My Eyes Episode 7 – Tishania Ginikachi


Episode 7

My Eyes

“No, no, no, NO. That’s a lie, I can never kill father. He died on his way back from our cotton farm, I can never kill him”, I replied.

“Oh you fool, you killed him. You predicted he was going to die on his way back from the farm, you only saw evil and never good…you saw things that destroyed people around the village. When your father died it way the height of it, they banished us from the village and never to return. So tell me what good use is your gift or whatever you call it?”, my mother spat.

“I think have over stayed my welcome in your home, I will head home myself pack all my belongings and leave. I can’t be safe with you, even the thoughts of you being mother scares me”, I replied quietly and jumped down from the car.

My mother looked at me with her eyes wide open, she has never seen me in such manner before. She could see how cold and battered my expressions where and that was the last time she saw or heard from me.

You maybe wondering how all these are even possible in my life story well when they began to unfold I never thought they where real, I always took it as a dream until I casted pit the beast from my sister that’s when I knew it was all real.

The fact that I was different got me upset, I wasn’t just a normal person but I was so different that I could see things even some spiritualist couldn’t see.

Like when I traveled to Uyo, after I moved out from my mother’s house. I had no where to go, so moved to another state to start afresh. I later found out that Clara my bestie was also based and work in Uyo, no wonder she has not been picking my calls well I was happy anyway.

She showed me around and helped me settle in, I got an apartment and I started working in a small firm that didn’t pay much for to while away time before I get a good paying job like that of Clara.

I worked in this form for some months, it wasn’t easy knowing the pay was quite small due to my degree. So many temptations came and I had to avoid them, my eyes always burn and each time it does I see so many evil things, the land of Uyo had its own flaw in as much as it had a good opportunities.

So many people practice different type of witchcraft and they deeply believe in their diabolic practice and gods. I sticker to what I knew the word of God, but that didn’t make me criticize their believe.

I tried so much not to help or see things, I avoided my powers so much that it began to torment me. It’s my power I have the right to use it and not to use it but the torture and torments became worse day after day.

Life was doing just fine in Uyo, but my powers wouldn’t let me enjoy it. I needed to confide in someone, I didn’t want to confide in anybody since I have a best friend like Clara.

She has no idea of my ability and I didn’t want to scare her, I continued my life till I came across Jake the young man I helped back in the hospital.

I met Jake again in my office, he came for a business meeting i never thought I would see him ever again after our last encounter.

He was also shocked in seeing me, we exchanged contacts and the rest became history. Jake and I began to see each other every single day, he either sends me flowers or chocolates.

He makes sure I never lack anything, days by day our love grew stronger and unbreakable. I introduced him to my best friend and she happy I found someone after a long time of being single so I thought.

Few months of dating Jake he made me the manager of his company, since Jake was from a wealthy family handled alot of fares for his family since his father was gradually aging.

Jake told his family about what I did for him at the hospital, His family was happy to know that I was one who helped their son, they thought they would loose them forever but God used me to help them.

Some days after Jake proposed to me I broke the good news to my best friend, I began to wish I and my mom was close like we use to be.
This is the time I needed her the most, to finally meet the man after my heart after a very long time of being single.

My best friend was so excited and we began to pick colours for my upcoming wedding. Few days after Jake proposed to me my eyes began to burn again, and this time it was worse.

I couldn’t bare it anymore or keep hiding it anymore I told my best friend about what’s going on. I wanted to confide in Jake about the constant pain I get from my gift but I didn’t want to bother him.

I confided in my best friend and she was shocked, she never gave me any word of advice as I expected.
Few days after I confided in Clara so many weird things began to happen.

Jake’s attitude began to change towards me, his family never wanted to see me again for some reasons. Jake stopped returning my calls or text messages, he never wanted to see me again.

I was devastated, so I called Clara on the phone to confide in her little did I know that I was digging my own grave with the help of Clara.

“Girl just leave him alone, that guy is not good for you. His a waste of time”, she said.

“Come on Clara don’t talk like that, I love this guy so much just like the very first day i saw him. I can’t imagine life without him”, I said over the phone.

“Just leave him abeg, am busy I have to go now “, she said after hanging up the call.

I was devastated, I never understood what was going on until I saw a post online that broke me into thousand pieces.

I saw Clara and my fiance Jake looking loved up in their pre-wedding photos, the date of their wedding was revealed and I couldn’t breath anymore I just fell on the ground.

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Tishania Ginikachi

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Chinwendu marvelous
Chinwendu marvelous
3 months ago

Chai yaa 😰😰
Clara why 😔😔