MY NAME IS DERA Chapter 8 – Nike Investment

MY NAME IS DERA - Nike Investment



        Tracy asked for the location of the hospital where Mark was taken to. She was given direction and she rushed down to the hospital. She got to the hospital and saw mark on the bed with bruises all over his body. His  leg was broken. 

Tracy couldn't hold her tears as she beheld the state of her younger brother. The same day her husband is leaving her with her two children is the same day her only brother got involved in a motorcycle accident which is about to take his ability to walk.

  Tracy called Kennedy Myriad number of times but he never answered the call. Tracy called her friend Dorathy on the phone telling her about her brother Mark. Dorathy asked her the name of the hospital. 

 After Tracy told her the name of the hospital, she told her she would be coming immediately to meet her there. 

 It took only a few minutes and Dorathy got to the hospital. Tracy who thought Dorathy was busy asked her why she never came when she called her earlier. When her husband was leaving with her two children. 

  Dorathy told Tracy she couldn't make it then because she was taking care of some issues. 

  Tracy begged Dorathy to call Kennedy with her phone but Dorathy said she had no airtime to launch the call.


  Tell me Dera, what did you remember peter asked her drawing her closer to himself. 

I remember everything Dera said still wiping her tears..

What had happened to you?
How did you get involved in the accident? Doctor Eunice asked Dera.

Dera wiped her tears with her cloth , then said. 

My mother sent me to go sell oranges …

Your mother sent a little girl like you to go sell oranges? Don't you have a father Peter asked interrupting Dera. 

I have a father but he is not always around Dera said and wiped the tears that dropped down from her cheeks. 

It’s okay , just continue Dera…
What happened next? Peter asked.

  Some uncles who had bought my oranges before came again the next day and wanted to buy from me.  I was hungry and sick, so he took me to a place and bought me a plate of food. I only woke up hours later on top of their bed.

 Did they touch you wrongly Doctor Eunice asked looking concern..

No, Dera answered shaking her head from left to right.
Tell us what happened Peter asked sitting up…

Someone called the uncles , his name is Baba. They told Baba they were bringing me as a sacrifice. We travelled and arrived here. I tired to run away when a car knocked me down.  


Dera shouted softly and held her head in pains.

Peter stood up immediately and hugged Dera. 

It's okay for now Dera, peter said and walked Dera back to her room to get some rest. 

   Poor girl peter said walking back into the parlor. Seems her parents are not grateful for having such amazing girl. I'll be glad to keep her if she doesn't want to go back.

 Honey... Peter called out to doctor Eunice who seemed lost and didn't realize he was talking to her.

I’m all ears… talk to me.

  I'm sorry I kept this from you...

Please forgive me Doctor Eunice said holding her hands together. Maybe that is why we have not been able to give birth to a child of our own.

Tell me what happened Honey, you're making me anxious Peter said drawing closer to doctor Eunice. 

 It happened many years ago....

A lady was brought into our hospital, she was due for delivery. I was the doctor assigned to her because the first doctor wasn’t in town.

 The man who had brought the lady into the hospital told me she was his wife. He told me to kill the baby his wife was going to give birth to. He also promised he was going to pay me handsomely. 

Honey, like that was not enough, he also told me to damage his wife's womb so she won't be able to give birth. I kept wondering what type of man will want his wife never to give birth. 

 I made up my mind that I was not going to do it. I decided I was going to tell his wife what he just said. As I left to go meet his wife, he was there with her. 

  I don't know how, but he read my mind. He asked for a private audience with me. I accepted and we went outside. The man promised me he was going to give me 10million to do it and if I should tell anyone about it he was going to kill me.

 I'm so sorry Peter, I didn't want to die. I was afraid. If a man can do that to his wife, what more about me who he knows from nowhere. I accepted I was going to do it.

Luckily for me that day, a lady had given birth to a stillbirth and ran away. It was one of these girls that get pregnant out of wedlock. She left the dead baby and ran away. I took the dead child and swapped her with the baby the woman delivered. 

 I gave her some injections and drugs that will damage the womb and stop it's ability of carrying any child ever again. I hid the baby where no one else will see her. 

  I knew staying with the baby will only make the man hunt me down. So I decided I was going to dispose of the baby. I made a mark on the laps of the baby. With the help of the money I had gotten from the man, I hired an Uber to take me out of the city. 

   I arrived at night, so I stayed hidden waiting for the perfect couple who I would leave the baby in their care. I saw a couple walking down the road looking very responsible so I placed the basin where I had put the child perfectly where they would see it.

   Then I hid in the dark watching. When I was sure they had taken Dera, I left feeling happy I didn't soil my hands. 

   Why are you telling me all these now Peter asked looking curiously at doctor Eunice. 

It’s because that very child is Dera…

Peter opened his eyes and his mouth followed. He kept on looking at his wife and a tear ran down his cheeks.

 I came back to the city, after few days of commiting my sin. I found out the woman wasn't actually the wife of the said man. She was the wife of his brother who travelled abroad and couldn't make it back on time when his wife was about to deliver. I was pained peter doctor Eunice said and tears rolled down her cheeks.

   I know it's not your fault, maybe that was why God gave us a second chance by bringing Dera to us so we can take care of her and pay for what you did to her mother wherever she is Peter said trying to console Eunice.

But you're forgetting Honey, Dera has regained her memory. Not only has she regained her memory, she ran into the arms of her real mother today. 

  Peter who had already grown fond of Dera stood up and tears rolled down his cheeks..

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