My Mother Married My Husband 7 & 8 – Tishania Ginikachi

My Mother Married My Husband Episode 1&2 - Tishania Ginikachi

My Mother Married My Husband 7 – Tishania Ginikachi

Gavin is my bosses favourite son, he always spoke highly of him. To be honest I never like Gavin one bit, Gavin is always uptight, strict, always with a frown and acts like no one matters. People got scared of him, they never wanted to step on his toe or loose their job.

I understand that he is from a wealthy home, Gavin has made name for himself in the import and exportation sector but that does not give him the right to act like a child.

One day in the office,I was busy check the list of how things where being sold and how money where spent. I was lost in my work,I never noticed Gavin was standing in front of me watching me with a weird facial expression.

I looked up and greeted.

“Good afternoon sir”, I greeted.

“What is good about the afternoon when you could not acknowledge my presence”, he replied.

“The afternoon would have been good if you weren’t so grumpy and act like the world rest on your shoulder”, I added.

He bursted into laughter, I wasn’t expecting him to laugh. I have never seen him laugh or smile before since I started working here. Even the other workers around where shocked to hear what I said, they were more shocked to see him laugh.

“For over 12 years in this company, no one has ever made me laugh this hard. Are you new here?” He asked.

“Have been working here for some weeks now, you never cared to notice people because you feel entitled for then only acknowledging you”, I replied.

“Yeah your right but that’s fine I can live with that, so what’s your name?”, He asked.

“Kyla sir”, I replied trying not to make eye contact with him.

“I will like to see you later today Kyla”, he requested.

“Sir am here for only business, am not here to feel in the boot of a mistress. I know what you do around town with all the girls, am not going to be the next one in line”, I replied me.

He was shocked, he stood there looking at me for some minutes.

“No one refuses me, and you must except or you loose your job”, Gavin said.

“I’m as much as I love my job, am not ready to up my integrity for you”, I replied him sounding angry.

“Then you are fired”, he said.

“You can’t fire me, you father my boss employed me so you have no business with my capability of working here”, I echoed, everyone in my area was shocked and on stand still watching how i exchange words with the bosses son.

“Seems you didn’t read your contract with us before you started wotking here, I and my father are one. Am the second in command here, anything I say stands and ot has been like that ever since. So like I said your fired”, he replied.

“Am a woman of substance, I wont jump on you because I want to keep my job. Mr Gavin I won’t accept your offer, I will gladly leave the office and send my resignation letter rather”, I replied while I stood up picked my bag and my phone forgetting my purse.

I went home feeling angry and pissed, how can someone be so demanding and arrogant. I needed the job desperately but I didn’t want to loose my self to a man because of the job, I hold myself high and I know my worth.

The next day I was just looking through the News paper, finding a job opportunity when some cars drove into the compound.

The neighbors where shocked to see expensive cars parked in he compound. I was shocked too, I was wondering who they came to see not until my boss and his son Gavin came out of the car with their body guard all over the place.

I stood up to rush inside the house to wear something better but I was stopped. I was just putting on a short and a singlet, I felt embarrassed but I had to obey since my boss was there.

“Kyla I heard what happened in the office yesterday, my son is use to getting things his own way and not with a better approach”, Mr Dickson uttered.

“Am here to apologize to you concerning my attitude, am deeply sorry Kyla and i need you to resume work tomorrow”, Gavin added.

“My dear my son is always uptight, he told me how you made him smile. Ever since he hasn’t stopped thinking about that moment”, Mr Dickson muttered.

“I would like to know you better Miss Kyla, not paper and documents but just a simple dinner”, Gavin requested.

I smiled warmly, “thank you Mr Dickson for coming here, I appreciate your effort for trying to get me back on my feet”, I replied.

“Mr Gavin thanks for letting me come back to work, it’s a pleasure”, I said looking at him, my boss was looking around the compound that was tattered and crowded with so many tenant.

“Kyla you live here?”, My boss asked.

“Yes sir”, I replied.

“My supervisor can’t be staying in a compound like this, Kyla the company will arrange a house and a car for you. You can’t be staying in a house like this while you work for me, you have been doing a good job and I respect that”, Mr Dickson said.

I was surprised, I didn’t think I will own a house or a car just few weeks of working with them.

“Thank you sir, I deeply appreciate”, I said almost going on my knees.

I was so happy and bid them goodbye, anxiously waiting and preparing to strat work the next day. I never knew my whole life would change for good.

Episode 8

I moved into the house I was given, drove my car to work and back. I felt free peaceful and calm knowing my late son jimmy was watching and also proud of me.

I never stopped visiting my son’s grave, each time I visit I felt his touch. Each time sit and start a conversation it feels like his close to me listening, I never forgot how my mother ended his life. it hurt to see the one you love die.

Some time later I went on a dinner date with Mr Gavin, who is Mr Dickson’s son. We had great talk and I found out he wasn’t so bad as we see him In the office, he only acts tough and strict so we could do better at work.

Mr Gavin wanted something more from me but I refused. The trauma of Jimmy’s death wasn’t something I could overcome, besides it wasn’t the right time to be in a relationship.

I can’t trust anyone when it comes to commitment, I really don’t want history to repeat itself.

Mr Gavin and I got really close, we became transparent to each other. He told me all I needed to know about him, and more of his childhood trauma’s.

Since Gavin was an open book to me, I decided to tell him my experience. I told him everything and how I ended up in their company. He was shocked, he never expected a beautiful girl like me to be a divorcee who lost her little boy.

He comforted me and promised protect me, I felt emotionally free for the first time in my life. I felt like I never have to worry about anything anymore.

Quickly I fell in love with Gavin, we did almost everything together. He always accompanied me to the cemetery to see Jimmy, and I loved him so much for that.

One evening after a very stressful day at work, I returned home. I showered and just dumped myself on the bed without eating dinner, I dozed off.

It felt like I was in a trance, I found myself in the hospital seated by a beautiful lady who looked like me crying helplessly. It looks like she just delivered a baby but it was taken away from her, I became to wonder why the nurses where not attending to her.

“How can I help you ma’am?”, I asked her.

“Find you me, I have missed you my child”, the lady said.

I was dumbfounded, why is she calling me her child? And why does she look like me so much? I asked myself.
Suddenly I woke up from that dream,I checked the time it was morning already. I was glad it was my off day and I don’t need to start rushing to work.

I kept pounding on the dream I had, it felt so real. How can I dream about someone who looks like me so much? I prayed over it and sealed everything into Gods hands.

© Tishania Ginikachi

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