MY NAME IS DERA Chapter 13 – Nike Investment

MY NAME IS DERA - Nike Investment



       Dera called you?

Was it Dera? Tracy asked anxiously…
Call her back. Tell her I’m sorry , tell her to come back home Tracy kept saying to Kennedy who was trying the number repeatedly.

But the number didn’t go through.

Kennedy took few steps backwards and sat on the cushion wiping his tears. Dera sounded happy, but someone came and collected the phone from her. Probably the person has blocked his number from calling.

But who must have taken Dera?

That was a question still mysterious..

Honey, God knows you love Dera alot and he will bring her back to us.

I promise to be a good mother to Dera. I will change Honey, I don't want my family to scatter please Tracy started begging again. 

 I only wished you never allowed Dorathy influence you Kennedy said lifting his wife up and hugging her. 

Tracy thanked Kennedy for Forgiving her. It was getting late already when Tracy remembered she had left her brother all alone in the hospital. She told Kennedy she will go back to see her brother while he takes care of the children.

 The next day, the doctor in charge told Tracy that the only solution was to cut off Mark's leg from the knee region. If there should be a delay it may be dangerous. 

Tracy called Kennedy and informed him about the development. Kennedy quickly rushed down to the hospital. The documents were signed and the procedure began.

 Kennedy saw Tracy holding her phone and trying to dial a number. He recalled the number he was trying to call had blocked his line. Perhaps calling with Tracy's number will connect. He asked Tracy for her phone and dialed the number.

He called the number and it started ringing.

I’m so sorry…
I know…
I Know i made a mistake I only wish you can forgive me. Doctor Eunice said still stuttering.

 Forgive you?

I’m lost, please what did you do?
How can I forgive what I don’t know Madam Sonia asked looking at both doctor Eunice and Peter who held his hands together begging for forgiveness.

  It's so heavy....

I don’t know where to start from doctor Eunice said and tears began rolling down her cheeks. Madam Sonia has already become restless and looking at her husband waiting for doctor Eunice to say something.

 What do you have to say doctor?

I’m a very busy man and I don’t have time to waste Dermian roared seeing to the fact that doctor Eunice was taking their time and making them anxious.

 I did it...

I’m responsible…

Responsible for what ? Madam Sonia asked sitting at the edge of her seat. 

I injected some stuffs in you accompanied with some drûgs. I succeeded in making your womb not to be able to carry a child.

  You did what? Dermian asked standing up from his seat. While Sonia sat back in quietly and a tear rolled down her cheek. 

You made my wife barren and you want me to forgive you? Dermian asked bringing out his phone. 

Please sir, just hear it all and make your decision Peter said walking up to Dermian and holding his hands together pleading. 

 Dermian looked at his wife and she nodded her head. He sat back on the chair shaking his head and biting his lips. 

Sir, I was threatened... 

He said he will kill me if I don’t kill the baby and destroy her womb doctor Eunice said with tears pointing at madam Sonia.

You killed my baby? Dermian asked opening his eyes. 


Who is the he that threatened your life? Madam Sonia asked calmly

 It's your brother in-law.... doctor Eunice said with tears flowing down her eyes. 

You mean, 

Kelvin asked you to kill my baby and damage my womb?

Doctor Eunice nodded her head still crying..

If you tell lies against my brother, I’ll make sure you rot in jail Dermian said furiously.

I'm not lying... I'm telling the truth, kelvin gave me 10 million to kill the baby and damage her womb doctor Eunice said pointing at madam Sonia again. 

But…. I didn’t…
I didn’t kill the baby doctor Eunice said wiping her tears.

 Is our baby still alive?

Where is she both madam Sonia and Dermian asked simultaneously.

 Yes, the baby is alive and Kelvin is back threatening my life and the life of the baby. Please forgive me, I didn't mean it doctor Eunice said and continued crying. 

   Where is my baby madam Sonia asked and joined doctor Eunice shedding tears. 

    You have met her already she said and both madam Sonia and Dermian looked at each other and shook their head..

Doctor Eunice nodded her head and said. Yes Dera is your biological child. She is your blood.

But how is it possible?

You told me Dera stayed in another city, you told me she had an accident, were they all lies?

 No, no I told you nothing but the truth. Dera was kidnapped by ritualists and brought to this city. She tried escaping from them and met with an accident which took her memory. But she has regained her memory now. 

 Dermian stood up and came closer to doctor Eunice.. How did you recognize Dera is our child after 10 years?

  I couldn't bring myself to kill the sweet baby as instructed by Kelvin. I took her to another city and placed her where a couple saw her and took her. I didn't see their face or know them because it was dark. After the accident, he was about to bath Dera when I saw the mark I had perfectly placed on her laps. 

 Sonia stood up and moved towards Dermian. She hugged him tight and continued crying. Little wonder why she has been finding Dera so peculiar. She was with her daughter and yet couldn't tell. 

 Dermian couldn't tell if he should be happy he has a daughter or angry with doctor Eunice or broken by his brother's betrayal. 

  Where is my daughter madam Sonia turned and asked.

 She is at school Doctor Eunice said wiping her tears. Let's go and see our Daughter Dearest please. 

Dermian looked at doctor Eunice and Peter furiously. 

Take me to her school he roared and startled doctor Eunice.

 Okay sir... okay sir she said standing up and pointing the way out. 

They all entered into the car and left. Madam Sonia kept crying while Dermian tried consoling her. Peter and doctor Eunice were scared of what the couple will do to them.

On arrival, school was still on, they asked for permission to see Dera. But the management told them that Dera has been taken by a doctor. 

 Everyone stood confused trying to understand what she meant by taken by a doctor. 

He told them that a co doctor came by saying doctor Eunice asked her to bring Dera back home. We called doctor Eunice and she confirmed we should go ahead and release Dera. 

They all stood dazed. Dermian and Sonia turned looking at doctor Eunice and Peter.

I didn’t send anyone doctor Eunice said immediately and started crying all over again pleading innocence. Doctor Eunice tried to bring out her phone to confirm the fact that no one called her. Just then her phone started ringing.

She saw it was an unregistered number. And everyone turned towards her including the school management. 

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