admire I cheated on you but believe me, since that day, I cut off every ties between me and Sandra
I admit I said so many hurtful words to you but can you please give me a second chance to prove to you that I am now a good husband
I am going to amend your broken heart I promise you
Please forgive me Samantha
I am going to die if you leave me
I can’t afford to lose you
You are irreplaceable Samantha
I learnt my lesson and I promise you I will make it up to you
Please call I ask for is a second chance
I am ready to do anything you want
He said and I wiped my tears and cleaned off his own too

Dave, you are going to make it up to me?
I asked and he nodded uncountable times

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Chidera Ruleth
Chidera Ruleth
1 year ago

Chei that’s how some people throw away gold while picking stones
Samantha thank God u didn’t start acting as if he is really god to u like he said