MY BABY HUSBAND Episode 94 – Ayo Omolayo

MY BABY HUSBAND Episode 1 - Ayo Omolayo


Episode 94

By Ayo Omolayo

“Can you imagine? I wonder what the body of Christ is turning into!” I replied.

“It’s not their fault. Everything that went wrong in the body of Christ today is a product of the careless actions of believers. The bible made us to understand that while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat. That’s what happens when we believers become careless and sleep off when we’re supposed to be in duty”.

“Hmmm! Christians are nothing but soldiers on duty post”.

“Exactly! And any failure on your part to guard and perform their duties properly is an advantage to the kingdom of darkness. The bible says that as believers we should watch and pray so that we don’t fall into temptation. But not just that we do not fall into temptation. Look at what Jesus said in the book of Luke chapter Luke 22:31”.

There was a bible on our dinning table. Anyway, there was always a Bible at every corner of the house. Because that our house na military barack. Rhema dey hit us at anytime of the day. So we kept bibles everywhere incase of emergency. We were all used to such experiences.

My kids who were at the dining table, were already paying attention to the word coming out of my Apostle Paul’s mouth. Rhema na our second food for that house.

“And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat:

Verse 22:32. But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren”, I read.

“Can you notice something. Satan was after Peter, but Jesus was telling Peter that after you has recovered from the fall, strengthen your brethren. That was the remaining disciples he was referring to. I was shocked to the bones by the statement Jesus made here. What exactly was the King of kings saying?

Coming after Peter, was as good as coming after all the disciples. Strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered. So, Peter was like a covering to all the 12 Apostles. If he goes down, all the others go along with him. When Peter stands us and say, ‘Brethren, I go a fishing. 6 out of the remaining 11 disciples will say, ‘We’re going with you sir’. When seven out of eleven disciples went back to fishing, who has the highest number gone?”

“The Devil!” I answered.

“So can you see for yourself? That church had a watchman. That church had an Intercessor whom God had placed in that place to stand in the gap a prevent things from becoming that bad. But they failed to take that assignment seriously.

The spiritual watchman, not just the leaders but the Intercessors failed to defend that Spiritual territory and darkness took over the land. That’s why till tomorrow Jesus will keep folding his hands.

Recently, there was something I discovered in the bible”.

“And what is that?” I asked.

“The bible says, arise oh Lord and let thine enemies be scattered. I was like, was God sleeping? Then it dawned on me that Jesus was asleep on a pillow while the storm was going on in the sea. And while men were busy using their calculative brain to solve the equation. Jesus was like, ‘When you’re done using your brain, come and call me’.

So the storm was destroying the boat, turning things upside down. Men were busy throwing things away. In order to keep the ship light. Throwing some of the cargoes out into the sea to lighten the boat. And Jesus was like, ‘Ah! Instead of this people to call me, look at the loss they have to suffer!’

They’re loosing souls to the devil. They’re loosing holiness in the congregation. They’re trying their best to keep the church, when all they could just do was to tap me and call me to put an end to the raging storm.

So as long as we don’t border God with our problems, he becomes inactive and makes use of his Spiritual pillow. That’s why the bible says, let God arise and his enemies be scattered. God had been sleeping if you ask me. It is when he arises that his enemies, the storms of life get scattered.

That’s how it operates. The Intercessors must take interceeding for the land seriously. Interceeding for the spiritual leaders is a must. Stop complaining about the proud attitude of Christian leaders and start praying those stubborn attitude to get out of their lives. Believe me when I say this. Every failure on our part as Christians, is an advantage for the he kingdom of darkness to take over and oppress the land, the family or the church of God.

When you don’t pray for your family, Satan will be opressing your mother with sickness and you’ll be so blind to know. It’s medicine you’ll be running Helter skelter to go and buy.

You won’t understand that through your prayerlessness or your unseriousness with building your prayer life, you had sent God to sleep. And awakened demonic activities in your life and family. So in no time, this one is sick. The other one is has an accident. The other one that got married is filing for a divorce. And you’ll not understand what is happening in the realm of the spirit. Demons have taken over the land, the family and the church of God. But you’ll be busy complaining why did God allow the devil to do such a thing?

God will be like, ‘Me? What did I do? Sheybi I said men ought always to pray and you said men ought always to sleep. Sheybi I said pray that you enter not into temptation. But you said, sleep so that you can enter into temptation and fall very well. How is this any of my fault?’

Who allowed the devil to mess things up? Was it God or you?”

“You!” Juliet answered.

We both turned to her and smiled.

“Daddy can I say something!” She said raising up her hand.

“Go ahead darling!” My Charming said.

“Daddy! There was this friend of mine who always bullied me in class. He made me feel like a piece of trash. He was so strong. He could search my bag and take all my pocket money, warning me that I would be dead if I dared report him. I had to suffer in silence.

But one day, I one on my bed crying when the Holy Spirit starting engaging me in a conversation. He said that there’s a particular song we sang in children church that he wants me to sing.

I was like, what song? Then the lyrics came to my head and I started singing.

What a friend we have in Jesus!
All our sins and griefs to bear
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayers

Oh! What peace we often forfeit
Oh! What needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer”.

We were both wowed by the revelation in that song, but my angel was done done. Truth be told, she had contacted the same spirit in the life of her parents.

“The Holy Spirit made me realize that I was only being oppressed because I do not tell Jesus all my problems. I try to solve some of them on my own. While the ones that were too tough, I took to him in prayers. He said he’s not happy with the way I don’t tell him everything. He said I should talk to him about all the things troubling me. That was the first time I spent one hour praying.

I was just telling God all the things going on in my life that I don’t want to continue. My request list was full and I was telling the Holy Spirit that my request was too much.

Do you know what he told me?”

“No!” We both chorused.

“He said he was still waiting for more. I was so shocked. I was like, so you never get tired of our talking? He told me he enjoyed every moment we spend with him. I asked him what if I stayed here with him for the whole day? He said he was fine with that. He went further to tell me about Moses who stayed with him on the mountain for 40 days.

I was wowed! Where can we find that in the bible?” She asked.

I looked at my husband and he looked at me with the same expression on my face.

“Julie angel, please wait! Let me get this straight. You mean you never knew about Moses on the mountain for 40 days?” My Charming asked.

“Yes! I almost doubted it. But since it was not the first time I was gisting with divinity, so I believed it. I planned to ask you guys to show me where it is in the bible but it slipped my mind”, she answered.

“Wait! What were you gisting with?” I asked.

“Divinity! I mean the supreme being! That’s God!” She answered.

My Charming and I gave each other and a shocking glance.

“What?” Juliet asked.

“Nothing! Just that I thought you didn’t know the meaning of what you were saying”, I replied smiling.

“Come on Mum! You say that almost every time in TV. Propensity, divinity, Menurah, Holies of holies, Proponents of immortality, Spiritual genetic mutation, Spiritual Navigation…..”

“Hold it please!”

“Mummy, I want to go on”, she teased.

“Please ooo! Don’t finish us abeg!” I say admist laughter.

“But mummy can I ask a question?”

“Go ahead!”

“Does God really sleep? Like when Daddy said that God should arise and let his enemies be scattered. Does that mean God slept?”

Kunle answered.

“God never slept. It was our prayerless that made it look like he was sleeping. The word arise is used to call your attention to the fact that God was not supposed to be inactive. We had made him sit down to watch, while we go about solving our problems with human calculations.

There was something Mummy said that I would never forget. Whenever something is wrong, never asked God where are you. God never fails man, it is man that failed God”.

I looked at my 7 year old son, awestruck.

“Kunle, did that just came of your mouth? You’re talking like an adult”, I said.

“Mummy! We may look like children physically, but spiritually, we’re grown ups”, Juliet answered.

“Mummy doesn’t know we have caught fire!” Kunle replied.

My husband and I raised an eyebrow at that statement.

“Last night I was in a meeting with some angels and they were telling me the reason why my classmates do not love Jesus. They said that the god of this world has blinded their eyes. They told me to pray for them for the next 7 days. They said if I can do that, revival will break in my classroom. Mummy what is revival?”

I didn’t know what to say. I looked at my husband who was grinning at me.

“Daddy! They’re just kids please!” I said within me.

“MYSTERIOUS KIDS! FROM A MYSTERIOUS MOTHER”, He replied and started laughing within me.

“This is not something to laugh about. They’re speaking mysteries”, I replied.


“Revival is the reawakening of the consciousness of God in a generation. It means bringing God back to the scene”.

“Mummy what is scene? Juliet asked.

“Do you mean commiting sin?” Samuel asked.

“And what’s the meaning of consciousness?”

Silas quickly came to my rescue.

“It means, making people to come back to God. It means bringing people back to God when they have forgotten about him and live in sin”, he answered.

“Daddy you need to be helping me na. This is Spiritual vocabulary is too big for my kids”.


“You should have warned me na”.


“Hmmmmm! Spiritual dictionary for better understanding of the word of God”, I replied smiling.


I grinned.

To be continued……

Cris don turn to spiritual giant ooo. Spiritual dictionary! It is as if I have not started

Cris come and disciple bro Ayo ooooo!

The bus is almost filled up ooo.
I don’t know what some of you are still doing at home. I have been begging the driver to wait for my friends.

Please hurry up we would soon be leaving for the conference.

Tomorrow is day one.

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