My Eyes Episode 3 – Tishania Ginikachi


Episode 3

I went to my room, I couldn’t sleep. My heart was pounding so heavily, I kept thinking about the weird voice talking inside my head.

“Could it be am crazy? Or am I day dreaming?”, I asked myself.

I kept tossing side to side, till I fell asleep. I woke up very early in the morning I rushed to my mother’s room but she was already gone, she didn’t even make breakfast for Mia before leaving.

I rushed to prepared Mia for school, and then dropped her off. I was scared if something had happened to my mother because she refused picking her calls even texts.

After much thoughts running through my head, I heard the door bell ring. I quickly hopped out of the sofa and headed straight to the door, I didn’t mind peeking though the peeping hole, I just opened the door.

I was starstruck when I saw how my mother was looking so dirty and tattered, I almost mistook her for a mad person. She some bruises and her clothes where torn exposing her bar and underwear.

She limped into the living room gradually while I still stood at the door watching her. Words couldn’t leave my mouth, I was still in shock, wondering what’s happening.

“Mom what happened?”, I asked while I slammed the door close.

She kept mute for some minutes before she calmly look at me and then spoke.

“Gabby, Gabby, Gabby”, she called out my name.

“Yes mom, what’s wrong?”, I asked again.

“You will not believe what happened to me, before I went to that company the taxi I enter wasted my time and ended up going there late. To my greatest surprise the call was a scam, I was a bait to be replaced for someone who stole the companies money some months ago”, my mother revealed while touching her bruises.

“What?”, I asked.

“Yes o, they beat me almost to death. I never knew what was happening till they told me it’s a trap and wanted to replace me with the person who stile the companies money. I cried for mercy, begged them to leave me alone but they refused.
If not for the help of the gateman who I was nice back then i was working with them i would have been a dead person”, my mother added while she screamed in pain.

“You see, i told you not to go there but you refused and now look at you. Look at how you look”, i said sadly.

“I should have listened to you, but how did you I will be a bait?”, she asked.

My mood changed and i refused to say anything “Gabby you can talk to me”, she said calmly.

My mother hasn’t spoken to me like this in very long time, I believe the beating she got for those people had humbled her.

“Well, since left that church I began to see things I shouldn’t see, now am hearing a voice of someone I can’t see giving directions and forecasting things that are about to happen”, I said.

Her expression didn’t change, it felt like she knew something like this happens to me.

“It feels like am crazy, everything that seems normal to me isn’t normal anymore. From the place I normally eat with my best friend down to the church and my home”, I added.

“Gabby, I don’t know what you have been seeing and hearing but I wish I had listen to you yesterday. I won’t be in this mess today”, she replied with a heavy sigh.

I knew she knows something about what am facing but I will find out one way or another. I quickly attended to her bruises, before Mia walked into living looking stressed from school runs.

“Huh! Mommy what happened to you?”, she asked sharply.

“My child just thank God for my life”, mother replied.

My eyes started burning, I knew my body has sensed a strange spirit. I turned to look at Mia my younger Sister, but shockingly Mia wasn’t looking like herself anymore. She was looking like drained beast, thirsty for blood, she was drooling while looking at the blood stains on my mother’s body.

My sister doesn’t look like this, she is one of the pure people i know.

“Mia, what happened to you?”, I asked.

“What do you mean?”, she replied with a question.

“Why do you look like a beast?”, I asked looking terrified.

My mother was confused, but her next answer shocked I and my mother.

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Tishania Ginikachi

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