MY BABY HUSBAND Episode 16 – Ayo Omolayo

MY BABY HUSBAND Episode 1 - Ayo Omolayo

MY BABY HUSBAND Episode 16 – Ayo Omolayo


I sat beside my boyfriend’s bed. It’s been 3 days since he had been in the hospital. The day they brought him here, the doctor said he suffered from high blood pressure. That was why Chris collapsed. His driver told me that he was looking devastated when he came back that day. He decided to tell the maid to check on him when she came announcing Chris was unconscious.

He had been unconscious for a whole day. When he awoke, I was there to hear everything he had to say. I saw the smile on his face when he saw me.

“Cris! You came back for me! I thought you said it was over between the two of us?” He asked.

“Yes it was, but that doesn’t mean we’re enemies. We are still friends and friends look after each other”, I replied.

“I know you are just saying this to help me feel better. You hate me for no reason. I tried my best to plead with you, but your mind was completely made up to hate me for the rest of your life. Now look at what you have done to me?” He said and began to cry.

I was shocked by his display.
Why would Chris cry just to make me feel guilty? But to be honest, I felt it. All these wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for me.

Why me? Why can’t I just have what I want without all these struggle?

The doctor came in quickly and asked me to leave. After sedating him, he came back to me and asked what the problem was.

“He’s going through a lot lately!” I tried to save the details, but the guy was smarter than I thought.

“A break up to be precise, right?” He asked.

Impulsively, I responded with a nod and waited to see his reaction.

“What did he do? I mean what would make you abandon a man who loved you so much?” He asked.

I looked at him and was like. Did Chris send you to make me feel guilty?

“I’m sorry if I offended you!” He apologized in a jiffy.

“But I really don’t know what he did to deserve all these. His girlfriend became a Christian and suddenly, she hated him. She decided to abandon him because he is not born again. This is nothing but wickedness. How can you suddenly become born again and dump him?”

I looked at him with a frown and he got the message.

“I’m sorry ma! But once again, I believe you have the keys to his survival. You can chose to kill him with depression, or chose to go back to the way things had been between the two of you. You are free to choose”

He left me in the common room with those condemning words.

I was confused on what to do at first, but I knew what must be done. I had gone too far to turn back now. I had insulted my mentor on the phone. That meant no more mentorship. Secondly, I had so much to confess to her. My atrocities were too much to comprehend. I had committed immorality with Chris, lied, decieved and insulted her. So there’s no going back.

I have started a journey I must complete. I’m going to finally get married to the man of my dreams. This is what I’ve always wanted.

I was happy about it and sad at the same time. I was happy we were finally getting married, but sad I had hurt my mentor so badly. At least, I owe her an apology. I need to apologize to her as an elderly person. But how do I bring myself to do so was the problem.

After much deliberation on that, I decided to forget about her and move on. I cannot apologize to her and that was final.

When Chris woke up, I was going to tell him I was ready to return to the relationship. I was going to watch him smile and give me a warm hug. I have missed those hugs and those pecks. No! No more pecks till after our wedding. I must not allow what happened that day to repeat itself.

I have to prove to God that despite my desire to marry Chris, I was going to love him by staying away from immorality. I will honour God with my body. Yes! I will!

I was still lost in my world of thoughts, when my mentor’s hand tapped my shoulder.

I jerked and moved back in fright.

“Jesus!” I gasped.

“Cris! What happened? What are you doing here in the hospital?” She asked.

Was I dreaming? I was thinking about her and here she was. Perhaps if I closed my eyes and opened them, she would fizzle out. I blinked severally, she was still standing there.

This was more than a dream. It was real. So what was she doing here? How did she find me?

These were the questions in my heart when Tina joined us and squealed in excitement as she saw me.

“Aunty Rhema!” She screamed and ran to hug me.That was what she usually called me.

“Aunty Rhema! I’ve missed you so much. What happened? Why did you chose to abandon us? Aren’t we friends anymore? What happened between you and mummy? Why have you stopped visiting us?”

Wow! This girl was a box of questions. Where do I start from?

“I’m sorry baby girl! I’ve been so busy lately!” I managed to answer.

“That’s not it Rhema! You are not in good terms with my mother. I’m going to leave the two of you to settle your differences. I’ll be back after you’re through settling your misunderstanding”, she said and gave me another hug.

Without waiting for my response, she left immediately.

I watched her go and kept my eyes on the exit door even when she was completely out of sight. Frankly speaking, she was the only person I could look at. I was doing all I can to avoid my mentor’s eyes and she happened to be the perfect distraction.

“Cris!” My mentor called when the silence lasted up to 3 minutes.

Slowly, I turned and stole a glance at her and quickly lowered my eyes.

“Was that a mistake? Did I see well?” I asked myself, because I caught her smiling.

I had to steal another glance at her and met the same motherly smile on her face.

“Cris! It’s okay! You don’t need to say anything. I forgive you!” She said.

I was not sure if I heard her correctly. So I looked up and gave her that look that meant come again.

“Yes! I forgive you and I’ve forgotten about everything you said. You are still my daughter and will always remain your mother”. She stepped forward and spread out her arms for a hug.

Impulsively, I responded and hugged her.

“It’s okay dear! I understand you have been through alot! Sometimes it’s natural to get angry and vent your anger on someone you didn’t mean to. It’s alright! I understand completely”, she said patting me on the back.

Why was she making all these excuses on my behalf? I should be the one begging for her forgiveness. Why is she the one forgiving me without my asking for it? This was confusing, but I was happy I had reconciled with my mentor.

But the only problem that stood between the two of us was still there. Chris and I were to get married and she doesn’t want that.

“Cris, you’re free to marry whoever you want!” My mentor said, as though she heard my thoughts.

I was shocked by that. She was the one who always told me to choose between God and my boyfriend. She was the one who always told me to leave my boyfriend and focus on my destiny. Now she’s telling me I was free to marry whoever I wanted. Hmmm! This must be a dream. Yes! I was seriously in a dream that needed a slap to get me back to reality.

“Cris! As humans, God doesn’t force us to obey him, neither will I. I want you to gather your own convictions and obey God based on those convictions. I’m not going to mount pressure on you anymore.

If you’re convinced Chris is the right man for you according to God’s will for your life, go ahead. If you don’t and you still want him as your husband, I’m not going to stop you. I want you to be the boss of your own destiny. I’ll always love you and pray for you as your mother. I will never stop doing that. If you chose to marry Chris, I’ll be at your wedding to rejoice with you. Don’t think anything is going to stop me from loving you”.

This was too much. Why was she saying all these? She knew I was going to marry Chris and she was not going to try and stop me anymore. What happened to my mentor? Can someone help me? She’s entirely different from the woman I called a dictator. A boss lady! This looked like a different version of her.

“Cris! I’m going to keep praying for you! I’ll never stop doing that. I love you and I’ll continue to do so!” She said and pulled out of our embrace.

Tears rolled down my cheeks.

“Come on don’t cry baby girl!” She said and wiped them off with the back of her palms.

“So why are you here in the hospital?” She asked.

“Chris collapsed and was rushed here!” I answered.

“Oh no!” She said with sincere concern.

“I’m sorry about that!”

I nodded in affirmation.

“I came here to pray for a friend of mine who was also admitted here. I never expected I would meet you here. It was a divine coincidence”, she said smiling.

“So can I see him? I want to pray for him before I leave”, she requested.

I was dumbfounded. My mentor wants to pray for Chris. This was beyond my imagination. What would make my mentor wake up and announce she wanted to pray for Chris?

I took her to the ward, but we were told we couldn’t see him until 3 hours. I expected my mentor to go home and probably come the next day but to my surprise, she decided to wait for the 3 hours.

What had possessed this woman? Which Apostle is responsible for this? Her change in nature. Who is responsible please?

She sat down with me and told jokes to make me laugh. I was not in the mood to laugh because of the shock in her change of attitude. But when she began to notice I wasn’t responding well to her jokes, she began to ask if I was okay. In order to take away her curiousity, I had to force myself to laugh at her jokes.

Tina also kept us company. She stayed with us till the 3 hours were completed.

We all entered Chris ward to pray for him and met him awake.

He was smiling when he saw me, but his smiles disappeared when my mentor entered.

“What is this evil woman doing here?” He asked pointing at her.

To be continued……..

Cris is back 😊😊😊

Just imagine the drama Chris is doing to fill his girlfriend with guilt?

I’m so happy for the reconciliation between Mrs Juliet Thompson and her mentee.

I guess our prayers have started working.

Let’s see what happens in the next episode.

Please who is responsible for Mrs Thompson’s change of attitude?


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