MY BABY HUSBAND Episode 31 – Ayo Omolayo

MY BABY HUSBAND Episode 1 - Ayo Omolayo


Episode 31

By Ayo Omolayo

“Mummy!” Please give me this anointing!” I begged.

“Cris! Get on your feet now or I’ll leave you right now!” Susan warned me.

“Mummy! I’m ready to follow you out of this room. I’m ready to follow you with tears till I get what I need”.

“Cris! I am 47 old. I have served God for 31 years of my life. I got born again when I was sixteen years old. What you’re asking for is not possible.

You gave your life to Christ, but you have not been growing on grace because of your unstable and compromising lifestyle. Cris! You’re a spiritual toddler! God is so heavy. He’s not light. He said come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest! Am I correct?” She asked.

“Yes!” I answered.

“But there’s another line we usually skip. Open to Matthew 11:28”.

I quickly opened to it and read.

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”.

“Now read the next verse!’” She instructed.

Verse 29. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

Verse 30. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light”.

“Can you see for yourself? You’re dropping the yoke of the devil, but you’re still going to carry something else! The only difference is that God’s yoke is easier to carry than that of the devil.

No man is empty in the realm of the spirit. If you refuse to serve God, you’re automatically signing an agreement to serve the devil. If you resist the Holy Spirit, you automatically yield to a demon. That’s how the realm of the spirit operates.

Cris, the more you grow up spiritually the more the anointing grows. The more you grow Spiritually, the more your ability to shoulder God’s burden grows. If I give you what I got out of 47 years of my life, it will kill immediately.

You don’t put a bag of cement on the head of a baby. That would be the end of the baby. That’s the same thing spiritually. Impartation is not something that we do carelessly.

Apostle Paul, a man of mysteries, told us that we should not lay hands suddenly on any man . That’s in first Timothy 5:22.

Cris, Samson lost his anointing when he fell on the laps of Delilah. But as his Spiritual hair grew, his anointing grew and came back again. Cris! You may have lost so much to the devil by sin and compromise. But if you can take your spiritual growth process with all seriousness, you will arise again.

What I’m carrying is not something I got in one day. Some of the levels of power I’m operating with were gotten by years of consecration and prayers. Consistent and unbreakable quiet time, coupled with fasting. It’s not something you get in one day.

Please, understand why you cannot be granted this request and pick up your new assignment!”

“What’s my new assignment?” I asked.

“Grow in grace!”

“I’ll do that, but I have one more request. Promise me you would do it!”

“What is it?” She asked.

“No, promise me first!” I said.

She chuckled.

“Try not to catch me with words. Believe me when I say this, I already knew you were going to ask me that question? I had known with the way you had been acting ever since we met”, she said smiling.

I was surprised by this woman. She could read my mind. She could see what I was thinking. God what kind of woman is this.

“Cris! I attended a class in the realm of the spirit where I read the human manuscript for one year. I know everything about every kind of human being here on earth. It’s a class that I took a whole year to complete. Twelve midnight everyday. I never missed a single day for one year.

You want to carry power and you’re skipping quiet time. Ordinary quiet time. We’ve not talked about marathon fasting yet. We have not talked about chain prayers where you pray for 24 hours, 48 hours or 72 hours.

Some people skip these things and rush out because of the small residue of anointing they carry. But they don’t last. They crash and become a disgrace to the body of Christ. That’s why we have so many slain ministers of God out there. You’re wondering if they were called by God. Of course they are. But someone rushed and did impartation on them.

Soon as anointing starts sharking them. They rush out and start making noise and Satan, the battle strategist would be laughing. One bullet from the pit of hell and the man goes down, just one bullet.

If you look at the true generals of the faith. They have received so many bullets on their bodies, but they are still moving. They are still standing. That’s why Apostle Paul, that man is so full of mysteries. He said in Galatians 6:17. From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.

So Cris! I don’t want you to rush out there and Satan shoots one bullet and finish you. Stay on the secret place and build your spiritual stamina. Don’t be in a rush to carry anointing. Be in a rush to attend your spiritual classes every single day. Don’t miss it Cris! Your quiet time is like a ticket to all you have been asking God for.

Spend time with him. Know him the more. Get intimate with him. Call him your sweetheart and lover. He’s building you in the secret, unknown to you. He’s equipping you with weapons of war. When he wants to test your level of power, he’ll send you to fight one small battle for him. You’ll come back smiling, but he’ll tell you the class continues.

So don’t miss your spiritual appointment. Keep staying with God in the presence. Know him more and more. He’s not done with you. Waiting on God is not delay. Never! You’ll carry anointing sis! But don’t rush!”

I sighed. This general in the faith was so full of wisdom. Her words flow with so much revelation.

“Mummy I wanted you to….”

“Be your mentor!” She interrupted.

My eyes widened with surprise.

“Susan! You need to know who a mentor is and who I am to you. In the realm of the spirit, I have a name. I’m not your mentor and I can never be!

Open to 1 Corinthians 4:15. You’ll see my name there! That’s who I am to you”.

I quickly rushed and picked up my Bible. I opened it and read aloud.

“For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel”.

“That’s my name. I am your instructor, not your mentor. Your mentor is the one who birthed you spiritually. As long as you have told this woman to mentor you and she accepted, it cannot be changed. You don’t have two mentors. Only one spiritual parent is allowed. All the others are nothing but spiritual instructors.

So follow Mrs Juliet Thompson. She’s your mother in the realm of the spirit. You cannot change it nomatter how you try.

It’s like a child. When the child is born, she stays with the mother, sucks the fluid that flows out of her mother’s spirit and body. Till the child grows up. Then a time comes when the mother needs the assistance of others to help the child grow.

So she takes the child to the school. In the school there are so many teachers. They are only instructors. That’s where you met me. Now this is what you’re doing. You went to school, met a teacher you’re so fund of and asked her to be your mother. You love this teacher so much and really want her to be your mother. But even if she agrees or not, does that make her your mother?”

“No! I answered.

“Susan is seriously a well of mysteries. 31 years of consistent bible study. Me wey start yesterday, after struggling to drop boyfriend, wan carry the double portion of wetin she carry. I get mind sha!” I said within me.

“So it can’t be changed. She’s transferred her dimension of God into you by spiritual birth. The more you grow up, the more you’ll look like her Spiritually. Cris! The way your mentor breaks mysteries out of the bible, you’ll carry the same abilities. That’s Spiritual parenting.

If your father is a footballer, I’m talking about physically now. You’re most likely to be good in football. Ask Cristiano Ronaldo. Am I correct?”

“Yes!” I answered, smiling.

“That’s exactly what is going on here. The mother needs these instructors to help her child grow properly. So she releases the child into their care. Encourage the child to follow the instructions she is given by her teachers.

That’s why as a mentor, you must fight against jealousy. Yes! You must share in your child’s excitement as she enjoys the ministration of other men of God. It doesn’t mean they are being snatched away from you. It only means your spiritual toddler is being taught by her school teachers and she’s doing well.

Pastors are always doing this. They keep shouting at their members. They use words like,’what are you looking for in that church that we don’t have here?’ There are times your spiritual children would have to attend other denominations to help them solve a certain challenge. That’s not a cause for jealousy.

You don’t have it all. As a member of winners, there are times you need to listen to pastor Kumuyi’s teaching, to help you grow in holiness. As a member of Deeper life, there are times you listen to Pastor Chris’ teaching. As a member of Christ Embassy, there are times you need to listen to pastor Adeboye’s teaching.

Don’t say only my mentor, only my church. God brought you those messages to help you grow. All the body cannot be the hand. Deeper life has the word, Redeemed are good in worship, Watchman are good in holiness. Mountain of fire are known for warfare prayers.
Each have their own specialty to help you grow as a balanced Christian.

Don’t place restrictions on yourself. You need balanced diet to grow Spiritually. God provided all these platforms and ministries to help you achieve this.

So, the fact that you’re being mentored by Mrs Juliet doesn’t mean you must not listen to what other preachers out there have to say. And the fact that you were blessed by the ministration of someone that isn’t your mentor doesn’t change that person into your mentor. And please be careful not to do so no matter how badly you want it. Learn from that person and go your way. Your spiritual parent remains your spiritual parent. Parents are the only personalities you cannot change here on earth. Even when they’re are dead, you still refer to them as parents”.

To be continued…..

There’s no empty man spiritually. If you resist the Holy Spirit, you’re yielding to the Devil. If you resist the Devil, you’re automatically yielding yourself to God. There’s no middle man in the realm of the spirit.

So what side are you?

Brethren! Please cry to God to lead you to the person that would birth you spiritually.

I know very well that my life would never have been what it is today, if not for my mentor.

I remembered how I would sleep at his house. Wash plates for him, wash his clothes, sweep his house. I didn’t know I was tapping from the measure of grace and anointing he carries.

We would sit down one on one and he would teach me alot of mysteries from the bible.

It’s true when they say that the child is never different from the father. Something about your father must be transferred to you.


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