MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 7 – 10 – Amah’s Heart

MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 1 - Amah's Heart

MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 7 – Amah’s Heart

Betty was living the good life with the man she has always loved, Rick Williams who appear to love her too and was also ready to do anything to please her.
They went to the carnival night party, Betty was happy to be the center of attraction as many people wonder who the strange girl with Rick was.
She was in a mask costume, her face wasn’t seen and she was not easily identify so also Rick and everyone during the party. They were all in a costume.
She danced freely, and even did a drinking competition where she got to drink shots of alcoholic wine which got her intoxicated.

After sometimes she started feeling ill, Betty ran outside to throw up.
She was not used to such drinks and was even regrets playing a drinking game with some of the people she met there.
She felt real sick and told Rick that she wanted to go home.
“Is very late Betty, this is 1 am …you can’t go home tonight. I will take you to my place okay. Don’t worry you are going to be alright, I will make you some tea it will help you to relax and feel better.
Betty agreed for Rick to take her to his place.
It was indeed a beautiful house, everywhere smells and looks so beautiful, Betty was too tired and weak to even notice much.

Rick lead her to a big furnished room and asked her to relax, she did before he brought a cup of tea for her.
Betty took it and later slept off. She woke up in the morning feeling better.
She checked her phone and saw her grandma’s missed calls and several other miss call even Tom’s.
Betty called her grandma telling her that she was alright and will be coming home later.

She was not in a haste to go. Whenever she was with Rick, she will totally become a different person, it feels so good being with the man she has admired right from the first day and a very important person in the society.
That morning while walking round the big house in Rick’s cloth which feels good on her, she felt this joy that engulfed her and even started wishing she will remain together with Rick without nothing separating them.
She looked out to the swimming pool and saw Rick swimming, he has two
German dogs that run around playfully.
Betty watched him from inside as he swims, she was blown away with his cuteness as he stepped out of water and combed his hair back.
He was really good looking, Betty couldn’t just get enough of watching him.

She later joined him at the pool side.
Rick came to her and kissed her fully in the mouth
“I did not want to disturb your rest…do you want to swim?
Betty blushed, before saying
“Not really…l love watching you swim….
Rick kissed her again and she quickly responded before going inside with him.
They got entangled in bed in a hot romance. They talked, laughed and even ate in the room together.
“You are really beautiful and I love you Betty. You make me a total different person when we are together. I you make me forget the whole glamour and been famous. All that matters to me is you….do you really love me?
Rick who already know the answer to the question asked her.

“I do, with my every being…! love you Rick. I can’t seem to live without you.
You means everything to me. I love you not because you are rich, famous or handsome…l just love you with everything in me. I don’t want you to hurt me again…
“I won’t Betty. I promise, i will never hurt you.
Rick assured her and Betty felt so relieved hearing those words from the one man she has always wanted.
She felt at peace been with him and did not even feel like leaving again.
Rick went shopping for her, Betty bought many beautiful and expensive wears for herself
Betty did not go to work or even attend music school throughout that day till the next day.

Rick decided to drive the long distance to her place instead of allowing her to take a cab or bus.
He drove Betty back to her house in Northern Brook.
Betty asked him to come inside but Rick said he needs to drive back because it was a long journey from eastern Brook to Northern Brook.
He promised to create time to come down and get to know the people living around Betty in eastern brook and Betty promised to take her round the city.
Betty stepped down from the car and Rick came around to kiss her goodbye.
Tom cleared his throat loudly alerting them of his presence.
He felt heartbroken watching Betty kiss another man passionately.
Rick turned and sawTom standing.
He looked at Betty and said “Who’s this?
Betty was not ready to loose Rick for anything in the world and she will not allowTom to spoil the good moment she was already enjoying with Rick.
She looked at Tom who also wore a questioning look
Betty turned to Rick and said
“ooh, he is just an ordinary friend, a neighboring friend anyway….
Rick nodded, he kissed Betty again before walking back to his posh car and driving out.

Tom was stabbed so hard in the heart. He felt broken and disappointed the moment Betty referred to him as “just a friend”
“Just a friend huh? I’m just an ordinary friend, is that all I am to you Betty?
Ooh this is your Rick Williams, the same one that insulted and humiliate you.
Is that where you have been for the past two days now. Oh my God…Betty you were at his place all this while. Shit….jeeeezzzz. i…l can’t believe you will do this to me. All your past anger was just an idea to break up with me and I was thinking I did something wrong, I was thinking I was at fault. How could you hurt me this way…l loved you Betty. I love you so much. Why do you chose to do this to me? Why…answer me…?
Tom screamed at Betty angrily, as he was almost in tears.
Betty stood in shock, watching Tom fight back tears gathering up in his eyes.
She did not even know what to say to him.

She felt sorry that he has to find out about her new relationship this way but nothing will still make her leave Rick because being with Rick makes her feel wanted and feels good too.
Betty opened her mouth but words did not come out she shut it again and remain speechless.
“Answer me Betty…l loved you. How could you do this to me? If I hurt you in any way why not open up and tell me instead of hurting me this way. I thought you said you also love me Betty. Shiiit, It will be difficult moving on but I will because you don’t worth it. Stay far away from me…you are very wicked and heartless Betty and I am not your friend. Don’t ever refer to me as your friend, do you get that….i am not a friend to a liar and heartless person like you are. Keep your distance cos I will keep mine….
Betty felt bad, this is what she has always wanted. To end the relationship with Tom the moment Rick showed up but she did not know how to do that and is saddens her that it has to go this way.
“Tom, I did not mean to hurt you…don’t take it personal. I try to…

“Keep quiet Betty, your explanation doesn’t matter to me anymore.
Goodbye and enjoy the life you have always wanted with the man you really loved.
Tom walked away to his car.
He drove off and when he couldn’t control the tears rushing up to his eyes. He parked by the road side and bent his head on the steering.
He allowed the pain and hurt to pass before he proceed.

Episode 8

Camdy met Betty at work one day, she looked trouble and needed Betty’s help.
“Betty I really need your help, Ben insisted on visiting me by weekend and I don’t know what to do. I don’t live in a mansion, I don’t even know Rick Williams except through you, I don’t have a car or have any designers wear. But I really need to do something. He can’t come down to Eastern Brook and see me like this. A sales girl in a grocery store with a sick mother and unreliable father who still depends on me something to foot the expenses…Betty, please help me.

Betty smile before saying
“How exactly am I supposed to help you Camdy when I’m not a magician, I
can’t snap my fingers and make a mansion to appear, or car and other
things you lied about to appear just for you to prove a point to Ben Fag. I
can’t do anything about this so the best thing you can do is to save yourself
the embarrassment and tell Ben the whole truth. It will save you all this
headache. If you love him spill it out for him and if he want to stay fine if
not then he should go, is far better than harboring a guilt filled conscience

or You will have to keep lying to cover up the old lies.

For how long do you want to continue with all this….Camdy, you should have thought of all this things before going on this lane.
Camdy stood up and walked round the place, she was indeed troubled and need help to escape from her present dilemma.
“Betty, the problem is where do I begin to confess. I love Ben, yes I really do love him and is obvious he loves me too. I don’t want to lose him. Please help me….help me Betty. Since you and Rick are together now please tell him to lend me one of his cars and also tell him about helping with a good mansion that Ben is not aware off. Just anything to convince Ben and make him less inquisitive…
Betty looked at Camdy with a puzzled face.

“No way, I can’t do that. You are asking for the impossible Camdy. How long do you want to be doing this? Come out straight and tell him the real truth about yourself, if he truly love you then he will stay, is better you tell him rather than for him to find out that you were deceiving him all this while.
Camdy held her head in deep thought as Betty talked to her.

“…Rick is having a pool party next week, I’m inviting you over, and you can come with Ben. I will even stay with you while you tell him the truth about yourself. Is time to let the cat out of the bag. No more secrets if you love
him as you claim. Tell him something came up and you couldn’t invite him over to your place this weekend but by next week you will and you also have something to tell him too but it will all be by next week…
Camdy nodded quietly.

Fear was written all over her on how to review her true self to Ben whom she has falling hopelessly in love with.
She will feel so hurt if Ben decided to break up with her after she reviews her true self to him but she will stick to Betty’s advice. Is better she tells him before he finds out the whole truth.
Betty continued with Rick, she was happy to be with the man she truly love.
A rich and famous son of a politician. She was lucky to be going out with somebody like Rick Williams.
Betty totally forgot about Tom, she refused to get bothered with any other thing aside Rick.
Her sister Alice graduated from high school and wanted to get busy until there was enough money for her to get into college.

Alice who sometimes thinks about their parents couldn’t get anyone to talk to or relate her problems with most times because Betty was always busy with Rick and her grandma has her own personal problem to face.
Betty sometimes pass the night over at Rick Williams’s place and stays home few weekends.
During the week days she was either at work, in her music school or spending time with Rick.
Alice felt so lonely and decided to hook up with few friends who she hangs out with most times.
On a good day she decided to search for her Mom, since the father was in prison, serving a life term of drug trafficking. Her mind was made up in looking for the mother who left them for years.
She wanted to get to know her mother far better than the childhood experience she had of her which was almost erased from her memory, that has been her desires for long but Betty will never let her and Alice decided not to tell Betty about it.
She will go in search for her mother and move in with her if possible.
Sometimes she wonder why her mother never bothers to come back and look for them or check on their grandmother who have been caring for them since they were little.
She lied to Betty that she needed money to get some new wears and also a ticket for a tour with her friends.
Betty who do not want to be disturbed with any burden gave Alice what she asked for.
She was so busy with Rick and nothing else really matters to her.
Alice planned her trip and got all the information she needed, she have an idea on where to travel to in search of her supposed mother.
She did not even inform Eunice, her grandma of her plans because she knows her grandma will discourage her from doing such.
Finding her mother was the first thing in her mind and the only thing she has always wanted to do and the information she has already gathered will help her locate the woman that gave birth to her.

Betty was so excited about the pool party. She was living a happy and free life, she went shopping with Camdy and they got things and also bought bikini for the party.
They sat and planned on how to tell Ben the true identity of Camdy.
As the day got close Betty was so excited been the only lady in Rick’s life.
She couldn’t stop talking about it to Camdy who has her own problem to think off.
Rick invited his friends and his supposed ex friend Magi was also coming to the party with her squad after been away on a journey for some time.
She wanted to surprise Rick of her return even though he wasn’t aware that Magi was in town.
News has gotten to Magi that Rick was seeing another girl which made her to return back immediately to challenge and deal with any girl that she will see close to her boyfriend.
Betty started feeling sick all of a sudden, she wasn’t sure what was wrong with her.
She was with Rick most time and pass several night together with him but she has never felt ill until now.
Even with the way she felt nothing was going to stop her from attending her rich and handsome boyfriend’s pool party
She was going to be the center of attraction and nothing will stop her from looking her best and enjoying the moment with the man that truly loves her and the man she really adores.

Episode 9

“Betty, are you alright?…you look pale and over worked. What is the problem?
Eunice, Betty’s grandma asked Bettythat morning while looking at her suspiciously.
“I feel…l can’t explain it grandma but I will be fine. Is probably stress and I will also be attending Rick’s pool party by weekend.

Eunice moved closer to where Betty lay in her bed and sat down beside her.
“Rick has gotten deeply into your head Betty, everything you do now is all about Rick. I just want to ask…do he love you as much as you love him?
Betty sat up properly and smile to her grandma’s question.
“He does grandma, Rick loves me and he always tells me that. He said I am smart and beautiful and he said he will never leave me because he loves me deeply. I believe everything he said and I love him so much, i can’t stay a day without him….he makes me feel good and wanted. He is handsome, rich and famous and every good thing I can think of. I feel so special that we are together. You know having such a guy is priceless…
Eunice listened to Betty talk with a full smile plastered on her face. She felt indifferent.

“Betty, you don’t need Rick to tell you that you are beautiful. Of course you are indeed beautiful, smart, and intelligent, you are a lovely person who cares deeply about others. I understand that love has blinded you and when you hear him say a nice word to you it becomes a treasure hunt. I just think you need to slow down a bit. You hurt Tom because of Rick, there were other way you could have quit the relationship rather than the way you took it. You quickly moved on without any remorse and i hope he has also gotten over the heart break. I know is been months now and I believe Tom is doing well and finding happiness too. You are living large and enjoying your new relationship with the politician’s son, Betty you abandoned your music school which you worked so hard for, saved up money just to attend. You left it and even missed work sometimes and is all because of Rick. I don’t want to see you hurt….i really don’t want you to get hurt.

“Grandma, Rick cannot hurt me. He broke up with his girlfriend because she embarrassed me at his party. I have not seen her ever since I started moving with Rick. He is so free and only asked me to respect his privacy which I always do. He has many friends and speak over the phone with them most time, he also do video calls and ask me to remain in one of the rooms while he does that, i don’t get close to his phone or in his way whenever he wants privacy, I hate to see him get mad at me. I trust Rick so much because I know he cannot hurt me. Rick loves me and he doesn’t hide it whenever we are together. Tom is a history, I liked him then but I love Rick with my life. He is everything I need to be happy. Nothing else really matters when I’m with him. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. Grandma stop worrying about me.J’m alright.
“You don’t look alright to me but if you say so…then is fine by me. Your sister Alice, she has been keeping more to herself and ask me questions about your mother. Maybe you should create time and speak with her. She also needs to get something doing. College is quiet expensive and I know your money at the grocery store or mine put together is not even enough to cover her huge college fees. Talk to her and find out whatever that maybe bothering her…
“Alice will be fine grandma, she is mostly like that. Always asking stupid questions. I don’t have time now for mere talks. Alice will be alright. She is a smart teenager, her mate are getting busy, she should also get busy and stop behaving like a child. Rick is all that matters to me right now and his weekend’s pool party. I just want to live my life and be happy….Ricks makes me happy.

“Don’t center your happiness around people because when they disappoint, you will find it hard to trust or move on.
Betty assured her grandma that Rick Williams will not disappoint her because she believes in him with all her heart.
That evening Alice was set to leave, she filled her back pack, dropped the phone that Betty got for her so that she won’t be reached. She left a note for her grandma and her sister that she was away to search for her mother and will return when she finds her.
She includes in her letter…

“…I know nobody will really miss me while I’m gone, Betty is pretty occupied with her rich boyfriend and you grandma, you got a lot of other things to worry about so is obvious I won’t be miss but I will call in to let y’all know that I’m with mother. I may likely live with her for some time, take pictures and catch up before returning home, i purchased a camera and i will fill it’s memory with me and mother’s picture. I’m old enough to know what I really want and what will make me happy. Embarking on this journey is never a mistake, is what I have always wanted and I have enough information to guide me. Betty finds her happiness with Rick, my own happiness will be finding mother and knowing that I’m not an orphan as I was once referred to during high school. I will be fine so Goodbye for now. Alice!!
Alice took an evening train which will convey her to another city where she will follow the information she gathered to search for her mother. She was determined in her quest and nothing was going to stop her.

Eunice thought Alice was in her room when she returned that night and decided to make dinner.
After that she called out Alice name, informing her that dinner was set but no response came.
She called again and became furious with her not responding to her calls.
“Have you block your damn ears with those ear piece of yours or you have turned deaf and do not hear your name again…Alice….Alice.

She called again as she walks down to the room Alice shares with Betty but she wasn’t there.
“Where have this child gone to? Is she going to be keeping late nights like her sister? Oh God help me with all this children…they never listen to anyone…. Always wanting to do things without thinking it through. Her sister is out with that politician boy… the Williams are never straight forward. That man lost in his last campaign of becoming eastern Brook mayor because he was not straight forward and the people do not trust him. I watch him on TV debating on how good he was and felt pity for the people who are voting him in.

His son is just like him…and his entire household. None of them is to be trusted. I wonder what Betty saw in that boy and bury her soul in him. God help her through, she got a good heart and deserve better but never like that politician boy who may end up playing her heart. Hmmm! where could Alice be, is getting so late. She does not stay out this late…where could she be by this time??
Eunice who was talking out loud to the empty house looked out of the window to check if Alice was outside the house but saw no one.
She sat in the parlor to wait.

Betty came back very late and Eunice asked her about her sister.
“Your sister is not home…try reaching her but her line is not reachable. Do you have an idea where she could be?
“Grandma, I’m so tired right now. I have told you that Alice is old enough to whatever she pleases. She will be home whenever she feel like. I’m so tired and I need to go to bed right away.
Betty left and went to bed.
Eunice have to sleep in the sitting room while waiting for Alice to return but she never did.
The next morning Eunice who has not noticed the letter that Alice dropped went to Betty’s room.
“Your sister did not return last night, where could she be…maybe we should call the cops.
Betty stretched from the bed, she was angry that Eunice woke her up from her sound sleep.

She has visited one of the biggest night club with Rick last night before she took a cab home because it was too late for Rick to drive down to Northern Brook and drop her.
She was too tired and all she wanted was to sleep all morning, she was enjoying her sleep when her grandma came to wake her up.
Betty ignored her, she remain still in the bed.
Wherever Alice went to she will definitely return whenever she feels like.
Betty do not want anything to spoil her day, all she was thinking of was Rick’s pool party coming up.
She has already planned herself and also informed Camdy to get ready on time so that they can leave.
Ben will also be there so it was a good opportunity for Camdy to open up to Ben who she truly was.
Betty turned and faced the wall, ignoring her grandma.

Eunice went to her and slapped her shoulder. Betty sat up holding her shoulder “Awww…that hurt so bad, why did you do that….what’s my offence this morning?
“Now that I have your attention can you tell me where your sister is?
“I said I don’t know. How I’m I supposed to know where Alice went to?
“And you aren’t worried at all? I asked you to go speak to her but you are more consume with that politician son. Now Alice has gone missing. You were supposed to look out for her…
Betty looked at her grandma and said with a mockery tone.

“You should have also asked me to babysit her since she is a kid. What sort of thing is this? I need my quiet rest…wherever Alice went to she will definitely return home. I have other things to worry about. Grandma stop troubling me or I will also leave this house and go to Rick…
“This politician son of yours is turning you into what you are not. This is not who you are Betty….that boy is toiling with your good heart and making a different person out of you. this is not who you are.
Betty stood up from the bed, she grumbled angrily
“Why must Rick come into every of our conversation, why are you always referring to him? Can’t you just say something without dragging Rick into it? Grandma stop mention the politician son in all your sentence, I understand if you don’t like him but I do. I love him so much and that is not changing soon. And I have not change one bit…l’m still who I am. Rick is only bringing out the best in me. Stop all this… is too early to be having this conversation.
Eunice left her and went to the living. After sometime she called Betty to come and see.
Betty grudgingly went to her.

Eunice who found the letter and Alice phone gave the letter to Betty to read. She read and toast it aside. She will think of Alice problem later.
She need to get ready for Rick’s pool party.
Alice stated in the letter that she will be fine and nobody should worry over her. Alice was doing what makes her happy by going in search of their mother.
Been with Rick is her own happiness, she will never allow anyone or anything to cut short her happiness.

Episode 10

As Betty was getting ready for the party so also was Magi, Rick’s real girlfriend.
Magi was prepared to deal with the said girl she has been hearing off.
Rick has always chat her up and never fails to call her often. He always return her calls anytime he miss it. They even do video calls sometimes. He did not give her any reason to suspect that he was cheating after she traveled out of the state for study.
Even though Magi got hooked up with another fine rich guy in the campus but she was smart enough to cover her tracks and not let the present guy find out that she was in a serious relationship.

She has almost fallen deeply for the present guy but had a quick rethink because Rick was very cute and his father is a very important man in the society more than her campus boyfriend.
The Williams were very popular in eastern Brook. Rick’s mother was also into politics so also is his father who is contesting for the seat of a mayor.
Mira came from a wealthy family too. Her parents are separated but her

father gives her everything she wants. She drive her choice car, travel to any country for vacation, live in a beautiful house and goes to one of the best college.
She was a jealous lover and hate to see any girl close to her man. Rick was her man and she will never allow another lady to take him away from her.
Rick also loves her and his parents knows about her and Rick.
Mira was ready to deal with any unfortunate lady that she sees close to her man.
Is all going to be a surprise party because even Rick do not know that she was in town.
Tom got to the hospital where he went to visit Mrs Craig, his grandma.
Mrs Craig was getting better but Doctors said she still need to remain in the hospital because of her health which was not stable.

She had a serious memory lost which is called dementia.
Mrs Craig sometimes snaps out of the present but will still come back to reality.
Her recovery wasn’t so fast but it was steady, every day comes with different recovery process.
Tom always go down to see his grandmother.
“Philip, have you seen Violet… she has not come down to visit me. Is she alright?
Tom breathed down as he moved closer to his grandma.

“Grandma, my name is Tom not Philip, Grandpa is Philip and he is resting in heaven. My mum Violet is also resting with Grandpa. I am here for you and I know Grandpa and Mum would have love to be around you if they weren’t so caught up in their heavenly duty. Look at me…l am your grandson….
Tom took his grandma’s hands into his and held it warmly.
Mrs Craig memory returned back to the present as Tom took her hands into his. She looked at him with a smile.
“I’m sorry son. Sometimes I can’t control it. Hmmm….how are you doing out there?
“Grandma, you don’t need to be sorry, I’m so proud of you that you are bouncing back gradually. No matter how long it takes I will be here. You are all I got and I don’t want to lose you like others. Please keep pushing and don’t stop until you are confirmed alright to come home.
Mrs Craig nodded with another smile. She looked deeply at her grandson for sometimes without saying a word.
Tom was already thinking that his grandma memory has gone off again. He breathed deeply and wait patiently for her to get herself.

He gave a sigh of relief when she suddenly spoke
“You look sad. Is all hidden in your eyes…what is troubling you? I hope you are not so worked up because of me. What is it Tom…?
Tom did not want to talk about it but his Grandma was not ready to let it rest.
“Is it Mrs Eunice daughter, Betty…The beautiful girl at the grocery store?
She use to come down here with you. Almost all the time but for the past weeks she has not been coming with you.

What happened to her? That girl looks so much like Violet when she was a young girl. I know what I’m saying, stop looking at me as if I’m stupid. I remember her so well…’ may be having a memory lost but not totally. It comes up and I get back again…’ remember everything and she has a beautiful smile too.
“Grandma …she moved on with a rich and famous guy. I am moving on too but is every day at a time, some days are just so hard. I don’t want to talk about her please. Is all in the past now. I have gotten over her.

“You don’t look so to me. It looks like you are still mourning. She must have hurt you real bad by moving on with another man who appears to be better in her own eyes. Betty is a nice girl, she gives me special attention
whenever I go the grocery store back then. She is not rude like her colleague. If she decides to move on then is all for the best or she is probably blinded with glamour. You love her right?
Tom looked up at his grandma, he breathed before standing on his feet with a frown.

“Not anymore. Maybe I use to love her but that is all in the past. I have moved on grandma. I can’t offer her what she seek but the rich guy can. I’m fine and concentrating in my engineering shop. Is yielding gradually… I am not in a haste for another relationship. Not after the hurt I got from her. Stop worrying about me, let’s worry about you….
Mrs Craig snapped off again.

“Where did you say that Violet went to Philip? I was waiting for Violet to come visit me, I even wanted her to get me my lovely blue Shaw that her father bought for me. It was handmade and beautifully knitted. Ooh Philip, please tell Violet not to take so long before she visit…okay…?
Tom nodded, he gently squeezed his grandma’s hand before walking away.
Betty and Camdy were inside a cab going to Rick’s house for the party.
Camdy appear nervous and worrying over her she was going to reveal her true self to Ben who was already at the venue waiting for her.
Betty encouraged her not to worry so much. Telling Ben the truth was very necessary. There is no gain in keeping deadly secrets in a relationship.

Betty said to Camdy.
Betty knew she was going to be the center of attraction. Dating Rick makes her feel important. Some of his friends want to really know about her background but Ricks did not tell them anything and he also asked her not to say a word to anybody because of news men or journalist who likes reporting negative things about his political father.
Betty obeyed to do everything that Rick asked of her. She listened and allow people to keep guessing who she was. Some even believe she was a daughter of a politician too and she usually do not care whatever they says.
She did not want to worry about Alice, her sister. If she has gone to look for their mother then is fine by her. At the end she will return back home and listen to instruction. She has told her severally that nobody cares about them, not even their mother who has a new family and has moved on with her life.

“Since she want to find out the truth by herself then she should go ahead…is better that way.
Betty concluded within herself as she stepped down from the cab.
She was well dressed and holds a bag which has her swimming outfit for the party. If she was going to be the around Rick she will have to be very attractive and fit into his liffstyle to avoid all the questioning looks.
Ben Fag was out waiting for Camdy as she walk down to him, trying to force a smile on her face but Ben was not deceived.

He hugged and kissed a troubled Camdy whose mind was not at rest. Betty walked past them to where Rick was with his friends chilling as the music blast.
Ben who appeared to be worried about Camdy’s quietness, asked concerned.
“Are you okay…you look cold. Why don’t you ask your driver to bring you or you drive down yourself instead of always taking a cab? I have not seen you in your Ferrari or one of those your porch cars. I know you like taking cabs like you said but why do you have cars when you can’t drive them. I told some of my friends about you, I have taking you to my house but you are yet to take me to yours. Would have love to come last week but it was postponed again. When will that truly be? Stop playing around with my emotions, you know I love you Camdy….what is the problem?
Camdy’s heart started beating heavily.

“I love you too Ben, but you need to be patient with me…please. I have something I want to tell you maybe after the party…
Ben looked at her strangely.
“I hate suspends, tell me now, what is it. I can’t wait after the party to hear whatever you have to say. Spill it or are you trying to break up with me….?
“No…no Ben. i…l lied. I lied to you…
“What do you mean that you lied to me…you lied about what? Do you have another guy somewhere?
“No Ben. Please…can we talk later? Maybe after getting settled. Please…not now.
Ben agreed before moving in with Camdy.
Betty was having a good moment and suddenly felt like throwing up.
She rushed inside the house and vomited all she ate that morning before returning to the party.

“Are you alright..? Ben asked her
“Sure…of course, I’m fine.
Betty did not put much attention to the way she was feeling. Her temperature was rising, she felt feverish but did not want anything to stop the fun she was having. She changed over to her bikini and tied a towel round her waist.
She was happy to see Rick and some of his friends looking so hungrily at her. Rick gently drew her into himself and kissed her fully on the mouth.
It was exactly what Betty wanted and she was happy to be the center of his attention.
She saw Camdy who is usually the live of a party, she was seated quietly with Ben who sat beside her with a drink in his hand.

Camdy looks pale and sad as she sat looking all worried.
A lot of people where in the big pool. It was night filled with fun and she can’t wait to have another quiet time with Rick who looks so ready for her.
Betty was seen around Rick, she refused to give him a breathing space before other girls at the party who have been wanting him to notice them will snatch him away from her.
And as the party was going on, that was when Magi and her team arrived.
She drove down in her posh car, accompany by few of her crazy friends.
She cat walked like a boss to the place and stood with her squad watching the whole place filled with people in different swimsuit.

A friend tapped Rick and directed his look to Magi who stood under light so that she can be well recognized.
Rick was shock to see his girlfriend who supposed to be faraway studying.
Many people began to look in Magi’s direction and it also made Betty to turn, she saw Rick’s supposed ex-girlfriend.
Betty was surprised and wondered who invited her to her ex party.
Rick became uncomfortable. Betty stood and watch while Magi and her squad approached them.


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2 years ago

She want love… Love she will get