MY NAME IS DERA – Nike Investment

MY NAME IS DERA - Nike Investment

MY NAME IS DERA by Nike Investment


     Why did you come back when you're not done selling all these oranges Dera? Tracy asked looking mean.

But mummy, there is no market today and I managed to sell only five oranges. I came back because I am hung..

A slap swept through Dera’s face keeping the words from coming out. And the oranges fell from the tray she was carrying.

Tears ran down the cheeks of Dera as she bent down and started picking up the oranges one after the other. And wiping her eyes with the other hand.

 If you don't sell all of it no food for you. Don't even step foot into this house till you finish selling all of it Tracy said and walked back into the house.

Dera placed the tray on her head and left the house in tears. She began to wonder why the woman she calls mother always maltreat her and not her siblings.

 Many years ago, Tracy had gotten married to Kennedy. They couldn't give birth to any child for 2 years. They went from one church to another seeking for the fruit of the womb. On one peculiar night, Kennedy and Tracy were coming back from night service in their quest to get a baby. Kennedy saw a basin with weird design by the side of the road as they walked home. He pointed at the basin showing it to Tracy who got scared because it was late. As they got closer, they heard the cry of a baby. Kennedy looked and saw a baby wrapped perfectly inside the basin. No one was coming at that moment so he immediately carried the baby and told Tracy that God had finally decided to answer their prayers.

  The couples cherished the baby and called her Dera. Two years later, Tracy took in and gave birth to a baby girl. She called her Cynthia. Two years after again , Tracy took in and gave birth to male child. She called him Ryan. 

 Ever since Tracy gave birth to Ryan, her attitude towards Dera changed immediately. She started maltreating Dera like she was a serving girl.

  Dera now at the age of 10 could do things a girl of her age couldn't. All the domestic chores were left for Dera including hawking things around. 

  Buy your oranges....

Buy your oranges….
Dera kept shouting and crying at the same time. No one was willing to buy the oranges from her.

  Dera went to a spot and sat there thinking why her mother will treat her like an outsider. She was crying and wiping her eyes with her hands. She was hungry and hasn't eaten since the morning.

It was only her Dad that cares for her but he travelled and was not yet back. She dares not tell her dad what her mother puts her through , if not she won't eat the whole day.

 Dera couldn't control her tears as she tried cleaning the mucus that were running down her nostrils.

   Why are you sitting all alone here crying a male voice asked Dera. She raised her head up and it was a man dressed in a black shirt and a blue jeans. He looked old enough to be her father. 

     I have not finished selling my oranges and my mother said I should sell it all before coming back home Dera answered with a teary voice holding her stomach with one hand and raising her cloth to wipe her tears with the other hand. What is the cost of all the oranges? The man asked with a smile. It's 1000 sir..

 He dipped his hand into his pocket and brought out a note of 1000 and placed it into the hands of Dera. Put all inside the water proof and give it to me so you can go home he said with a smile. 

  Thank you sir.....

Thank you sir Dera said wiping her tears.

She packaged the whole oranges inside a nylon for the man. She picked up her tray and ran home feeling happy.

   She walked into the house and met her siblings Cynthia and Ryan playing with toys. Mummy I have sold it all Dera said smiling and giving the 1000 note to Tracy.

 When did you start stealing Dera?

Who did you steal this money from Dera?
Tracy asked picking up a slippers.

  Mummy I didn't steal any money, Dera said kneeling down and holding her hands together with tears. It was a kind man that bought all the oranges because I told him I was hungry.

Oh so you went around telling everyone that I can’t feed you?
Is that it?
Tracy asked and starting using the slippers on Dera. Dera continued begging and crying while her siblings kept looking at her and their mother.

Go and wash those plates in the kitchen immediately, st*pîd girl Tracy said and threw the slippers at Dera. 

 Dera picked the tray which had fallen on the floor , tried wiping her tears and walked into the kitchen. After she was done washing, Tracy gave her the left over food for her to eat. Dera was already used to it and didn't complain anymore. 

  The next day, there was a knock on the door...

Who is it Dera asked coming towards the door .

 It is uncle Mark the voice answered from the door. Dera opened the door..

Good afternoon Uncle Mark....

Dera greeted with a smile.

Where is your mother Mark asked walking into the house. 

She went out with Cynthia and Ryan. She said I should stay at home and look after the house Dera answered.

Get me a glass of water Mark said to Dera and sat down comfortably on the cushion. Dera went into the kitchen and came out with a glass of water.

He held the glass cup and Dera's hand and drew her closer to himself. 

You know you’re such a beautiful girl Dera Mark said and kept the cup on the table
He slid his hand inside of Dera’s clothes and started touching her abnormally.

 What are you doing Uncle? Dera asked trying to push away the hands of Mark.

Mark held her tightly and brought his face closer to her and tried kîßsing her. Dera was so innocent and she tried removing her face.
Stop it uncle Dera kept saying and trying to push Mark away. Mark tried inserting his finger into her.

Dera cried out in pains but that didn't stop Mark who was having his pleasure. Cynthia and Ryan's voices could be heard outside and Mark warned Dera not to tell anyone what happened. Dera ran into the room in tears and pains while Mark went to get the door for Tracy who had already started knocking on the door.

 Cynthia and Ryan greeted their uncle and ran into the room leaving their mother with him. 

Mark left immediately saying he got an emergency call.

It was late night and Dera kept on feeling pains around her vágînä. She went to her mother's room and knocked on the door. Who is it? Come in Tracy answered.

   Dera entered into the room in tears. 

Mummy there is something I want to tell you Dera said still crying. What is it Tracy asked still lying on the bed and looking at Dera.


Uncle Mark was touching me and he wounded me here Dera said pointing under her cloth innocently.

You said my brother did what? Tracy asked coming closer to Dera. Dera tried to repeat what she had just said when a slap landed on her face.

 If you lie against my brother next time you'll see what I'll do to you. Go to room and sleep, you have a lot to do tomorrow. Very soon you'll be sleeping in the passage you ungrateful child.

    Dera couldn't control her tears as she walked out of Tracy's room holding her cheeks.

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