MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 14 – 15 Amah’s Heart

MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 1 - Amah's Heart

MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 14 – Amah’s Heart

“Are you sure you can do this Betty…?
“I’m sure…oh, maybe I’m not but I can’t destroy my life because of this pregnancy…Rick doesn’t want it neither do 1.1 feel dejected already I need to take it off
“maybe I should talk with Ben to speak to his friend….he may be able to convince him so that you will keep the child and not hurt yourself In the process of removing it…should i?

“There is no need for that…my mind is made up. Even if Rick changed his mind I will still not keep it. I should have known and listen to my grandma, she was right all along and she is always right, she usually say that politicians are not meant to be trusted so is everyone around them including their children. I was a fool…a big fool to have believed that Rick cares and love me…l fell over heel without thinking. I’m just too stupid not to have known that he was just using me to while away time for Magi to come back.
They were walking down to get cab that will take them to the hidden hospital where the abortion will be done when Ben, who drove down to check on Camdy pulled up beside them in his car.
“heyyy Betty, how are you doing?…where are you two going…do you need a ride?

Ben asked, Betty said no. Camdy asked her to give her few minutes so that she can speak to Ben in the car and Betty nodded. While they were seated Camdy said to Ben
“I need your favor Ben…please?
“Go ahead, I will do anything for you…by the way is Betty alright?
“She is not really fine, which is more reason I needed to talk with you…
Camdy told Ben about Betty’s condition and what she planned to do. she asked him if he can speak to Rick first before Betty hurt herself because she was determined to take the baby off.
Ben agreed to do it, he came out from the car and asked Betty to come in so that he can drive her down to Rick’s house. Betty refused but with much persuasion from Camdy she followed them to Rick’s house.
Rick was home when Ben got in.

The moment he saw Betty standing at a distance with her friend Camdy he frowned.
“Why is she here…why did you bring her here. I don’t expect this from you Ben…if Magi meets her here it will be another bloodshed. I don’t like this…
“I brought her here because you need to take responsibility for your actions, she is carrying your child Rick. What if she dies in the process of trying to abort the pregnancy…you can’t do this to her. That girl loves you Rick…she really do and came down here to see if you will change your mind over the child so that she can keep it…she do not want to bear a child without a father.

“This is total rubbish….really bushit! Are you now advocating for women…what kind of nonsense is this Ben?
Rick said angrily as he came out from his house and approach Betty. Pointing his finger to her face
“I warned you never to call me or reach out to me over that bastard you carry. What are you doing in my house…you asked Ben to come and beg me to accept the pregnancy? To hell with you and the child. Is this your means of blackmailing me, you want to blackmail me because of my high social status? You just failed because I will personally give you the seat you deserve, my father’s campaign is starting next month…he will be the next mayor of Eastern Brook and I do not want to get into any baby mama scandal with some ordinary Northern Brook girl with no serious identity.

Take off the bastard or do whatever that pleases you but don’t ever stick my name to it…if is money you need I will give you money but keep away…a far distance from me. I have a girlfriend, Mag, she is in my class and standard but you are not and we have nothing in common. You enjoyed the fame and fun of been with me but that is over now…don’t ever contact me or move close to me again…let it end here and now..
Betty was trying to hide her tears as Ben spoke angrily to her, she was speechless and ran out of the compound.
Camdy who couldn’t take it again said.
“Rick, You are a fool…and do not deserve her tears. You think everything in life is about fame, looking posh, living in a mansion and having a witch of a girlfriend? Betty loved you, she gave all her heart to you…she drop it in your hand and you played with her emotions and disposed her like a trash. You don’t deserve her love and you will never get somebody like Betty I assure you that, she was ready to sacrifice anything for you but you don’t worth it at all…
“Remember money answers all things…I can have anything I want Camdy. Mind your business and enjoy your boyfriend while it last because he may not be here forever…
Ben interrupted Rick by pushing him away from Camdy.
“Mind what you say to her Rick. I’m not like you and will never be like you. I love and cherish Camdy and do not care about her background or who she is…all that matters is she is who I wanna be with. So i can’t be caught in your lying web neither do I want to be a friend to some heartless dude like you…you are pathetic and heartless Rick. Gosh…l feel so disappointed…
Ben led his girlfriend away, Rick shout behind them as they go.
“Whatever….just make sure y’all don’t show your ugly faces in my house again. I will send out my dog wolf if you try to smell close to me…you won’t be so lucky next time. Tell Betty that she can’t blackmail me into accepting that bastard she carries…let her take it off or kill herself…whatever. I do not care…
Ben and Camdy ignored him and got to the car but Betty was not there.
They began to search for her and saw her running and crying along the road.
Ben came down from the car and caught her up before she could run into a speeding vehicle.
He led her back to his car.

“Do you want to kill yourself…you want to die because of that idiot. Com on…he doesn’t worth it. Listen to me….my Dad use to tell me and my kid brother how he was in his youth years. He played with different women’s emotions. He had the money, his father was a minister of the state, my Dad had everything he needs and that made him do all sort of things. He told me he once denied a pregnancy because he was not ready for any baby mama drama or stuff like that. He later got married to my mum and she had us, me and my brother. They separated six years ago. My mum left him and moved on with another man. My Mum said that she married my Dad because of his fame and wealth but she was in love with another and can’t pretend anymore. My dad was hurt and broken he try to make her stay but she was determined and filed for a divorce. She got married to the man she loves and living the happy and quiet life she has always wanted not the fame and glamour my dad gave her. My dad said his past rough life was catching up with him. He plead to us not to follow his ways rather we should appreciate everything and everyone who truly loves us. Because true love is hard to find. My dad wish he was giving another chance to get things right and appreciate love better than he had. He is an oil mogul, he is famous, has one of the biggest enterprise in the whole of Brook, but he feels empty and thought all he had acquired or inherited is just vanity. I do not want to walk in my father’s step and that was why Camdy’s background or whoever she is do not matter at all to me all that matters is I sincerely love her and she loves me too. I did not like the fact that she lied to me from the beginning but I totally understand why she did that and it really makes no difference at all. Rick will someday regret his actions. My Dad is still regretting his till date and he will carry the guilt forever. Rick is just like my dad young version.

Don’t kill yourself for him Betty…he doesn’t worth it and please…do not take off the child…abortion is terrible. You may die in the process of doing it, is very deadly. I have a hospital in my name with qualified doctors. I live my life, I hang out with friends and I party all night but I always take my senses along with me. Few years ago my dad asked me what I wanted for a birthday and I told him I wanted to own a hospital of my own…l study medicine in school and had my doctoral degree two years ago . The hospital that I drove you to that night is one of my hospitals, many people thought is own by my dad, they thought I was too consume with wealth and do not have worries or needs but I do. Camdy want to become a nurse and I’m happy because I have two hospitals already and she can practice or study in anyone one she chooses. Now in my hospital abortion is illegal and we do not allow such. There is a heavy ban on it because I know the damage it can cursed in the life of women. Is deadly Betty, thread safely and don’t allow Rick to push you to do what will be the end of you and the child you carry…

Betty and Camdy were quiet all through as they listened to Ben talk. Betty later said.
“My Mom was a single mother, I don’t even know who my father is…I sometimes wish I have one to call Dad but many of us aren’t so lucky. I do not want to have a child without a father’s love, because I know how that feels, sometime people referred to me and my sister as Grandma raised us to be better in life. And not end up like our Mom. I really wanted to be and make her proud. I worked so hard to take care of my Sister’s fee and few other expenses. I worked hard to get into Music school and become what I want to be. I work hard for everything I got and people look up to me with dignity and pride and will never thought I will end up like this. This pregnancy will put my life on hold…it will shatter my dream, I don’t want to walk in my mother’s path…l can’t. I hate to walk in her shoes because is filled with sadness. She left us over ten years now, Alice went in search of her because she grew up without knowing who our mother was except through pictures. I hate such life and that is more reason I can’t keep this child…
Ben drove her and Camdy to the said address she was going for the abortion. He try to speak to her again about changing her mind but it appears her mind was made up.

He told them to call him anytime to come over and pick them up, he will hang around and wait for them.
Betty got in and Camdy was asked to wait in a place that appears like a reception.
The supposed doctor gave her some liquid content in a cup to drink, he asked her to lie down facing up. She obeyed every order and everything he asked her to do. He gave her an injection in her hand and buttocks.
Betty looked at the knives and scissors which came in different sizes, shapes and was carefully lined up in a table close to her. Her heart was racing so fast. She shut her eyes and try to concentrate but fear envelopes her.
“Doctor will it hurt…please…will it…?

Betty asked shaking in fear as the man held one of the ugly twisted scissors to her face.
“The injection I gave you will nullify the pain, as I cut you open to bring out the fetus you will not feel the pain. The content you drank was going to help you flush out the bad blood, it will kill the fetus and push it out. Trust me…I will be done in no time.
Betty nodded and shut her eyes again, she was shaking as the content she took began to take effect.
Her abdomen made a serious sound, it appears as if everything inside of her was set ablaze. She screamed in pain, and did not listen to the man that asked her to be quiet. She couldn’t bear the pain and kept scream and crying out. It was as if she was going to die instantly because her body was on fire and she was bleeding.
Camdy came knocking on the man’s door the moment she heard Betty’s heavy scream. She kept knocking and shouting Betty’s name.

The man cursed and asked her to remain outside he wasn’t done with Betty.
Camdy sensed that something was wrong and quickly called Ben immediately, asking him to rush down as fast as possible because it appears Betty was dying.
Betty fell from the bed to the ground, she was bleeding and rolling on the floor in pain
“You told me that it won’t hurt…you told me it won’t be painfuL.what have you done to me. I’m dying…l’m dying….I’m going to die.
“You have to stop screaming before you attract unwanted people here. And you are not supposed to come her with your friend, you should have come alone, let’s get back to work. Is just the abortion inducing drug that is setting your inside on fire. That is the way it works but I’m not yet done…the fetus is not yet out. You have to allow me to cut you open and take it out…stop screaming, let me finish up. You will be fine…you won’t die, just alow me to finish up with my work…

Betty started shaking uncontrollable, she was gradually passing out as her eyes began to shut gradually, the man try to resuscitate her. He tapped her but she was not making noise again. He shakes continuously but she remained still. He sprinkled some water over her body but no movement.
Camdy kept hitting the door but the man did not open. Then there was a heavy bang, followed by another hit still the man ignored. He put something in a string and as he was about to inject Betty again his door broke open,
Ben rush to the man and gave him a heavy blow which made him fell over his working tools table.
Ben lifted Betty from the ground and rushed out as fast as his legs could carry him to his car.

Episode 15

Ben pace up and down the hospital corridor while Betty sat and pray the prayer she has not prayed in a long while. Ben later joined her and they held onto each other.
Ben tries to calm Camdy’s racing heart.
Immediately the doctor came out, they were on their feet within second.
“She will be fine. She suffered from blood coagulation, we are infusing her. The clothing was too much and was already forming mass of deadly tissue and she could have died if you did not get here in time.
Camdy looked up at Ben and Ben looked back at her.
There was only one question left to ask
And Camdy asked
“How about the ba…by…l mean is she still preg..nant?
The doctor breathed I before saying

“uhmmm, the stuff she took was dangerous but no great damage and the fetus shifted down below and was in an unstable condition but we did all we could and yes, the fetus was not affected…she was very lucky to have survived all this. She will be alright and the unborn child will be fine too…
Camdy gasped out in relief. The abortion that almost took Betty’s life still the baby did not flush out as she has wanted. Maybe the child was destined to stay.
And it was time to inform Betty’s Grandma, Eunice needs to know about what is going on. If Betty had died, that woman would have been heart broken. Betty and Alice is all she got and will not trade them for anything in the world.
If Betty was afraid of telling Eunice about her condition then is time for Camdy to help her out.
Ben called some police officers to go arrest the abortion doctor who disappeared after thinking that Betty was dead. The police went in search of him.

Ben was very angry that such thing was still going on in the city, abortion clinic hidden away in an unknown place and the man almost succeeded in killing Betty if not that he rushed in on time.
Who knows how many other lives he has wasted, buried or burnt with chemical and nobody will even know about it.
Ben and Camdy drove down to Betty’s place the next morning to see Eunice.
She was scared the moment she saw Camdy.
Ever since yesterday she has not seen Betty and wondered where she could be.
Even her mobile phone have not been going through.
She knew something was wrong with Betty but she was hiding it from her.

Betty was keeping a secret, she heard her crying few days ago but won’t say why she was crying.
Eunice suspected maybe her relationship with Rick ended and she was afraid to reveal it. She also suspect that Betty maybe pregnant too but had doubt and did not want to confront her with an assumption.
Listening to Camdy talking about Betty been in the hospital and almost lost her life in the process of trying to abort a baby she conceived for Rick and he denied it and insulted her.
Eunice was frozen with shock
She quickly ran inside, picked up her hand bag and left with them to see her first granddaughter. Her loving hardworking Betty, who was ready to sacrifice for the happiness of others. She will rather displease herself just to please others. How can this be happening to her? How could she allow that politician’s son to turn her life upside down and made her to become a different person entirely? Why will Betty trade the same path with her mother?

“Oh mine, ooh, this children will not kill me. What kind of thing is this oh my God? anyway all that matters is that she was alive.
Eunice thought within herself as the young man with Camdy drove down to the hospital where Betty was.
When they got to the hospital, she was consumed with Betty’s thought and rushed into her hospital room with a tumbling heart.

Alice and her colleague where cleaning up after the day
She thought of her Grandma and Betty. Their thought consumed her.
“Mia, please can you finish up with the cleaning I want to go the phone booth. I want to call my Grandma. I need to check how she and my sister are doing…
“Why don’t you use the restaurant phone? We are alone and the manager won’t be mad at you. He said we can use the phone anytime the need to make a call arise.
“Really…alright then. I will do that right away.

She rushed to the phone and dialed her grandma’s number “Grandma.Js me Alice…
“Ooh my child, how are you…l have missed you so much.
“I miss you too Grandma…how are you and Betty doing?
“We are just here in the need to come home my child…
Alice heart skipped the moment her grandma mentioned hospital.
“Hospital? What happened… are you ill? Why are you in the hospital…?
“Is not me…is your sister. She is getting better now and will be discharged soon. Don’t panic. Since you did not find your mother why not come home…l know the search will not go as plan. Even if you happened to find your mother what if she is not ready to entertain you? Please…you have a family over here that loves and cares about you Alice…and I miss you my child. Once you are ready, please come back without any further delay and pray for your sister…she needs all the prayer she can get…

Alice stayed over the phone with her Grandma and talked some more before ending the call.
She was worried and planned to go home soon. She have save up money which will be enough to travel back but won’t be enough to get enough gift for both her Grandma and Betty.
The next day, in the evening as she was rounding up with her day sale she saw Mrs Price Adam walking towards the restaurant alone, she look like she was in a hurry.
when she entered the restaurant, Alice colleague, Mia went to attend to her but she requested to see Alice who went to her.

“What can I offer you ma’am? We are rounding up for the day and do not have much stuff left…
“I just came to ask you if you intend staying in this town for long…forgive my manners. Where you able to find your lost mother…?
“No, I did not and I will be travelling back soon…my search was not successful. I guess I will never get to meet her but is all good.
“I’m sorry about that. When do you intend to travel back…?
“I don’t know yet…why did you ask?

“you have to go back soon, I can raise some money for you to go back as soon as possible…! thought you working here maybe because you ran out of cash and needed to work and raise money but I can give you double of your transport fare so that you can leave.
“Why…what’s going on Mrs Price? Are you chasing me away or what….am I a hindrance to you or something….what’s happening?

“Because of my husband, and my daughter is always talking about you, calling you her friend. And mainly because of my husband may suspect…l mean he…he can be sensitive to things. You won’t understand… somethings are better left unsaid, that is why I need you to leave…
“But Mrs Price I have no business with your husband, i just do not understand why you want to chase me away. This is a free town. If you don’t like me for whatever reason best known to you or your husband hates me then all of you should stop coming to the restaurant, I know there are several other restaurant you can all go to. I will travel back when I feel like it. You don’t just walk up to me, bribe me into leaving the city just because you feel insecure over something. I will leave but that will be when I feel up to it.

Mrs Adam Price brought out money from her bag and show to Alice, urging her to take it and leave.
Alice stared at her wondering why Mrs Price was so determined to chase her out of the city.


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2 years ago

Next please….