MY BABY HUSBAND Episode 22 – Ayo Omolayo

MY BABY HUSBAND Episode 1 - Ayo Omolayo

Episode 22
© Ayo Omolayo

“Lord I commit your daughter Christiana into your hands! Lord I pray you’ll bring her back into your plan for her life. Don’t let her go! Don’t give her rest! Holy Spirit trouble her! Take away her peace. Cause everything around her to start working to restore her back to your path in Jesus name!”

I woke up. It was all a dream. I met my mentor on her knees in her bedroom, praying for me. Hmmmmm! That reminds me, I have so much to confess to her. Lord! Please give me the strength to do so in Jesus name!” I prayed.

My phone was ringing again. I hissed because I knew the caller.

“Cris! It’s time to answer him! Give him a piece of your mind!” Came the gentle whisper.

“I’m scared! I don’t want to end up going back to him. You know I have a soft spot for him”.

“Don’t worry! It’ll be alright!”

I swiped the green bar and placed the phone on my ear.


“Chris! 53 missed calls! What is the meaning of that? Don’t you know I have work to do?”

“I’m sorry about what happened. My father is an evil man. How could he set me up like that?”

“Why wouldn’t he! When he wants to saved my life from a man who could kill instantly with his bare hands!” I replied.

“Stop it! That was a chicken! I can’t do that to a human being! You know me very well! You know I can’t hurt you!”

“Chris! Please! You know I’ve been trying to end this relationship a long time ago. You’re the one holding me back. My heart is no longer with you anymore. You should understand that you don’t manipulate people into doing what they don’t want to do. Chris! Whether you like it or not, this relationship is finally over. I’m leaving and there’s nothing you can do to stop me”.

“I’m not going to stop you, but I want to explain something to you. I may not be good enough for you, but that’s not the summary of my life. I’m ready to work on myself. I’m ready to do anything for you. Please, Cris don’t leave me. You’re killing me by doing so!”

“Chris! Hear me clearly!” I said angrily.

“If you want to die because I broke up with you, please do that quickly. I will personally sponsor your burial! Rubbish!” I said and ended the call.

I threw the phone on the bed and hissed.

“Look at how he’s behaving like a kid? Go and die na! As grave dey hungry you! Rubbish! As if losing a woman is the end of life. I don’t know what animal house they raised him from. Am I oxygen that you cannot love without me? I should marry you so that you will twist my neck and kill me then tell my lifeless body that you’re sorry! God forbid!”

I was still monologuing when his call came again. I picked the phone and swiped the green bar.


“So you could say that to me? After all I did for you! Despite all I did for you? You threw my love in my face and decided to abandon me right?”

“Please stop all these! A break up will not kill you! Behave like a man and stop all these tatariffic attitude!”

“Oh! You’re calling me a tata! It’s completely clear you hate me. You hate me, but all I did was love you. I wasn’t told love could hurt like this!”

“Hey stop that rubbish!” I cut in.

“I’m not going to listen to your nusery rhymes. I have better things to do with my time. So let’s reach an agreement. Go your way and I’ll go mine. We’re two different people!”

“Cris! This marriage can work. You just don’t want to work with me to build this relationship”, he said, close to tears.

I laughed and shook my head in pity. This is his strategy. This is how he always makes me break down and return to him.

“Chris! You’re out of tricks! Please find a better one. And if you like collapse and be taken to the hospital. I’ll never show up! Do you hear me! Chicken killer!”

“What did you just call me?” He asked angrily.

“You heard me!”

“You’re an idiot you know that! A big! Big idiot! You allowed your stupid mentor to boss you around. Why are you this stupid? I had to go to her house and warn her to leave you alone. That’s why she started behaving like a good woman in the hospital. She knew I wasn’t joking that day. Very useless woman.

And you’re also a useless girl. I paid the doctor to pretend I was sick and slept in the hospital all because of you when I had better things to do with my time. You this ungrateful soul. Yet you never recovered from your stupidity. I remember you were a mentally retarded lady before. Maybe your mental sickness is starting to come afresh”.

I had to check the caller’s ID to be sure if it was Chris or someone else. I checked and confirmed it was him. Wait oooo! Am I dreaming? Chris told me he told my mentor that he loved me so much and pleaded with her to allow us get married. Did he just say he threatened her? And did he fake the hospital incident? Do you mean I had been fooled all these while?

Both of us were fighting for a relationship that would never work. We had to lie to each other in order to keep the relationship working. What exactly were we fighting for? Just take a look at how we both wasted our time. This is devastating. And to think about that Chris could call me all the those names? Wow! That was love indeed! I’m done with this useless relationship

“Chris! Thanks alot! I guess there are so many sane ladies out there. Why waste your 53 missed calls on an insane lady?” I asked trying to keep my voice calm.

“I was wondering what was wrong with me. It looks like the spell you cast on me just fell off my eyes. I had wasted two years of my life on a mad woman who roams the street bare footed and ate from the garbage cans”.

Wow! Chris was reminding me of the horrible things I did when I ran mad and broke out of the house. Something, he promised never to talk about. Wow! I’m so enjoying this hidden version of my so called man of my dreams.

“Chris! Is that all you have to say?”

“No! I’m just starting! You’re an empty container. An orange with no juice in it. I’ve tasted your body several times. I don’t think I’ll love to continue drinking the same drink everyday of my life. You were so cheap to give me your body”.

“Chris! You can say all these to me?” I asked, tears streaking down my cheeks.

“Why not! Who do you think you are? Mentally retarded lady!”

“Enough!” I yelled.

“Do you know my only happiness!”


“Is that I haven’t married you before you started this episode of your character. From killing a chicken with your bare hands, to killing me with your words!”

“I’ll gladly sponsor your burial ceremony!” He interrupted.

“Shut up! I thought you loved me!” I said weeping.

“Love! Ha ha! You were just my ticket to wealth and power. Marrying you was a way to become the owner of your father’s company. In no time, my game would spread and I’ll have more than enough to go into politics and get busy counting money. Your mentor was right though. I was not the man for you. But foolish you would not listen.

It’s completely clear if we had gotten married, I would gain alot. You’re such a bag of money. I would have made a fortune out of you. You should be thanking your God you escaped”.

Honestly, I can’t remember how the call ended because I passed out. Those were the last words I heard before everywhere was suddenly dark.

I saw thousands of people holding my dress, pleading with me, tears in their eyes.

“Give us the bread! We are dying of starvation!” They cried out.

“What bread?” I asked.

“The bread! The bread! You have the bread! Don’t keep us in hunger! Give us the bread!” They kept repeating those words.

“Give us the bread! We’re starving! Help us! Why have you refused to surrender completely to God? We are all starving here and all you do is chasing shadows!” Give us the bread!” A lady screamed among the crowd.

“How can someone be this wicked? You have the bread, yet you have chosen to let us starve?” Another cried.

This time, I noticed something about this crowd in my dream. This was the third time this dream was repeating itself but I never noticed this untill now.

I noticed that all the people in this crowd were ladies. Especially ladies in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. I tried looking for a male among this crowd but couldn’t find any.

I turned around and saw my mentor on her knees praying. She was at a distance, sweating and groaning fervently in prayers.

“Lord! I commit your daughter Christiana into your hands! Her destiny would not be hijacked by the devil. Even if you have already signed a contract with the kingdom of darkness? Lord I know human beings have a free will and I’m not denying it.

We are free to choose what we want for ourselves. But you said in your word in John 14:14. If I ask any thing in your name, you will do it. Anything at all! For with God nothing is impossible.

Lord I break protocols and stand upon your word which says that I shall decree a thing and it shall be established. Christiana Kolapo! Wherever your spirit is, I call you and I command you! Obey Jesus in the name of Jesus!

Listen! You are a child of destiny and no power will stop you! I release you from the chains of darkness that has held you bound to your emotions in the name of Jesus!

I break every soul tie between you and that boy, Chris and I release a hunger to chase God into your spirit man, in the name of Jesus.

Hahaha! If there’s a man to pray there’s a God to answer. Christiana you don’t have a choice oooo! As your mother in the realm of the spirit I have chosen what you will become without your permission. You will become what God sent you to become here on earth!

You will feed your starving generation with the bread of life! The gates of hell will not prevail against your purpose in Jesus name!”

I opened my eyes and looked around.

“Lord! Touch your daughter in the name of Jesus!” My mentor prayed.

“Amen!” Tina, Evelyn my maid and Sharon my younger sister chorused.

Was I dreaming or what? I didn’t see these people in the crowd. I was watching my mentor praying and here she was.

“Mummy! Aunty Rhema is back!” Tina announced.

“Praise God! Cris is back!” Evelyn said with a broad smile on her face.

“Thank you Jesus!” My mentor said, waving her hands in the air.

Still feeling dizzy, I asked.

“What happened?”

“Evelyn found you on the floor unconscious! She had to call us”, Sharon answered.

To be continued……

I so much love the power in intercessory prayers.

Satan keeps distracting us and makes us keep complaining about the person’s attitude instead of praying for the person.

We keep seeing the faults and failures of the person. Forgetting that the destiny of that person is under attack. Instead of helping the person by interceding, we keep grudges and bitterness in our hearts.

Did Christopher shock anybody?
Do you think he would expose himself like that if not for the prayers of Mrs Thompson?

Brethren let’s pick up our mantles of intercession. This is a call to pray for our perishing loved ones.


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