My Eyes Episode 8 – Tishania Ginikachi


Episode 8

I cried out my eyes, my tear became so hot that it burned my face. I didn’t mind, how could my friend do this to me? My best friend.
I stopped going to work, I was equally shut out from working in Jake’s company. That was the instructions given to the supervisor, the whole thing got me so sick and drained that I began to hear my thoughts loud and clear like they where real.

My fiancee left me for my best friend, how? How did I get here? I asked myself. Same question I keep asking myself each passing day, wasn’t I enough for this man? Why did he ditch me like that?

Jake’s family are quite famous and anything about them always make headlines on Tv. I was always updated about his life and his wedding each day, it bored me so much that is stopped watching TV.

Still I get updated on the news channel installed on my phone, I watched how they got interviewed on their love story of how they met.

I discovered that Jake was Clara’s old time school lover but they lost contact for so long. Their love rekindled when I introduced Clara to Jake after my engagement, how stupid I was I didn’t see the sign or even read the hand writing on the wall.
From how they reacted on seeing each other in the day of introduction and how they kept talking like I wasn’t there. I felt they were just being friendly, silly me. I never knew I just made things worse for myself.

Well I felt he wasn’t meant for me… I kept having that mindset, but sometimes so many things are meant for you but people derive joy in stealing them just to make you unhappy or bitter.

One morning I went on my kneels to pray, I couldn’t speak to anyone except God. I really didn’t understand what was going on in my life only him knew and only him could deliver me from the shackles of the wicked.

I prayed so hard that my sweat began to smell like vinegar, I prayed like never before. After praying for he whole day, I went to shower and clean up my apartment. I haven’t cleaned my apartment for a month, all I did was cry and hurt myself.

After much clean up, I sat to have some cereal. Then my phone rang, looking at the caller made my heart sank.

“Mum”, I muttered.

“My daughter”, she replied.

“Mum!”, I repeated in shock.

“Am so sorry for all I said and did to you while growing up, please forgive me”, she pleaded.

I couldn’t speak, I was quiet. Hot tears rolled own my eyes, I have always wanted to be close and loved by my mother.

“Please Gabby forgive me, I miss you so much”, she pleaded again.

“I miss you so much mum, have waited for so many years to get close to you. Have waited for so long to hear you say you miss me, have waited mum”, I cried out.

“Oh God!”, she exclaimed.

“Please forgive me “, she pleaded.

“I forgive you mum, I can’t hate you”, I replied.

“Thank you my child, please come back home please your younger sister misses you”, she requested.

“I will come home mum, I just have to heal and be strong”, I replied.

“You haven’t still forgiven me?”, she asked curiously.

“I have mum, it’s something else that happened I will be fine mum”, I replied while wiping away my tears.

“What’s wrong my child, tell me?”, she asked.

Her voice broke me to thousand pieces, how do I tell her that my chance of getting married was ruined by my best friend?

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Tishania Ginikachi

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Chinwendu marvelous
Chinwendu marvelous
3 months ago

This is sooo painful
Is well Gabby