MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 16 – 18 Amah’s Heart

MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 1 - Amah's Heart

MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 16 – Amah’s Heart

Alice was quiet for sometime before collecting the money from Mrs Adam. She walked away leaving the woman.
The money she had on her now was enough to travel home and also buy gifts for Betty and her grandmother.
She did not need to work extra days or week.
She will leave immediately without wasting further time.

The next day she told her manager that she will be traveling and may not come back.
” That’s alright Alice, you are always welcome back here, anytime you decide to return. There will always be a job for you here Alice… alright?
” Sure, thank you Mr Philemon.

Alice left the city on the sixth day, she took a cab to the train park. Join the long train that took her to Brook. Then another cab to Northern Brook and straight to the house
Betty was home with her grandmother when Alice knocked on the door.
Eunice went to the door and screamed excitedly while drawing her granddaughter into an embrace.
They stayed in each others warm arm.
when Betty came out of her room to know why Eunice screamed.
She saw Alice who loosened from her grandmother and went to Betty.
They hugged.
” Betty, look at Alice, Your sister has added some weight, look at those waist…they are bigger in size now than before.
Alice laughed out before saying
” C’mon grandma, i was only gone for few months. I was working all through my stay in Denmark…no time to tour the city or have fun…I miss home and I’m so glad to be back…
They ate, talked, laugh and Alice got to know that Betty is pregnant for Rick who denied her. She felt sad, hearing all Betty went through. She went to Betty and hugged her again, promising not to leave her next time but will always be ready to listen and support her.
Alice later said to her grandmother and Betty.
” I may never get to meet mother, I searched for her in all the addresses I was given but it was Just a waste of time. I met one woman in the last address… she’s quiet strange. Mrs Adam Price was her name. She has a little resemblance with the picture of mother when she was young. Mrs Price Live with her husband and two children. She act strange. Her husband appears like a bully. Her daughter is so friendly, her name is Tasha… Mrs Price offered me money to leave the city. I was already planning to leave when she came with the offer and I took it. I asked her why she was doing that and she said I won’t understand. Well, if my leaving will give her peace of mind then I will rather leave. She seems troubled with my presences or from her husband….I dunno…

Eunice cleared her throat and said.
” Maybe she is hiding something. What if she is your mother?
Alice smiled before saying.
” She can’t be. mother will be happy to meet me. mother will not offer money to a daughter she left for many years to leave the city because she wasn’t comfortable with my presence. My mother will not warn me never to return to her place because her husband do not like unwanted visitors. Finally, mother’s name is Florence Fisher not Adam price. A Mother will never deny her own child.

Betty agree to what Alice said and wondered how fast she has grown in wisdom with Just a little exposure.
Alice brought out all the presents she brought back. Both for Betty and Eunice.

Betty strolled out alone after one week. She resigned from the grocery store and stays indoor more but got tired of staying indoors and decided to take a walk that evening
She wanted to be alone to think over her life
Everything in the city saddens her and she do not want her pregnancy to become apparent.
Since she survived the abortion and her baby also survived she has decided to settle for whatever fate awaits her.
Carry the pregnancy full term and take care of the child but it won’t be in Northern Brook.
Tongues will go waging at her, gossips will fly, people will point her back to her mother and will even call her “like mother, like daughter”..

She do not want such and don’t want to give people something to gossip about, people like Mrs Smith, the town crier.
Betty planned to leave Brook to a faraway city before her pregnancy becomes obvious.
Her stomach was gradually protruding out, but she was good at hiding it and very soon she won’t be able to hide it anymore
She have some cash saved up, she will leave everything behind.

Her career, music school, all her plans will be left behind. She will put everything on hold for the sake of the child she carries who refused to go even after going through hell in the hand of the fake doctor who’s D and C failed.
She was grateful to be alive.
the anger, disappointment and betrayal she got from Rick pushed her to the point that she almost lost her life.
She did not want the child in the beginning because of her own story, growing up without a father or a mother who cares.
She doesn’t want such for her child but now she have a different mindset. If her mother had aborted her when she discovered that she was pregnant, she will never have existed. She will not let fear of the future or what people will say, or the fear of raising a child without a father to dictate for her.
She will leave Brook, travel far away to another city and stay there.
” Maybe Denmark, Yes…yes. me and Alice can travel to Denmark. She have better idea of the city. We will get a house and a job too. I will stay over there until I put to birth and raise my child…
Betty thought of Tom and hopes he forgives her someday for what she did to him.
she thought of Mrs Craig.

Is been a while she heard of the old woman.
Betty decided to take a cab to the hospital where Mrs Craig was.
She sighed in as a visitor for Mrs Craig before walking down to the direction of where she was kept in the elderly section.
She walked into her room and saw her sitting down and staring out of the window.
Betty breathed down before saying.
” Hello Mrs Craig… do you remember me?
Mrs Craig turned and saw Betty standing close to where she sat.
Her straight face quickly turned into a smile. And she exclaimed
” Violet! ooh…my daughter. Ofcurse I remember you. Can a mother forget her own daughter… what kept you since. You did not want to come and visit me in this prison they kept me…is only Philip that comes around. Come and sit here with me.. you have added some weight. And your eyes is puffy. Violet are you alright?
Mrs Craig, I’m Betty Fisher from the glocer…
Betty quickly pause the moment Mrs Craig face changed into sadness.
” Yes, I’m violet…I was caught up with work and that’s why I haven’t visited. I’m doing great… and you, how are you coping in here…

She watch Mrs Craig face light up with a smile.
Betty listened with a smile on her own face. Her face turned to different expression while listening to Mrs Craig. She gave details from when she wakes up, what she is given to eat on some days, an annoying nurse that will forced her to take her meds.
Mrs Craig talks about the time Philip, whom Betty believe to be Tom comes around to visit her. She even Talks about Violet her daughter.
Betty listened and even laughed with her.
They were talking and laughing like old friends when Tom came in
Betty’s heart skipped the moment she sawTom.

She couldn’t look at his face, Betty picked up her bag and bid Mrs Craig good night.
She tries to walk past Tom but he caught her hand and release her immediately.
” why are you here, you are supposed to keep your distance from me and everything that concerns me. Don’t come here and give my Grandma hope and crush it when she was beginning to trust you. That is what you are good at and you don’t have a business coming down here and acting all nice with my grandma. Don’t com…
Tom paused the moment her grandmother said.
“Philip, Violet came to visit me today…ooh, we had a great time together. I feel so happy seeing Violet again…she is adding some weight. Do you think she is preg…

Tom looked at his grandmother who started saying something else.
He breathed down before looking back at Betty who refused to look at him. Tom continued.
“… Don’t leave because of me, you can stay. I will rather leave or hang around until you are out. My grandma seems to enjoy your company…
Betty stammered
“ ok…at by you then I will come another day to visit her. I’m sorry for coming down without your knowledge. If I have your permission next time then I will visit Mrs Craig again…
Tom did not say anything as he stare at Betty who quickly turned and left.
Betty later told her grandmother and Alice about her plans to relocate to another city, maybe a big city like Denmark where Alice Just returned from
Eunice and Alice bought the idea and they started making preparations towards leaving.

Episode 17

“We will be leaving by next weekend…
Camdy turned and looked at Betty ” That’s too early, I was thinking is by next month…
” My condition will become obvious the more I stay in Brook. I need to leave soonest and start a new life afresh. I will call you and also give you my new address Just incase you want to visit.
” Yeah, I will definitely travel down to visit you and Alex. I haven’t been to Denmark before. I Heard is a big city. Changing environment will do you lots of good, away from gossip mongers like…
There was a hard bang, it sounded like a gun shot.
Betty and Camdy who were taking an evening stroll rushed out of the road and hide.
They hide at the back of a car, where they get to see what was going on.
After the bang followed by constant shout and quarrel.
Some young boys were fighting behind a parked truck.

Betty and Camdy hide. Betty wanted them to Leave but Camdy wasn’t ready, camdy was eager to know what was happening.
They saw a familiar face, he was with a shot gun.
Betty quietly screamed in shock when the guy that was shot on the leg leaped up.
Camdy brought out her phone and started her video recording from their hideout.
The wounded boy kept shouting in pain while the shooter who happens to be Mrs Smith’s son was threatening the other two with same gun in his hand.
” If y’all don’t get my coke…I will gun you all down one after the other. Don’t joke with me. If any of you call the cops… y’all will be implicating yourself.

Do you know the shit it took me to get that coke…do you think all this bulshit tale will get it back…I don’t wanna hear story. Find my stuff or I will come for everyone of you…if you get close to me I will blow your head… move back..I said., move.
” Tiger… are you crazy? Keep the gun away… tiger!
One of the boys shouted at Mrs Smith son, asking him to lower the gun but tiger kept threatening while pointing the gun to them.
He was moving back and continued with his threats.
Betty and Camdy watched from their hideout as Tiger later put the gun in his belt holder and covered it with his big shirt before walking away.
One of the boys that had a car helped the wounded friend up with the third boy.
They carried him to the car and zoomed off.

Camdy and Betty stepped out and quickly walked away from the scene. They were going back to the house and passed through the church.
Mrs Smith who was coming from church saw them.
They try to walk pass her but she halt them to stop.
” Hello Mrs Smith…
Betty greeted but camdy didn’t say anything.
The woman face camdy.

” Has cat got your tongue or do I look invisible to you that you can’t greet me like Betty did? You are not well trained, well, I don’t blame you. When your mother is an addict and still undergoing treatment at the rehabilitation… your father is a furniture man and you are a nobody with no home training, nothing good can come out of you. Rubbish!
Camdy pretend to take no offence even though all she wanted to do was to punch Mrs Smith long nose.
Mrs Smith turned to Betty who was trying to hide behind camdy so that Mrs Smith will not have anything to say about her.

” Betty, How are you doing? I learnt that you have resigned from the grocery store. Why? I also know that Alex, your sister is back. Where did she traveled to before? And I noticed that… you look different, I mean really different. You are adding weight, wearing big cloths unlike what you use to wear before now. and there’s a speculation that you maybe pregnant. Is not from me because I wasn’t so sure. And when I told some people that you maybe pregnant they did not believe me. They thought I’m a talkative. Nobody believes me now until it will becomes obvious. You know pregnancy can never be hidden. But I’m not saying you are…I know you can’t be.

Your mother got pregnant by unknown man, after giving birth to you she ran off again and started with that drug addict, she became pregnant the second time and had your sister, the drug lord that got her and many other greedy girls pregnant is cooling off in prison. That’s why you shouldn’t end up like your mother, my son, Tiger is a graduate and pursuing his career. I’m a proud mother and I’m so proud of him. While most of you are struggling to catch up with life my son is flying in colours. Isn’t that awesome…I always thank God for him. I was Just coming from choir rehearsal for Sunday service, i will be doing a Thanksgiving for tiger. Try and be in church on Sunday and tell your grandma too but make sure you are not pregnant or it will be quiet unfortunate for you and Mrs Eunice…

Betty who had always kept quiet anytime Mrs Smith talks about her mother or about her decided to speak out.
” Your son, Tiger is doing drugs and police will soon come after him. You need to focus more on your family than in people’s affair. Stop mentioning my mother or my unknown father everytime you get an opportunity to do so. I have respected and ignored you, I act like the good girl but I can see you don’t deserve it. Pregnancy is not a disease and is neither a crime. I’m glad my mother did not abort me because of your type who will not stop painting her sin to her face and if I happen to be pregnant like you are speculating, if at all I become pregnant…I will keep my child. Mrs Smith look more into your family, take care of your personal affairs before coming for others…
Mrs Smith was surprised, Betty had never talked back at her before or disrespected her. Betty walked away aftertalking, leaving camdy and Mrs Smith behind.

Camdy smile, she was happy that Betty finally found her voice to talk to Mrs Smith.
” Camdy, I know is you… Betty had never talk back at me before, she has never disrespected me and now you have corrupted her mind with your negative company. You are a bad child and a bad influence to Betty. I will tell Mrs Eunice to talk to Betty so that she can keep away from people like you. You are bag egg..
Camdy laughed out before saying.

” I agree, I totally agree and I’m loving the new Betty. Since you have refused to mind your business we will help you out. Tiger, your son is doing coke, he is into drugs and he shot somebody down the road. An unknown man saw him shoot and called 911. He will be aressted soon. You should channel all this energy you used in other people’s cases in yours or your son will be among the prison inmates soonest…
Camdy started going and ignored Mrs Smith who kept saying.
” God forbides it. My son can never do drugs or even found with a gun. My son is decent and educated… you are talking rubbish. Devil’s child… that’s what you are… devil get behind me. You have succeeded in corrupting Betty’s heart… nonsense….

She kept talking, camdy ignored her and joined up with Betty.
She gave Betty a high five for talking back at Mrs Smith for the first time.
The next day, Camdy who didn’t want to let Mrs Smith know that she was the one that called 911 saw police cars, honking their siren and searching for tiger.
After few days he was caught and was taking to the station.
Mrs Smith kept protesting that her son was innocent, she said Tiger was getting implicated for a crime he never committed and is the work of her jealous enemies.

Camdy code her number before forwarding the video of tiger with a gun to the net. A video which shows that he shot a young boy on the leg, threatens to deal with them if they do not find his coke, which means his drugs.
After sharing the video it went viral and Mrs Smith became speechless. It was a clear evidence that Tiger was guilty.
Mrs Smith resulted to saying she will get a good lawyer who will get her son out.
Nobody knows who captured the video because camdy was very careful in order not to get herself or anyone close to her into trouble.
Tiger and his gang of drug dealers where locked up.
After then Mrs Smith calmed down a little. She got a lawyer for her son and was too busy with the court case, no time to mingle in people’s affair.
Betty and Alex were set to leave that early morning.

Ben drove down with camdy to their house.
Mrs Eunice was going to miss her granddaughters. She wiped a tear as Betty hugged her.
Alex also hugged her grandmother
Eunice waved them goodbye and goodluck as they got into Ben’s car and drove off to the train park.
When they got to the park, Betty hugged and thanked Ben and Camdy for all their kindness, she promise to call ones she is well settled.

After getting their tickets for the train long ride, Camdy and Ben waited behind for them until the train drove off.
They waved each other goodbye before Ben and Camdy returned back to Brook while Betty and Alex continued in their journey to Denmark where she will get to start all over.
Leaving every sadness behind and embracing her new beginning.

Episode 18

Betty and Alice settled in Demark. The first few days they arrived they stayed in a hotel. Alice who knows a little about the city and through the help of her friend and colleague, Mia got a small but comfortable place.
The rent was not much too. She returned back and told Betty who gathered up the money she had and paid up for the rent.
They moved into the small apartment and Alice went back to Mr Phil restaurant, who told her before she traveled back to Brook that she will always have a job in the restaurant. Mr Phil was happy to have Alice back.
Alice later asked for a loan from Mr Phil and she was give her two months ahead cheque with extra money as gift. Alice was very grateful, she will have to also work for two months without pay because she had collected her cheque ahead of time for an emergency purpose.

Alice used the money to furnish the house and make it comfortable place for her and Betty to live in. she gave Betty the remaining cash to buy few baby’s things.
Betty searched for a job too but most small businesses do not want to employ a pregnant woman.
She later got one as a nanny
The pay wasn’t much but it went a long way in paying bills and getting food stuffs.

Alice too was always helpful, she made sure there was food in the house for Betty.
She brings back food from the restaurant too.
Betty grew in size and sometimes goes for check-up in a hospital which wasn’t so far from where they both live.
She speaks to her Grandma, to Camdy and to Ben anytime she is free.
Camdy kept in touch. She calls her often, giving details of all that is going on in Brook.

Camdy said she has started her nursing school and her mother was out of rehab and getting busy in the house. She was very happy as she talks to Betty about everything was happening in Brook.
One day while Alice was attending to her customers at the restaurant Mrs Adam Price walked in with her two kids.
She was surprise to see Alice.
When Alice went to attend to her she asked.
“I thought you went back to Brook…?
“Yes, I did but I’m back to Demark now. I just visited Brook but I’m back here Mrs Price. Is good to see you and your kids.

Tasha, Mrs Price daughter spoke excitedly
“Is good to see you too Miss. We came here few times and when I did not see you I asked mom and she said you have gone back to where you came from and you won’t return again. She said you live faraway and your family is there too. When Mom told me that you won’t be coming back…it means I will not get to see you ever again… I was sad. But I’m so happy to see you now. Hope you are not going to leave again?
Alice smile and bent towards Tasha.

“No Tasha, I’m not going anywhere. I’m here to stay and even if I have to go it will be just for a short visit and I will return back here. By the way, please call me Alice, I didn’t get to tell you my name before I traveled out…
Alice looked up at Mrs Price son, a plate of burger and cheeps was place in his front, he pushed it aside and frown his face. Alice seeing his sad face said.
“What is it Cole, do you want something else…tell me what you want then I will get it for you…
He replied with his face bent.
“I want crispy chicken and donut with yogurt…

Alice left and after few minute she returned with a plate of all that Cole asked for. She watch his face light up the moment he saw the food.
Alice asked him if he was happy and he responded with a nod and continued with his food in silent.
Mrs Price said.
“I thought you were gone for good and will not return back here again. I never knew it was just a visit. Demark has its rough life you may not survive in this city for long. Are you sure Brook will not be better than here? I mean staying in Brook will be far better than working here in Demark.
Alice quickly replied.

“Demark is a big city, bigger than Northern Brook…i grew up in Brook, I school and lived in Brook with my Grandma and sister and I know Demark is filled with different opportunities than Brook. I will survive here. I love changes, I like newthings and I also like to explore. Coming down here in the first place was to search for my mother but when I couldn’t find her I decided to settle down here and it had been favourable so far. I’m sorry if you are not comfortable with me here but I’m here to stay…the city is offering opportunity for everyone and I won’t be left out.
Mrs Price was speechless at the young girl’s word. All she did was to nod. Alice started walking away and Mrs Price said
“How is your grandmother and your sister in Brook doing?
Alice turned and pause for some time before replying.
“Fine. Thanks for asking but my sister is here with me now.


Mrs Price exclaimed with a shock, she wanted to ask more questions but Alice was gone.
She hurried her kids to finish up there food and by the time Alice came out Mrs Price had disappeared with her kids.
Camdy called Betty one night with a sad news.
“…he is so sad and heartbroken Betty. Mrs Craig means everything to him but now that she is gone Tom is broken…
“Oh mine! I seriously can’t believe that Mrs Craig is dead. When I visited her in the hospital she looks okay to me. We spoke, laugh and she was so lively and even asked me to visit her again. She was always happy calling me
Violet, that’s her daughter’s name…Tom’s mother. Who died when Tom was
still a little boy. Is really sad because she fought hard to keep sane. Dementia was a serious sickness and Mrs Craig did all she could to keep to reality but her brains kept malfunctioning. Tom will really be heartbroken because his grandma was all he had left.

I wish I can talk to him but he is still mad at me and did not want to have anything to do with me again. I don’t really blame him…it was all my fault Camdy. I traded his love for what I felt was better. Every day I think of Rick and it still baffles me that he did all that to me. I took Tom’s love for granted and look at where it landed me, pregnant with no father to my unborn child. Pathetic…but I will survive and I know with time Tom will also be fine and move on. He is a nice guy and I don’t deserve him.
Camdy, was quiet on the other end as Betty talk. She later said.

“I think Tom still likes you Betty but he is trying to move past that. I’m not so sure but the Tom I know is not so harden as he appears to be. He is easy going and kind. He will eventually forgive you someday. Don’t beat hard on yourself. Maybe by next month I will take some days off and visit you but if I can’t, then I will make sure I come before your due date. In about three months’ from now you will be due. I want to be there, holding your hands as you push. Reassuring you that I will always be there for you and we will raise the baby together. It doesn’t matter if the baby has no father all that matters is that he or she will be deeply loved.

Betty wiped a tear from her eyes and thanked Camdy for always having her back and looking out for her.
One day Betty, closed so early from work, she stopped at Alice work place on her way back. Alice was happy to see her.
“What happened Betty? You look exhausted…what should I get for you? and you closed so early today, Are you alright?
“Just tired, pushing my big tommy up and down is exhausting. Anyway, I stopped work. The kids’ mother asked me to stop because of my condition. Which I totally understand. I could have stopped even before now but we needed the money and I couldn’t leave you with all the expenses burden.
Alice smile and said.

“You worry too much over bills, I’m glad you stopped that your nanny stressful job. Is time for me to also take care of you Betty? You know back in Brook, all through my high school you were always there for me. I never lack anything…you work double shift just to make sure that there was enough to eat in the house and expenses were covered. You assisted Eunice and did not leave her with all the burden. Betty, you are kind and a loving person and is unfortunate that bad things happen to good people. Grandma is proud of you and I’m also. Together we will overcome all this. I can’t wait to meet my niece or my nephew, that baby is going to have the world best Aunty. Don’t worry about the bills, if it means me working all day and all night but I will make sure every bill is covered. We will buy more babies stuff, create a play section for the baby. Rick can go to hell with his girlfriend…you are fine without him.
Betty laughed out before saying…

“I’m surprise at how far you have grown and how wise you have become. I use to think you don’t have sense back in Brook…hahahaha but I can see you have always made sense. Grandma raised you so well. You are growing into a wise woman and I’m also proud of you Alice. Even though there is no mother or father to call ours…there will be me and Eunice cheering you up. You will go to college and become who you want to be. After giving birth and weaning my baby, I will get a job and work as if my life depends on it just to make sure you go to college and to also make sure my child lacks nothing. I will return back to my music school, I stopped singing long time. I will go back to it because I have a great passion for that, nothing will hold us back from becoming who we want to be…not lack of mother, not lack of money or lack of anything will stop us from achieving our different goals…do you understand?

Alice nodded with a smile and hugged her sister warmly.
Mr Phil, Alice boss who was very friendly came out and said hello to Betty, he offered food and they sat, eat and talk like old friends before Betty and Alice left that night.
Mrs Adam Price avoid coming to the restaurant. Ever since Alice told her that Betty was in Demark with her, Mrs Adam Price never visited the restaurant or came close to the place. She kept her distance.
After few months Betty was due and was taking to the hospital.

Camdy traveled all the way down as she promised and she wasn’t alone, she came with Ben whom she was already engaged to.
They both came to support Betty doing her delivery time.


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2 years ago


1 year ago

Being waiting for the next story for almost 4days now….weldone keep up the good work