MORENIKEJI Episode 16 – 20 by Amah’s Heart

MORENIKEJI Episode 1 by Amah’s Heart

MORENIKEJI Episode 16 by Amah’s Heart

I took her hands into mine and pat gently.
She opened her eyes and looked at me, smiled briefly then close them up again.

“You will be alright. I’m really sorry that you have to go through all of this.

She opened her eyes again without looking at me she stared up at the ceiling.

Tears glitters in her eyes. She was struggling to hold it all in, she later let go and it poured down her face.

This was my second day in the hospital. I came since yesterday I heard of the news and I have been here refusing to leave.

Her husband was with her earlier, before he Left he said to me.

“Keji, thank you so much for staying. She needs a friend around. Seeing my sad yet prentious smiling face to ease her up isn’t helping out. She will prefer a close friend instead. I will continue coming to check up on her until the surgery is perfectly done. Is a difficult time for us but my prayer is that nothing will happen to my wife and also my baby.

I massaged her swollen legs and ankle and back to her hand gently.

A nurse walked in and checked on her.
She removed the almost empty drip and hanged another one, injected the tube to her body before leaving.

After sometime, a doctor walked in and checked on her.

He spoke gently to her, smiling as he obviously tries to ease her tension.

“Madam, hope you are not afraid? Don’t be…. just relaxed in about 30 minutes from now we will be moving you to the theater. Is going to be successful, you have nothing to be afraid off. The most important part is for you and the baby to be alright. You are doing far more better than your panicking husband but is well expected. Please relax…. after this last drip then you will be ready. Before then I and the medical team will continue checking on you.

After the doctor left, I bent my head to say a prayer for my friend.
Because even though the doctor is making it to sound so easy, I know it isn’t easy at all.

When I raised my head, she was staring at me with fear in her eyes.

“Thanks Keji, even if I don’t survive this but I’m really lucky to have a true friend in you.

I quickly hush her.
“Shut up Dammi, stop talking rubbish. You will not only survive, you will carry your baby, nurse and watch her grow. Nothing… absolutely will happen to you. Do you understand me?

She didn’t reply. Instead she looked at me, wiped a tear and said

“Did you know I suffered miscarriage in the first one. I was very angry at myself, at Chike and even at God. I didn’t understand why such will even happen to me. I was calling you during then but you didn’t pick my calls. I needed a friend to talk to…

“Oh my God. I’m so sorry Dammi. I never knew….I thought you were calling because of your money back then. I’m sorry…

I squeezed her shoulder gently. She continued talking.

“…. when I started this pregnancy journey, I was afraid of many uncertain things happening to me. My husband was the one with the faith thing. He kept saying that nothing will happen to our baby. I was afraid that what happened in the first one will happen again but when I passed the danger month I began to muster courage to carry on. Not untill the sixth month and it all started. Complications of different sort. from one medical issue to another. The doctor said they need to perform an urgent cs because both the baby’s life and mine were in danger. But after several other check up, they said if I can complete seven months it will be far easier. Because operating me at six month is fifty fifty, Nothing is certain. I had a personal doctor all through this journey. Alot of money was poured in but my life and that of the baby’s was far more important. At almost seven months they said if the baby stay more than this it will be far too dangerous. I have almost two weeks to complete seven months. The pain I’m passing through is unspeakable. My baby girl will be born premature, she has to live outside my womb, in the incubator for several months before she will be released to us…. that’s if I survive or she survives this whole ordeal. I don’t even know what to tell God. Is it to make me survive or make my child live. What if there’s only one option to this whole thing Keji? I’m scared to the bone and in serious pain. As time ticks, drawing me closer to the main deal…my heart ticks with it. I won’t pretend or lie… Keji, I’m really afraid.

I tried encouraging her. I even prayed for her and all she kept saying was just Amen.
I know she was trying to hang onto something.

It was time and she asked me to continue praying for her. I assured her that I will.
Dammi requested that her husband should be there even though the doctors refused at first but they granted her wish.

Chike even insisted that he will stay and watch how everything is done. He wasn’t going to leave Dammi’s side.

So, only her husband was allowed into the theater.
I sat at the reception and did not stop praying.

I also had fear at some point but i quickly waved it off and continue pleading to God to spare her life and that of the baby.
I beseeched God to make the whole operation to be successful.

I sat alone for several hours, I saw when the husband came out throwing up in the whole passage.

He sat on the ground with his hands on his head.
My heart skipped, my legs began to shake.
While the cleaners went about their business cleaning the whole place I was holding Chike, trying to find out what happened.

He pulled off the medic caps and gloves given, and tore off the uniform, tossed it aside and bent his face.

“Chike what happened? What of Dammi, what of the baby…?

I asked impatiently and worried.

He suddenly threw up again and before I can move back he poured it on my legs.
I wasn’t even a bit irritated or worried my major concern was Dammi and the baby.

“I couldn’t stay. too grue$ome…too bl©©dy…I can’t stay. They were cutting her open Keji. I can’t…is a terrifying sight…I have to run out.

I gasped out in relief. For a second I thought something terrible happened.

Chike doesn’t even have the heart to watch how his wife will be operated on.

On a normal day I could have laugh it off but every where was too tensed.

This men don’t understand the whole trouble most women goes through just to bring forth a baby.
They think is a child’s play.
Many women dies of childbirth, some lost their babies or their womb for same just curse.

Women generally deserve some accolades and not just a pat on the shoulder for the lucky ones though.

He relaxed on my shoulder like a child, I pat his back gently to calm his nerve down.

After few minutes he got himself and sat up. Pacing up and down the corridor like a confused child.
I sat on a chair but when sitting wasn’t helping much I decided to stand by the wall.

For over five hours we were waiting, eight hours later, still waiting. Sleep eluded us as we sat in silence.
We waited without a word, silent surrounded us.
After a little while, Chike started dozing but he was struggling to remain awake.

One of the doctors came out, he looked so worked up.
He was neither frowning or smiling. He called Chike aside, said something to him and Chike followed him immediately.

I ran after him, the doctor said I should go back.

Chike turned and said Dammi and the baby is fine but I’m not allowed to see them yet.
He gave me his car key before going in with the doctor

That was a relief. Dammi and the baby is fine was actually a hugs relief.

I was tasty, hungry, sleepy and very tired.
I decided to rest in Chike’s car while waiting for more info.
I didn’t know when I slept off, it was Chike that woke me up.
I checked the time it was around 3am in the morning.
He said the baby was placed in the incubator that only him and Dammi are allowed to see her.
Dammi was alright but aside him nobody else is allowed to see them.

I stayed till the following morning, Chike bought food and drinks for me. He even said I should go home and rest but I said until I see Dammi I wasn’t going anywhere.

I was allowed to see her the next day. She was still weak and couldn’t speak.
She smiled briefly on seeing me.
That was all I needed.
I smiled right back to her, whispered congratulations to her ear and few more encouraging words.
I left and went home.

It took a lot of struggles but I’m truly happy for Dammi.
She is a mother and her baby will be alright. I can feel that in my spirit.

While back at my quarters, I tried calling Bayo again but he wasn’t picking.

Ever since last week I have called him countless times but he isn’t responding.

Two weeks ago we were talking about our relationship and how the introduction will go.
I was the Master planner and he agrees to every suggestion that I raise.
He later asked me for a hundred and twenty thousand which he needed urgently for something.

I told him that I don’t have such amount of money on me.
Already, I have sent over three hundred and eighty thousand naira to him
For every money I sent he promised to return it back but the more I send the money the more he demand. he is always in an urgent need.

I haven’t received anything from him except “I love you Keji”

If your partner does not have, you are meant to support him, Vice versa.
Which is exactly what I did but he kept asking.

He traveled down ones to see me. Spent three days and Left. Expenses was all on me.
I clocked thirty one years a month ago, he forgot my birthday even after telling him a night before.
I have to remind him again.
Little things like this matters but he isn’t taking me serious like I take him.

I’m still owning Dammi. After the fifty thousand I sent to her, I later sent another fifty making it hundred.
I haven’t sent another dime ever since then.
Is been Bayo needing money for one thing or the other.
I borrowed fifty thousand from Stella just to send to Bayo when he needed money very urgent.

I finished Mr Kanu’s book and it was very interesting.
Ava was deceived and her heart manipulated into getting married to Tony who duped her and almost got away with it.
Ava was desperate and thought Tony was better off than Israel after moving down to Jalingo.
But Tony was cunning and a big liar who deceived her.
It turned out Israel was a better one than her almighty Tony.
But by the time she retuned back to Israel it was already too late.

The writer did a great job by passing a clear warning to ladies especially singles.
When next I want to read another story then Amah’s Heart will be a pick for me.

I’m not desperate or foolish like Avala.

I only want to settle down soon because age is no longer on my side.
Bayo maybe testing me, he maybe trying to know if I’m materialistic or after his wealth.

He may be trying to know if I’m a marriageable type. His constant asking me for cashcould all be a test.

He mentioned it the last time I sent him hundred thousand.
He said I should not panic or worry anytime he needs money from me that he might be using it to try the kind of woman that I am.

It was around hundred and fifty thousand back then when he made that Statement.

I later sent him one hundred thousand and continued sending.

Bayo probably thinks I’m a rich Lady, because I don’t understand why he will be asking me for money almost every time despite knowing that I’m just a common cook and kitchen assistance.

Ever since I told him that I don’t have the hundred and twenty thousand that he requested, he turned cold.
Hardly picks my calls or replies my message.

Well, let me not conclude yet, I will keep watching to see what is happening with him.

I told Dammi to be patient with me and I will pay her all her money.
she never mention or remind me about her money like she used to do earlier.

I know now that she and Chike has run so much expenses she will be in need of money .
I will find a way and arrange her money without she asking me.

Is more than a year already I borrowed the money from her.
If not for Bayo I could have paid her all off.

Philip retuned from London last week. He was there for several months.

Whenever I greet him he responds fine. But that’s all to it.

Ever since he returned he has been entertaining friends that comes around.

Two has visited, a lady first then a guy came three days ago.

I wish Bayo will take everything I told him concerning our marriage rituals serious.

He agreed when I suggested the introduction first but he later asked for money and I truly doesn’t have any money to spare.
He’s draining and making me not to have savings of my own.
I still manage to send money to my Mom every month but it is has become a struggle.
I know I have given Bayo more than four hundred thousand if I include the urgent five or ten thousand naira to fuel either his generator or for his car.

It was as if I’m working for Bayo.
i hate to turn him down.
Since he was going to be my husband to be if God approves it then is very normal for me to help.

Three weeks later I visited Dammi, she was back home but the baby was still in the hospital.
We spoke extensively that day.
I was afraid that she will mention her money but she didn’t.

As I was about to leave she said.

“Keji, I know I have been a jerk. A real life jerk. You are both a friend indeeds and in need. I don’t want to say much but I’m returning back the hundred thousand you sent to me and adding extra hundred to it. Which means I will be paying you two hundred thousand. Please I’m cancelling all the debt… you deserve much more Keji. I’m sorry for all my unruly behavior towards you. Thanks for accommodating my excess nonsense. You are kind and patient, I pray that your husband to be will also be as nice and loving as you are. Thank you Keji… for everything… Oshe oremi. (Thank you my friend)

I try to reject the offer but Dammi insisted.
I couldn’t thank her enough as I Left.

Marriage and childbearing has really taught Dammi a great deal.

I later sent the money to Bayo just to make him happy.
We started talking again. I reminded him about our plans and he promised to proceed but he asked me to give him time.

He asked for one hundred and twenty I decided to send him one hundred and fifty thousand instead
He didn’t still call after sending the money.
I had to call just to ask him if he received the money.

He said that he could have called but was busy with work.
He apologized and thanked me.

“I was in serious need of two hundred thousand though but since you said you don’t have I didn’t want to disturb. Even though this one you sent is not up to what I wanted but it will go a long way. Oshe ifemi. ( Thanks my love)

We resumed our love lives again.
And preparetion was ongoing on how he will go and see my people.

He one day said he wanted to take his time in doing things but I was forcing him.

There is nothing like force here, we are not children. Why are we together if not for a purpose.
Dating him and sending my money to him is because I wanted a future with him.

A woman has picked his call like three times but he later said that is his sister that comes around often
I didn’t make big deal out of it because I wanted a future with him.

I’m not forcing him because I’m not really desperate.
I just wanted to get married. Let it not look like my own case is different from my friends.
I’m not desperate in anyway, Or am I?

My story is not even related to Avala. Ava was desperate and believed Tony’s empty Promises.
I can’t be that foolish

Bayo later apologise and we talked about the how it will be like.
He even mentioned the color of the day and I was really pleased because he became so serious with the whole thing.

It continues like this, I was very happy and went about my daily business excitedly.
I bought a ring and wore. So that they will see that I’m engaged already.

I even told those who cares to listen that I will soon be traveling to Ibadan for my introduction.
The news started flying as many started congratulating me.
I was super excited and kept jumping around like frog.
People like Ijeoma who still doesn’t like me didn’t have a word to say except.

“Oh finally he decided to do introduction on your head? You have been making mouth for several months now, almost a year concerning your so called man, I was sick and tired of it. Because with the way you make mouth I thought he would have married you ever since. Sha congratulations… let it not be like I did not congratulate you. Atleast we will all all rest from your constant reminder of this your husband to be. Our ears will finally rest.

She indirectly still congratulate me. I don’t care about the rest of the things she said.
She will learn to respect me ones I get married.

Bayo is probably very rich and testing me and now that I have passed his test he then understood that I’m a wife material.

I had so many exciting thoughts as I kept making arrangements of my upcoming marriage introduction.

I returned from work to my quarters one evening and saw several Missed calls both from Bayo and one other new number.

I decided to call Bayo first, a woman picked up and started cur$ing.

“Ashawo (pr©stitute) so you have been the one selling your cheap self to my husband? Wait let me ask you a question, has men finished from your planets? is it only Bayo…my husband that is the only remaining man in your miserable world?

I was confused, I removed the phone from my ear and recheck the caller again.
It was still Bayo.
What’s going on?

“Hello madam… who are you?

I asked with a shaking tone

“So you’re this stupid and foolish not to know who i am. Okay, let me tell you… I’m Mrs Bayo, we have two lovely children. I just gave birth last week making it two. My husband is a good husband who gives me and the kids whatever we need. He said that you have been sending him money so that he can leave me and marry you? You are a desperate witch….ashawo. you want to divide my home abi…it won’t work. I don’t care how two of you met or how long this whole rubbish thing has been going on but if you ever calls my husband again then I will go extra miles for you. Oloshi (thief)… Cheap ashawo (pro$titute)like you…

She started cursing me.
I quickly ended the call
I was trying to understand what exactly just happened.

Could it be another test from Bayo or is this real?

I decided to send him a message but to my greatest surprised he used a woman and two children, one is still a new born baby as his profile.
He even added family time out in his status.
I chatted with him to demand explanation of what exactly was going on but he didn’t reply any of my chats.

I called him and the same woman picked up.

“Cheap slut! Ashawo so you shamelessly called him again eeeh! You unfortunate bastard…. you will not die well o. For trying to destroy my marriage you will regret it. Bribing a man to leave his home to marry you… desperate olosho. If I’m ready for you, I will look for you in any ant hole that you are. My husband said you are in Abuja, I have friends in Abuja that can dig you up and mess you real up. I will share your pictures all around Abuja, pay advertising agency to broadcast your cheap ass out. If I’m ready to deal with you, nothing will stop me. You messed with the wrong woman ashawo… desperate $lut…

I ended the call as She continued cursing.
There was a number that called me earlier, I decided to call it.

“…Yes, is still me oo. Ashawo one kobo. Sending money to a married man with family and begging him to marry you… Cheap $lut. As far as you drink water and walk on this same ground that I’m standing on you will suffer greatly for trying to bring my home down….

I quickly interrupted.

“Your curse will only work if I know what exactly you are talking about. Bayo never mentioned to me that he was married or acted like he has a family. Your curse will go back to you and to your idi©tic of a husband. I never paid him to marry me..he told me that he needed mone…..y…

She was still cursing without even trying to hear me out.

She ended the call while I was still speaking.

I tried calling back to return back all her curses in double fold but they have blocked me in both lines.

I walked round my room like a mad woman.
Tearing down things angrily.

I threw my phone to the wall and it smashed.
I fell to the ground and broke down crying.

This is not the route I wanted to take, no this is not how I planned my life.
Bayo has just killed me. Bayo has destroyed me into pieces.


MORENIKEJI Episode 17 by Amah’s Heart

It took me two days before I was able to resume back to work.
I lied that I wasn’t feeling well.

The whole thing that happened was like a bad night mare.
Everyday I wake up I still wonder if is real or a prank.

Could it be a test, a prank or some expensive joke?
the more I try to make excuses for the whole ordeal the more reality sets in.

Bayo was gone, not only gone he went with all my money
My sweat and toil, all my hard earned money went along with him.

Who do I even blame now?
God, for not revealing it to me.

Me, for refusing to see all the signs but continued wallowing in self pity. age was against me, time too and I spent all my resources in the relationship already. Leaving wasn’t even an option for me because of everything I put into the relationship.

Should I blame Bayo, for deceiving me? leading me on when he was a married man.

Philip, for contributing to all of this. He has a hand in everything that happened. He never reciprocate my love or warned me off Bayo.
He tries to warn me quiet alright but he didn’t put seriousness to it.
I hate him.

I hate everyone, I even hate myself right now.

I feel like a failure, a big time cursed human.

Why do bad things keep happening to me?
When I was living my life the way I please in the past, I don’t care about anybody’s opinion. I was very fine back then.
I changed men as I please and was very selective too.
A man that is not good looking, both physically and pocket wise can’t smell close to me.
I was unruly and wayward but all of this is just to make ends meet. To belong among the Abuja big chics.
Abuja big girls was a big name to reckon with. that was why I engaged in different paparazzi.

But after meeting Philip both my mindsets and behaviour began to change for good.
I clocked thirty and decided to drop all of this big girl nonsense thingy and get serious with my life.
God being so kind, I got a job, paid my dues and took a u-turn to become dependent.
A total different route.

I was happy and fulfilled, I dropped pride or whatever that will be a hindrance to my self acclaimed changed being.

I was very serious with my work and never joke with it.
My love for Philip was neither cold nor hotter than usual.

I still tried to be noticed but he had his class, league and calibre of ladies he mingles with.
I wasn’t in line, definitely not a staff in his house.

I decided to forget Philip by getting to know Kunle, but Kunle is a proud womanizer, he will push me back to my old lifestyle that I have already trashed.

That’s not the kind of man I want, I didn’t even want to have anything to do with him and his money.

I left and Bayo was another option.
He was funny, and quiet entertaining.
He didn’t seem like he can hurt a fly. He makes me feel special and Pampers me like a baby.

He was not just from my tribe he was my kinda man with everything he portrayed.

I didn’t believe he can do any wrong which was why I shun Philip for trying to talk me out of my relationship with Bayo.

Which was why I refused to see the clear handwriting on the wall.
Or how Avala’s story was related to mine.
Mr Kanu must have been led by God to give me that empty Promises by Amah’s Heart.

It was as if he saw it coming and also tries to warn me.

God must have warned me through the book but I didn’t see how my life tale was related to Ava in any way.
It was after the whole incident that it started playing out in my head.

All along, the warning was clear but I was the one that refused to adhere to it.

I feel so stupid. Bayo took my money. Over three hundred thousand that could have been very useful to me.
The money Dammi gave me also went down with it.
How can I be this foolish. I’m a smart, Loving intelligent lady.
How did I fall victim to Bayo without applying the caution button

How! How! Just how?

Tears clouded my eyes as I began cutting the carrots with so much vexation.

We will be having fried rice with garnished turkey for dinner.
Stella said I will make the fried rice while Ijeoma will make the garnished turkey.

I have cut and washed every thing that will be used
It remains only the cutting of carrots.

I just can’t think straight or understand why Bayo will dupe me like this.

Since I was the only one in the kitchen, I began talking outlould to myself as I pause from cutting the carrots.

“A whole me was scammed by a Yoruba demon. Aaaah! Bayo my God will judge you. What do I tell everyone now after broadcasting that I was getting married. I even wore a ring to make it all seem official…aaah Bayo!. Wha…

“Oke abala na onya” (the rat has entered trap)

Somebody spoke behind me. I quickly wiped tears from my eyes before turning.
lo and behold Ijeoma grinning from ear to ear as if she just won a jackpot.
She said something in Igbo of which I don’t understand.

I don’t know how long she has been in the kitchen and listening to me.

She started singing in Igbo as she went about her assigned business.

She probably didn’t hear anything I said which will be great.
I can’t stand the shame that will come thereafter if people finds out what happened.

She started defrosting the turkey that she removed from the deep freezer.
she did not stop singing.

I went back to cutting the carrots and paid her no heed.

“Ndi heartbreaker una Weldon, una do well. Chim gozie unu oo(heartbreakers well done, my God will bless you all)

She was singing it as song and dancing along.

Could it be she heard something from me?

“…ha merre ya wayo…agbogo nsi na o ma ihe, mana omaghi ihe obula…(they have deceived her o. A young lady that said she knows something but she knows nothing)

She continued to sing in her local dialect but I didn’t understand anything.

I ignored.
She came to stand beside me as she continued singing.
She placed her tray and other items beside mine. She looked at me and laughed.
I turned to her and said

“Ijeoma, why are you putting hands in my mouth to check if I have teeth? Is this the only table in this kitchen? Take your stuffs and move to the table that you were before. Or is there something you want to tell me then say it like you usually do and leave me alone. I’m not in the mood for your nonsense…

“Why are you cutting carrot like a child? Look at carrot everywhere in this kitchen… you don’t know how to do anything. Even to keep one small relationship like that you still fail. Was it the carrots that break your heart…? Carry your ugly self and frustrations to your fellow onye ofe mmanu. Leave those innocent carrots alone oo.

Obviously she overheard me earlier.

“You with your tone, song and dialect sounds stupid. Get out of my sight.

I said angrily, she retorted back.

“Listen to this Igbo adage “agwa bu mma” your attitude is your beauty. Your beauty shouldn’t be centered on physically body. You don’t have attitude or even know how to keep a man. You have failed as a woman. You bought a ring and engage yourself? Haa! Shame on you Keji… Shame..shame o. Wait till everyone hears that your over hyped wedding crashed into pieces without any trace and the worst part is that your fellow tribal man, your so called husband to be deceived you so easily because you are gullible, very easy to manipulate and he even took your money and disappear along with him. I wish I know how much was involved so that I will know how to package the gossip. Biko nnem, (please my lady) how much did you give to this your criminal of a husband?

I turned to her angrily and put a middle finger to her face before returning to what I was doing.

“Wait oo. The middle finger that you showed me does that mean 1million? Oh, he collected one whole million from you with the pretense that he will marry you? Haaa! Keji you are too desperate… Why na? Why are you desperate like this eeh. You are a desparado…nawa oo. I thought you have brain in that your coconut head? I thought with the way you run your mouth and behave that you will be smart…but the real fact is that you are a real mugu. Foolish girl… you don’t have sense. No Igbo girl will do this kind thing. Chukwu aju (God forbid) the guy just press your mumu button small you fell facedown…haaa! You are an embarrassment to womanhood. You are a big disgrace to…

Before she could complete her sentence I gave her a heavy slap right on her wide mouth.

She was shocked but without wasting time she retaliated and slapped me back.

She took the tray of carrots and poured on me.
I was trying to control my temper I could have used the knife that was on the table and stab her.
The idea came heavily but I was struggling not to consider.
I took a ceramic deep plate, something i laid my hands on and break it on her head.
She screamed in anguish and grabbed the kn1fe lying carelessly on the table

I started moving back but she was coming at me with force.

Stella rushed inside followed by others.

They asked Ijeoma to dropped the knife but she refused.

She threaten anybody that comes close.

She threw the Sharp kn1fe at me, I used my hand to dodge it but it sliced through my arm.
I began to bl.eed.
Ijeoma touched her swollen head where I hit her the ceramic plate and noticed small bl©©d.
The evil lady grabbed a local pestle to hit me but the security came in on time to collect it from her hand.

They collected every weapon lying carelessly around

Philip rushed down with his mother.
His Dad was not home

” Are you ladies insane. What is the meaning of all this?

Philip shouted angrily.

“Ijeoma, Keji do you both want to kill yourselves?
Mrs Kanu asked surprised.

“What led to all this…? Stella asked as she picked up tray from the ground.

” Whatever happened can wait, they need to get cleaned up. I’m calling Doc right away so that their injuries can be attended to.

Phil’s Mum said as she began dialing number.

” I’m sorry Madam, I’m sorry boss. Keji attacked me first just because i questioned her on why she was throwing the carrots everywhere. Her fake husband to be scammed her off her money… she gave him a million naira so that he can marry her but he disappeared with the money. She even bought ring to engage herself. Which explained why she did not resume work for two days. Keji finally resumed today only to start throwing carrots everywhere. I peacefully asked her not to do that and she raised hand and slapped me…

The people that where gathered began to murmur among themselves.

“You are a fool Ijeoma, a senseless fool. I said angrily not minding who was there.

Philip stepped closer and pointed a finger to my face.

“You dare not insult anyone in front of my Mum. Learn some upbringing and apologies for your wrong doing…

“Let her be Philip. The doctor will be here soon. . His mother said.

“Violence such as fight, exchange of words and insult of any sort is not tolerated here. Theirs a consequence for every action. You can do that outside this compound but ones you set your foot here learn to comport yourselves. Stop acting like a Nigerian untrained tout in this place. We all are like family and if you no longer want to be part of us then leave. Go to somewhere else and display your madness but not here.

Phil said as he looked at everyone eyeball to eyeball but mostly on me and Ijeoma.

…”everyone should return to his or her duty post. I don’t want to hear anybody talking or gossiping over whatever just happened here today. Am I understood?

They all chorused

“Yes boss”. Before leaving one after the other.

Only him with his Mom, Stella, Ijeoma and I were left.

“Keji, I don’t really care about whatever happened or how it happened but learn to manage your anger and mind your use of words. Am I clear?

I took off my apron and cap dump it on the table and said.

“To hell with you Philip…

He stared at me in shock.
Everyone present was surprised.
I continued.

“…You said we are one family here but you scolded me more than Ijeoma because she’s Igbo right? You took her side without hearing me out. Family shebi? but you knew from onset that Bayo was married with kids yet you didn’t warn me like you will do to your sisters. Yes you will say you tried warning me but I refused to listen. If I was your sister or someone very close to your family you will spill it all out whether I want to hear it or not. Phil I know for sure that you will go extra mile to prevent the person from such scandalous relationship. But in my own case you did nothing. You left me to my fate and gradually waited to hear the results just like it was declared now. Congratulations, you won. I will take my leave…I don’t need any doctor. I can treat myself…

I started walking away.
Mrs Kanu stopped me by the door.

“Is been a year already that you have been with us Keji. You are like a daughter to me. I took likeness the first day I saw you. In this place, there’s no discrimination. Like you already know, we have almost all the tribe here. We have Dauda by the gate, he’s hausa. We have Mensa the pool boy, he’s a Ghanian. We have Upendo, he’s a gardner from Cameroon. Bassey is from Calabar, he’s one of the guards working with Dauda. we have Ola, she’s a housekeeper, a beautiful Yoruba lady. She was single when she started working here five years ago, Adeola is married with a son. And so many others. We’re all one. Others can attest to that. My son, Philip didn’t do well like he should have. Pardon him for that….

Philip interrupted.

“Mum…I wa…

The mother stopped him from speaking by raising a hand in the air.

“… I’m not finished. I apologise for everyone misbehaviour towards you Keji. Also sorry for whatever trauma you are presently going through. You are a strong woman and I know you will be alright. If you need to take time off work, then do so. Resume whenever you are fit and ready. Take two weeks off, it won’t affect your normal pay in anyway. Your wages remains intact.

She said the last part smiling. Her demeanor calmed my raging heart down.

Philip walked away.
Stella moved closer and threw her hands around me.

She straightened and said.

“Ijeoma gave you a tough time yet you tolerated all her trouble. For you to have reacted today only means she might have pushed you to the wall. Don’t mind her, she’s only jealous of you.

Ijeoma said something, probably in Igbo but I didn’t hear her and did not care.

Mrs Kanu asked Ijeoma to go and meet the doctor who just arrived so that her wound will be attended to.
As she left, Mrs Kanu followed her behind.
Stella whispered into my ear.

“…My cousin, Emeka is still available. He’s trusted and confirmed… No scam. He will spend on you not you spending on him. Let me know if you reconsidering the offer…

I smiled and replied.
“Is an interesting offer. I will think about it…
Stella laughed out happily. I couldn’t help but chuckle.

Since Mrs Kanu insisted that I take sometime off to get my sanity back I decided to do so.

I thanked her and apologies for my outburst of anger.

I went back to my house.
After two days at home I became bored and decided to visit Dammi.

They just returned from the hospital where they went to check the baby.

“She will be coming home by next weekend. I’m so excited Keji. I will finally have my baby fully to myself. I’m really excited… you need to see the nursery, her room is so…so girly. My husband and I named her Andrea, the brave one. She fought bravery to stay alive. Her Igbo name is Ada because she is the first daughter or Ugo which means eagle. She was in the incubator for four freaking months, just imagine the kind of money we poured in just to keep her breathing. Is not even about the money, I just thank God we have it to spend. I’m finally going to have my Ada Ada all to myself….oluwa ese oo (i thank God)

I was happy for her as she talked none stop about her daughter whom they named Ugo or Ada.

She asked about me and I didn’t want to spoil her excitement. I just told her that I’m home to rest for few days. I briefed her about the incident with Bayo and she felt sorry for me.

There was something in my heart that I have been wanting to tell her.
It doesn’t seem like a perfect time but I need to let her know never the less.

I could have waved it off since it happened in the past but I wanted to be free for conscience sake.

“I have two confession Dammi. One is that I have always been jealous of you…I mean you seem to have it all. A good, well to do man who loves you while me on the other hand suffers from one relationship to another. I wanted my own Chike too but I ended up with a fraudster like Bayo. But I have come to realize that God’s appropriate time is the best. Another one is that I was the thief that stole your new shoes that Chike sent from london… The..

Dammi interrupted.

“You don’t mean it. Did you know that initially i kind of suspected it but later waved it off. That means my instinct were right. As for that jealous part, is normal. I used to envy you greatly. I mean you are good at almost everything. Beautiful, elegant, accommodating, classic and many other unique qualities. While me on the other hand can’t do anything right. I was jealous of you too Keji. I Remember taunting you during my wedding but you took no offense, I remember few other occasions I said things just to get you angry but you never react. You condol my nonsense behavior and still refer to me as a friend. You hardly get pissed off. I’m more of a bad person than you are and I’m sorry Keji. So if you can forgive me then I will forgive you anything which includes future sin.

We both burst out laughing.

“… Keji take whatever that is mine, if you fancy it and will like to have it then go ahead. You accomodated me, took care of my feeding and excesses. It was through you I got to know Chike. You got me a job, it was while I was at the same job you got for me that I met Chike. You deserve everything good Keji. Believe me, true love will find you soon because you deserve to be loved and taken care off…am I communicating?

She asked while smiling and winking at me in a funny way.

I wiped a tear as Bayo’s incident came rushing back.
She draw me into a hug
The warm hug did the magic. I felt a bit relieved before going home.

I also visited Uzo and her family.
They were happy to see me just like I was also

After a week past, three more days for me to return back to work.
I was at home watching a television series when I heard a knock on my door.

I went to the door to open. My heart skipped multiple times when I saw Philip.

I stood at the door speechless.

“Chike’s wife gave me your address after I visited them. Can I come in? He asked

I nodded without a word as I leave the way for him to enter.

I was speechless as he walked past me into my small living room to sit down.

MORENIKEJI Episode 18 by Amah’s Heart

“….well, I’m surprised that you of all people will descend so low to come down to my local area. with all your class and calibre. you decided not to communicate whatever it is over the phone but come all the way down to my house. I don’t know if I should be excited or worried with this your surprise visit.

He remains seated without making any effort to reply me. Focusing his eyes on the television.

He hasn’t said anything since he came in, I have been the only one talking like parrot.
He looked around my sitting room and made a face.

“…let me guess, my living room is not even close to the size of your closet and can’t be compared to your dog house…

He looked up at me and made a smirking annoying face but still didn’t say anything as he returns his look back to the TV.

I was very annoyed with his silence. His quiet demeanor was torturing.

“… why are you here…what do you want from me that can’t wait until I resume in two days from now. why do you come looking for me…?

He straightened from his chair and then said.

“Finally, you asked. I came to check on how you are doing Keji. Stop trying to sound angry, irritated with me at your place. I’m not your enemy. if you don’t want me around all you need to do is to say so and I will be on my way.

I have already said too much. Deep within I’m very happy that he came but I did not want to show it.
I was still a bit crossed with him for not going the extra mile to warn me about Bayo. My pain is visible and fresh.

Philip actually did his best in trying to talk me out of dating Bayo but I wasn’t willing to listen.

But I still blame him because I needed to blame somebody for what happened to me.
I know quiet alright that I caused it but I have enough guilt, loss and pain. I definitely don’t want to add another to the cap.
Phil will have to share in the blame.

Why did he say what he just said? He sounded so proud and egoistic again.

He thinks I like the fact that he came around.
Yes, I actually do but I need to act like I don’t.
He may start feeling like a god if I let him know that I truly appreciate him coming by.

“Phill, if you want to leave then you are very free. I didn’t invite you in the first place and still do not understand your reason for visiting…”

He smiled and said.

“Keji, i need you to tell me to leave your house and I will.

He stared at me with a straight face. Daring me to say it.

“Phil leave my house”

I said without thinking.
I need to say it so that he will understand that I don’t really need him.
Well, I actually do but I’m still hurting and do not need any man to torment me further.
He is egoistic and I won’t be the one to add a feather to his cap.

When he stood and started moving to the door, my heart was beating.
I wanted to stand by the door and apologies for running my mouth at him but instead I held my two hands together as he move gently to the door.
I wanted to prevent him from leaving but he looks so determined to leave.

I couldn’t hold it all in anymore, I decided to stop him just as he was about to get to the door. I need to stop him from leaving

“Phi…Phill.. please wai…
he paused and said

“Yes Keji, did you changed your mind?

“No, I mean…ye…no. I didn’t change my mind. I wanted to say thank you for stopping by anyway. Don’t come next time. You can’t relate in my world neither will you understand…

He nodded and continued to the door.
That wasn’t what I wanted to say but the wrong thing came out of my mouth.
My own pride too was getting on the way.
He held the door knob and instead of opening it he suddenly turned and said to me.

“I didn’t get exactly what you said. Did you mean I should come again or I shouldn’t come again?

I ignored him. I had tears burning my eyes and choking my throat. If I say anything I may end up embarrassing myself.
I waited for him to leave so that I can go and sulk like an unfortunate child.

He suddenly turned and walked back to the sitting room, instead of sitting down he was walking around like he was searching for something.

“What are you doing? I asked forming angry.

“Looking for your refrigerator… don’t you have one? Instead of you to ask me what I will drink or eat you are asking me to leave and you expected me to leave just like that. Please, give me a break. Where is your refrigerator let me take the honor of serving myself a drink…

“Is in the kitchen but don’t go. My kitchen Is not even close to the size of your smallest storehouse… Anyway, i will bring drink for you.

I eyed him angrily but I wasn’t a bit angry. Rather I was bubbling with happiness that he didn’t leave.

I brought water to him with peanut because that’s the only drink and snacks I have in my fridge.

I will be going back to work in two days time, there was no need of storing perishable things in my small fridge.
The groundnut was mostly added whenever I want to drink garri. I bought it for that purpose.

He took a sip from the cup of water and drop it back to the tray.

“Don’t you have food in this house” he asked without looking at me.

“I ate bread with egg sauce in the morning. I planned making either yam porridge or yam with red oil and pepper. I’m still contemplating before you came… should I go ahead?

“Okay, I have all day to spend here. Let me assist you in making it. Maybe I will cut the yam while you do the rest. Fetch me an apron and kitchen gloves…

He said standing up.

“I don’t have apron or gloves here. My place is a total different setting and package from yours.

He nodded and said.

“Or maybe we should order for pizza or some Chinese food. If you want anything you can aswell include in the order…

I told him to do whatever he feels like.

He ordered some food, I sat in the next arm chair close to his.

We both pretend like we were watching the television.
After some time he said.

“I have something I really wanted to ask. Is okay if you take offense but still answer me any way. So, is it true that you paid Bayo a million Naira just to marry you?

I ignored him at first but later said.

“What is your reason for asking by the way? If I said Bayo collected huge amount of money from me all with pretense will you believe me? I never paid him to marry me, I only lend him money as he asked, hoping to get it back from him even if is just fifty percent….but I got nothing. It wasn’t upto a million though but it was all that I had. Bu…but is all good. Bayo is gone and so is my money… I’m trying to move on, I really don’t need a reminder.

From my side view I can see him looking at me.
I pretend to focus on the television as I fought tears pushing forward.

I hate to remember everything that Bayo took from me.

My precious time, my hard earned money, my self esteem and some part of my heart.
It hurt so much that I have been chasing shadow all this while.

“I’m sorry Keji. I never meant or wish to see you hurt. I tried…I tried to warn you about Bayo but you kept pushing me away. I meant well for you but you saw me as the enemy and Bayo as the angel. I never knew who Bayo was, I asked Nnana about him and he said he was into car dealership, he works for Nnana’s father’s friend and likes tagging along with the rich and famous. Driving different exotic cars all in the name of sampling them. He wasn’t even Nnana’s friend but they allowed him to tag along anyway. You probably got deceived with his flashy lifestyle not knowing you were treading on a dangerous ground. I didn’t even know that he has a family…I mean children. I knew he was married… Nnana told me, after I learnt about it, I rushed down to warn you to stay away from him. I met you talking with some ladies that day…do you remember? But at the end you refused to listen or believe whatever I said. It was a gross sight when I saw both of you kssing in public. I decided to leave you to your fate then. maybe, I could have tried harder, kidnap you and disappear… that’s the only better option left to…

I burst out laughing amidst tears.

“You just cracked me up Phil. I’m glad you came. It wasn’t your fault in anyway…it was all mine. I just needed somebody to blame for my misfortune. I’m really sorry for everything I said back at your house during the altercation with Ijeoma. I never meant for any of that. I…I felt so helpless and vulnerable after the heartbreak with Bayo. The worst part is that it was his wife that called to curse and insult me. And it hurts me even more that I poured all my life savings into Bayo’s pocket thinking I was helping a lifetime partner…. anyway, I’m getting used to it all and moving on.

He bent his head and didn’t speak immediately.
He later raised his face up and said.

“Don’t worry Keji, you will be fine. But Bayo will not get away with this criminal act…I will make sure of that.

Our food delivery arrived.
Phil didn’t eat much, I stuffed myself up.
All this days I have not been having appetit to eat much.
But seeing Philip makes my stomach to suddenly opened up.

He was watching and smiling.
After food, I cleared the whole place before returning to my seat.

“Did you remember the night we kssed…

My heart skipped a little, I tried not to look at him.

“…i wasn’t sure of what I really felt for you until that night. I still tried to wave it off and not even think about it or lead you along but after you left for Amara’s wedding, I began to wish you were around, i even wish I can steal another kiss from your lips again. I was in a hurry to travel down just to see you again and tell you everything I felt…but by the time I arrived, Bayo had stolen the show.

I looked up at him and quickly looked away.

“… Keji, I’m not much of a talker and I don’t easily fall in love. My parents… everyone looks up to me for different reasons and I don’t want to disappoint them which was why I guild my heart with all diligent. My Dad will skin me alive if I end up with the wrong woman. He has coached me ever since I was little. We were all based in London back then, my Dad sent me home after my PhD. He asked me to come and take charge and foresee things. I stayed home for four years with only the home staffs and office staffs before my parents returned home. My Dad was super proud of me. I employed majority of the staffs which was why they referred to me as boss instead of my Dad. You can call me mummy’s boy, yes…I am. Mum is my biggest supporter and for her to have scolded me in front of the domestic staffs because of means she has a soft spot for you. I thought it was going to be Amara, I loved her and thought she felt the same but I sensed her coldness and knew something was amidst. I have to let her move on to be with whoever she loves. My Dad will say that whatever is meant to be will definitely be…

I chuckled and said
“Yes, you ones told me that. Did you sensed my likeness for you or yo…

I kept quiet and couldn’t speak further. he said

“Yea, you made it quiet obvious at some point. But I deliberately did not want to encourage you. I’m used to ladies gushing over me. no, I’m not prouding…

The way he raised his two hands up, I burst out laughing and he laughed also.

“…Keji, I just didn’t want to lead you blindly when I wasn’t sure of what exactly I felt for you. I’m discipline and hate to see people hurt, ladies especially. I felt jealous in a way when you revealed going out with Kunle… that wasn’t expected of me but I felt bad for some odd reason. I then realized that I was getting attached to you and decided to retract my steps. Then fortunately, I kissed you and the whole feeling started flooding back to my fragile chest…

He started laughing while holding his chest and I joined.
Philip is really handsome. When he laughs it felt so infectious.

“…When I traveled to London, I almost started another relationship over there but for some odd reasons again it didn’t work out before I returned home. I have watched you Keji, you are selfless, loving, hardworking and many other qualities. I’m not after beauty only because I have seen different types…

He paused. Stood and put hand in his pocket.
He brought out an envelope and stretched it out towards me

“Here… have it.

“What is it?
I said while collecting the envelope from him.

I opened it and saw a cheque

“,It may not cover everything you loss to Bayo, but it will give you a head start…

I opened the cheque and saw five hundred thousand.

I almost screamed out my intestines.

“,Phil, I can’t accept this, is…is too much. Don’t worry, i have already believe it to be my loss. If I resume work, I will be able to start saving again. You and your mother has done too much already…I can’t accept this huge offer….no, I can’t…

He insisted, and said his mother is aware and will not be happy if I don’t accept the cheque.
I couldn’t believe what was happening.
Emotion came rushing back to my throat.

I felt a tear drop that I couldn’t hold back.
I felt like prostrating on the ground.

He came to hold me, he drew me gently to his arm, wipe my tear and kissed my forehead.

I rested my head on his chest.

“If I resume work eeh, I will do everything I can to please everyone. I’m ready to do all the work in that house, both security, pool man job, housekeeper, gardener, car washer, I don’t know how to drive I would have even become your driver. I will do everything possible to merit this money that I don’t deserve. Is not anybody’s fault that I lost my money, it was rather my foolishness. So, I really don’t deserve this huge offer but I will work so hard to make sure I merit it. Phil, oh Phil…. thank you so much…I don’t know what to say. I don’t even know how to thank you and your parents that took me in as their’s… I’m just… speechless.

He wiped another tear from me and said quietly.

“I don’t want you to come back to work.

I stepped away from him and stare in shock.

“Why? Are you sacking me..? Or you have already sacked me Phil? I thought your Mom said I can return? Is the cheque a sent forth money or dismissal money? You can’t do this to me, I want to continue my work… I’m meant to resume in two days. All this long talk…I guess you didn’t know the best way to tell me that I have being sacked right? Philip please, don’t do this to me…I will do anything. I know this five hundred thousand will go along way, I’m grateful for it really but I need my job back. I don’t want to get a sack letter from you or your amazing mom. I wronged everyone and… and I’m sorry. My emotions ran out of check… I’m sorry. Give me another chance to work atleast two months, and win back the heart of everyone that I offend. Even Ijeoma inclusive. I don’t know what Ijeoma told you or your mother but…

He stood and said

“Enough… enough Keji. No one sacked you… nobody.

He moved closer to me, draw me to himself and kssed me. He released me, straightened and kssed me again for a longer time…

He looked at me, eyeball to eyeball and said calmly.

“This is the reason why I don’t want you to be a domestic staff in my house. I love you Keji. I don’t need a soothsayer to prove it anymore. Do you love me?… Keji…?

I was mute, my head remains bent.
He didn’t release me from his arms, he continued holding onto me.

“… please answer me Keji. If you don’t have any feeling at all…is still okay by me, you can return to work and I will return to UK to cool off my head. by the time I come I will probably be alright to look at you and feel nothing… Because I can’t possibly be living in the same house and pretending like you don’t exist. So Keji, I ask again…do you love me?

I couldn’t speak so I nodded that I do love him.

“…I need you to say it… with your mouth. If you love me say it, if you don’t…. still say it. I’m serious Keji, this is no time to joke around…

“I’m not joking around Phil. I do love you…loved you way back before you even noticed me… and still loves you.

He kssed me and I did the same.

“That’s all I needed to hear and more reason you can’t return to work. If we have to be together I wouldn’t want my woman to be a domestic worker for anybody, not even for me. If you insist on working I can fix you up somewhere a bigger company. Something quiet befitting. Or you can get yourself into a catering school, just to acquire more cooking skills, probably open your own official kitchen, eatery or a big restaurant aftermath. I’m sorry, but I don’t want to sound like a dictator… you are free to say whatever you want. But coming back to work in my kitchen is not included in the option. I don’t want anybody to insult or look down on you due to the last clash you had with Ijeoma. I want you to be respected and served anytime you comes around… not the other way round. What do you think? Is it okay by you Keji, or you have a different things from my suggestion…?

“Is fine Phil. I will take the idea of going to a catering school to learn some acquisition and be able to develop my cooking skills. Oh my goodness!… It all seems like a dream…a dream come true. Tha…nk you very much for this great opportunity. I won’t misuse it…I promise.

He laughed quietly before saying

“Quit acting like I’m giving you a Job offer. Don’t see me as your boss Keji, we’re in this together… every road you take from this moment forward I will be by your side to guide you….I need you and will appreciate every moment I spend with you.

And it was sealed up with another kss.

After he left, I felt like jumping to the roof of the building.

A cheque of five hundred thousand for the money I lost to Bayo
A great offer of true love which I have so much yawned for.
Acquiring a great skill that will give me an edge to future preference.
Recovering myself worth again and having reason to really smile.

I just achieved so much in one day, something I have never been able to achieve in all my thirty one years on earth.

I don’t know where this will lead to or how it will end. I hope it doesn’t end because it feels so good to be true.

But I’m going to enjoy every moment, live everyday at a time. Smile from deep within and continue praying that I won’t wake up from this fairytale dreamland.

Three months later in the relationship and I still felt like I’m dreaming.

Phil have not even seen the color of my panties and yet he is doing so much already for me.

“Oh God, things are begining to fall in pleasant places for my good…I can’t shout. Phill is too good to be true…

I exclaimed out as I lay in bed alone that night after speaking with Phil over the phone.

I said few prayer and smiled myself to sleep.
Enough smile for today, tomorrow is another day to smile.

MORENIKEJI Episode 19 by Amah’s Heart

I registered in one of the best catering school. Resumed class which will take me almost a year. Upto six months and more.

We have both international chefs taking us on different intercontinental ride.
I was enjoying every bit of it.
Living my best life already like I have never tasted poverty.

Everything was happening so fast. It feels too good to be true.

By tomorrow I will be going over to meet Phil’s parents.
This time not as a domestic staff in their mansion but as a girlfriend to their son.

I have goose bumb anytime I think of it.
Questions like, what if they don’t like me? What if they don’t approve of our relationship.
I’m of a different tribe. What if my tribe is a total turn off for them and wouldn’t want me close to their only son.
What if…? Just what if this or that?
How will I cope or start all over again in my love journey.
Maybe I should calm my nerves down and be positive. Let me be hopeful that everything will work out for my good.

Phil said he will be coming over to pick me but if he can’t make it down he will send his driver.

It was his driver that came and took me to the house.
I met with his parents and they were nice.
No discrimination or rejection in their tone and action.
They did not see me as a nobody or their former cook or even as one below the class and league of their son.
They saw me differently, taking all my fears and worries away.
I felt at home, very relaxed.

Mr Kanu wanted to see me in his library alone.
I went and we had a long chat.
He spoke to me for more than thirty minutes

“I heard what happened to you Keji, lossing a huge amount of money to a fraudster who pretended to be in love with you is disheartening. I’m sorry to say but I actually felt disappointed with you. It means you didn’t read the book I recommended and gave you to read. You probably dumped it somewhere after leaving my library. Because, if you read that empty Promises by our dear Amah, you wouldn’t have made such a huge life threatening mistake. Many women takes their lives after realizing that the man they gave all to… their heart, money and time was playing them all the while. Some falls into depression. Listen Keji, I’m glad you pulled through all of that but is obviously the life lessons you needed to sit up and be wise. You will probably come across someone in the future that you will use your life experience to counsel. My heart gladdens up when I see vibrant youths, both sex doing well, refusing to lay low for some morons to take advantage off. But that aside, Phil is my son… only son to be precise. I try as much as possible to give him the best and to guide him as a father should. Even when he is away from me I still try to foresee his performance from a distance. and I have always been proud of the good behavioral fine man he turned out to be. You should be proud to have him as much as he is also proud to have you. He will be turning thirty two by April 11th and I can tell you categorically that Philip Enyinnaya Kanu has made me a proud father. Now, the next thing I’m expecting from him is to start his family soon but theres no rush in that…he should take his time and be sure of the woman he wants to settle with. One of the best decision I have made in my life is marrying my wife. This satisfaction, peace of mind, supportive and undying love me and my wife have for each other is what I want for my son too. Culture, color, tribe is not a problem… the most important is upbringing, fear of God, good morals cumed with fine attitude is what we’re after in a lady. When he traveled to London some months back he told me about a biracial girl he was interested in dating, I asked him to go ahead but after two weeks he told me that she wasn’t ready to be committed and doesn’t have a good attitude. That’s my son for you, he immediately let go without being told and later traveled down. So if Philip chose you it means he has observed you for a while and seen the good in you despite the flaws. You won’t regret having him. Be open, straight forward and focus Keji. I’m glad he chose you…

Finally the whole talk was over.
He asked me to go and read the book he gave me and whenever I feel like browsing through his library I should do so freely.
I thanked him very much before leaving.

I didn’t tell him that I have read the empty Promises.
If I told him that I have read it, he will think that I lack a retentive memory or clear understanding to apply the storyline to my life.
There will be more talk again so all I did was to be quiet, listen and thank him for his great counsel.

I later joined Phil in his private sitting room.

“What did my Dad say…?

He asked as he draw me close to his warm body.

“Alot…a whole lot but in nutshell a wise man builds his house on the rock while a foolish man builds on sand…. wisdom is a principal thing Phil. That’s all..

“Hmmm… you are speaking in riddles now. I still don’t understand but is fine.

Phil said smiling.

“I never really had a father figure in my life. My Dad is late but when he was alive we weren’t so close. He had two wives, my mum is the first. My Mum didn’t conceive on time and with pressure on my dad’s shoulder he impregnated another woman who gave birth to a son for him. This woman becomes his favorite and so was her children. After few more years later my Mum had me and later had my brother. We’re just two from my Mum side. Having your Dad speak to me like a father makes me wish for many things. I enjoyed every of his words. I can’t explain it all but he spoke like a man filled with wisdom. He scolded me like he should and still pat me on the back… that means everything. I love my mother and I don’t joke with her…I set aside money that I send every month to her, sometimes twice in a month. Me and my brother is all she has. And I do want to make her proud…it took me so long to arrive here, I won’t misuse any of this beautiful chances life has thrown at my feet…

Phil kissed my hand and said.

“I feel blessed already having you Keji. Are you hungry, let’s go down to the dining and have something for lunch.

I asked him to hold on let me say hello to my former colleagues. Stella and Ijeoma.

I haven’t seen them ever since I left here, which is almost four months.

I decided to go and say hello to my old kitchen colleagues.

Ijeoma was steaming something on fire when I entered.

“Hello Ije…Ije. how have you been and how’s work. Is really being a while…long time no see. I’m happy to see you… aren’t you happy to see me…

She looked at me from head to toe and curved a smile before saying.

“My ofe mmanu sister, should I start jumping around the whole kitchen because of you, nga eyeri gi akwa? (should I fry egg for you?) beside, you don’t really look different to me…I thought dating the boss will transform you but here you are still looking old and shrink.

I laughed at the joke.

“Don’t worry Ijeoma, you can’t see the change because is inwardly not physical appearance. I’m glad you are doing great…is good to see you too. My dearest ofe mmanu sister. What of Stella?

“I’m not Stella’s keeper…

And just then somebody grabbed me tight from behind, laughing so loud, her laughter echos in the kitchen.
It was Stella, very joyful in seeing me.

She almost hijacked me up out of excitement.

“Oh Keji, look at you… I’m so happy to see you. You are really looking good. You have added extra hips… please come and bless me with some hips…

I burst out laughing.
We were both laughing like besties.

“My cousin Emeka has missed oo. How I wish he saw you first before our boss did. Keji, I have really miss you. we all missed all , everyone has been asking about you..

Ijeoma sighed and said outlouldly

“Minus me oo. I didn’t miss anybody. The truth remains what it is, she went to cook herself in their coven so that she will trap everyone in her web. The boss fell wooefully and his parents too. The juju is obviously working on them all. But I’m a daughter of grace, I can’t be influence no matter what. The boss will still dump her when he realize himself. His eyes will clear and the truth will come out in the open. Let’s watch and see. Is just a matter of time. Mind you…I never mention anybody’s name. If you are guilty with what I said then let your conscience continue judging you until the truth is finally revealed.

She went back to what she was doing.
Stella turned to me and said.

“Don’t mind Ijeoma. I thought by now she would have loosen up on the hate. Don’t pay attention to her. Guess what, We have added more recipe to the menu. The boss said we should include some Yoruba delicacy. Like, ewedu leaf which he said is one of your favorite and is actually very good and medicinal too…I googled it and saw the health benefits. We include ifo riro and locust bean too. Ifo Is part of vegetables. The first day I made it, some people were finding it difficult to eat the iru (locust beans) they separated it from the main food. But I also checked it out on google and saw that is very rich, it clears the eyes giving you a perfect vision. I told those finding it difficult how rich it was and they are gradually adapting. But what we do is to make two meals, like okro or ewedu. On vegetables day we will make ogu leaf and ifo. So they can choose whichever they want. Nobody is forcing anybody to eat what they don’t like or understand. We just introduced it last month gradually they will be used to it. The boss said we should make ewedu, some Yoruba stew with egufe. that’s goat meat right… for today’s lunch. He said that you were coming and we should make you feel at home…

I was grinning as Stella fills me in happily.
She suddenly pause and covered her mouth.

“Oh my God, I have allowed my mouth to run me into trouble. I think the boss wanted to surprise you with that and now I have revealed it all. I’m sorry…I was just too excited to see you again.

I hugged her tight and said.

“I’m glad you told me Stella. You have nothing to be worried about. I will just pretend to be surprised if Phil mentions it.

We both started laughing again.

“Stella, you supposed to be helping me finish up with this stuff. I don’t understand the laughing jackass that both of you are doing there. You are making that ofe mmanu juju daughter to feel too important. I didn’t mention anybody’s name oo aside Stella.

I saw Phil coming and hugged Stella one more time before joining him.

Phil wanted to surprise me with the new menu addition and the lunch too.

I acted all surprised all through the period and never mention that Stella has already told me.

I thanked him for everything and we had a sumptuous meal.

Ijeoma was the one that Stella sent to serve me and Philip.
She has no choice than to do so.

Her face was squizzed up all through the time she was serving us.
I almost laughed out
I wish she will understand that I’m not her enemy but I can’t force her to like me. I have already tried doing that on several occasions but it never works.

Philip later went to drop me off in the evening.

He Pampers me too much, loves me to the bone. Like I have never in my life be loved this way.

I visited Dammi and poured it all out. I was just too happy and withhold nothing.

Dammi was very happy. Her daughter Ugo was growing beautifully.
I spent time with them before leaving.

I also went to Uzo and shared the good news.
Uzo was equally happy and wished to meet Philip some day.

Philip called me one day that he was coming to take me out for dinner, that I should get ready.

I carefully picked out my dress, lay it on the bed.. selected one of the shoes he got for me out.
I tied my towel and was about entering the bathroom when I had a knock.

I was happy that Phil was already around. He will watch me get dressed. He may even pick a better dress from the one I picked.

I rushed to the door excitedly to open for him.
Immediately I opened the door my face changed into a big frown.

” What in God’s name are you doing here Bayo?

I screamed out to the scary face staring at me.

“I’m here to speak to you Keji, please let me in…I have allot I want to explain.

“Let you in to which house? Please leave… leave here immediately.

“Keji, please…see, I was sacked from my job. I don’t even have anything right now. I traveled all the way down to see you and to ask for your forgiveness. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that I was married initially because I didn’t want to lose you but I’m not married again. We have separated. She left me and took the kids too because I was sacked and wasn’t bringing money like before. Now, I’m broke. Please, let me in and give me some food to eat first. I remember I spent three days here with you but locating this place was very difficult for me. I couldn’t even reach you but finally I’m here. Keji, please hear me out… I’m ready to start a fresh family with you. You are the only woman that loves and understand me. I never loved my wife, she is just an opportunist… real queen Jezebel herself, very wicked. Keji, please let me in so that I can explain everything to you…I still love you. Ife mi(my love)

My phone was ringing continuesly.

I rushed in to pick it and it was Philip calling.

“… I’m driving into your street now Keji. This your street is filled with potholes, how do you even cope? What do you think of changing your apartment? I can speak to one of my friends who’s into real estate. He can get you something far better… hello Keji, are you there?

“Yea…yeah. I’m here Phil.
I replied with a shaking voice.

Somebody suddenly spoke behind my ear.
I turned and it was Bayo

“Keji I’m tasty, please I want to go and take water from your fridge… maybe some food too if you don’t mind..

I quickly covered the phone speaker so that Philip will not hear.
I didn’t know that Bayo followed me behind.

“… hello… hello Keji. Is there someone with you in your apartment…I thought I had another’s voice. A man’s voice…

Philip said. I quickly replied.

…no…no is..the.. television.

“Oh okay. Are you dressed, few houses away and I will get to yours…

I began to act like I couldn’t hear him clear before ending the call.

My heart was beating, my hands and legs shaking seriously
Any moment from now Philip will be here.
I hope my world is not about to collapse because of Bayo again?

I rushed to the kitchen where Bayo has gone and he was already stuffing himself with my food and drink.

MORENIKEJI Episode 20 by Amah’s Heart

I was standing outside and trying to zip up my cloth when he came.

“Why are you outside…?
He asked while looking at me confused

“I…I did not want to keep you waiting…

“No Keji, you can keep me waiting all day and I wouldn’t mind. We’re having a dinner date, a special one at that. so is very appropriate for you to take your time and get properly dressed.

Did he say a special one? What could be special about the dinner date?
I didn’t say anything as I continued struggling to zip up my dress.

“Come here, let me help you with that.
I turned and he zipped me up.

“Keji, are you sure you are alright? You are shaking. What is it? You smell of sweat and you are not wearing your usual makeup, unlike you…your hair is not brushed? What is the rush… let’s go back inside. You can put on some cologne to smell nice atleast and do what you need to do. I will wait as long as it takes for you to get dressed… properly.

“Don’t worry Phil, I will brush my hair in the car and I’m not in the mood for makeup but I have some of my makeup stuff in my hand bag and also perfume oil. I can also do all that in the car. Let’s go… please.

I started moving outside where he parked, he quietly followed me behind.

We got into the car and he turned on the ignition. I knew he was watching me closely as I brought out my hair brush and began brushing my hair.

“Are you sure that you are alright Keji?

He asked for the sixth time.
I flashed him a fake smile to let him know that I was fine but he doesn’t look convinced.

Bayo thinks he can just badge into my life and try to ruin it again. Never!

Not now that heaven is smiling down on me through Philip, I won’t let him or anyone spoil it.

I know I still have a heavy score to settle but I will sort out away.

I left two hundred and twenty three thousand in my piggy bank just for raining days. And incase of any emergency. Well locked and hidden under my bed where it won’t be easily seen.
Part of the money Philip gave me. Bayo can’t get to it.

If he succeed in getting up from the ground, he won’t be able to unlock the kitchen or my room door where I kept my piggy bank.
Bayo is doomed, he will regret ever taking me for a ride…

“Keji…. Keji..

I looked up and realized the car was not moving.
We were parked beside the main road.

“…l ask you for the very last time… Keji what is eaten at you? What is the problem? Did I do anything wrong? Did I say or act in a way that you don’t like?What happened…talk to me Keji.

“Nothing happened Phil. I’m just having a mood swings… women stuff. Is something I can handle but aside that I’m alright.

I said trying not to look him in the eyes.

“Are you on your period…I mean menstruation….flow? What do you mean by women stuff…? I don’t understand?

“You won’t understand. please, start the car let’s go.

He looked at me for a while as I rob my perfume oil on my arm.

“Did you have your bath? I mean no offense, I’m just concerned. I really wanted today’s dinner date to be very special one but I’m not feeling comfortable with your whole mood swings thingy or appearance. This wasn’t what I wanted. Look, There’s food oil on your both arm and I mentioned earlier that you smell of sweat?

I didn’t reply. He gasped out, apologized for few seconds before starting the car.

He is right, I didn’t bother to bath. I couldn’t have in such a traumatizing state that I was.
I just needed to get out of the house.

Atleast the perfume oil will help kill the sweaty smell that he was perceiving.

Everything is looking all crazy, I can’t handle any of this alone.
As much as I’m afraid of the aftermath I won’t deny the fact that I need help.

“Stop… please stop the car.

He quickly halt.

He stared straight ahead with a frown.

“You are finally ready to talk. What is it Keji… talk to me.

“Is Bayo!

He turned and looked at me strangely.

“…this evening, I was about going into the bathroom when Bayo suddenly showed up. When I had a knock on the door, I thought you were the one…so I rushed to the door to open up with towel wrapped around my chest. He began to tell me how he was sacked, he no longer has anything and his wife took the kids and left…While he was still talking, I had my phone ringing continuesly, I rushed inside and you were the caller, as I was tal…

“Wai… Wait where’s Bayo presently?
He asked impatiently.

“That’s what I’m trying to explain to you. Please listen first.. while receiving your call, I didn’t know that he followed me behind. I was fidgeting uneasily…I seriously didn’t know what to say, do or to even react to the fact that Bayo was in my apartment and was going to my kitchen. After the call I rushed to my kitchen and there he was eating my food. It was the gut and effrontery that got me shocked. I asked him to leave but he continued talking rubbish that I should hear him out first. I quickly rushed to my room and wore this dress. I took an iron lying carelessly outside my door and went back to the kitchen. Getting there he was taking another food from my pot after finishing the first plate. Without thinking I hit him hard on his head and he screamed out in pain before slumping on the kitchen floor. I dropped the iron, locked the kitchen and ran off. I was afraid Phil, I didn’t know how you will react or how to go about the whole thing. I just did the first thing that entered my head…I…I

I was still talking when he reversed his car.
He turned and started driving back home.

He picked up his phone and called a police DPO to send his men to my address because there’s a situation on ground.

Philip drove back to my apartment with speed, he parked outside and rushed into my gate.
I followed, he stood at the door as I unlocked.

As we got inside, the house was turned upside down.
Bayo was nowhere to be found.
The kitchen door was broken down with the same iron I used in hitting him earlier.

Just then the sound of the main exit and entrance door opened by somebody and it was Bayo rushing out with bags in his hand.

While outside, he started speaking to Phil who was after him

“Look at my body, almost covered in my own bl©©d. She wanted to kill me because I refused to go another round with her. Keji, said I’m the only one that touches her in a way she loves. That you don’t know how to handle her in bed. Your manh©©d is like that of a little boy’s own which is why she needed me to show her the real thing. ask her, she was on towel when I came, Keji dropped it to the floor, begging me to touch her. It was while I was at it that you called and she lied that it was the television, that there was nobody in the house. She even ended the call immediately. She promised to pay me if I go another round but I couldn’t, I wanted to leave and she hit me with an iron, locked me up in the kitchen where I have gone to take water. Is not my fault that you can’t perform well and she has to seek me out. Is not my fault that your thing is small and she is never satisfied with you. I was only doing her bidding bu….

He was talking and moving back.

“Bayo you are an evil liar…. liar! Phil, he is lying. None of what he said is true. Everything I told you is the truth… Phil… Phil…

He didn’t look at me or answer me instead he ran after Bayo but the criminal took off with speed.
Bayo rushed out of the gate and continue to running.

Phill took his phone and made call, probably to confirm the police present location.

I thought of my piggy bank and rushed inside, straight to my room to check if the money is intact.
My room was thorn apart, everything was in disarray.
It looks so unrecognizable.
I saw a broken Piggy bank lying carelessly, I rushed to it and it was empty.

Bayo has stolen my money, emptied my jewelry box and took other valuables.

As I was rushing out, I heard police siren blowing. Which means they are around and probably searching for Bayo.
Just in no time he was apprehended.
I recovered almost all he took from me.
My money inclusive.
Before they pushed him into the waiting police van in handcuffs, Philip gave him a resounding slap that rang like bell in my ears.

If not that Phil came back when he did, I could have lost everything. Bayo was trying to break the exit door lock and immediately he heard that we returned he hide.
After we came inside he tries to get away.
Now, I have a lots of score to settle with Phil
I don’t know if he believed Bayo’s lies or mine.

One of the police man came to me and said that I have to follow them to the station so that I can make a statement.

If I can’t make it tonight then I can come the following day.

Phil was saying something to them outside.
It was already dark everywhere if not for the bulb light.
Phil came back with a police man to take a peep at apartment and as he stepped out I began to lock up my door.

The police man later joined his colleague and they drove off.

Phil was few feets away when my my landlady came out.
He paused by the gate watching what the woman wanted to do.

“Morenikeji, what is happening? with all the noise I have been hearing since today, hope none of my property is destroyed? Because if anything happens to the sensitive part of this building you will pay for damages. For every damaged thing, you will pay. I’m not ready for your”sorry story” if you can’t keep your men clients in order and they go about destroying my things then it will be on you. You know I have never cared how you live your life here. If you like attend to five men in one night or twenty, I really don’t care. All I’m after is my house. Because you pay your rent doesn’t give you right to destroy my property.

“Madam landlady, I’m not in the mood for your own trouble. Leave me alone…and mind your business. I pay my rent here, I’m not owning you a dime. Whenever I decide to pack out and you notice any damage then you can charge me but until then…please let me be.

I started walking away and she followed me and continued talking. Phill was still standing and watching us.

“You think I don’t know the kind of work you do but I don’t care as far as my rent is paid on time. if you like sell yourself to all the whole Abuja men, that’s your business. This one that police is involved means your cup is almost full. I know all that travel you used to do is to go and meet men. You live with men for months and only comes back ones in a while. It was ever since I started seeing this fine young man here that you stopped traveling like before….

She was pointing at Philip.

“… continue with your ashawo work don’t go and marry. Exchanging men as you please…is none of my business, my own is that if you damage my property you will pay…

“Excuse me madam. How many men do you recently saw her with?. Please, do not lie.

Phill suddenly asked her to my greatest surprised.

“Me, I don’t used to lie. Is whatever I see I say. This Morenikeji is very rude. Maybe is the fine that she fine That is entering her brain. She used to work before o but that was like two to three years ago. She later stopped working and traveled, Came back and left again. She goes sometimes for a weeks or months before returning. Then I saw her with the man that came this evening. That man stayed here for three to four days and they later traveled again and the next man I saw her with, is you. She is very unfortunate and disrespectful, becareful with her. Since this evening when that other man came again and all I have been hearing inside her apartment is gbas gbos… destroying things. I don’t know who she is to you but what I’m after is for her to be careful with my building. She is free to sleep with anything in trouser bu…

“Enough madam. Keji, is not what you think of her. She is a hardworking lady. All those travel you see her making is for work where she has free accomodation, coming home everyday wasn’t necessary. Keji is a very hardworking lady who legally makes her money with her hands and not by sleeping with multiple men like you thought. I’m only making this explanation to erase your polluted mindset towards her. if there’s any damages at all on your property, we will take responsibility and pay. Have a goodnight.

I was shocked that Philip will defend me that way. I felt like jumping on him, wrapping my hands around him.
No man has ever defended me this way before and such act brought tears to my eyes.
He didn’t speak to me as we left. He drove to the police station and I wrote the statement.
He was in his car waiting when I joined him.

As I got into the car. I decided to break the silent.

“Phil, I’m very sorry for dragging you into my mess. I’m sorry for everything Phil…

He still didn’t respond.

Instead of taking me back to my house, he speed on the express road, to his house instead.

We arrived at his place almost 1am in the midnight.
I was really confused on what to do or say as I stood waiting for his instructions.

“Go and tidy up yourself… if you are hungry get some food from the kitchen.

That’s all he said.
I tried talking to him one more time hoping he will respond.

He didn’t even allow me to talk when he said
“Keji please, I’m not in the mood to listen to whatever you have to say. Just go.

Since I don’t know where exactly to go I started going back to my previous staff quarters.
When I looked back he was relaxing his head on the car steering.
He straightened and brought out a tiny red box and was staring at it with a disappointment in his appearance.

I wonder what it is. He didn’t bother looking at me as his head remains bent.

I later got into my quarters. It looks new all of a sudden. Is almost six months I slept in it last.

I freshened up and went to bed. I wasn’t in the mood for food.
I didn’t even have appetite for it.
I wish Philip will scold me, shout at me, say something concerning what happened instead all the silent torture.

Why will Phil defend me from my landlady, risk himself in running after Bayo, took his time in driving me to the police station for statement and instead of taking me back to my apartment he brought me to his mansion but yet he wouldn’t speak to me.

I couldn’t sleep well, I had a swollen eyes the next morning.

I didn’t even know what to do. I decided to resume duty in the kitchen.
I saw some well arranged clothes in the wardrobe and wore them.

I was afraid of Phil’s parents, especially his Dad.
I was worried of what Ijeoma will say.
I was seriously worried sick
Maybe I’m back to square one where I started from.
Maybe I could have handled the whole thing differently, in a better way.
Maybe I should have told Phil immediately Bayo showed up. Maybe things wouldn’t have escalated to this extent.
I was just afraid and confused in seeing Bayo and thought I can handle the whole situation by myself.
Bayo would have made away with my valuables and my money again if not for Philip.
I don’t know Why I end up doing the wrong thing when I only want to do the right thing

Now, I’m back as a worker in Phil’s house under Ijeoma’s running mouth and annoying personality.

I met Stella that early morning, in the kitchen. She was shocked to see me and asked what happened.

I just briefed her on the whole last night saga. She asked me to go and apologies to the boss because his parents traveled out of the country yesterday and will stay for few more months before coming back.

I felt a bit relieved when I heard that Phil’s parents traveled.
I was afraid of how to face them.
Philip mentioned that his parents will be traveling few days ago while we were conversing on the phone. But I didn’t know that it was soon.
He probably told me when exact but I forgot.

I told Stella that I tried talking to him but he didn’t want to listen.

Stella asked me to go and meet him. I should leave the kitchen before other staffs will start wondering what i was doing working in the kitchen again.

I told her that I just wanted to do something to engage my mind.

She asked me to remove my kitchen staff wear and just wear the apron.
I did and resumed helping her to make breakfast.

While we’re still on it Ijeoma showed up.

“Trouble in paradise, some people’s juju has finally fade off and they have returned to square one. Hahahaha. You see this life ee…the evil doers will always be exposed. The boss has dumped her again… Glory be to God…

Stella said I shouldn’t reply her.
Ijeoma continued talking

“…I was wondering the kind of cloth that she used to cover the boss eyes. of all the umuoma (beautiful) Igbo ladies everywhere, of all the elegant, classic pretty Igbo ladies both home and abroad he ended up with a Yoruba ekwensu (devil) onye ofe mmanu that doesn’t know how to cook or stay with one man. A cheap one at that. Just look at the boss, the bobo fine like fresh apple, sweet, rich and sophisticated. How can he end up with Keji, yes I’m calling your name because you are back to zero level. You are nothing without the boss who has obviously dumped your useless, cheap a$$. Your power has failed and the boss can see clearly. If you like go and cook another stronger one it will still fail, just mark my word. It will fail and you will be exposed and disgraced. Ekwensu… You thought I will stoop low to serve you as madam na… you really want to hang your clothes where you don’t belong. Look at you now… my God is so good. I’m celebrating this victory. God has disgraced my enemi…..

Somebody suddenly spoke from the door interrupting Ijeoma and startling everybody.
It was Phil, his eyes was focused on Ijeoma.

I was arranging the freshly toast bread in a tray, so that it can cool off.
Exactly what Ijeoma supposed to do but she was busy taunting me.
Phil didn’t see me due to where I was

“Are you guys quarreling this early morning. Ijeoma I can hear your voice from upstairs…why? What is the noise about? I’m having breakfast with Keji, please hurry up with the arrangements. By the way, have you seen Keji this morning…

I was very surprised when he said he will be having breakfast with me.
Stella greeted him before pointing at where I was.
He looked at me and frowned.

“Wha… what are you doing Keji, please leave that thing for Ijeoma to finish up. Come…

He started walking away.

I looked at Stella, she smiled and winked at me.

She turned to a confused Ijeoma and said.

“Aunty radio FM go and resume your work. Don’t forget to thank Keji for helping you out.

Ijeoma sluggishly went to continue from where I stopped.

I quickly followed Philip.

I don’t know what the outcome with Phil will be, but I remain hopeful.

My happiness this morning is the look on Ijeoma’s face when Phil said he will be having breakfast with me which means Ijeoma will be serving me again.



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3 years ago

Interesting and inspiring story, nice one Amah

3 years ago

thank you Amah!

you are good