MY NAME IS DERA Chapter 16 – Nike Investment

MY NAME IS DERA - Nike Investment



 Before doctor Eunice left the house, Dermian called Peter telling him doctor Eunice won't go alone. He said they will come along stealthy. He asked Doctor Eunice to wait while they got prepared. 

Then Dermian called Kelvin who told him he was in the office. He called the office and it was confirmed that Kelvin was in the office. Dermian got confused but decided he was going to really find out what really happened. 

He suggested taking a public transport in order not to be spotted. On their way to Peter’s house, Dermian called Peter when they were close to let doctor Eunice leave the house. So those watching will leave too.

Before she left, she was learned enough to turn on the location on her phone so it can be followed. When Doctor Eunice left, Peter joined Dermian in the public transport they had hired and kept following doctor Eunice. 

Doctor Eunice got to the first location alone while they rest stayed far off. When Kelvin called her telling her some guys were coming to pick her up. She sent a message to her husband telling him she was going to be sent to another location.

 So they came a bit closer to in order to follow the car that will come pick her up. When they car pulled over and two men carried doctor Eunice, they saw it and waited till they left. They followed them slowly so they won't be able to dictate someone tailed them. Coupled with doctor Eunice's location that was turned on.

  They car had entered into a compound, it was one of Dermian's buildings that is yet to be completed. They had installed some fittings in the building. That was when Dermian started getting the feelings that Kelvin might really be involved in everything. 

  They waited till the guys came down from the car with doctor Eunice and entered into the building. Luckily for them, the guys had dragged doctor Eunice into the building and forgot to lock the door behind them. 

 They kept going from room to room quietly searching for doctor Eunice. 

   It was Peter who saw the room first,  he walked in and saw his wife on the floor sobbing and he ran to hold her. While madam Sonia started begging Kelvin not to kîll her only daughter.

Don't you dare lie to me Dermian, don't you. My mother told me you did , kelvin said tightening the knîfe around Dera's neck. 

 I am not lying Kelvin, I swear on my mother's grave. I never told Dad anything.

Dermian was still three years old when his mother died out of illness. Dermian's father refused to take another wife because of the love he had for his dead wife. People convinced him that his little son needed a mother. He later got married to Kate, Kelvin's mother. 

Kate was blessed and gave birth to a son the same year she got married. Few years after, Dermian's father had acquired more riches than he had. He became wealthy. Kate began feeling jealous of Dermian because he was going to have the lion's share of his father's wealth. 

She started planning to plant the seed of hatred in the heart of Kelvin towards Dermian. But the bond the two brother's shared at their young age was so strong. They loved each other and share everything together. 

   Dermian's father started traveling from here to there. Most trips he spends a month or more. 

That was when Kelvin's mother started cheating on her husband. On a certain day her husband wanted to surprise her, he told her he will be coming back in two days time. Both Kelvin and Dermian were not at home. Kate invited her lover into the house. Dermian's father came back and met him on their bed.

  Remember Kelvin, we shared a very strong bond and I can never do anything to hurt you. So many times my step mum always talk bad about me to dad so he can hate me. But somehow dad always asks me what she told him to find out if it was the truth. During all those times, I never told you any of it because I didn't want you to turn against mum Dermian concluded with tears in his eyes.

Kelvin remembered how his mother has always tried to put enmity between him and his half brother but couldn't succeed because of the love they had for each other. His mother has always told him to make sure he takes over the wealth when he is of age. Before his mother committed súïçîdé, she had written a note for him. It was still as fresh as yesterday. It read..


 It only means that his mother wanted him to hate Dermian and acquire the wealth for himself alone. 

Kelvin could feel his hands shaking, how can he do all that to his innocent brother. He could feel tears roll down his cheeks

The knîfe fell off from his hand to the floor and he took a few steps backwards .

 To the surprise of the guys inside the room with him, Kelvin walked towards his brother in tears.

I’m so sorry brother..
I’m so sorry… kelvin continued saying with tears.

Madam Sonia quickly rushed towards Dera and held her up. Removing the tape which Kelvin had covered her mouth with and tried untieing her legs.

  Dera was sweating profusely and she suddenly started shaking. 

What is wrong with her.?

Dera …
Sonia called out with tears. What did you do to my Dera she asked looking at kelvin. Doctor Eunice who Peter hugged released herself from his grasp and rushed towards Dera.

 I'm so sorry Sonia. 

I feared doctor Eunice may outsmart me as usual and come with the police. I gave Dera poison few minutes ago before Eunice walked in.

What have you done Dermian asked dragging kelvin by his shirts. 

Doctor Eunice carried Dera up with tears rolling down her cheeks. Let's take her to the hospital she said. 

 Kelvin sat on the floor filled with remorse crying his eyes out.

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