MY NAME IS DERA Chapter 15 – Nike Investment

MY NAME IS DERA - Nike Investment



          After Dermian had received the call, he called Kelvin asking him where he was. Kelvin told him that he was with a client in the office and they were processing a business deal which was very crucial. Dermian called the office and it was confirmed that Kelvin was really in the office with a client. 

 Dermian decided he was going to uncover the truth of what was really happening. If really doctor Eunice was playing games with him, he was really going to deal with her. 

 Madam Sonia couldn't help it, she was ready to go to the location and was waiting for Dermian. Dermian tried to call the police, but madam Sonia begged him not to call the police. She doesn't want to loose her baby girl.


Peter hugged his wife tightly and tears rolled down both their eyes. He pray they makes it out of the mess alive. The thought of loosing his wife got him scared. Doctor Eunice told Peter who didn't want to let go that time was ticking and their chances of survival were slim. They were held in between two elephants. Kelvin who was ready to kill them and go free and Dermian who is ready to get back to them for what she did to his wife and the disappearance of his daughter.

Doctor Eunice left the house alone wiping her tears. It took about half an hour and she got to the location sent to her by Kelvin. She entered and saw the area was deserted and no one stays there. 

 A call came into her phone telling her she should wait while someone picks her up. It took a few minutes and two guys showed up at the spot with a car. They blind folded doctor Eunice and carried her to another location. 

 When they arrived, they brought her out of the car and took her inside a room. When the blind fold was removed, doctor Eunice couldn't really tell where she was. The room was well illuminated and spacious. Dera was sitting on the floor with her mouth tied and her legs tied.

 Oh my poor Dera... Doctor Eunice cried out trying to run towards Dera when the guys who had brought her in held her back. She couldn't stand the sight of Dera in that state and tears rolled down her cheeks as she struggled with the guys holding her.

 Kelvin walked in and saw doctor Eunice struggle as the guys held her.



You think you can outsmart me!? You really think you can lie to me? 

I didn’t lie to you… All I ever said is nothing but the truth doctor Eunice said and a slap landed on her cheeks which sent her to the floor.

You don't lie when there are proofs Kelvin said looking at Doctor Eunice who was on the floor sobbing.

But how?
How did you get to know?
How did you take her from the school?
How did you make the call through my phone to confirm I sent you to take Dera? Doctor Eunice asked still sobbing.

 Like I told you earlier doctor, I am smart kelvin said with a smile and took a seat. Sonia is a benevolent woman, we all know that. But Sonia has never felt the need to adopt a child ever since she lost her womb or the said dead child. All of a sudden comes to the office with a child which she felt something peculiar for. She had the need to adopt the child so did my brother. It was a bit weird but I didn't really look into it. My brother had asked the child how old she was and she said 10. My memory started kicking immediately, everything clicked in when she told me the child came from you doctor. 

  A child of 10 years old, they have feelings towards the child and it came from the same doctor that was supposed to kill their baby. 

Tell me doctor, who won’t put the pieces together? I still needed to be sure doctor because I was sure you would deny the fact.

Right there in the office, under the nose of everyone. My brother was wearing Dera a necklace, his hands didn't go round her neck due to the position he was seated and I helped him put it on her neck taking a strap of her hair. 

   I paid handsomely for a DNA test to be conducted quickly. My guess was right and  the results showed that Dermian is the father of Dera. And as for the school management, was quite easy though. 

 I knew sending a male will complicate issues, so I decided to send a female figure instead.  Before she arrived at the school, she called the management saying she was doctor Eunice and will be sending a co doctor to come take Dera due to emergency. 

Doctor Eunice covered her mouth with her hand. It only meant that the school management had lied. They found out they had made a mistake and they pushed the blame to her. Little wonder why she never saw any call come into her phone.

 Enough of talks Kelvin said and handing a knîfe to doctor Eunice. Take this and finish what you started. 

  No I can't , I can't do this please, just kill me and let her go doctor Eunice said and continued crying. 

Kelvin got irritated and stood up. Have it your way he said and walked towards Dera with the knife. But don't say I didn't give you the opportunity to right your wrongs. 

   Doctor Eunice was on the floor sobbing when Peter walked in. Kelvin was surprised seeing Peter inside the room and how he discovered where they were. He was still trying to speak when Dermian and madam Sonia walked in.

Dermian was frozen seeing Kelvin holding a knîfe to the neck of Dera who was shedding tears. Sonia couldn't control her tears but joined doctor Eunice in begging Kelvin to spare the life of her only child.

    Kelvin why?

Why brother?
How can you do this to me?
I never believed you can do this…
I trusted you…

What did I really do to deserve this kelvin? Dermian asked going on his knees as tears poured down his cheeks uncontrollably.

  You stay there asking me what you did?

Have you forgotten so soon?
You think I’ll ever forget?

My mother…
My mother committed sûíç*dé because of you Dermian. You told dad she was cheating on him. When dad caught her through you, he sent her away.She couldn’t bear the shame, she had to take her life Dermian. All because of you and you ask me why? Kelvin said with tears in his eyes.

 But I never told Dad anything. I never did kelvin Dermian said with tears rolling down his cheeks. 

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