MY BABY HUSBAND Episode 93 – Ayo Omolayo

MY BABY HUSBAND Episode 1 - Ayo Omolayo


Episode 93

By Ayo Omolayo

“So after the wedding, I started school a few months later. Barrister Obi and his wife volunteered to sponsor my education. My wife wanted to sponsor my education. My wife’s uncle wanted to sponsor my education and a particular company my wife was into business with, gave me scholarship.

Infact, I was so blessed. When the bible says he that findeth a wife finds a good thing and obtaineth favour from the Lord. That scripture became real to me. All around were open doors. Everyone were so interested in my story. How the CEO of Kolapo production company decided to become the wife of her company gateman.

It was an intriguing experience for me. I studied what had always been my passion, medicine and today, I’m happy to announce to you all that I am a medical doctor”, he said smiling.

The crowd applauded and cheered.

I was just smiling from where I sat. My ten year old Juliet sitting beside me and my 7 year old Kunle. I guess you have an idea of how we got the names of our kids. I named my first child after my mentor. She really deserved it to be honest. Anyway, we also have our 4 year old Samuel. God blessed our union with 3 adorable children.

“Today is our 10th year marriage anniversary. Brethren! The once despised gateman is now a PhD holder”, he announced.

The crowd cheered and applauds rent the air.

“This is the story of how God can humble a man. This is a testimony of how God can make a man from nothing to become something. I have never seen a lady as humble as my wife. I have never seen a wife so devoted to God and her family. She put her flesh to death and lived a life that inspires me to hunger for more of God.

I never knew God could be this loving to me, in giving this package of blessing called Christiana. Please can everyone join me and celebrate her as she joins me here on the stage”,

I stood up all smiles as squeals and applauds rent the air. My little group of single sisters had turned into a large congregation of both single and married women. Even men were now in attendance. I made sure I never turned the gathering to a church. God never told me to open a church. He only told me to feed my generation with his word.

I walked up to meet my husband on the stage and lowered my knees slightly in greeting. He pulled me close and hugged me. The crowd cheered loudly.

He handed me the mic and stepped back.

Smiling, I faced the congregation and beckoned for silence.

“You guys were clapping for the wrong person. If there’s anyone that worths applauds, that’s the Lord Jesus. So please! Point of correction, that applaud was not meant for me. That was meant for the one who picked up this stubborn girl and made her the most humble wife on earth. So can we celebrate that personality? That Lord over principalities and powers! The one who sits in heaven as a throne and makes the earth his footstool! The one who was, who is and is to come! The one that turns a shepherd boy into the king of Israel! The one who turns a stammerer into the greatest Prophet the world has ever seen! Children of God! Celebrate Jesus!”

Musical instruments and shouts filled the hall.

“Sometimes I keep asking myself. What would make a CEO marry her gateman? Sounds humourous! The world would hear it and think I’m crazy! That’s true isn’t it?

But the peace! The love! The joy I always dreamed about in marriage! Far beyond my expectations! Beyond human comprehension! I smile like a fool everyday. Indeed, when the bible says God has chosen the foolish things of this world to make the wise man more confused, that scripture became real to me. I looked like a fool for marrying my husband. But I would have been the biggest fool if I had not married him.

I enjoy everyday of my life. It’s as if I’m living in heaven. God has been so wonderful. There was something God taught me recently.

There’s a common saying that the truth is bitter, am I correct?”

“Yes”, they all chorused.

“If the truth is bitter, then lies is sweet, am I correct?”

“Yes!” They chorused in unison.

“This is how it all happens. When you’re sick, you need medicine to get healed, but sometimes as a kid, I preferred a bottle of fanta than medicine.

That’s how the realm of the spirit operates. Those things that you really need to help you become what you ought to become, do not look palatable and attractive to your eyes.

It’s like junk food. They look as attractive and tastes super delicious, but are very useless to the body system. That’s how the things Satan has to offer look so beautiful and harmless.

A lot of Christians struggle with one thing. That is what I call trusting God. They struggle with it so much. They want to see the end first. They want to see the cars and the money now. They want to see the wealth and the handsomeness first.

They always want to see before they can believe. So when God points the man he has prepared for them they snap their fingers and reject him. They don’t know that the slave in the house of Portiphar today, can become the governor of Egypt tomorrow.

God does not owe you an explanation. If you cannot trust him, then you’ll make mistakes. A lot of ladies have missed it maritally because they concluded on that brother based on the cash he has in his account. This one is poor and this one is rich. Let me go for the rich dude. It’s time we throw our human calculations aside and follow Jesus’ leading.

My mentor once told me that a wise man cannot serve God. I was like, what kind of mystery is this?

A wise man cannot serve God. Only fools can serve him. If you’re not ready to be called a fool by the people of this world because of Jesus in you, you will compromise. The world must call you a fool! Mumu! Idiot! Useless brain! Can’t you use your brain?

The world must bring your life into their archives of worldly wisdom and check if it corresponds with what they see as wisdom. If it doesn’t match, they hiss and call you a fool. A wise man cannot follow Jesus. Because God will tell you to greet that small girl that insulted you yesterday. Say hi or how are you, to that lady that persecutes you.

And when the people of the world meet you greeting the lady that insulted you in the presence of everyone yesterday. They’ll hiss and say that you don’t have brain.

You want to follow God and you’re afraid of what people will say, you’re not serious. Yiu must be ready to recieve insults. Jesus cast out demons of our a people and they said he was using demonic power. They said he was casting out demons through Beelzebub the prince of demons. If they could treat the master himself that way, is it you that is just a follower that would not receive the same treatment?

People will not follow you to live with your husband. People will not be there to cook for your husband. They will only be hauling insults from a distance. You’re the one that heard from God. Follow him like a fool. You will never regret it”.

The crowd applauded.

“Let me tell you something. If I was reborn again to this earth, which is not possible. But if I come back to this world 20 times. Is Oga Silas I will still marry ooo!”

Everyone burst into laughter and applauded.

Our thanksgiving was completely awesome. My husband, my kids and I all took pictures together.

We were all in the car and ready to leave when a man approached us.

“Mrs Akande, can I please have a word with you?” He requested.

I turned to my husband and he gave me an approving nod. If he didn’t I wouldn’t give this guy face.

I stepped out of the car and bent my knees slightly in greeting.

“Good afternoon ma!” He greeted.

“Good afternoon sir! Please how may I be of help?”

“Please don’t be offended. There’s a conference coming up on the 18th of next month”.



“Wow!” I exclaimed, trilled by the title.

“So please, we would really love you to be speaking on the topic during the conference”.

“How many days would the conference last?”

“4 days!”

“4 days?” I said in surprise.

“Yes ma!”

“That’s too much oooo! I don’t know if I’ll be attending first because I need the approval of two people. First my Dad and that of my husband”.

“CRIS, YOU’LL BE THERE!” The voice came interrupting me.

“Please ma! We have prayed about it and God has given us the go ahead. Please we are really looking forward to being fed by the bread of life God has placed in your care”, he said.

“Okay! I’ll be there! But I’ll have to discuss with my husband first. Expect my call today”.

“Thank you so much!”

“Don’t mention! We thank God always”.

“Yes ma!”

I turned to leave but paused when he called me.

So how much do you charge for ministration?” He asked.

I turned and gave him a sharp look.

“I don’t understand!”

“I mean, how much are we going to pay you for ministering at the conference?”

“Do you pay ministers for ministering at your church?” I asked.

“Most of the ministers I invite, always ask for money before they minister. That’s why I decided to pray to God before knowing who to invite next. Maybe this one won’t be charging too much. The last one we invited was so demanding. So I prayed to God to lead me to a minister who would only charge me little”.

I shook my head, unable to lash at him anymore. I knew he wasn’t spiritually grounded himself. He was able to discern that he should have fled from such ministers.

I looked at him and realized God was really at work here by leading him to me. Because, even as a spiritual leader of that congregation, he was still a baby.

“It’s alright sir! I’ll call you later. But for your information, I don’t charge for ministration. No minister is supposed to demand money from you before coming to minister. Give the minister of God according to what God has laid in your heart to give or according to your financial ability.

Please, anyone who demands payment before service should be avoided. The bible says freely you have received, freely give. You’re free to give to God’s servants, but according to what God lays in your heart, not according to the amount the minister requested for or asked you to pay him for ministering.

Do you understand that?” I asked.

“Yes ma!” He said.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be here on the 18th of this month. We’ll do alot of learning. I’ll give you a call today. Good bye sir”

To be continued………

Congratulations to the latest couple in town once again. Ten years of heaven on earth marital bliss. Hulala?

Silas is now a PhD holder ooo. A medical doctor. If you’re not feeling fine, Silas is available to shuk you injection.

God does not owe you an explanation. If you cannot trust him, then you’ll make mistakes.
A lot of Christians struggle with one thing. That is what I call trusting God. They struggle with it so much. They want to see the end first.

Do you trust God completely, or you’re keeping your options open for the next opportunity Satan presents as a shortcut to that thing you’ve been expecting?

Anyway, Cris is coming to invade that church ooo.

How many of you would really love to learn about spiritual growth, from infant to adulthood.

It’s going to be an awesome class.

Hope you will be attending??

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