MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 11 – 13 Amah’s Heart

MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 1 - Amah's Heart

MUSIC IN THE RAIN Episode 11 – Amah’s Heart

Magi approached with her gang, Rick felt uneasy as a sudden sweat rolled down from his body.
Betty looked at him and saw that he was acting uncomfortable while he watch his supposed ex girlfriend cat walk towards him.
Magi came and stood face to face with Rick while her gang rounded Betty who was shock and didn’t know what to say or think.

They pushed Betty to the ground and threw a punch to her ribs.
She screamed in pain and quickly got up.
She looked up to Rick to do something but he stood still staring at Magi.
” Hello Magi, when did you arrive… you never told me that you were in town., what a surprise visit?
Magi looked at him and smile mischievously. She turned and looked at Betty and gave one of her girls sign to slap her twice and before Betty could say anything she got a hot double slap on her cheek.
Her face was on fire. She felt dizzy but quickly got herself.

” What the hell is she doing here Rick? You are cheating on me with this low life gold digger. I traveled out for study and you brought in this girl to replace me…is this not the same girl I once kicked out of your night party…ooh yeah… she’s same low life ghetto girl…
Betty who Just recovered from the slap opened her mouth and stare at Rick in shock.
She turned to Rick and began to cry. Tears rolled down her eyes as she spoke
” you told me she was your ex… you ended it all with her after the party incident. Rick..say something. Did you lie to me…I mean she was supposed to be your ex… what’s going on?
Betty cried out in anguish.

People left the pool and ran down to witness the ongoing fight.
Camdy on seeing what was happening rush to Betty.
She made a mistake once of not standing by her friend when she needed help, she regretted it and was happy that Betty with the good heart forgive her.
Here was another opportunity to defend her true friend, Betty has a kind heart and gave her all to love Rick Williams who appears to feel the same but is obvious that he was pretending and fooling a naive Betty.
Betty looked at Rick demanding an explanation but Rick’s eyes was focused on Magi.
” Please Magi, let’s not do this here. I will explain later okay? Please don’t hurt her…
Magi moved to Betty ignoring Rick. She kicked a terrified Betty on the stomach with her shoe.
Betty was almost falling to the ground but camdy was there on time to hold her.
Magi ordered her gang to beat her up and they pounced on Betty.
Camdy fought so hard to protect Betty who was lying helplessly on the ground and in a terrible pain
Camdy also got some blow and dash out several punches to both Magi and her gang. She fought like a wounded lion before her boyfriend came to her aid.
” Enough… enough of all this rubbish. What sort of madness is all this? If you lay another hand on my girlfriend Camdy or on Betty her friend you will have me to contend with. Have you all gone nut. Rick you need to put your crazy girlfriend on a dog leash. She is indeed crazy… with her stupid ugly bully squad…
Ben screamed angrily.
Magi tries to kick camdy but got a hard blow on her eyes. Camdy saw her opportunity, since Ben was shedding Betty from further harm, she used that opportunity to punch Magi who was coming for her.
Magi staggered back and Rick caught her
” What is wrong with you, do you want to commit murder at my party. Are you crazy Magi…
” I will do so much harm to the gold digger you brought to replaced me. Did you see what that fool did to me? how dare you cheat on me Rick?
” It was a mistake… I’m sorry. No one can replace you Magi..cos I Love you. Please get over yourself and stop this madness… please. You just ruin my pool party…
“Get her wretched ass out of here immediately or I will kill her with my bare hands since she has the nerve to mingle with a class she never belongs to. Kick her and that her crazy friend out of here or I will do so myself…
One of Magi’s girl whispered something to her ears while pointing at Camdy who was holding Betty in her arms as she lays on the ground in pain.

You… both of you are friends from the ghetto right? You are the same girl
that lied at Rick’s night party months ago and said you have never come across that low life Betty or know who she was., what are you doing defending her as if your life depends on it…?
Magi said to camdy while moving closer.
Camdy stood and got ready for whatever maybe coming for her.
But Ben rushed to her defence.
” Camdy is my girlfriend and she’s not from the ghetto. Because she is defending Betty do not make her a ghetto girl. They are Just normal friends. Camdy’s parents are well to do and her father is an important man in the society. She has two cars to her name and live in a well equipped mansion built by her father…I know everything about her so go and get your facts straight before you throw some dirty accusation on my girlfriend…
Magi and her team laughed sarcastically.
Magi suddenly held the eyes that camdy punched. It was almost blood shot.
She dropped her hands and began to say something Just to shame both Betty and Camdy but she was interrupted.
Camdy felt it was time to tell her true identity no matter how embarrassing it may seem.
She will reveal who she truly is and not keep anything away after which she will help her friend out of this crazy environment, get a cab and take her to the hospital.

She will stay far away from the rich and famous and forget about Ben.
They were of different world and he probably loves her because he thought she was in the same class with him.
After seeing what Rick’s crazy girlfriend did to Betty she quickly have a rethink and decided not to waste time in revealing who she was so that she can leave the environment with Betty.
” My name is Camdy, I live and work in Northern Brook. My parents aren’t rich, my father is a common furniture maker and I’m proud of him. My mum is in the rehabilitation centre… she was an addict but still in a recovery process. I have seen hard life and good life and I’m proud to tell you that none of your opinion about me or my friend count. I wanted to feel belong…I saw Ben and fell in love, I wanted to do everything to keep him and also make him love me, so I lied and kept lieing to cover up. Betty is a great friend and I regret ever denying her before. We both work double shift from grocery store to bakery shop just to save up and to also help our folks. Betty has a kind heart which shouldn’t be taking for granted…. she is hardworking and ofcurse beautiful. Her only sin is falling in love with a lieing cheat like Rick Williams who played with her heart and emotions. We will leave here and will never return. Magi you are right, we don’t belong to your class and never will. We obviously don’t belong with this hateful, self centred cycle. Y’all watch Betty get beaten but none has any humanity in him or her to help but y’all cheer at Magi just because Betty is not connected or rich. Many only comes to know her through Rick Williams the pretender who do not deserve Betty’s love. Ben only rushed to our aid because his “supposed” rich and famous girlfriend is involved. All of you here are crazy…
Magi try to interrupt but Betty shut her up.

“…shut the hell up Magi, I’m not done talking. I could have called the cops but then is useless cos at the end we will become voiceless because the rich rules the city. To hell with everyone of you who thinks money is everything, to hell with you Rick and your stupid girlfriend Magi. Both of you can shove your dirty lifestyle into my ass. I’m proud of my hard works and I shouldn’t have denied my root of origin at first… let me save you the trouble of kicking us out…we are leaving immediately without wasting time. We shouldn’t be here in the first place…
The whole place fell silent with just a little mumbles.

Ben looked on with a straight face. Rick stood speechless. Magi dropped her guard and looked on.
Camdy picked up her handbag, she helped Betty up and realised that she was bleeding.
Her swimming pants was almost sucked with blood.
People began to leave the party immediately they saw blood.
They got into the their various cars and drove off.
Ben rushed to help
” Keep your distance…stay away from us.
Camdy angrily screamed at Ben who ignored her.
He lifted Betty into his arms and carried her to his car.
Camdy got into the car and he drove off with speed.
Nobody said anything to each other.
Betty was loosing blood, she was very weak and winced in pain.
Ben drove to a hospital with a boldly written sign ” The Fag hospital” and Betty was quickly attended to.
He did not leave even after Camdy asked him to go but he didn’t.
He stayed behind until the following day.
He remained outside Betty’s hospital room after giving report of what happened to the doctor who asked him directly.
He later told the doctor he will comeback he needed to go home and refreshed.
Camdy was seated closed to Betty’s bedside.
She took Betty’s phone and called Betty’s grandma who was worried about her.
Camdy assured her that Betty was alright but had a minor flu and needed to visit the hospital, she will be home after getting her prescription.
Camdy called her work place and reported Betty been ill and was with her in the hospital.
Betty was awake that evening and remained still, hot regretful tears burned down her eyes as she remembered what happened.

” Don’t get broken, is all gonna be fine. You will be fine, after now, once you get out of this hospital don’t look back. Move on and happiness will find you. I have called your grandma so that she won’t be worried about you. Betty, you deserve better not a fool like Rick Williams. I know it hurt real bad and is okay to cry but don’t dwell in Rick’s betrayal and lies. You thought me how to be strong and stand for truth and justice…I feel so free and relieved, a big burden lifted off my chest after revealing who I was. I don’t care if Ben stays or not all that matters is I feel at peace with myself, holding no secret. I’m sorry… so sorry Betty that you have to go through this again after the first. This one almost cost you your life. You deserve better Betty… Rick is a fool and do not deserve a beautiful and kind soul like you. You will be fine… alright?

Betty nooded calmly. She will try and pick up the pieces of heart.
Betty thought of Tom and another regretful tears rolled down her face.
The doctor came in to check on Betty.
Betty who wanted to go home immediately asked the doctor.
“Please when can I go home…I really need to get out of here…
Camdy spoke calmly.
” Betty don’t be in a haste, the doctor needs to make sure you are fine before you will be allowed to go home. I will be here with you… alright. Don’t be afraid…
Betty breathed calmly and looked back at the doctor.

“,Tm sorry miss Betty but I have something to tell you, alone…your friend can wait outside for few minutes…
Camdy was about getting up but Betty asked her to stay.
” Please go ahead and say whatever you have to say, I keep no secrets with my friend…
The doctor wore a questioning look but Betty assured the fine female doctor that it was okay to speak.
” Alright then. you had few bruises, no deep cut, no fracture or internal wound and the pregnancy was not affected.
Betty and camdy screamed at the same time with shock.
Betty later found her voice and asked
” What pregnancy are you talking about… there must be a mistake somewhere… please doctor don’t get me scared. I’m not pregnant and I can’t even be pregnant please…
” I’m sorry but you are. I did the scanning three times just to be sure. You are four weeks pregnant miss Betty…
Betty was still, she began to wish it was all a nightmare, she wish everything was a bad dream and hope to wake up to reality.
She remained speechless while staring at the doctor.
Even camdy opened her eyes in a total shock.

Episode 12

Alice walked across the street, she looked at her map again in her hand and was certain that she was at the right place.
She walked into the compound facing the Wood Street and head straight to the door.
She gasped in and out before tapping on the door.
She tapped twice there was no respond coming.
She looked at the paper in hand which holds the last details and direction and wondered if she has mistaken the house number that she searched out.
She turned and look straight ahead. Wondering what her next move will be.
Alice has almost ran out of cash and can’t afford to pay for a hotel or money to go back home and she was not thinking of going home yet until she find answer to what she was seeking for.
She need to find her mother and is been six days now and she has been moving from street to street searching for one person that has occupied her mind since childhood.
She will not give up in her quest, even if she has to get a job in a restaurant or a coffee shop, she can even be a cleaner or a dish washer just to raise more money to continue her search. Anything she has to do.
She can’t return back home without result and she did not want to call Batty or her grandma yet because they may be angry with her for leaving the way she did and dropping just a written note.
Alice was determined and as she was about to walk away the door fling open and a man appeared in a white singlet and stood on the door way fuming angrily.

“Where’s the pizza I ordered…is taking the whole day. Y’all need to sit up and stop keeping customers waiting…hand me the pizza…
Alice looked at him with a puzzled face.
“Aren’t you from the yummi pizza….i ordered an hour ago. Who are you?
Alice swallowed hard and when she was about to answer she saw a young boy carrying three packs of pizza to the house. Her stomach made a noise the moment she perceived the fine aroma coming from the pizza. She swallowed hard and watch as the boy approach. He handed the packs of pizza to the man and apologies for the delay, collected his money and left.
The man turned to Alice and said.
“So, who are you and what do you want…?
He asked acting so impatient. He can’t wait to devour the pizza in his hand and hate the distraction.
Alice wish she can get a slice of it as the whole aroma filled her nose.
“I’m sorry…l lost my way. Was actually looking for a lady but was giving a wrong address…
Alice could hear some kids voices as they ran up to their father. He handed one of the pack to the boy who quickly went back inside. Alice watch the little girl beside the father. The man ordered his daughter to go inside but she didn’t.
“Hello…do you want some peperoni pizza?

The little girl smile and asked Alice. She almost said yes but smiled back and replied
“no thank you, I’m alright…
“I have warned you never to talk to strangers…go inside and meet your mother. What the hell is she doing all day?
“She is doing the laundry Dad…l want to remain here with you.
The father shouted at her and she quickly ran inside.
A woman’s voice could be heard inside.
“Darling who is that…?
“Come over here and see for yourself…she said she missed her way…
The man said while leaving her and walking back inside.
The woman appeared by the door way and Alice stare at her for some time wondering if she was really the person she has been searching for.
Alice has a picture of her mother and the woman standing face to face with her has a little resemblance but she look older and slim too. Not the picture of the beautiful, chubby young lady she has with her.
“My name is Alice and I’m asking for Florence Fisher.
She looked up at Alice and frown before asking.
“From where, is there a problem?
“I want to be sure…because I have been going from street to street and house to house until I finally got this and is actually the last description and address I was given…like I said earlier my name is Alice Fisher from Northern Brook. I live with my sister and Grandma in Brook and I’m in search or Florence Fisher who happens to be my mother but I have not seen her for years…ever since I was small, can’t even remember what she looks like except through her young pictures.

The woman was quiet for a long time and later said.
“Well, you are in the wrong house. Don’t know who you are searching for.
My name is Mrs Price Adams not Fisher and I’m not from Nothern Brook. I live with my husband and children here so keep searching because you are in the wrong house…
She walked inside and closed the door to Alice face.
Alice can hear the man asking his wife about the stranger. She quickly walked to the window where she can hear them well.
“…she probably lost her way and landed in the wrong house….
“..Hope you have asked her to leave and never return here. I don’t like visitors coming up to my porch announce…
“Yes I did darling, she had left. I need to get something outside I will be right back…
Immediately Alice heard that, she ran out of the window and started walking away as fast as her leg could carry her.
The woman sneak from the back door and came out and Alice paused and she saw her coming.
“Please do not return back here again…please…
don’t come here looking for a lost relative. My husband hates strangers and will not entertain you next time. You look hungry do you want some Pizza?
Alice was angry at the woman’s attitude and harsh tone.

“No, thanks. I will rather beg for bread in the street than to feast in your hateful food. Thank you anyway…l will never return here and I will make
sure I keep my distance…sorry for the inconvenience ma’m.
Alice walked away leaving the woman standing and regretting her use of word.
She used the last money in her hand to get food.
She slept out in the street and took a shower in the public bath because she did not have money again for a hotel
She started searching for a job and got one in an eatery.
She wanted to save up enough money before going back home to Northern Brook and she will also like to buy some gift for her Grandma and Betty just to appease them for leaving the way she did.
After work one day she decided to call her grandma with the public phone
Eunice was not angry with her rather she was happy to hear from her and ask her to return home as soon as possible because she misses her greatly. Alice asked of Betty and her Grandma said she was fine.
Alice told her grandma that she couldn’t find her mother and has decided to get a job and be useful to herself and the pay is okay. She was attaching with a friend who also works in the restaurant and she shares the rent with her said friend just for the main time until she is ready to move out.
Her grandma was proud of her and insisted that she return home whenever she is willing to.
Betty was cold and did not know what to do.

She can’t tell her grandma about the pregnancy. Eunice will be heartbroken.
She hates Rick and did not want to see him ever again but Camdy insisted on her letting him know about the pregnancy.
Ben did not leave Camdy, he even visits her at the grocery store and drives her home after work. He forgives Camdy for lying to him and he is helping her to return back to school. Since Camdy said she wanted to become a nurse, Ben have been working towards making her dream job a reality.
Betty thought of what to do for days and decided to send Rick a text message informing him that she was carrying his child.
He quickly called her and said.

“What sort of expensive joke is that Betty? Is that the best idea that pops up to your head just to return back to me? I’m sorry I lied to you Betty about Magi but she is my girl and I really love her. Please move on with your life because I have done the same. Magi is back now and even if she is away to school she will be visiting. I needed a company while she was gone for long and you just happen to be available and I know you love me so that was why I stick around with you while waiting until Magi comes back and I love Magi, we belong to the same class and caliber but you don’t, so you can’t be pregnant for me. My family holds a very important name in the society. Don’t ever come up with such a story because is not funny. You are lady and need to take care of yourself after sex. I know you deliberately got pregnant just to trap me but that won’t work my dear. Get rid of it…terminate the bastard…do whatever you wish to do but never you call me again or tell me about pregnancy. Don’t try it is not funny Betty…and don’t call my line ever again. Byeeeeee….

Betty can hear a female voice laughing so loud in the background and joined Rick to shout “byeee” into her ears before the call finally ended and the voice belongs to Magi.
Rick was with Magi.
Betty’s stomach tightens up and she started crying again.
She has to do something quick before it becomes obvious that she is pregnant. The people living around them in Northern Brook will have bad things to say. They will say that was the way her mother got pregnant for her too, they may even call her “like mother like daughter” thingy..
Betty detest such words and embarrassment. She did not want to let her grandma know about what happened.
Eunice suspects her but she has been assuring her grandma that she was alright. She also try to pretend as if she was truly alright
She stood by her standing mirror in her room and stare at herself, the dream of becoming a musician was put on hold. Everything she has ever desires to become was going down the drain. She need to do something quick so that she can get her life back.

Episode 13

“Are you sure you are ready for this…maybe you should keep it because taking it off may be more deadly…
Camdy said in a whisper, while sitting close to Betty in their work place.
“I can’t, don’t you get it. I just can’t do it…l have already booked an appointment with the doctor that will remove it. He asked me to pay up a certain amount which I have done already. The place he does it is hidden. You know is illegal for such thing and his license can be ceased and he may he even end up in cell if he is exposed. So he warned me on what to do whenever I’m coming. He is a specialist and does it successfully…no complication and no pain. He assured me of that…Camdy I need to move on with my life….this is a delay. The more I waste time the more complicated it becomes. I have to remove it before it becomes obvious.

Rick calls it a bastard and warned me never to contact him. I can’t carry this pregnancy….my grandma will be so disappointed and people will look at me pitifully. I will hate myself and may end up hating the child if I keep it…i’m going there on Saturday. I have thought it through and I’m ready…yes I am..
“Okay then, maybe I should go with you…’ will follow you to the place. You

can’t go alone when I’m here. Betty we have to go to the place togeth….
They were interrupted by Mrs Smith.
“Hey…what are you two whispering about…hope Camdy is not planning a robbery with you because I knowthat child. She is always mischievous…
Betty greeted Mrs Smith warmly, she looks so tired and asked Camdy to help her attend to Mrs Smith.
“I don’t like you attending to me…Betty come over here and scan my items. My spirit and her spirit never agrees…and never will.
Mrs Smith bluntly refused and wanted Betty who was sitting down and backing her. Camdy had always ignored the woman and tries not to return her insults even though she sometimes gets on her last never yet she will ignore.
She always comes to shop during Betty’s shift and only comes once in a while doing hers. Camdy looked back at Betty and saw her struggle.

Mrs Smith may look at her and conclude that she was pregnant. She has the tongue of a gossip monger and carries word faster than news man.
Betty apologies to Mrs Smith of not been able to attend to her before walking away
“Mrs Smith, Betty is not feeling too well, she will attend to you next time.
Please let me do it today…
“What is wrong with her, is she suffering from a break up? I heard she was dating a politician’s son. A rich kid from Eastern Brook. He drives down here sometimes in his expensive car. Fine boy living in fame and wealth….Betty should hold him tight because not many are lucky to have such rich kid tripping for them. Ooh…wait a second is Betty pregnant…? You can confide in me I won’t tell anyone…my lips are sealed up. Be a good child for once and tell me what I need to hear because once a lady start mobbing around and looking all gloaming and sad then is either she suffered a heart smash not just a heart break or she is pregnant…so which is it. And another thing is that it will be quiet disappointing if somebody like Betty becomes pregnant out of wedlock. She doesn’t deserve such, her mother was also like that. She got pregnant by some street boy with no name and Mrs Eunice forced her to keep the child. She hates it but Mrs Eunice will not allow her to abort. And she gave birth to Betty and ran away from the house leaving Betty with Mrs Eunice after sometimes she returned again with another pregnancy and that is Alice. The boy that pregnant her for the second time was a drug addict, an ex-convict who was later caught and sent to life imprisonment for all his atrocities.

He has been in prison for many years without patrol and do you know how many ladies that fell for his buoyant life style and he pregnant them. Betty’s mother was one of them. We use to call her Flo back then. After having Alice she stayed back for some time because Mrs Eunice will not let her go. She ceased her passport and every of her credential. And after Alice turned few years old she got hold of her papers and disappeared. We have never seen her ever since. Is been over ten years now that she disappeared. I also hope that Alice has not disappeared like her mother because is been weeks I saw that child. So Betty can’t be pregnant because she was well raised by her grandma Mrs Eunice. But you can be either pregnant, a drug addict or a prostitute because that is what your mother was before she went to get help in the rehabilitation center. You are an arrogant kid unlike Betty and if you fall pregnant I won’t be surprise at all because is in your eyes. I recently learned that a rich kid is also coming here to look for you. Who is he and hope you did not snatch Betty’s politician’s boyfriend because I know you are a very desperate child and capable of anything…
“Mrs Smith…enough…l enjoyed the story of Betty’s family which she may not even be aware of but you are always on top of every news in this city, far before everyone. Thank you for the long story and now can we face the reason why you are here. Enough of me and Betty. If she is pregnant or if I end up pregnant is none of your business. We will not bring the pregnancy to you to help us carry…please let me attend to you so that you can be going….i have other things to do.
“You are an arrogant spoil child. Very rude and careless with word. You don’t have respect for the elders and that is why I hate to come down when you are still on duty. I will watch what you will become in this city. You will end up like your so called crazy mother…

Camdy looked at her, she smile before saying
“Mrs Smith, I heard that your son has graduated. Congratulation. You must be so proud of him right?
Mrs Smith hearing Camdy say something nice to her quickly change the topic and smile as she replied her.
Camdy kept smiling while listening to Mrs Smith praise her son.
She needed to finish scanning Mrs Smith items and when she was done. She packed it up for her and looked at the woman who never gets tired of talking, she continued to talk even though Betty was not listening anymore.
“…then his teacher said he did not do so well but is none of my business all that matters is that he is a graduate while most of you are yet to get into college….

Camdy returned back her credit card before moving away from her and calling the next customer to come.
Mrs Smith kept talking even as she picked up her bag and was walked away.
Camdy gasped out in relief before smiling to the next person.
The third person was Tom.
Camdy try to act nice by greeting him but Tom seem not to be in the mood for the familiarity. He did not even asked of Betty and have never asked about her ever since the breakup. He moved on and never looked back ever since.
After paying for his things he left immediately.
Betty came out from her hiding and shakes her head in self-pity before sitting down.
Camdy came to join her and they began to talk in whisper again.
Alice took the man order. He was a regularly customer. He wanted a bacon and egg with some sandwich and chocolate drink.
She quickly put it all together and carried it to him. The man paid up and gave her some tips.
She smile and thanked him warmly. As she was going towards the kitchen side she saw the woman and her two kids. Mrs Price Adams.

The same woman who warned her never to come looking for a lost relatives in her place because her husband was against such.
Alice watch as they walked into the restaurant. When she saw the man who was parking the car join them inside Alice frown.
The woman looked at her and quickly looked away.
The little girl recognized her and as Alice went to their table to take their orders. She was happy while speaking to her. She even ignored the father who hushed her to be quiet.
All through the period Alice stood there, the woman kept looking at her.

“I have seen you before, you were in my house one day and did not like a pepperoni pizza….but I really love it.
“Ooh, that is great…you are a smart kid. I love pepperoni pizza too but I was so filled up that I couldn’t take any more that day…
“Wow, me too. I love it…my name is Tasha, this is my brother Cole…what is your na….
Her father interrupted with a scold.

“Enough of all this chitchat…! have warned you severally never to talk to a stranger Tasha. Look at your brother he does not speak to strangers but you will want to say hello and make friends with everyone that you come across. You should be learning from your mother and your brother and stop acting all familiar with everybody…
Tasha kept quiet and the man looked at Alice.
“You are here to take our orders right? So go ahead with it and stop acting like my daughter’s preschool teacher.
Alice nodded and apologized. She took all their orders, wrote it down in a jolter before walking away.


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2 years ago

She got the fake love she wanted.