MY BABY HUSBAND Episode 92 – Ayo Omolayo

MY BABY HUSBAND Episode 1 - Ayo Omolayo


Episode 92

By Ayo Omolayo

I closed my bible and stretched my arms. A smile appeared on my face. I went down on my knees and began to worship God in songs. This is the day that the lord has made. Thank God for the journey so far.

I don’t need to start explaining to you what that means. I’m so super excited. God has been so faithful. It’s not been an easy journey. I was just so excited. I had been receiving series of calls and text messages from a lot of people around the country. Soon, I was just staring at my ringing phone.

I was just worshipping God when I saw a phone call I could not ignore. I would love you to guess who it was, but you’ll guess wrong.

I picked up the phone and swiped the green bar.


“It’s your wedding day!” She replied cheerfully.

“Thank you so much! I feel like today should never end”.

“You’re not serious! Today is just starting and you’re there saying it should not end. You’re not serious. Today must end oo! Because I also have a goodnews to share with you”.

“Wow! That’s wonderful! Please give it to me”, I said curiously.

“Try and guess first”.

“Abeg talk na!”

“Okay! I’m pregnant”, she announced.

I guess you now have an idea of who I’m talking to. I squealed in excitement and leapt for joy.

“Congratulations!” I said.

“Thank you! Congratulations too! I’m so happy for us”.

“Yeah! Me too! I’m so happy too! At last, we would be having the first baby of the family. This is wonderful!” I said smiling.

This was a confirmation of what mummy Silas told me the day we went to visit her and her family. She told me Sharon would get pregnant. So she really meant what she said? It’s not that I didn’t believe ooo, it’s just that I wasn’t expecting it so soon.

This is awesome! God is so wonderful. I felt like breaking the news to her, but felt restrained in my spirit.


I smiled and nodded.

“Cris! After today, you’ll no longer be known as Miss Kolapo. You’ll become Mrs Silas Akande. Such a wonderful name!”

“Sharon! I’m really bordered about something right now”.

“What is that?”

“I was really wondering how you got to get uncle to approve your marriage? It is still a shock to me. Mine was completely different. He was really set out to stop me and he meant it. But yours was entirely different. He just approved your marriage in a single day. How did you do it?”

She giggled on the phone, but I was putting on a serious face at my end.

“All I did was to ask God for wisdom. That was the strategy I applied. And luckily for me, or should I say, God arranged everything. I was already praying for days before I presented my request to him.

That was the period uncle fell sick and was almost dying. He could not move for days. Everything he needed to do, he needs someone to do it for him. I quickly took the opportunity and became a housemaid in his house. I helped him with the food. Fed him in the mouth and preached to him several times.

Why he no go gree approve my wedding? He want make he conscience kill am?”

I burst into laughter on the phone.

“He recovered in no time and my services were no longer needed in his house. A week later, I was back with my man. He cannot misbehave na. That was how I handled him ooo”.

“This is awesome!” I replied smiling.

“I can’t remember hearing the news that uncle was sick ooo!”

“Big sis, you know yourself back then na! It’s not now that God turned you into a completely different person. Back then, the Olamide we know? She doesn’t need to hear about it at all. Uncle was dead person to you. He was a the one that usually calls you and you guys would haul insults at each other Ehn, no be here.

Sometimes, I wondered if you were really born again. You were carrying Jesus inside of you, but the light of Christ was not seen outside you. You still went out with the old gang and did all the old stuffs. You still treated uncle like a piece of trash and had no iota of respect for him.

How would you know that uncle fell sick when you never saw him as a person? He was always trash to you. I was so glad God transformed you. It’s a wonderful transformation big sis. One I’m so proud of”.

I smiled and shook my head.

“He’s such a wonderful potter. He really worked so hard on me. It wasn’t easy for him. I was a very stubborn clay. Melting me sef was a problem. Just to melt me was enough sweat. Then moulding me was a huge struggle. I was not yielding at all. There was a time I saw myself fighting with a potter in the dream. Can you imagine?”


“It was such a shocking experience! I dragged the potter out of that seat and sat down to mould the vessel all by myself”.

“My Jesus!”

“You can imagine that audacity! That was enough to finish me, right? But how he spared me is still a mystery. This is beyond love. It’s more than love. It’s! It’s! I don’t even have the right word to describe it”.

“Excess love!”

“Excess love is an understatement. Maybe the dictionary is yet to produce a word that fits my expression. That’s the conclusion of the whole matter”.

“That’s it ooo”, she replied and chuckled.

“Sharon! I have to go now. My charming is calling my second phone”.

“Please go ooo! Today na two of you! I don’t want you to enter trouble. And I don’t want to enter trouble as well! Why did I steal the bride? I no dey ooo!”

I burst into laughter and hung up.

I reached for my second phone and swiped the green bar smiling to myself.

“Hello Charming!”

“Hi pretty Christy!”

“Today is our day oooo!”

“I can’t wait! I just received a call from mummy Susan! She’s here already”,


“She arrived last night. She’s here to celebrate with us. I must confess, I’m the most luckiest man on earth. To finally scale through all the hurdles that faced us from the beginning of this journey.

Satan shot so many arrows at us. He tried so hard to stop us, put God saw us through. God was so faithful. He never delivered us into hands of our enemies. He protected us from the arrows that came for us. This journey has been awesome. I’m so grateful to God for all the things he had taught us. Mostly the spiritual navigation. It really made me realize that all hope is never lost in God.

When man sinned in the garden of Eden, immediately, God switched to plan B. This God is too good”.

“Charming! You can say that over and over again. I’m just smiling sheepishly over here. I never knew I was in a wrong relationship. Chris was only exploiting me and I was too stupid to know. God in his mercy, came to rescue me through my mentor, but I was proving stubborn.

My mentor was so unrelenting. She never wanted to give up on me. She was such a great intercessor. She prayed me out that deceptive relationship and prayed me into God’s will for my life. I don’t know how to thank her enough. She was such a blessing to me”, I said admist tears.

“Christy, this a day of joy, not for tears. So wipe those tears away”.

“Okay Charming!” I replied smiling and used the back of my hands to wipe my tears.

“My Pretty Christy! The angel that was worth waiting for. I remembered when I was 17 and I was telling God one day when I woke up that I wanted to marry the most beautiful girl in the world”.

I started laughing.

“You’re such an answer to my prayers. Your beauty is so enchanting. It would be foolishness to resist your spells. When you smile, the baby in my womb leaps for joy”.

I burst into uncontrollable laughter.

“Charming! Which one is baby in your womb? Are you pregnant?”

“I am pregnant with love. Just a smile on your face, makes my love to leap within me”.

“I love you Charming! I love you so much! Everyday, I keep telling God to break me very well. Make me the most submissive wife on earth. I want to submit myself to you with everything in me. I want to spend the rest of my life loving you. You made my life and my world heaven on earth”.

Soon, the door opened and Maggie with my bridal train entered.

“She’s on a call with her Charming. You guys should get ready to wait for at least one hour”, Maggie announced.

They all started giggling.

“Maggie! Stop looking for my trouble ooo!” I said holding the phone away.

“Christy! Call me 15 sweet pet names right now!” Silas requested.

“Ha! How will that be possible?” I asked with shock written on my face.

“With God all things are possible”.

“I’m not looking for trouble. Both of them can call themselves all the romantic pet names in the world”, Maggie replied.

“My Charming charmer. The spell that turns my head upside down. My healing balm. The criminal that stole my heart. The one who locked me up in the prison of love and sentenced me to life imprisonment. My Apostle Paul. My second mentor. My one and only among many. The Silas that silenced all liars. The love of my life. The CEO of my heart. The man that holds2 the keys to my heart. My gateman without controversy. The man that is more than ten sons to me. The man the makes the world think I’m crazy. The enchanter of my heart. My Silala Silas!”

“Christy! It’s sixteen ooo! It has do! My legs are shaking over here!”

I burst into laughter.

“See what I said”, Maggie announced.

The girls roared in laughter. I can’t believe Maggie predicted me and that was exactly what happened.

The day was entirely awesome. Smiles hugs, pictures and everything.

My uncle hugged me and whispered.

“I’m so glad I had you as a daughter” he said and took my hand as we walked down the Isle.

My Charming was waiting at the altar, with his best man Prince Emmanuel. I was thinking it would be a brother called bro Ayo that would be his best man.

Harmony was my chief bride’s maid. She held the train of my gown and followed behind me.

We stood before the altar and said our vows. Pastor Kunle smiled and took our right hands. He fixed our fingers into each other and raised our hands in the air.

“I hereby pronounce you both, husband and wife”.

The crowd screamed in excitement. Applauds rent the air. Keren Kinkin and her musical team began to sing. My mentor and her husband, Mummy Susan and her husband, George Oluwagbade. Came to congratulate me.

We all took pictures together and prayers were made for the latest couple. Silas’ parents prayed for me with all their hearts.

A lot of people, both the ones I know and the ones I don’t know came to celebrate with me. I made sure the gifts and food got to everyone as that was assigned to one of my friends, Miss Grace. She did a perfect job beyond my expectation because of the crowd.

Reception was awesome. I never knew my Charming was such a good dancer, but trust me. It’s always ladies first. He tried, but I made sure the award went to me. How I go lose dancing competition na? E no possible!

Barrister Obi and his son, Doctor Francis were present. Even someone I never expected to see, Harry. He came and wished me well.

Gifts poured like water. Cars, items, cash and lots more. Mummy Susan and her husband prayed for us before we finally left to begin our honeymoon in Dubai.

To be continued…….

Happy married life to the latest couple in town.

Miss Grace Princess Olazzy! Please ensure the food gets to everyone ooo. This one that you’re saying those who did not participate in the quiz will not eat rice.

God is faithful. At last, they’re in their way to Dubai for the Honeymoon.

Please go ahead wish the couple well.

By the way, Silala Silas said he’s pregnant. Wish him happy delivery. ?????

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