MY NAME IS DERA Chapter 6 – Nike Investment

MY NAME IS DERA - Nike Investment



It took a few hours and Kennedy got back to his house leaving behind all he was doing. He walked into the house looking very worried.

 Tracy walked into the parlor and saw Kennedy standing and opening his hands like he was expecting answers from her. 

 Where did you say Dera went to? Kennedy asked.

I told you I don’t know, Tracy answered faking a teary voice…
She left in the morning as usual to go to school and I never saw her..

 Kennedy paced around a bit an a tear almost dropped from his eye.

I need to find my daughter Kennedy said and immediately left the house to the police station. He reported to the police about his missing daughter. They promised him they were going to do their best to find Dera. Kennedy left the police station and started going from one place to another looking for his daughter.

  He was coming back in the evening when one of his neighbors made a comment which drew his attention. 

 I heard Dera is missing, why won't she go missing?  After sending a little girl of such age to go hawk oranges around and leave school what do you expect. 

 Kennedy stopped...

He turned and went straight to his neighbor…

What did you just say?
That Dera hawks oranges?

Yes, she always hawks oranges in the morning instead of going to school. At times I wonder if she is really your daughter or a maid. I hear the cries of Dera always. If I were to be Dera, I would have run away a long time ago. Kennedy stood pinned to the ground where he was standing. He knew his wife treated Dera bad but never knew it got to that extent. 

 Tears clouded in the eyes of Kennedy, he shook his head and left for his house. 

 It was evening already and Tracy was in the kitchen cooking. Kennedy walked up to Cynthia and Ryan who were playing outside.

Daddy Good evening Cynthia and Ryan chorused.

Kennedy bent down and said to them both. Tell me the truth, does your mummy send Dera to go hawk oranges?

  Cynthia and Ryan nodded their heads. 

 Mummy use to always beat Dera Ryan said innocently. 

Daddy you are crying Cynthia said pointing at the tear that had dropped down from the cheeks of Kennedy. 

It’s nothing Kennedy said and wiped it off. Where is your mummy he asked faking a smile. She is in the kitchen cooking Ryan answered.

  Kennedy went to the kitchen and met Tracy cooking happily. She didn't know he was standing behind her. Tracy turned back and got startled by his presence. 

  Tell me why?

Why Tracy?
What did that innocent girl do to you?
What was her crime?
You have forgotten so soon how we suffered to get a child.
God gave us Dera as a gift. She came and opened your womb. What do you have to pay her back with???
You decided to make her life miserable.

 Dera is a good girl. Even with the way you treated her bad, she never told me. She endured it all. Our neighbor had told me all Dera has been passing through silently.

  But I promise you Tracy... if I don't see Dera within a week, I will take my children and leave you all alone here Kennedy said with tears rolling down his cheeks. 

 Tracy came closer to Kennedy to ask for forgiveness, he removed her hand and left the house. 

 Tracy who had already started shedding tears called Dorathy on the phone to tell her what had just happened. 

  Doctor Eunice saw a mark she had perfectly placed on Dera's laps. No no it can't be possible she said shaking her head as the tears ran down her cheeks. 

 What is the matter aunty? Dera asked looking at doctor Eunice who tears was running down her cheeks.  

I'm just crying because of all these marks on your body and also your wounds... why will someone beat their girl child this way? 

Doctor Eunice asked and started pouring water on Dera.

 Dera kept on making signs of pains when ever the water hits her skin. 

When she was done bathing Dera, she prepared some food for herself and Dera who struggled to eat. She gave Dera some drûgs to relieve her of the pains. After a while, Doctor Eunice took Dera inside a room and Dera lay down and slept off. Doctor Eunice sat on the chair looking at Dera as she slept peacefully. She remembered the past and what she had done and it sent tears down her cheeks. Maybe what she had done is what was responsible for her plight.

  Doctor Eunice knows keeping Dera in her house was not advisable yet she can't let Dera go. She has been married to Peter for so many years now without a child. 

Even if she wants to let Dera go?

Where will she send her to after signing those documents…

Peter came back and doctor Eunice told him about the accident that had happened and Dera. Peter wanted to see for himself, he went into the room and saw Dera a pretty little girl sleeping. She had a bandage on her hand, head and bruises on her skin.

 Peter was touched, he felt sorry for Dera. He asked his wife why she brought Dera home. Doctor Eunice explained to him that Dera had lost her memory. 

   Peter felt sorry for the parents of Dera, and also felt some happiness. He would love to take Dera as his daughter if she doesn't remembers who she was.

 Days went in their orders and it's been a week already, yet Dera has not been able to recall who she was or how she got to the city. The bruises healed quickly due to perfect care. School session was still on so Peter thought it right for Dera to resume school under his supervision. 

   Peter in particular showered Dera with lots of love and care making Dera enjoy her new home. 

 When ever Dera wants to think about her parents, she remembers all the marks on her skin. She prefers staying with the new parents who have showed her nothing but love.

 Doctor Eunice knew that she shouldn't have kept Dera, she shouldn't have allowed Dera leave with her. She shouldn't been getting attached to Dera. It was really going to hurt her someday. 

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