MY BABY HUSBAND Episode 43 – Ayo Omolayo

MY BABY HUSBAND Episode 1 - Ayo Omolayo


Episode 43

By Ayo Omolayo

“On your mark, set, go!” I shouted.

We all took off. Tina, Joseph and I ran. I had invited my mentor and her kids for a hang out. We were all at the playground in my estate having a picnic under the trees.

We had eaten and chatted for a while, when Joseph suggested a race. It was just between him and Tina, but I decided to participate.

“Aunty Rhema! You can’t run!” He said and they all laughed at me.

I worked out twice in a week when I wasn’t born again. I hardly had time to work out these days. I read in my Bible that bodily exercise had little profit. Although there’s nothing bad with exercise, but I had not given it much attention like I did before.

They didn’t know I was capable. I’m going to shock them today.

I took off my slippers and went on the grass bare footed. Soon we were all set to run. My mentor kept laughing uncontrollably and that was why she couldn’t call the numbers. I had to do it myself.

We ran as fast as we could. Joseph and I left Tina way behind. I got to admit, the teenager was pretty strong, but my training had given me an advantage over him. Putting a little more of my strength into the race, I was a step ahead of him.

Soon I was giving him a little gap. By the time the race was over, I was declared the winner.

Tina took my victory so personal. It was as though she was the winner. She kept declaring that the girls were the winners.

“You guys keep saying boys are better than girls. Look! A girl beat you in a race”, she said.

“It’s not a boys versus girls competition. It’s just a race”, Joseph tried to tell his sister, but she wasn’t buying it.

“You boys lost the competition. Ladies are always capable of anything. You think we are limited but we’re not. We are so capable and full of surprises!” she argued.

“Calm down!” I said catching my breath.

“Cris is seriously a strong woman”, my mentor said.

“Yes ooo! I want to be like her!” Tina said.

“Don’t say that ooo! Can you work out every week?” I asked.

She looked at me with those huge eye balls that showed she was surprised.

“My days of consistently working on my body is what paid me off today. These exercises build strength and stamina. That’s what made my performance today wonderful. You can’t compare someone who gave his body attention to someone who slept throughout the week or sat down to watch television”.

Everyone laughed.

“But I really can’t remember the last time I watched television ooo!”

I looked at him with shock written on my face.

“You must be joking!”

“No I’m serious! I haven’t sat down on front of a TV for months now”.

“Wow! That’s unbelievable! What do you do with most of your time?” I asked.

He exhaled and let out a smile.

“Na prayers we dey chop ooo. Prayers and the word of God. I mum sat us down and told us about her secondary school days. I want mine to be the same”.

I turned to take a glance at my mentor. She smiled and looked away. We both understood what that meant. She had stories to tell me by the time we were through with the kids.

We were still discussing when the gate of my estate opened and three cars drove in. I had completely forgotten my appointment with Harmony and Cynthia.

After that day in my office, we decided to meet everyday for bible study and prayers. It was a special time for us. We talked about our spiritual lives and the progress we had made so far. We counseled and prayed together.

This had continued for two weeks. Soon, we became five in number. Harmony suggested we come to my place during the weekend for a Bible study and I agreed. That’s why they’re here right now. I forgot all about it and now, it’s clashing with my get together with my mentor.

But wait a second, I invited Harmony and Cynthia. Why were there 3 cars?

Harmony, Cynthia and two other girls came out of one of the cars. All the people who came out of the remaining cars were complete strangers. Now we had twelve persons attending bible study. I had to pull Harmony aside and ask how where the extra persons came from.

“I’m sorry ma! I just couldn’t eat this bread alone. I had to invite them. I’m not a stringy person by nature. I always love sharing what I have with others I see passing through the same challenge. I’m sorry I just couldn’t keep quiet. I told them about Aunty Rhema and all God had been teaching me through her. They were so amazed by the revelations I shared with them, I mean the ones you taught us and decided to come with me.

Please, we are all here to eat of the bread God has placed in your hands for this generation. Don’t send us away because we’re much in number. Give us the bread. You cannot have it and chose to watch all these ladies starve”.

Why was Harmony always calling this stuff the bread? If she had a clue to my dreams, she wouldn’t continue using that word. It was as if she was there in my dreams. She kept saying almost everything that was spoken in that dream. Was this intentional or was daddy pressing buttons somewhere?

I was thinking about what to do with the crowd, when a scripture dropped in my spirit.

John 6:37. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.

I understood the message clearly and smiled.

My mentor called my attention as the girls joined us on the blanket we had spread on the grass. I had signalled Evelyn to get us more blankets.

“Cris! You told me it was only five of your staffs at your place of work. Where did the crowd spring out from?” She asked.

“I’m amazed myself. They were all invited”, I answered.

“Wow! My baby girl don turn Lady Apostle ooo! So you’re going to teach all these people the word of God, right?”

“Actually ma, I was thinking as you are here and as a reputable woman of God……”

“Hold it!” She interrupted.

“Don’t even go there!” She said and turned to take her leave.

“You are going to feed that crowd and nothing would change that”, she said and left.

I exhaled and smiled to myself.

“It’s up to you Dad! The hour has come!” I said within me.

“GO AND FEED THOSE HUNGRY SOULS!” Came the gentle whisper.

I smiled and called their attention. I started with an opening prayer and began to speak to them.

It was an awesome time in God’s presence. The meeting was so powerful. I didn’t know where those words I spoke sprang up from.

In the evening when everyone had left, my mentor called me and told me to sit down.

“Cris! I’m amazed by everything I saw. I can’t believe my baby girl had grown so fast”.

“Na chop chop dey make pikin dey grow na!” I said in laughter.

“That’s wonderful! Anyway, I have something in mind and I’ve been praying to God on how it should be carried out. God laid something in my heart, but I’ve not been able to carry it out effectively because of the lack of capable hands helping me”.

With the kind of expression on her face, I was curious to get to the end of it. What was she saying? In what way can I be of help to my mentor?

“Cris! I have been planning a singles meeting. A meeting meant for only sisters. I have been asking God for someone to help me look after these single sisters. My schedule has been so full. My itinerary is well loaded. I won’t have time to take care of these young ones.

I have been asking God to help me carry out this assignment. And I sought his face prayerfully. My heart grieves alot whenever I counsel young people who are struggling with the wrong relationship. Alot of future mothers without a praying altar. A lot of young ladies who don’t know what is quiet time. They don’t know how to seek God’s face in choosing a life partner.

Many young people in the body of Christ are not taught the principles of the kingdom. No quiet time, no personal bible study, no fervent and consistent relationship with God. Tomorrow, this prayerless Christian girl or this girl struggling with her prayer life will become a mother of 2 kids. And through her prayerlessness, Satan will hijack their destinies. Turn one of her children into a masturbator and turn the other to a hypocritical Christian.

All these sisters asking God for martial settlement without Spiritual settlement. Sisters who want a godly home, but don’t have a prayer altar. That’s why alot of Christian families produce godless children today.

I want the next generation to be taught. I want them to be introduced into the principles of the kingdom. The ignorance of Christian ladies in this generation is too much. We cannot allow Satan to continue taking advantage of this ignorance in the body of Christ.

Many of them are just confused. Some don’t know their calling or destiny and they’re about to get married. So many things that the body of Christ need to know concerning destiny and marriage. So many things to teach them,

Cris, all I could do is to prepare for the chosen one. God had told me that he only placed the burden in my heart so I could prayerfully pave the way for the person with that assignment.

Recently, he told me he was going to show me who he has chosen for this special assignment. The moment I heard you preaching, he gave me the signal”.

She placed her hand on my shoulder. I looked sternly into her eyes.

She smiled and gave a nod.

“You’re the one he has chosen for this task”.

I looked at her and chuckled.

“Mummy, don’t be carried away by all these Aunty Rhema stuff. I’m not qualified for anything”, I said.

“If Moses was qualified for the work even as a stammerer, then who are you?”

“Mummy! It’s not qualification I’m talking about. I’m talking about all the mess I’ve made with my life. I mean, I’ve done so many horrible things. My life was such a mess!”

“Yes, because it’s your mess that helps you counsel the next age to come. That’s why we call it message. You cannot have a message for the next age, if your life was not once upon a time, a mess. Every great man today once suffered and struggled in this life. It was from their mess that we get a message”.

I looked at my mentor with shock written on my face.

“I have arranged everything. Our first meeting would hold on the 15th of next month. That’s two weeks from now and, you’re going to minister at the meeting.

I couldn’t close my mouth anymore.

“Mummy! You’re rushing me ooooo. Please stop all these! I don’t think I’m ready to anchor all these responsibilities you are pushing towards me”.

She smiled and tapped my shoulder.

“Then ask your Dad. Let me know what he tells you”, she replied.

“Okay ma!” I replied.

I believe God wouldn’t want me to enter into something that serious. This was kingdom business. I’m not matured enough to run errands for Daddy.

“Daddy! Don’t allow mummy rush me ooo! I’m still young in the faith. I’m not ready for something that important”, I said within me.

“Jeremiah 1:6. Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child.

Verse 7. But the LORD said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak”.

That was the scripture daddy replied with.

To be continued…….

Have you discovered your purpose?

What are you created to do?
Has God showed you or spoken through the mouth of people around you, what you are born to become?

What are you doing towards achieving it?


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