MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 21 – 22 Amah’s Heart

MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 1 - Amah's Heart

MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 21 Amah’s Heart

Mrs Adam wiped a tear and suddenly pause. She looked at Alice face who wanted her out of the house. She looked at Betty who stood watching her with a folded arm.
Ben sat beside Camdy who was carrying Dan. They all stare at Mrs Adam with a straight face.
“What are you waiting for? Leave or I will be forced to push you out of here.
Alice said ordering the woman. Mrs Adam wiped another tear before saying.

“Walk in my shoes before any of you judge me for what I did. All I have always wanted as a girl was to be loved. Father died when I was twelve and mother refused to remarry. I grew up graving for a man’s love until I met Alan Fag from Eastern Brook who promised me love. His father was a minister and they were wealthy and he showered me with gifts and trips. Mother did not know about my relationship with Alan she asked few times and try to talk to me but I wouldn’t listened because I was in love and it feels like a fairytale and when I became pregnant, I kept it. I was happy at first because I thought that will make Alan to become all mine. And when I finally told him he denied it and broke up with me.

I was angry with everything and everyone even with the child I carry. I felt if not for the child I would have still be with Alan who makes me feel loved. I later went back begging Alan and that was when I heard he was already married and his wife was also pregnant for him. I became more angry with the child in my womb, i try taking abortion pill despite I was already seven months gone. I was bleeding in my room and almost lifeless when mother came to my room and saw me she rushed me to the hospital.

All my prayers was that let the child disappear but nothing happened to the baby. Mother tried her best to nurse me up until I give birth to a baby girl. Mother named her Betty. I wanted to be free from the burden of nursing a child that cursed me the love of my life and the money I was enjoying. And after few years I met Cane, he was also rich and very handsome. Ladies flocks around him like flies but he seem to pick special interest in me. I was enjoying all the attention and the money. I knew he was a drug lord but I never care because he makes me feels good with myself. He said I was beautiful and told me many things that I always wanted to hear. Cane makes me take drugs and smoke different things and I was enjoying all the fame. Mother tries to talk me out of the love escapee but I wasn’t going to listen. Most of the girls wanted to have him all, two got pregnant for him but he was not ready to be a father to any of their child and when I realized I was pregnant too, I was worried and went to tell him. it was the same day I watch him almost kill one of the girls. The girl also got pregnant and brought it to him.

I watch Cane kick and punch the girl until she was bleeding. Cane asked his boys to throw the girl off and he warned me and one of his other girl that if we ever come to him with any news of pregnancy he will do worst to us compare to what he just did to the girl. He threatened to even kill me or anyone that will come to him with such news. He asked me and the other girl to get out of his sight and we shouldn’t show up until he summons us. I was afraid because I knew he meant what he said about killing me if I ever come to him with a pregnancy news. I ran back to mother crying. I realized then that Cane had never loved me he was only using me and few other girls. I was angry again with myself and with everyone but mother was there as always.

Cane was later arrested for so many crime which include killing, in possession of fire arms, stealing and drug dealing. He was sentenced to life in prison. That was the end of him. I carried the pregnancy full term and gave birth to Alice. Mother was the one giving all the names. I stayed in Northern Brook but the shame, the guilt, loneliness and the feeling of not been loved left me with no choice than to run away. People gossip all around. Mother said I should ignore them and get busy with something but I was too ashamed of myself and hated everything in Brook. I left…and came down here and met Adam. I changed my name to Price and later got married to Adam. I never told him about my two daughters in Brook. I lied I told him that I was an orphan. He believed me and we got married.

That was what I have always wanted. To have a man who cares about me. Adam cares. He can be a bully sometimes but I’m used to it all and I started a family with him. When Alice appeared unexpected, asking about me what do you all expect me to do? I have hidden my identity for years from Adam and can’t just let it all out. He may leave me and where will I start from again. I will take my own life because live will means nothing. I did not mean to deny you or ask you to leave Denmark Alice….i just wanted to protect the family I always wanted to have. Ten years ago when I returned back to Brook I came to pick up my birth certificate because the hospital was taking long to process it for me. I saw you Betty, you stood at the door staring at me with so much hate in your eyes and I knew that you will never accept me. I got into argument with mother that night, she was angry with me for my lifestyle and I went running my mouth at her and it resulted to a slap. She had never hit me before and when she did that night I became even more angry with her and swear never to return back again. I’m sorry…deeply sorry. I regret it all but is okay if you can’t forgive me for my past actions…l totally understand. Alice, I wasn’t surprise when Tasha bonded so well with you. Deep within me I was battling with my conscience. All I wanted was to be loved and I was ready to trade anything for such attention……

Alice interrupted her angrily “Just leave….all this explanation makes no sense to me at all. Everything I understand in this your long story was your clear selfishness. You did not care about anyone else except yourself. Everything you wanted was you and only about you. Go back to the family you have always wanted to have and leave us the hell alone. We are adult now and do not need you. I’m seventeen and I’m not a child craving for mother’s love anymore. Maybe I use to but not again. You denied us and lied to your husband. You try to do everything to protect the lie by even asking me to leave Denmark as if is your father’s land. You are very wicked and selfish Mrs Adam. Leave and don’t ever show your wretched face here ever again. How can you even be sleeping with a drug Lord who had many other girls without a protection? What if he infected you with a disease? Was condom not invented back then or you were too stupid to think? Maybe if you have used a condom I will not have been born through you. God would have taken me to a loving mother who will give birth to me because you don’t deserve to be a mother to any child. You are a terrible person and none of us want to walk in your selfish shoes. Please, get the hell out of here.
Alice barked at Mrs Price who turned to leave but Ben stopped her. He stood and asked.

“Excuse me! You mentioned Alan Fag…a minster’s son? And from what I gathered from your story he is Betty’s father. There is only one Alan Fag in
Eastern Brook, who happens to be a minister’s son and he is also my father. My name is Ben Fag….and I’m confuse right now. Does it mean that Betty is….
He paused and looked at Betty who looked back at him. Everybody in the room began to add up the whole story.
They were shock when the realization hit them. Even Mrs Price opened her mouth in disbelief.
She said with an alarming tone.
“Oh my God, you are Alan’s son? Ooh mine…are you the father of Betty’s child? Please let it not be true that you fathered Betty’s child.
Everywhere went quiet that you can even hear a drop of pin. Dan sleep quietly in Camdy’s arm. Ben remained standing as he tries to come in terms with the truth that Betty was related to him.
Betty stood looking at Mrs Adam with so much anger, tears clouded her eyes, she was struggling with the reality and the truth of knowing that she had a father somewhere who do not even know that she exist.
Alice spoke out angrily to Mrs Adam.
“Why are you acting as if you are suffering from heart attack? If Ben had gotten intimate with Betty without even knowing that they may be related, it would have been disastrous and it will all be your fault. Now that you have gotten us all confuse with your story is time to take your leave. I don’t know what you are still waiting for.Jeave right now woman.
Alice went to the door and opened it up, Mrs Adam slowly walked out.

Mrs Adam walked into the house her husband was home. He asked his kids to go inside their room and they quickly did. He stood and barked at his wife
“Where have you been all day….you left the kids at home and never said where you were going. Where have you been?
“i…we..nt to the mall to buy stuff…
Mr Adam jerked her up angrily and pushed her to the wall.
“I have told you severally not to ever lie to me. When I ask you a question I need a clear answer…now for the last time. Where did you leave the kids behind and went to, where?
Mrs Adam struggled to get free from his strong arm.
And when he later released her she sat on the floor coughing and trying to catch her breath.
She will not stay and tolerate Adam’s violence anymore she will do something and leave maybe return back to Eastern Brook. To her mother with her kids.
She shakes her head at the thought and started thinking within herself as she continued to weep on the floor where she sat.

“Will mother ever accept me back”? How can i even go back, Betty and Alice will kick me out into the street. I really do not have a choice than to remain with Adam because there is nowhere to go. I will have to find a way and let Adam know that i have two grown up daughters and a grandson. I’m even a grandmother, oh my God! How will I even tell Adam all that…’ also lied about been an orphan. No…no, i can’t do that. Adam will kick me out and take Tasha and Cole from me at the end i will become childless. No, i will rather leave things as they were…
Mrs Adam sat on the floor crying not from what her husband did but from her terrible past that was gradually catching up with her.
Alice was right, she was selfish and never put anyone into consideration except herself. She deserve whatever she was getting.
Adam felt broken as he watch his wife cry profusely. He breathed deeply thinking that he over reacted again.
He sat beside her and drew her to himself, apologizing for huring her again but Mrs Adam cry even more and was not ready to be consoled.

Episode 22

Ben without wasting time traveled back to eastern Brook with Camdy to tell the good news to his father.
It sounds so unbelievable to Alan . Ben mentioned Betty’s mother’s name and everything about her.
Alan was shock to realized that all his son’s accusation was a fact which he can’t deny.
He had wondered within him many times where Flo could be and the baby too.
He thought maybe “Flo” as he usually call her back then aborted the child after he rejected her and she later found out that he was married to another woman who was also carrying his child.
Alan had blamed himself for all his predicaments but just realizing that he actually had a daughter somewhere all this years without knowing made him want to jump excitedly.
But will his daughter who he denied and never bother to know if she exist or not for over twenty years, will she forgive him, will she even want to have anything to do with him?
Alan became worried as he kept thinking to himself.
Ben mentioned that Betty which is his daughter’s name had a son already “his grandson”
Betty’s friend, Camdy is engaged to Ben and his son have been in a close relationship with his own sister even without knowing that they were related.
Alan told Ben that he will love to go and see her and ask for her forgiveness, she may eventually forgive him and move back to Eastern Brook, live in his mansion and he will give her the good life she was supposed to enjoy all this years.

Mrs Adam went to Alice restaurant twice to plead but Alice sent her away and warned her never to come back to the restaurant.
Florence went back to Betty’s house when Alice was at work.
After Betty let her into the house she began to plead to her daughter amidst tears. She accepted all her mistakes and said she wasn’t afraid anymore, she will find a perfect time and tell her husband the whole truth.
Betty forgive her and Florence later left and return the following day again with her two kids.
They took turns in holding Dan and playing with him.
Florence asked Betty if she can also hold Dan Betty handed him over to her.
She try to control her tears as Betty placed her first grandchild in her arm.
Tasha was a lively child and was filled with different stories for Betty and also for Dan.
Alice came in from work and saw the filled house. she was really pissed off on seeing Florence again.
Betty went to plead on their mother’s behalf.
It took time before Alice let it all go.

Florence went home and summoned courage to tell her husband about the truth she had hidden from him all this years.
When she told him, it was a shocking revelation and Adam was very mad at his wife.
He ignored her plea and left the house angrily.
He did not return for two days, he later drove to Alice restaurant as his wife had mentioned that Alice was one of her daughters.

He asked to see Alice, Adam confirmed from Alice that all his wife said was true.
He was angry with Florence for denying the children she had who were all smart, beautiful and grown.
He later went back home and his wife went on pleading and even said she
was going to leave and go back to Brook, to her mother who was very much alive.
Adam was very angry and found it really difficult to understand why his wife have hidden her true identity all this years, all this while he thought she was truly an orphan.
Adam asked her to invite Betty and Alice to the house and she quickly did.
She asked Betty and Alice to come over for dinner and they obliged.
They came, Alice brought food and snacks and they sat round a table. Talked about the past while eating.
Adam became very sure the moment he saw Betty who looks so much like his wife younger version.
He later had to let all the anger and lies from his dear wife go.
Tasha and Cole had a great time with Dan, Betty and also Alice.
Betty and Alice spoke with their grandma, giving her details of where they are.
Eunice laughed out happily.

Florence later spoke to her mother over the phone for the first time in many years.
She cried and Eunice also cried.
They were silent for a long time their emotions was so heavy as Florence
pleaded for the mother’s forgiveness.
Eunice was thrilled, she had always looked out to having her daughter home and later gave up when the years worn on with no sign of Florence but hearing her speak now made tears pour down her eyes.
All the years anger was wiped off within a twinkle of an eye.
Eunice asked them to return back, she really miss everyone.
They all planned their trip on how to go back to Brook. Eunice will get to meet Dan, her great grandson. She will meet Cole, Tasha and her only prodigal daughter Florence with her husband who will be meeting his mother in-law for the first time.
They all got ready after a month of being certain about taking their mother and her family to Brook.
Betty with her baby and Alice, Florence and her husband and kids left Denmark.
They decided to fly an aeroplane instead the long journey on train.
When they arrived Brook, Eunice was waiting for her large squad at the airport.
And there was so much joy in the air as they all came out to meet Eunice Jumping up and down like a child.
Eunice hugged her daughter, Florence, she met her daughter’s husband for the first time. She met Tasha and Cole including Dan.

Eunice was overjoyed and she couldn’t hide her excitement.
They got a cab and went back to Northern Brook.
Eunice had already made provision for rooms. Since there were three rooms, Florence with her husband. Betty and Alice with Dan then she and her younger grand kids stayed in one room.
It was a great family reunion.
Camdy and Ben called that they were coming over too.

Rick had called and sent text messages to Ben asking him to forgive all his wicked ways in the past.
he wanted them to return back as friends Just as before and Ben said it was okay.
Rick also spoke with Ben that morning that he was driving down to his place to see him but Ben told him that he was going out and will see him when he returns.
Tom called Eunice that he will stop over on his way from work for some tea and home made snacks.
It was going to be a long holiday with a full house for Eunice.
None of them knew that Ben was also coming with his Dad.
Alan Fag who was so willing to meet his daughter, Betty for the first time.


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