My Eyes Episode 13 – Tishania Ginikachi


Episode 13

She later came back with the doctor, funny enough the landlady came in with the doctor.

“Oh my God she’s awake”, the landlady voiced out with joy.

“This is a miracle, how Is it even possible?”, the doctor asked curiously.

He quickly adjusted the pile connect from the machine to my chest, I began to breath fine and move my neck just fine.
I believed that was the reason why I couldn’t speak, The nurse was watching me with shock from the other corner of the room, it feels like she was scared to come close to me.

“Your here?”, I finally found my voice again.

“Yes, have been here for 10 months praying and taking care of you”, she replied stroking my hair backwards.

“What? Have been in coma for 10 months?”, I screamed, which made the doctor frightened.

“Calm down, you need to relax”, the doctor emphasized.

“Have been here for 10 months?”, I asked again.

“Yes, you where stabbed in a dangerous area, plus the the knife was poisoned”, the doctor pitched in.

“Doctor is she fine now?”, landlady asked.

“Yes she is, surprisingly she may be discharged soon”, he replied looking pleased with my improvement.

“I will like to take my leave now, if you need me for anything simply call my attention “, he added.

“Thank you doc”, landlady thanked.

I could see the happiness on her face, I could tell she had waited for me to be alright. I could tell she was worried.

“Thank you so much for being here for me, I could tell you where worries about me. But am fine now you don’t have to worry again”, I said trying to sit upright.

“Easy Gabby, baby steps”, she replied helping me to sit up straight.

“Yes your right I was worried about you, but I wasn’t the only one worried about you”, she added.

“What do you mean?”, she asked.

“Kelvin has been equally worried about you, he has been here much more than I have”, she revealed.

“Who is kelvin?”, I asked looking confused.

“My son, the one who was in Malawi handling business. He has been here every single day and night bringing you flowers and chocolates”, she replied with a smile.

Then it dawned on me that I haven’t pictured my environment properly. I looked around to see all the gigantic bundle of roses and pretty collection of chocolate around my room.

They made the room smell nice and fresh, I began to have flash backs of his voice and his presence. It felt I could hear his poetic speech over and over again, like he was close to me.

“How sweet he is, though I haven’t seen or met him but his really sweet for treating me well even if I wasn’t conscious”, I complimented with a bright smile.

“Oh my God, your smiling. This is really nice, haven’t seen you smile before”, she replied.

“My dear it suits you, you haven’t seen anything yet. Kelvin is one of my favorite son, he is sweet and caring just like his late father don’t worry you will smile more when you see him”, she added.

I blushed a little, putting my face down.

“But before that, I have a surprise for you”, she uttered.

“Surprise? Wait what really happened I can’t seem to remember everything that happened and how I got here?”, I asked curiously.

“Hmmm, I was on my way back from the airport to pick my son, he came back sooner than expected. Already they where more security on the compound and around that area, I really don’t know how the assassin bypassed all of them and got into your apartment”, she began.

“Huh!”, I exclaimed.

“My son kelivn was so eager to meet you after all the nice things I told him about you, The security never knew someone was in your apartment not until kelvin hot close to your apartment and noticed something off and voices coming out from your apartment at that time of the night. He decided to alert the security, they had to break into your apartment. Though it wasn’t easy getting the culprit but they did after a long struggle, all thanks to God who used my son to save your life”, the landlady revealed more.

I was shocked, how someone else could sense my death but I couldn’t. My powers failed me when I was about to kick the bucket.

“Oh my God”, I voiced out.

“We brought here to start receiving treatment, we thought you wouldn’t make it. Kelvin was worried-sick about you, he always came here to see you and read books and poems for you. I think it helped you recover quickly “, she added.

“Wow, I really need to thank kelivn, he has done a lot for me even if he doesn’t know me”, I replied.

“Save all that for him”, she said with a smile.

“Where Is the culprit now? I will need to speak with him”, I asked.

“No need for that, he confessed who sent him but that’s not what you need to know now”, she said.

“Huh! What do I need to know now?”, I asked.

Before I could finish my question my mother and little sister walked in with some gifts and flowers.
I was so shocked and happy at same time, my world just came alive seeing them.

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Tishania Ginikachi

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Chinwendu marvelous
Chinwendu marvelous
3 months ago

Awwwww 🥰🥰
Happy for you Gabby