MY NAME IS DERA Chapter 14 – Nike Investment

MY NAME IS DERA - Nike Investment



Kennedy called and no one picked .
He called again the second time.

Hello… Dera… Dera

Voice : Who are you and how do you know Dera?

Kennedy: I am her father Kennedy.
( no one responded )

Hello who is there? Hello..

What happened?
Who picked up? Was it a male or Female Tracy kept asking looking concerned.

They hung up the call.

Who are they Tracy continued asking inquisitively..

I don’t know Kennedy said and tried the number again but it wasn’t reachable. He tried again and got the same response. He knew his wife’s number has also been blocked.

 The operation was successful, you can go in and see him a nurse who walked towards Tracy said. When she went in with Kennedy, they met mark lying on the bed and tears rolled down from the side of his face. 

If he was told in his dreams that he will loose a leg he never would have believed it. Tracy came in and joined him crying and consoling him. Kennedy couldn't understand why happiness departed from his family. He now knows Dera is alive and really needs to find Dera to restore happiness back into his home.


Who is calling you Peter asked his wife looking worried.
I don’t know doctor Eunice answered wiping her tears.

Pick it up and put it on speak out Dermian said.

   Before she could pick up the call, it ended. 

The call came again and Doctor Eunice picked up the call and placed it on speak out for everyone to hear.

No one spoke…

Hello…. Dera… Dera…

The caller called out.

Who are you and how do you know Dera?

I am her father Kennedy the caller said…

That wasn’t the call Dermian was expecting, he wanted to know where his daughter was. He wasn’t interested in hearing from a man who was careless to allow his daughter to be kidnapped.

Hello.. who is there? the caller kept asking over the phone.

Dermian told doctor Eunice to hang up the call and blacklist the number.

Doctor Eunice hung up and did what she was instructed. Madam Sonia hugged her husband again, where is my daughter and who has taken her she asked with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Dermian held her tight and looked at the school management, you have 48 hours to bring my daughter back to me. Else I’ll make sure this school closes and you rot behind bars.

He turned to take his leave with his wife. He turned again and looked at doctor Eunice who was sobbing bitterly. You have same time to provide my daughter else I’ll do worst Dermian said and a tear dropped down his cheek. He wiped it off and left with his wife.

 Doctor Eunice couldn't find the strength to go back to her house. What has she gotten herself into and who must taken Dera. How did the person manage to call with her number to confirm she was the one that sent them. 

  Dermian looked really furious and is ready to really deal with them. What if it was Kelvin that took Dera, how was she going to get her back?

If Kelvin finds out that Dera is the child of Dermian, he will definitely come for her.

Her life has suddenly turned into a misery. The more she thought about her predicament, the more she cried uncontrollably. 

Peter knew it wasn't time to dish out blames. If only she had listened to him, they won't have been in this mess. 

He was left all alone with his wife. He managed to console her and take her home. So they can plan their way forward.

Dermian couldn’t still believe what he just heard. How can his loving and caring brother be accused of making his wife barren. Maybe doctor Eunice is trying to cover someone else up he said pacing around his room. Business calls kept coming into his phone. He had to put his phone on mute to avoid distractions.


Do you think my brother is capable of what they accused him Dermian asked looking at his wife who was sitting on the bed sobbing.

I don't know..

I don’t know Sonia said shaking her head from left to right. All I just want is my daughter to be brought back to me.

 Dermian picked up his phone and called Kelvin to know where he was. 

Kelvin told him he was at the office and hasn't left ever since. He hung up the call and called those in the office, and the confirmed Kelvin has been at the office ever since he came. 

 Confusion sets in and Dermian doesn't know what or who to believe. He was broken by the tears of Sonia which doesn't want to stop flowing. Ever since they came back, she has refused to eat or drink anything.

26hrs gone from the 48 hours time given to them by Dermian to find his daughter. Yet no news to know where Dera was or how to go about it. Doctor Eunice has been home ever since the incident, she was not in the right frame of mind to work. So was Peter who kept staring at his phone and his wife's phone at any slightest tone.

The time was 2pm on the dot and doctor Eunice’s phone started ringing. Peter quickly rushed and took the phone bringing it to doctor Eunice who picked the call and placed it on speak out.

Caller : Hello doctor…

Eunice: Yes Good afternoon, who am I speaking with ?

Caller : I warned you not to lie to me…
I told you it was going to cost your life, your husband’s and that of Dera.

Doctor Eunice: were you the one that took Dera? Please bring her back to me please (doctor Eunice said and started crying) I told you Dera is just a coincidence and not who you think.

Caller : There you go again with the lies. Lies upon lies making your case complicated. So you really think you can outsmart me? I’ll kill you doctor, that’s after I’m done with Dera.

Doctor Eunice : (Doctor Eunice was still surprised how Kelvin had found out that Dera was Dermian’s daughter). Please don’t kill the innocent girl please. Just kill me instead, take my life in exchange for hers.

Caller : I want you to see and watch the way I kill Dera. Then I’ll make you loose your license as a medical practitioner, I’ll kïll you and then your husband will die because you chose to take my money and not deliver. But If you want me to spare the life of yourself and your husband, come and finish what you took my money for. You have 2 hours of grace to get to address I just sent you before I finish Dera off myself. Remember, if you call or come with the police, you will meet Dera dead and you’ll be sent to prison for murder because all evidences will point towards you. If I were you I’ll quickly rush down to the location now. Time is ticking fast doctor, I’m watching your every step ( kelvin laughs out then hung up)

 Peter came and hugged his wife and she kept the phone and started crying. We need to call Dermian and tell him what kelvin just said.

But he just threatened our life, I don't want you to loose your life because of my mistakes doctor Eunice said crying and still trying to wipe her tears. 

 Peter still insisted and convinced doctor Eunice it was right to call Dermian. So they agreed and decided it will be a good idea for Dermian to see things for himself. Peter called Dermian and told him the one who had kidnapped Dera called and asked his wife to come. He sent him the location.

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