MY NAME IS DERA Chapter 12 – Nike Investment

MY NAME IS DERA - Nike Investment



     Tracy was torn in-between begging her best friend, looking after her brother and asking for forgiveness from her husband. She decided it was best to secure her home first. She stopped a bike and asked to be taken to her house.

On the bike, Tracy remembered Mark had molested Dera. It may be God paying both him and her for what they had done to Dera.

  When she arrived, she had thought her husband may have left the house with her kids again. But there was Kennedy standing with a picture of Dera in his parlor and tears running down his cheeks. 

 Tracy came in and knelt down with tears..

I’m so sorry Ken…
I’m so sorry….
I accepted the fact that I maltreated Dera. I don’t know what came over me. I just felt it was normal for me to keep her separate from my kids just like we see in the movies. I sent Dera to go sell oranges and she never came back.

I have no hand in what happened to Dera.

Please forgive me Tracy kept on crying and begging ...

Kennedy too couldn't control his tears. 

How could you Tracy?
We never had a child of our own..
Dera is a lucky child.. Yet you treated her like trash with a lot of cruelty!!!
You lost your humanity…
Now our lucky charm is gone and nowhere to be found…
But I believe my Dera is still alive and I will get to see her someday Kennedy affirmed.

His phone rang and it was a number that wasn't registered on his phone. He didn't pick, then the call came again. This time he wiped his tears and picked up the call.

" Hello daddy" 

The person on the phone said.


No reply came and the call ended...

Kennedy kept trying the line but it wasn’t reachable.


Hello doctor Eunice …

Kelvin said with a smile as he walked in.
It’s been quite a long time right!?
How have you been doing doctor? Kelvin asked raising his hand to touch her hair.

Doctor Eunice removed his hands putting her courage together. I’m okay sir..
I hope you are doing good as well she asked forcing a smile.

Oh me? I’m never better doctor. Actually I’m not here because I’ve missed you, I’m here because I’m inquisitive. I feel like I need some answers and those answers need to come from you Kelvin said taking a sit and still looking at doctor Eunice.

And what do you want to know Sir?

The baby I had paid you handsomely to kill, why did you take my money and failed to deliver?

 Failed to deliver? 

Ofcourse I killed the baby myself. Why will I take your money and fail to deliver even after you threatened my life!!!

 Who is Dera? how come she is 10years old? How is it possible that Sonia is feeling some kind of connections to her Kelvin asked standing up from the seat and moving closer to doctor Eunice.

 You mean the little girl? It's just a coincidence , you know Sonia loves kids so maybe something made her fond of Dera. Dera really lives in another city , she was involved in an accident and lost her memory Doctor Eunice answered.

   Kelvin smiled evilly. Then bit his lips. If I ever discover that Dera is the baby I had paid you handsomely to kill. Let me tell you what is going to happen.

You’ll loose your husband, then your job , Dera’s life and finally yours he said and laughed out loud. He walked out of the door and banged it behind him.

Doctor Eunice's felt a bit relieved as he left. She had just lied to him, that was like putting your hand in the mouth of a lion. She knew Kelvin was capable of doing what he just said. 

Fear gripped doctor Eunice.

 She closed early from work and went home with Dera she had picked from school. She waited impatiently for Peter to come back. She knew he was going to blame her for giving Dera out to Sonia. 

Peter came back and doctor Eunice ran into his arms. Peter knew danger was lurking, he held his wife and went into the room.

 What is it Honey? What happened? Peter asked looking worried. 

It's Sonia's brother in-law Kelvin. He saw Dera and is suspecting her to be Sonia's daughter. I lied to him and he said he will kill us all if he finds out that I was lying.

 Peter knew it was going to get to that level . He stood up from the bed he was sitting on and started pacing around the room...

  The more I try to clean this mess ,the deeper we go.  How can we go up against wealth?

These people control the city Honey…
If we decide to come clean, your license as a medical practitioner is at state!! You can be sent to prison. To crown it all we have no atom of evidence against Kelvin.

This issue gets difficult by the day. 


 That was Dera's voice in the parlor Peter quickly went into the parlor and saw Dera holding doctor Eunice phone and smiling. He came and asked her to give him the phone. He collected the phone and ended the call. He blocked the number she had just called.

 Who was that Peter asked Dera with a mean look..

I was calling my Daddy...

Peter placed his right hand on his head closing his eyes while Dera stood still staring and him and bitting her nails.

  He heaved a heavy sign and went back into his room leaving Dera alone in the parlor. 

Honey, keeping Dera is risky, sending her to Kennedy won’t stop Sonia from reaching out to her. Some day, the truth will surface and the law will be harsh on us. I think the best is to call Sonia to the house and explain it all to her.

  Doctor Eunice agreed and she called madam Sonia telling her she has something to discuss with her concerning Dera. She only wishes she can come with her husband. 

 The next day, both doctor Eunice and Peter didn't go to work, they stayed at home waiting for Madam sonia and her husband. Peter had already sent Dera to school. 

   The time was 11:35am and they heard car horn outside the gate. Doctor Eunice's heart began to race...

She stood up and started pacing around as Peter left to open the gate.

  Dermian drove into the compound with his classic customized G - class Benz. Coming down from his car with his wife, Peter could really smell wealth and affluence. Fear gripped him as he directed them into his house. 

  Doctor Eunice welcomed them both and asked what she would offer them. They said just water will do. She brought out two bottles of table water and placed in on the table. 

     Peter summoned up courage and said to Dermian. I'm so sorry sir for what my wife did to your wife, I hope you will really find a place in your heart to forgive her after hearing her confessions. 

 What your wife did to my wife Dermian asked looking surprised. 

What did you do Doctor?

I don’t understand, what is your husband talking about Madam Sonia asked looking at doctor Eunice expecting an answer.

 Doctor Eunice lost words and began to stammer..

I …

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