MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 2 & 3 – Amah’s Heart

MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 1 - Amah's Heart

MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 2 – Amah’s Heart

Betty sat on the piano and began to play every key that goes with her song.
Her music instructor Krak, a brown African tall man with a full gymed muscled chest almost popping out of his cloth.
He stood beside Betty instructing her on what to play while other student sat nearby, listening quietly and waiting for their turn.

Is been three weeks ever since she started her musical class and she has not yet gotten a big applaud from Krak, her music instructor who was also married with two kids.
Some other students, those who do not run morning and afternoon shift like her are almost good to go and have already been applauded by Krak.

“You have to be focus, listen to the rhythm, play the high and lower key when needed not carelessly. If you want to be outstanding then put in your full passion to achieving your goal. Music is a powerful unseen elements that connect the universe. You have listened to different song sung across the globe and most of them are voiled and empty without a rhythm.


Is time to create yours and make the world listen and enjoy. Be a good pianist, guitarist, vocalist and anything that brings out beautiful sound to the ear also a good dancer not just a singer. Y’all need to get serious… You do not spend all that money for registration just for nothing. You got enrolled because of your passion for music so show it out to the world…

Krak advised his students that evening before they went home.
Betty stopped at Mrs Craig house the next morning to pick up her grocery list.
She wait and listened to her talked about Violet her late daughter.
On her way out she met Mrs Craig grandson. Tom
“Hey beautiful… you are the girl from the grocery store right?
Betty nodded with a smile
“I got a name and is Betty. You are Tom. Your grandma says nice things about you.

Tom laugh out before saying.
” I haven’t heard my Grandma say anything nice about me. she will not even talk to me or allow me drive her out anytime I mention that she needs help. She is having a sign of dementia or haven’t you notice that too.
“She hates to hear you say that to her, maybe you should stop saying it and
get help for her instead…

Tom interrupted Betty
“She will never agree to that. I need her corporation first before getting her to the doctor…but my grandma is very stubborn….
“Shh… don’t say that. Mrs Craig only crave for attention. If you speak nicely to her and even listen anytime she comes with any old tale…she may agree with you but you have to be nice to her…
Betty said more in a whisper to avoid Mrs Craig overhearing them.
Tom promise to try before Betty left.
After a week Tom drove down to thank Betty.

Telling her that her suggestion worked. He tried it and his Grandma finally agreed to get help.
Tom and Betty became friends.
One day Tom asked Betty to go on a lunch date with him.
But Betty told him that she was occupied at the moment and no free time to spare.
Tom kept asking her for days and even weeks and Betty later agreed.

After Sunday service in their Baptist church, one of the biggest church in
northern Brook. Betty got dressed for her outing with Tom.
“I’m having an evening hangout with Mrs Craig grandson. His name is Tom….
Betty Said to her grandmother and to Alice who has many questions to ask Betty.
” Is it like couples night out, a cool date or lovers date…. wait Betty are you in love with him…?
Alice ask with a folded arms and legs crossed

“No… no. I’m not in love with Tom. Is just a friendly outing nothing serious. Stop forming stupid ideas on your head…
“But Tom is cool he is just have a long nose and a pumpkin shape of head that’s all. he can pass for a handsome man… what if he is in love with you… Betty what will you do?
” There is no chemistry, no connection between us Alice. He is just Mrs Craig grandson and a nice young man who happens to be my friend…. the end.
“Love is a beautiful feeling and I…
Eunice interrupted Alice.

“Shut the hell up child, you know nothing about love. Stop acting like a road side relationship councilor….
“Grandma Eunice, I’m fourteen I will be turning fifteen soon. I’m old enough to know that love is a beautiful thing and I can’t wait to also go out on a date…
“Alice you are thirteen years going to fourteen stop adding to your age it doesn’t work that way.
Betty corrected her sister.

“Whatever…age is a number and I know bunch of adult stuff already…
Betty Later left for her evening outing with Tom who took her to see a movie and they visited few other places before taking her home.
He parked right in front of Betty’s house.
“, I’m happy you you finally agreed to do this with me. I wish we can get serious., you know… like get a chance with you.

“Tom, let’s not go there yet. I’m pretty busy to get involve in a relationship with you or anyone but we can remain cool together… Like friends zone.
Tom agreed without a push and promise to check her up at the grocery store within the week.
Mr Seaman, the man with hearing aid was the last man Betty attended to before clocking out of her afternoon shift.
She quickly changed over and left for her class.

She felt happy inwardly and can’t really tell why she was feeling so glad.
Krak, her music instructor took them on a dancing match.

Where each student comes out to give a unique step to a particular hip hop sound they all produced
Betty with her present mood gave in her best to the dance.
She was really in a high spirit and did not fail to show it.
They Later join a line and take every steps that their instructor throws.
And after sometimes everyone was singing and dancing to the sound of music.

After the whole happy class was over, students started leaving.
Betty asked Krak if she can stay behind for sometime and practice on the piano.
Krak gave her go ahead.

Betty was happy and rushed over to the piano.
She shut her eyes as she tries to master the keys without looking at them.
She was singing one of her favorite song with her eyes closed when a young man walked in.
Krak stood and gave him a warm handshake.

They talked for sometime, his eyes kept going to where Betty was.
He asked Krak about her and he told the young man that Betty was one of his student who wanted to stay behind and practice on her own
“and obviously she is perfecting her hands on the piano…
Krak told his visitor.
The young man excused himself from Krak and walked up to where Betty was.

Betty who was already carried away was startled the moment she heard a voice beside.
She opened her eyes and saw him smiling and looking down at her.
He was black, tall with a full broad shoulder. He looks a little serious with his attire. Gray blazers on a Jean trouser, With white high neck shirt.
He has a deep dimples in his left cheeks whenever he smiles.
He was indeed good looking and may pass for New York model.

“, You sing and play so well, Just wanted to commend you. I’m Rick Williams from Eastern Brook.
He said his name in a way that makes it appear like he was ringing a bell or reminding Betty of how important he was.
He stretched out his hand for a shake.
Betty smile before taking his well manicured hands.
” Betty Fisher…i’m from Northern Brook. I’m please to meet you Rick…

“Yeah… same here Betty. We get to see some other time. I have to run now .
Betty who has totally forgotten that she was still holding onto his hand firmly immediately realized herself with an apology.
She let go of his hands and he walked away
After he left Betty packed up to leave too so that Krak can drop her where she can join an easy bus going to northern Brook.
On their way Krak said.

“Rick seems to pick interest in you which makes you a lucky girl.
” Why, that doesn’t make any sense Krak. why are you sounding like I won a trophy because a good looking young man said hello to me.

” He is not just any kind of a normal young man Betty. Rick’s mother owns the music school and I’m only her manager. His father is Mr Williams, a very important and popular man. He was running for a seat of a mayor in eastern Brook last three years but he failed to win due to some minor dispute, his opponent won the seat. Mr Williams will be running again in the next upcoming election for Brook Eastern mayor. Rick is the only son, he has one kid sister. So you see why I say you are damn lucky to be noticed by him.

“Wow, I have seen his father on the TV debating. He has a fat belly and talks like a smart tricky politician. Well i never knew anything about him or his family. Never knew he has such a cute son but Krak all we did was exchange pleasantries that’s really no big deal talking with the rich and famous…

“Is a big deal Betty. Lots of other ladies will want such opportunity that you got today with the popular Rick Williams… you got lucky girl so be proud.
Betty smile. She kept smiling even when she got home
As she lay in her bed that night all she thought of was Rick Williams and did not stop smiling.
Tom’s call interrupted her.

“Hey Tom…
” Hey Betty, how was your day today…are you free to text?

” My day was great…no I can’t text now. I got to sleep. We talk tomorrow… After the call she dropped the phone and resume her festive smile.

MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 3 – Amah’s Heart

Betty had a little chat with Camdy during her work shift.

“He was really handsome Camdy and Krak my music instructor said his father is a politician and his mother owns the music school. He is the only son and have a kid sister. I was already dripping all over when he grabbed my hand and said “my name is Rick Williams from eastern Brook…” camdy I just freeze inside and I couldn’t let go of his hand..” totally forgot that I was still holding onto him….

“Betty, you are really crushing on this guy. Wow, what will happen to Tom…you know that he likes you a lot and want you to be in a serious relationship with him…?

“Camdy, I made it clear from the beginning that I wasn’t going to get into any relationship with him and Tom was cool with that. We are just friends and that’s all. Rick Williams only said hello to me and commend my voice, he never showed interest in getting serious or even said he likes me. Although I like him so much already but that is a mere fantasy and I don’t want to get lost in my dream world. I and Tom aren’t an item….we got nothing together…

Camdy laughed out before saying “Girl, if Rick Williams ever showed interest don’t waste any time… grab the offer right away. Tom is some dull dude that needs a church quiet girl for a girlfriend. Don’t think of him because he is not important. He may even be so forgetful like his grandmother…
Betty hushed Camdy.

“heyyy…stop being so rude on the old woman. That was not a good compliment Camdy, Mrs Craig did not chose to be forgetful. Her condition comes with her age and you shouldn’t be disrespectful because you will grow old someday and who knows what life will throw at you. It may be both Mr Seaman difficulty in hearing and Mrs Craig forgetfulness…you may never know..
Camdy slapped Betty’s back hard, Betty screamed in pain

“Awwww…that hurt Camdy. What did you do that for…all I said was the truth. With the way you go disregarding the old…you don’t really know how yours will be, so is high time you stop acting like a witch who will never attend old age.
“Betty, you do not have to compare me with the worst set of people in Brook. Listen, in my old age, I will slay like old mama. I will never stop slaying until my last breath and there will be nothing like challenges with my health cos I will be so perfect and will remain beautiful…shining like a diamond….

Betty laugh before returning to her work.
She continued with her music class
She looked out to see Rick Williams again but he never showed up as days turned into weeks.
She one day decided to ask Krak after school but changed her mind so that she won’t appear desperate.
Krak may think she was asking of Rick because he has money and his family are famous and with that thought Betty never said anything again to Krak.

While at the grocery store one day Tom came by to check on Betty who was recently avoiding him
“heyy beautiful…how is your day again?
“Hi Tom, My day is moving on fine. I have being very busy like always…
“I guess so. I called two days ago and yesterday too and even drop few text messages but there was no replies and you did not take my calls or return them so I was wondering if I did anything wrong. I don’t know how busy you will be this weekend, I actually got two ticket for a movie. Please can we just hang out this weekend and watch a recently released movie…grabbed some ice cream and I will take you back home.

“Tom, I’m sorry.J’m not sure I can do that. I just don’t want to encourage you getting me stuff and acting as if we are in a relationship when we are not. I don’t want things to get twisted. Really want us to remain cool and not get deep into each other. I don’t know if you understand me?
“Sure…sure I totally understand Betty. Listen.J’m not asking for anything more than a movie, grab ice cream and we go back home. We are still cool Betty. I respect your decision of not wanting to get into anything intimate I get it and I am not here to push you out of your decisions. If you can’t make it is all fine by me…

Betty looked at him for some time and said
“Well, let me see how it goes. Will give you feedback if I can make it or not. “I guess that is a yes already…and I look forward to that Betty.
Betty later decided to agree to Tom’s outing.
Camdy felt indifferent about it.

“You should be focusing on getting Rick Williams and not a random Brook boy who got nothing much to offer…
“Shut it Camdy, Tom work at engineering shop and he make his own legit money. He takes care of his grandma and also her bills. Tom is hardworking so stop condemning him. He may not be my kind of guy but he is definitely not a bad person.

Betty was out with Tom after service again one Sunday.
After the whole movie thing and few catch up, Tom drove Betty down to the house.
They sat in the car in front of Betty’s house.

“Thank you again for agreeing to do this, I like having you around Betty and by the way I was afraid to compliment your dressing… you look so beautiful tonight. I enjoyed your great presence and wish we can do this once in a while.
Betty smile, Tom looked at her and breathed carelessly.
He combed his hand in his hair.

He wish he can explain exactly how he feels about Betty but he did not want to scare her off.
Betty thanked him for the evening outing, she took her purse and tries to open the car door.
Tom grabbed her and pulled her closer to himself.
He kissed Betty who was shock and pushed him back.
Tom started apologising “i…l…Betty…l’m sorry…i.
Betty couldn’t say a word and did not even know how to react to the whole thing.

She stepped down from the car and went inside.
Tom did not drive off immediately, he sat in his car holding his head.
He hit himself for allowing his emotions to get the best of him.
He wish Betty will not stop seeing him because of the kiss.
Betty was at the grocery store the next Monday morning and Camdy wanted to know how the outing went.
“He kissed me.Jike… real kiss. I was so shock that I couldn’t even do anything to him..

“Betty…he did whaaaat… you mean Tom Craig kissed you. Ewwweee…that is so disgusting. Gush.. So irritating. And you did not slap him for such rubbish. If I’m the one I will give him a double slap for the nonsense…what was he even thinking. What kind of rubbish is that? Did you warn him….what did you do after that?

“Nothing…absolutely nothing, he sent few messages apologizing but up till now I don’t even know how to react to the whole thing. But I will not go out with him again. The whole idea of having me close to him, is all getting to his head. I don’t know why he will do such…

Within that week Betty was at the music class one day when Rick Williams finally showed up at his mother’s music school.
Betty was swept off like a wave as she stare at him when he approached her.

“Hey pretty.J’m Rick Williams, Remind me of your beautiful name again…
“Betty…Betty Fisher from Northern Brook. I met you here few weeks ago and is my pleasure to meet you again Rick…
“Very well then, I’m hosting a house party by next weekend. So I’m throwing open an invitation to you…you are pretty and if you have a beautiful friend you can bring her along too. here is my card If you can make it to the party. My number and house address is all in the card….

He handed Betty a card and she grabbed it without a second thought.
Rick smile again before walking away.
Betty can’t wait to tell Camdy about the invitation.
She will take her time and arrange her hair, sort out a beautiful wear, a shoe with a matching purse.
She can’t miss the house party for anything.

At least she will get to be close to Rick Williams, her everyday crush. The handsome young man she has really fallen for even without him knowing.
She will also mingle with other important people in the society that will be at the house party.


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