MY BABY HUSBAND Episode 28 – Ayo Omolayo

MY BABY HUSBAND Episode 1 - Ayo Omolayo

Episode 28
© Ayo Omolayo

Susan smiled and looked at me without saying anything for about 3 minutes. I wondered what was happening.

Suddenly she clasped her hands and spoke.

“Hearing God’s voice is a topic that you cannot finish in one single day. But what I’ll do is to teach you the basics. I’ll teach you the principles to activating the voice of God. What are the first things to note about the voice of God?

Before we touch that, we want to talk about the human mind. That’s the place where all the hearing from God must first be addressed.

There are two powerful organs in your spirit man. The hearing organ and the speaking organ. That’s why from time to time, you would hear Jesus say. He that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit is saying. Note, he didn’t say ears, he said and ear.

That’s why it is written in Psalms 62:11. God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power belongeth unto God.

Your spirit hears and talks. Now that’s for the spirit of man. That’s not where we are heading. But I want you to have that information at the back of your mind. Your spirit hears and your spirit talks.

Now the human mind is the center of all the work. The world and everything in it is the product of the ideas in a human mind. But can I shock you?” She asked.

I looked at her and gave a nod. I had no idea where she was headed.

“You are not a thinker! You are a listener! Do you understand what I just said?” She asked.

Of course I don’t understand. I don’t understand everything she’s saying.

“Listen! Every thought that comes to the heart of a human being is a product of the whispers of a spirit. You can never have a thought in your heart except it is being dropped in your heart by a spirit. No thought ever come to the heart of a man until a spirit being approached and begins to engage the man in a discussion”.

I was looking at her with shock written all over my face.

“Let me cite an example. A young man sits down here, probably waiting for a friend to come pick him up. Suddenly, a girl looking so seductive passes. As a Christian, he quickly turns his face or shuts his eyes to prevent his mind from registering her image in his heart. Suddenly, a thought comes telling him to turn and take a look at the seductive lady. Come on its just a glance. It won’t hurt. Just look at her one last time.

Excuse me! Who is whispering that thought into his heart?”

“The devil!” I answered. Shocked by the revelation I was finally getting.

“Good! There are only two sources of information in the realm of the spirit. It’s either you’re listening to the spirit of God or an unclean spirit. If the spirit giving you thoughts is not the Holy Spirit. Then, it is an unclean spirit. There are no two ways about it. It’s either one of them. Because while the young man is considering taking a look at the seductive lady. Another thought comes tell him that he’s a temple of the Holy Spirit. That he shouldn’t give the devil a chance. Excuse me, who is feeding his mind with that thought?”

“The Holy Spirit!” I answered smiling.

“That’s wonderful! So your thoughts are not a product of your mind. They are only a product of why your mind hears from a spirit. You don’t know this and that is why when God is talking we don’t realize it.

Have you ever experienced something like this? You were worried, you were thinking on what to do then one mind or something suddenly told me to do it like this! Have you ever made such a statement in your life before?” She asked.

“Yes!” I answered.

“You keep telling yourself that you’re the one thinking. You conclude you’re giving yourself a lecture or something. No! You’re actually listening to the voice of either God or the devil. Your thoughts are only whispers. Your spirit only listens to whatever they are saying.

Have you ever experienced this? A thought suddenly drops in your heart that your sister would soon be here! While you are still arguing with that thought God gave you, your sister walks in. That’s how it operates. But one thing I want you to know is this, you’re not a thinker, you’re only a listener.

When this is at the back of your mind, you wouldn’t joke with your thoughts. You would pay close attention to it. Your job I’d to identify who is speaking and trust me, the speaker is not always difficult to be identified.

You would know when you’re listening to Satan and you would also know when God is the one talking. How? God always have this kind of peace that follows whatever he says. You would not be able to deny it’s his voice. There’s this knowing in your spirit that cannot be explained. You don’t know how, but you know.

That’s why you can be deep in thoughts and then, the Holy Spirit would tell you to open a particular bible verse. Was that your own doing. Remember this scripture.
John 15:5b, for without me ye can do nothing.

That’s true with your thoughts. Even the sinner needs to listen to the Holy Spirit to get convicted of his sins and repent. And all these communication take place in the inner man. That’s the inner voice sis.

It looks as if someone is there speaking to you, but not with an audible voice. You can’t hear it with your ears, but you hear with your mind. You don’t hear this voice with your ears. Although it grows from that realm to a realm where you can hear it physically, but that’s the starting point.

How do you hear the voice of God? You start by asking questions. Rebecca was pregnant with twins and every time the babies fought with each other in her womb. The bible said, she asked God what was going on. And God gave her a response. The best way to hear from God is to ask him questions.

As you read the bible, you don’t understand what you read. Just use your spiritual vocal cords to ask within you. What is the meaning of this passage? Immediately, you start hearing a response from within. It’s not you talking to yourself. It’s the Holy Spirit talking to you. Through that inner voice. All you have to do is listen.

Sometimes you ask and you don’t get a response. There are two reasons behind it. One is that you’re scared. Fear is a powerful weapon in the hands of the devil. He uses it to defeat his victim even before the battle starts. Don’t be scared. Am I sure this is God? Looks like Susan is decieving me. Or probably I’m listening to the voice of a demon?

You don’t need to entertain that thought. They are Satan’s schemes to block you from hearing from God. Whenever you don’t do anything with faith backing it up, God is not happy. Because the bible says, without faith, it is impossible to make God happy. That’s in the book of Hebrews.

Do you remember how you got baptized in the Holy Ghost? I always desired to be baptized in the Holy Ghost, but I never knew I was the one blocking it from happening.

Why? I was expecting the Holy Spirit to descend on me as I prayed. I was expecting him to suddenly force my mouth open and I’ll start speaking in tongues. I was expecting him to suddenly push me on the floor so I’ll start rolling and blasting in tongues.

I would kneel down and ask God to baptize me with the Holy Spirit. I would keep praying and praying and nothing happens. Why? As I was praying, I was hearing in my spirit, ‘open your mouth and speak!’. I was wondering what I was going to say. As I prayed, I could hear tongues in my spirit. That inner voice was already speaking in tongues within me. The Holy Spirit wanted it to pass from my spirit to the physical. I was scared that was not how it’s supposed to be. I’m making it up myself. Those tongues are probably something I’ve heard somewhere and was only reciting them. I could hear the tongues within me, but I thought it was my mind playing tricks on me.

I continued to struggle untill one day, a scripture confronted me. Open thy mouth and I will fill it. I decided to give it a try and began the lines. I never knew all I needed to do was to start. He took over completely.

I don’t know how the lines kept coming. As I’m done with what I’m saying, another line of spiritual vocabulary pops up in my mind. That’s how I discovered I had been the one doubting God when he had been there all along. God had been communicating with me, but I didn’t understand. That’s exactly what you have been doing.

He has been speaking with you, but you have not been paying attention. And why? You conclude it’s your mind doing the thinking. I want us to try something right now. Are you ready?” She asked me.

“I’m ready!” I said and nodded.

“I want you to do a little practical right now. Ask the Holy Spirit a question using that inner voice. Ask him, do you love me? Immediately, you’ll hear him replying you. Stop thinking it’s your mind talking. A man cannot receive anything on earth except it is been give from above. So go ahead and say it. Do you love me? Tell me whatever he tells you “, she said and bowed her head.

I looked at her and knew she meant what she was saying. She shut my eyes also and asked within myself.

“Lord! Do you love me?”

Instantly, I could hear that gentle whisper. That whisper I had always heard and called my imagination. That voice that whispered peace onto my soul. That voice that made me know when I was doing something wrong. That voice that gave me instructions several times and I ignored, thinking it was all my imagination.

“Cris! I’ve always loved you. I love you so much that I didn’t give up on you all these while. You wanted your own way and chose the path to destruction, but I rescued you out of love. You don’t know how much you mean to me! I love you Cris and I’m ready to teach you all you need to know to fulfill your purpose.

Walk with me! Obey me! Don’t run away from me because of the rigours that confronts you. I’ll give you grace, sufficient grace to overcome all the hardships. I’ll give you the grace to deny yourself and carry your cross. You’re not the worst Christin on earth! You’re my one and only Cristina! And I love you so much!”

I couldn’t explain what I was feeling. I felt peace and joy within me. I knew this was not my mind consoling me. It was the person of the Holy Spirit communicating with me through my spirit within me.

“So what did he say?” Susan asked.

I smiled.

To be continued……

Romans 8:16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

That’s the communication channel between your spirit and the spirit of God.

This was one of my greatest desire when I got born again. I want God to speak to me audibly. I kept telling those around to show me how. Untill a particular brother taught me how to listen to the inaudible voice of the Holy Spirit.

We would be learning alot through the life of Christiana, so get ready to put everything you learn into practice.


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