MY BABY HUSBAND Episode 38 – Ayo Omolayo

MY BABY HUSBAND Episode 1 - Ayo Omolayo

MY BABY HUSBANDEpisode 38By Ayo OmolayoI entered my sitting room and dropped my bag on the sofa. I landed heavily on the sofa and stretched. I yawned aloud, forgetting to put my hand over my mouth.Evelyn, my house help approached.“Welcome Cris!” She bent her knees slightly in greeting.“Thanks!” I said in a faint voice, bending over to unbuckle my heels.“You must be really tired”, she remarked.“Yes I am! Work is getting strenuous everyday. I wish man could survive without food. The world would have been an easier place to live in”.“True!” She chuckled.“Yes ooooo! Everything we do. The running around, the writing of paper work, slide, board meeting, typing is all because we need something in our stomach”.“You are absolutely correct!” She concurred.“CRIS! USE THE OPPORTUNITY!” Came the gentle whisper.I smiled as I understood the coded language and sat up.“But is it possible?” I asked.“Possible for what?”“For man to survive without food. Like no more food. Let’s live without food”.“That means grave dey hungry us na!” She said and we both burst into laughter.“You’re a funny girl”, I remarked.She grinned, exposing her gap teeth.“So what makes you think you can survive without God?” I asked.She looked around to be sure if the question was directed at her. She looked back at me and pointed to herself for confirmation.“Yes, you”, I affirmed.“Ma, I go to church ooo. You know I do. I can’t do without God. He’s the only one that keeps me going”.“Evelyn, do you know God?” I asked in a serious tone.“Yes I do!”“How?”“I don’t understand?”I adjusted my position on the sofa and beckoned on her to join me. She sat down, staring at me in awe.“You said you know God. I asked how did you get to know him. At least, you have a track record in your memory about how you met me. You still remember how our first meeting together was and how we became friends.So tell me about how you got to know God?”She opened her mouth but nothing came out. I guess she was thinking of something to say.“Well, I was born in a God fearing family. I was taken to church when I was a little girl. I’ve always been a Christian since I was little”, she said and I sighed.“Did you ever ask Jesus to come into your heart?” I asked.“Yes! In children church!” She answered.“Daddy, she’s saved. There’s nothing more to say!” I said within me.“CRIS, MATTHEW 7 VERSE 21”, Came the gentle response.I reached for my bag and brought out my phone. I opened the bible app and typed the chapter. As soon as it opened, I scrolled to the verse and handed her my phone.“Read it”, I said.She took it and read aloud.“Verse 21. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.Verse 22. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?Verse 23. And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity”.She lowered the phone and bowed her head.“Evelyn, you claim you know God! But does God know you? Are you a worker of iniquity? Do you still do things that God doesn’t like? He sees everything you do sis. Every secret thing. Those bitterness in your heart. Those people who you have locked up and refused to forgive.He sees what you do with your reproductive organ in the secret. He sees everything you do. The people you insult in your heart. The lies you have spoken with those lips. Yet, you claim you know God”,I saw her eyes getting moist with tears. Especially when I mentioned masturbation. She looked at me with shock in her eyes.“You claim you know God, but can I ask you a question. If you die right now, are you sure you’ll find yourself in the loving arms of Jesus?”She started crying. She bent over and covered her face with her palms.“Evelyn, I’m not here to condemn you. I’m not better than you. But I’m here to introduce you to the man that helped me. The man who rescued me from the powers that held me bound.Like I said earlier. Man cannot survive without food. That’s the same way, you and I cannot survive without God. We need God in our lives everyday the same way we need our food. We cannot do without eating. That’s how we cannot do without an intimate relationship with God. A relationship where God knows you and you know him. The man that claims he knows God and still lives in sin is a liar. He has not known God”.I was still talking when she looked at me and asked.“How can I know God?”I smiled and took her hand.“It starts with a confession of your faith in God. I know you once did that in children church. But today, you’re rededicating your life back to God.Secondly, if you want to get to know me better what do you do? You spend time with me. You chat with me. You call me often, laugh with me, eat with me hang out me always.That’s the same thing with knowing God. You spend time with him everyday. You study his word. You talk to him through prayers everyday. In no time, you’ll begin to witness a transformation.Knowing God is what we were all created for. You cannot know God in a church alone. You must create time to spend with him daily. That’s how you become a true Christian. Because as you spend time with him, a transfer happens in the spirit realm.Just like Moses spent 40 days in God’s presence and came back with the God life. He didn’t know his face was shining like that of God. Everyone saw him and ran away thinking it was God that entered the camp.It’s the same thing. If you’re always around me, you’re bound to be influenced by my lifestyle. Just as they say, evil communication corrupts good manners. Good communication transforms bad manners. Communication with God to be precise, because only God is good.So a Christian who has no intimate personal relationship with God, will never have the nature, attributes, character or fruits of the Holy Spirit in him. All you’ll have is head knowledge, no experience.You said if we decide to live without food, we would all end up in the grave. That’s exactly the truth. If we try to live on earth without an intimate relationship with God, we would all end up in the grave of sin and iniquity. We would end up in the grave of telling lies, in the grave of stealing, in the grave of masturbation, in the grave of bitterness and unforgiveness.Without an intimate relationship with God, sin becomes stronger and powerful. Sin becomes ourselves lifestyle. Just as you need food every single day, you need God everyday to survive.Evelyn, it’s time to go back to the heavenly father in spirit and in truth. Are you willing?” I asked.She nodded her head and clutched my hands tightly.“My mum called me and asked me to read the same thing today. I refused to read it. I was surprised when you opened the same passage and gave it to me to read. This was nothing but God stretching out his hand of mercy towards me.I’ve been a church girl, but I know I don’t truly know God. I may claim I know him, but I deny him through my actions. I want this relationship you’re talking about. I hear you praying in the night and I feel this is what God wants me to do. But I don’t know how to get it. Please help me calm my hungry soul!” She said and went on her knees.Her last words pricked my heart. I only smiled because I knew someone was pressing buttons spiritually.I led her into saying the sinner’s prayers and instructed her on how to begin her relationship with God. I told her what quiet time was and what it was all about. I also made arrangement to pray with her in the morning everyday.When we were done I dismissed her and went upstairs to rest.I had a shower and changed into my house wears and laid on the bed.“MY PRETTY EBONY! ” Came the gentle whisper.I smiled.“Daddy! Today has been so wonderful, two souls were won”, I said within me.“YES, AND I’M SO PROUD OF MY BABY GIRL!”“Daddy stop jare! I even have a question for you”.“GO ON!” I’M LISTENING”.“Daddy, Harmony is not different from me. She took the same path I took and paid heavily for it. Mine was completely worse than hers. But there’s a difference. You let her be. You allowed her to go her way and explore all kinds of sinful practices.But in my case, you kept going after me and didn’t stop sending me the signals. Why was my case different from hers?”“THAT’S A GOOD QUESTION!NOW THE ONLY THING THAT MADE YOUR CASE DIFFERENT FROM THAT OF HARMONY WAS WHAT I CALL INTERCESSION! DO YOU REMEMBER WHAT PSALM 115 VERSE 16 SAYS?”“Yes!” I replied.“GO ON MY PRETTY EBONY!”“Psalms 115:16. The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD’s: but the earth hath he given to the children of men”, I recited.“EXACTLY. THE EARTH HAS BEEN GIVEN TO MEN. YOU ARE THE ONE TO PRAYERFULLY DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT AND WHAT YOU DON’T WANT. SO A PRAYERLESS CHRISTIAN IS UNKNOWN TO HIM, ALLOWS SATAN TO DECIDE ON HIS BEHALF. WHEN YOU DON’T PRAY, THINGS HAPPEN TO YOU. BUT WHEN YOU PRAY, YOU NAKE THINGS HAPPEN. YOU COMMAND THINGS TO HAPPEN. YOU REJECT WHAT YOU DON’T WANT AND ASK FOE WHAT YOU WANT.SO WHEN YOU DON’T PRAY FOR THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE PRECIOUS TO YOU, DON’T COMPLAIN WHEN YOU SEE SATAN MAKING A MESS OF THEM. IT WAS YOU THAT FAILED TO INTERCEDE FOR THEM”.“So how does intercession make me any different from Harmony?” I asked.“HARMONY’S MUM FAILED ME. WHEN HARMONY STARTED GOING ASTRAY, INSTEAD OF HER TO FIGHT ON HER KNEES, SHE WAS BUSY FIGHTING WITH HER FISTS. SHE FOUGHT AGAINST HARMONY WITH HER WORDS AND HER ACTIONS. SHE DOESN’T KNOW THAT ITS THE SPIRIT THAT CONTROLS THE PHYSICAL. SHE THOUGHT HER WORDS COULD CHANGE THE GIRL, BUT MERE WORDS WITHOUT THE BACKING OF INTERCESSORY PRAYERS ARE USELESS.WHEN HARMONY GOT WORSE, INSTEAD OF PRAYING, SHE ALLOWED BITTERNESS INTO HER HEART AND IT AFFECTED HER PRAYER LIFE. SHE WAS ANGRY WITH HER DAUGHTER, THINKING HER DAUGHTER WAS ACTING ON HER OWN VOLITION.CRIS, BALAK INVITED BALAAM TO CURSE THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL AND WHILE BALAAM TRIED AND TRIED AND IT WASN’T WORKING, HE SAID SOMETHING. SOMETHING THAT WE CHRISTIANS DO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO.“HE SAID, THERE IS BO ENCHANTMENT AGAINST ISRAEL! CRIS WHAT DO YOU UNDERSTAND BY THE WORD ENCHANTMENT?”I sat up and went in search of my bag. I had purchased the new bible study jotter. I brought it out and wrote as a topic, “spiritual enchantment”.“Daddy, I’m ready! Teach me more!” I said.To be continued……Cris has won two souls in one day. Her passion for God no be here ooo!So the class continues tomorrow. SPIRITUAL ENCHANTMENTHmmmmm! Hope your pen and jotter are ready?We are going to learn a powerful topic on intercession that would give you burden to pray for souls and those dear to you.Satan is really destroying alot of people through ignorance.Get ready!And remember to pray for me that the heavens grant me more inspiration.INSPIRED BY THE BREAD OF LIFE WRITTEN BY AYO OMOLAYO YOUR BROTHER IN CHRIST ?

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