MORENIKEJI Episode 13 – 15 by Amah’s Heart

MORENIKEJI Episode 1 by Amah’s Heart

MORENIKEJI Episode 13 by Amah’s Heart

“…is more than six months Keji, don’t tell me that you still haven’t gotten my money yet? This is one of the reasons I don’t lend my money out… especially to friends because at the end they will start feeling entitled…

Dammi said after we finish exchanging pleasantries and how her honey moon went.

“I’m sorry Dammi. I supposed to have sent some money to you but something came up and I needed money urgently but not to worry by next month I will start forwarding fifty thousand. I will try not to fail until I pay off my debt to you. I really appreciate your patience Dammi and thank you for saving me when my landlady was seriously on my neck. I will pay everything I owe you gradually, starting from next month please…

“You better do Keji because is long overdue. If I didn’t remind you now you wouldn’t have even thought of it. That’s very bad of you. that is one of the reasons I don’t like helping, mostly people that claim to be a friend. They will just find a way and rob you off with pretenses of friendship…

I gasped out at the long lecture again coming from Dammi.

“That’s not true and you know it Dammi. I have never borrowed from you without paying back. Even back when you were staying at my place. Whenever we run out of groceries and I didnt have cash at hand I will ask you to lend me if you have and within short period I will return it back without you asking me for it. The only delay I had this period was I had other expenses that came up and I needed to settle them. I thought since you aren’t in need of the money right away let me settle other bills first. I’m sorry anyway…

I really felt bad that Dammi had to ask me for her money. I never wanted her to remind me of it. I planned paying her all without her asking but it didn’t go as planned.

Dammi’s money saved me from further embarrassments from my landlady and we had agreement that once I start working I will start paying my debt and I failed in that aspect.
A deal is a deal. I agreed to her terms and promised to pay up but I failed.
I can’t justify my wrongs no matter how I try to paint it.
If it was from the bank I received the loan they wouldn’t want to hear stories when is payment time.

I know Dammi is always uptight with money and throws shades wrongly at me. I deserve whatever she says.

I will pay up her two hundred thousand plus the fifty percentage on it. totalled two hundred and fifty thousand Naira.
By God’s grace I will be free from debt in five months from now.

That is more reason why I need to take this job serious and work hard.

After paying debt I need to start saving up for myself.

No matter how the dev1l tries, Ijeoma can not come in the way of my job.

I won’t let her dismiss me from this job that I love and value so much.

Making my own money gives me a sense of belonging and pride like a peacock.

I don’t have to depend on any man to foot my bills.
I’m doing it with pride and happiness and nothing will come in the way of my happiness.

I continued greetings Ijeoma and even shorten her name to “Ij” like i heard Stella calls her.
She wasn’t replying at first but got tired of keeping malice and began to reply slowly.

I worked so hard, even after everyone retired for the night I stay up mobbing and cleaning the kitchen and washing every utensils and pots.
As I collected my full salary, I sent 50k to Dammi.
I know I still have four more months to go but with full determination every debt will be cleared.

I continued working hard

Mrs Kanu met me cleaning the kitchen one evening after everyone is off to bed and commended my efforts.

“Wow… you are really doing great I must say. Please don’t over work yourself. go to bed, tomorrow you and your other colleagues will join hands and do it together, is far easy that way than you alone cleaning this big kitchen…

She said concerned

“Is nothing Mum. Instead of staying up in my quarters and doing nothing I decided to quickly clean up everywhere. Ones I’m done with this I will be through for today.

She smiled and gently pat my shoulder.

“I like you Keji. You are smart, beautiful and hardworking. Those are one the things I admire in young ladies. Weldon my dear. please whenever you are done, do me a favor. Please, hit up the coffee pot and carry it to my husband… he’s in the library and will appreciate a black coffee.

I nodded obediently.

After she left, I did what she asked of me and carried it to her husband who was very pleased.

I even had a little chat with him for the very first time and I realized he was very jovial and friendly.

“Do you read? He asked me.

“Not really sir, I do but that’s long time ago. Life gets busy and reading does not cross my mind anymore.

He smiled and I can tell where Philip got his good looks from. They share a striking resemblance.

“Readers are leaders you know. Create time out of your little and cultivate the habit of reading atleast a page or two everyday. It helps a lot. All this books you see here, I have read it cover to cover and rereading again. I used to be a professor back then but I won’t credit my reading habits to that. My father engaged my mind and made me to love reading even at a tender age. My son is trying but he is always occupied with so many life activities. The only person that takes after me is my last daughter… she is studying outside the country and enjoys reading. I love seen young people doing exploit and spending more time with both motivational, business and inspirational books. You will be surprised of how reading can transform your mind and orientation. My wife is not fully in yet but she is doing great…and I must commend her for that. By the way… thanks for the coffee… what is your name again?

“Keji….my name is Keji sir.
I replied took a slow bow and turned to leave.
He was browsing through the book shelfs, probably looking for something

“Wait.. Keji. Go and start with this book. Empty Promises. There are certain mistake young ladies like you can avoid in life. There are a lot of cone, play boys outside in disguise. ladies can easily fall prey to them especially desperate women. But that can be avoided if you are focused, have the fear of God and your self worth. This novel is quiet intriguing. Written by one of the best writer of our time Amah’s Heart. I was in my first year in the university when I bought this book. I enjoyed the captivating novel and will love you to have it. Have you heard of Amah?

He asked me.

“No sir…I haven’t. This is my first time of hearing her name.

“Well, that’s understandable. Atleast you have now. Well, She is a granmah with so many grandchildren all around the globe. Amah is a very old woman now. during my youthful days she was a vibrant writer. Aside Amah, I have different writers collection. Great authors and researchers. Keji, I want you to enjoy reading which is why I recommend a novel first. Gradually, with time you will migrate to something bigger. Have fun while reading and let me know if you need more…

He handed a book to me and I thanked him very well before leaving.

I was going through the prologue while walking down the stairs when I ran into Philip who was just coming back.

He probably went to see Amara because I haven’t seen in for like two days.

“Good evening Phil. How was your day….?

“Hey Keji… very well. What is that…?

He pointed at the book in my hand.

“Is your Dad’s. He asked me to go and read it. It seems interesting though, I can tell by reading the prologue…

Philip smile.

“Don’t let my Dad bore you with his ideas about books and reading. he has over thousands in his library. Dad loves books and can spend his last penny shopping for all sorts of books. He even values books as gift to him more than any other thing. That’s why his last birthday cake was designed in form of book.

I laughed out while he smiled as he walked pass me.
He suddenly stopped.

“Why are you still up… that’s unlike you.

“Tidying up the kitchen kept me busy Phil but I’m going to bed right away. Do you need me to fix something for you…?

“No, I’m fine. I will take a cool shower before hitting my bed. I’m really tired…

He turned and took a step

“How’s Amara and the wedding plans going?

I watched him pause to look at me. From my eyes down to my lips then back at my eyes.

“Is going on well and Amara is fine. She told me that you are included in her train… that’s great. You must have done something special for her to like you because Amara is very picky when it comes to friends..

I smiled and before I will say congratulations he was several feet away from me.

…. goodnight Keji.
That’s all he said as he walks away.

I heaped a disappointment sigh and was about to leave but he startled me.

“Hey Keji, please I will like a plate of fruit salad. Leave it on the dining table whenever you are done. I will come down for it.

I nodded and quickly went to prepare a fruit salad for him.
I dropped it on the dining like he said.

I went back to the kitchen, picked up my book, make sure everything is in place before leaving.

As I was leaving, I noticed the plate of fruit salad was still on the dining.

Phil probably slept off and forgot. Maybe I should take it to his room.
Maybe is not a good idea.
There is no harm in taking the salad to him or is there?

I knocked on his door and he opened and saw the tray of salad in my hand.

Philip was on white towel, I guess he was just coming out of the bathroom.

He gave way for me to enter and drop the tray on the table.

I moved his fragile apple laptop aside and several other things like jotting pad, two hardcover books and a pen before dropping the tray.

“I was going to come down to get it but thanks for bringing it up to me.
He was still standing by the door.

I nodded, trying to avoid looking more than I should.

Letting go of my feeling for him was one of the hardest thing to do.
I can’t deny the fact that I still want him but he belongs to another woman and even aside that Philip have not really shown interest in me.

I’m not totally off him. Seeing him in this manner makes me to start imagining all sorts of thing.

I turned to leave but he stopped me.

“Keji…I..I wa..mmm…

He stammered before gently drawing me into his cool shirtless body.

At first I wasn’t thinking right any more while in his arm.
I can feel his heart beat racing fast. Mine was on a high speed.

He kssed me and I didn’t want to respond but I fell without a second thought.

He was gentle and his touch rouse every fiber of my body.
I kssed him back and when I thought the going was good he suddenly stopped and took a step away from me.
I wished he didn’t stop but he has this puzzled face when he looks at me.

“I’m sorry Keji… I didn’t mean to…to..uhmmm. This is rea..lly..crazy. I will take my fruit salad now. Thanks and… Good night…

He said and opened the door for me to leave.
I was speechless and walked out.

That night I couldn’t sleep. I kept playing the scene continuesly on my head.

I couldn’t even resist him and walk out for the sake of Amarachi his woman.
I fell without even trying to stop him.

I felt ashamed of myself.
How will I even face Amara, a lady who was very nice to me.

If I know I could have left the salad on the table like he wanted without taking it to him.
Maybe it was my interior motive that pushed me into going to his room with his request.

Guilt and shame bear down on me heavily.
And the worst part is he was the one that stopped the kss before asking me to leave his room.

If he hasn’t stopped it, probably I wouldn’t have had the strength to stop him from whatever he wishes to do with my body.

He asked me to leave. He played it as if nothing even happened. Like my feeling doesn’t count.

Tha is the worst humiliation ever.

I managed to continue my duty the following day.

I avoid looking at him when I saw him in the morning.
He was a good actor and pretend like nothing happened too.

It was supposed to make me feel better but I felt worst with myself and wanted to disappear into ant hole to avoid seeing him.

He met me setting up the table for lunch after three days and approached me.

“Keji… I’m sorry about the other night in my room. It was my fault though…I take full blame for that. But let’s pretend like nothing really happened and put it behind us….can you do that?

I gasped out with a nod still without saying anything.

He took his car keys and left without another word.

After few days, Amara called me to start coming.

She said Mrs Kanu and Philip is already aware, so I won’t have anything to worry about.

I quickly got ready and informed Mrs Kanu again.
I told Stella and tried all I could to avoid Philip for the rest of the remaining days before I travel.

Amara has already booked my flight ticket.

But there is something that I still don’t understand. Since Amara and Philip will be getting married in less than three weeks why is everywhere and everyone quiet about it.
No sort of wedding arrangements in the house.

They probably have their own way of doing things.
my opinion and thought doesn’t count.

I later picked few clothes, packed into a small traveling bag, I also added my novel by Amah. A special gift from Mr Kanu himself.
I put few things that I needed before leaving.

It was three hours journey. I had time to start with the novel.
It will indeed be a good distraction.

When I arrived at the airport, a driver assigned to me was waiting to pick me up.

Amara was very delighted to see me. She hugged me tight immediately she saw me.

She introduced me to her other squad and the whole place was lively and warm.
I was meant to spend two weeks.
It will be a good time to forget about the incident with Philip.

I’m glad it was only a kss and nothing more. Although I felt guilty even with that but with the special way Amara treated me I quickly settled in.

Just like what Philip said, the kss will remain just between us.

We went shopping and even did bridal shower photoshoot.

I was having lots of fun. I met one of her elder brother’s friend who happens to be a Yoruba guy.
Bayo was very fun to be with.
He picked so much interest in me and I hate to say that I liked him too.
Probably with him around I will get to remove Philip from every picture in my head.

Bayo is funny, good looking and charming.
He told me little bit about himself and how he gets to become friends with Nnana, Amarachi’s elder brother who was in a serious relationship too.

I was having massive fun and within few days I felt like I have known Bayo all my life.
We talk on phone and I can tell he was a total different guy from Kunle.

A Yoruba demon ready to spoil me with love and care
I like him, a whole lot and always looking out for his call or presence.

I noticed Amara is mostly on call with a guy she calls “Nunu” she sometimes do video call and we even get to introduce ourselves to him from the video call.

The guy wasn’t Philip and the confusing part is they usually end their call with “I love you”

Philip supposed to be the one getting married to Amara or am I missing something?

Few days to the wedding I realized that Nunu is the main man getting married to Amara and not Philip like everyone thought back home.

His real name is Nonso but Amara calls him Nunu. They both met abroad and fell for each other before agreeing to get married.

Why was Philip cool with it and never mentioned anything about it.

It was Ijeoma that put the whole idea of Philip getting married to Amara in my head.

I really don’t know what to think but is really none of my business who she gets married to.

Bayo was getting into my head and Philip was fading off.

I even get to share a kss with Bayo in his lovely car.
Everything is happening so fast but I love the way Bayo makes me feel.

Two days to the wedding, I was surprised to get a call from Philip asking me how I was coping over there.

“We all miss your pretty, smily face around here though. I just called to know how you are fairing. We will be traveling down tomorrow for the wedding…I will get to see you again. Take care Keji…

I didn’t flow with him but I assured him that I was alright and well taken care off.

After his call, Bayo’s call came in.
I relaxed back in my hotel room and talk extensively. Laughing so loud and acting like we have known for a decade.

I don’t want anything to bother me at all.

This compulsory holiday that they gave me was well maximized. Is exactly what I needed and I will leave no stone unturned.

The question that occupied my mind is “who is Amara to Phil?

MORENIKEJI Episode 14 by Amah’s Heart

Philip arrived with his mother and lodged in the same hotel that I was in.
While his Mum was staying in Amara’ s big family house.

They came two days to the wedding.

Philip called me to come out that he was hanging out with Nnana, Amarachi’s elder brother.
After his call I got a message from Bayo also asking me to come out and meet him.
He was chilling out with his friends.

I told Philip that I was busy reading the book his Dad gave me and I don’t feel like leaving my room, probably the next day we will get to see.
After texting him I got ready to go and see Bayo who was really occupying my head.
I decided to honor Bayo’s invite instead of Philips.

Bayo told me where he was and I decided to go and meet him there.

I saw him with few guys sitting on a round table.
As I got closer, I saw Bayo looking at me and smiling from ear to ear.
I also noticed another person staring at me.
Philip! He was among the guys.
I swallowed hard and my step changed immediately
Bayo and Philip was looking at me at same time.
Bayo was smiling while Philip has this straight face.

I never knew they were all together I wouldn’t have come.

I told Philip that I wasn’t coming out to see him because I’m reading in my hotel room but I agreed to see Bayo not knowing that they were actually here… together.

Seeing them staring at me made sweat broke out from my body.
I suddenly started missing my steps. I was walking like a duck, as if my legs were in chains.
I had to comport myself, breath in and then out before I continued.

I like Bayo because he is very lively and fun to be around with.
He Pampers me like a child and makes me feel special.
Philip on the other hand has proven very difficult from onset.
I don’t even understand him one bit.
Very uptight and too disciplined for my liking.
This minute he likes me and the next he will be acting like I was a stranger.
I have always given him the green light, shooting my shot at him none stop, wanting him to atleast notice me.
I have done almost everything and never hide my feeling from him but he just paid a deaf ear.
He kssed me in his room surprisingly for the very first time and then discard me like a sinner that lured him into sin.

I’m just tired of his shenanigani tired of his pride or uptightness.

He probably thought I changed my mind and decided to come and meet him because as I was few feet away he curved a smile.
When Bayo stretched out his hand towards me, Phil’s smile disappeared.
He looked on with disappointment plastered on his face.
I greeted Nnana and one other guy with them.
I said hello to Philip who responded coldly.
I went to sit beside Bayo who took my hands into his and kssed them.

“my hot chocolate…bawo ni iyawo mi? (How are you my wife) let’s do fast and marry joor…. I always want you around me always Keji….

Bayo said it more like a whisper but the person sitting next to him can hear.

Philip was next to him and he wasn’t paying attention to what Nnana was saying.
His eyes was on us.
After Bayo said that I smiled and flashed Phil a look and he was actually looking back at me in silent.

“I think I should leave. We can see later tonight or talk on phone. I don’t want to interrupt your fun time with your friends.

I said to Bayo before standing.

“No…no you aren’t interrupting anything Keji. Okay…I will come with you. Let’s leave to hangout somewhere else.. alright?

He stood excused himself from the other guys and followed me.
I turned and looked back at Phil and he was sipping his bottle water and staring at me with sad look on his face

Why is he looking at me like I stole his money?
He never really liked me despite how much I wanted him and now that I’m letting go of my feelings for him and embracing a new change he is acting like he cares.
What does he even care? It doesn’t matter what I do with my life, I deserve some happiness and fresh air from all the suffocating people back in Abuja.

With the way I was feeling, I told Bayo to return back to his friends, that I need to meet the girls.

We stood at a distance from the boys but I can still feel Philip’s eyes on me.

Bayo kssed my lips before turning to go back.
I watched Philip became discomfort. He stood from his seat, said something to the guys, I guess he excused himself and walked away.

Bayo returned to his seat and joined the gist. I quickly left and returned to my room.
Why was I even having this guilt feeling?
Philip shouldn’t even come in between me and my happiness because he was never there when I needed him.
I like Bayo alot. He has succeeded in making me lose my attachment over Philip.
It may not be fully but to some extent
I have allot of questions ringing in my head. One of them which is
Who is Amarachi to him?
I tried not to bother myself with any problem at all.

Later that evening we had a get together with the bride and her ladies.
They were all very beautiful and speaks of class.
Classic babes, I felt my standard is below theirs but who cares.
They all felt I’m one of the big chicks and very well to do.
I acted exactly that and didn’t give them any room to question me or my status.

Amara is a sweet being. She treated everyone equally without any favoritism. No special treatment or attention to anyone in particular.

A day to the wedding, four of us sat by the pool side of the hotel, sipping our cocktail and gisting like old friends.

The bride was away, three other ladies were out or inside their hotel rooms.

The three ladies that I was sitting out with asked me what I do for a living as we gathered round a table gisting and laughing.
I told them I’m a private cook, more into African dish and little of foreign and also a kitchen assistance.

Since they don’t cloth me or pay my bills I see no reason to lie.
lying won’t make me less of a human or more of human.

“Do you mean like a chef… a hired private chef?

Dimma, one of the classic ladies asked me.

“,More like it” I replied. I decided not to say any more words to avoid more

“So you mean that you are a greet cook but don’t know much on the food menu? Which of the caterer schools did you attend? I mean, is it a well known school here in Nigeria or outside the country?

Patricia asked

This is exactly what I was avoiding. Questions that I don’t have answers to which is why I tried not to speak much about myself.

As I opened my mouth to reply another question flew in.
Dimma asked again
“How do you get to know Amy? Did you also study abroad at some point in your life or you met her here in Nigeria?

“Or I guess you are a girlfriend to one of Nnana’s friend. That black chubby Yoruba guy that we usually see you with, he is your boyfriend right? Asked Yvonne

Questions were flying Left, right and center.

” Obviously, they are dating. Keji is Yoruba and he is Yoruba also. She is dating her tribal man… How long have you guys been in a relationship? How do you meet him… I guess he’s also from your state..? Don’t you like igbo men?…Asked Dimma

“No, I don’t think so. But I really don’t care. All I’m concerned about is her skin… Keji isn’t your skin a bit too dark? A little toning will do lots of good, I mean with the right organic products. I have a friend who’s is into organic cream… She will give you exactly the one for your skin type. Will you give it a try? Said Patricia.

“How can you even suggest such Pat? Her skin is beautiful and doesn’t need toning. Look at my skin… Look at Yvonne’s skin… beautiful isn’t it?. I sometimes forget to cream myself because I don’t attach myself to any sort of cream. I even use baby pears sometimes. Amarachi’s skin is also sweet… Asking Keji to go for an organic cream raise a dust about your own skin. You are very fair actually but I know naturally you aren’t fair as this. You probably tone…no hard feelings though. We are all speaking our minds. But I will suggest you leave Keji alone with her color. Beside, she’s an adult and can decide what exactly she wants. Keji, hope I’m speaking your mind?
Said Dimma.

“I take no offense in what you said Dimma. Is actually your opinion and is okay to have an opinion but is wrong to enforce your beliefs on someone. Is not everyone you see is comfortable in their skin, ladies especially needs to wear their skin with pride. They need to feel comfortable and be admired. I only threw in a suggestion, I wasn’t asking Keji to buy my whole idea but if she is interested then I will be very willingly to help in…
Said Pat.

I quickly interrupted.

“I’m very comfortable in my color. Enough already…I won’t trade my natural skin color for anything. I’m sorry if is too dark or too brown for your liking but it still wouldn’t change how much I cherish myself. You will be surprised that it was actually my color that attracted Amara the first time we spoke. She admired my skin and we became friends from then…

Yvonne and Dimma began laughing.
Dimma later said

“Amara has a thing for dark skin. Maybe that’s why she ditched her former light skin boyfriend for a dark Nonso. Her ex is her childhood friend and they had this great connection and planned to get married. Even their both families were in support of the relationship not until Amara travel out for her degree and met Nonso, fell in love and they are getting married tomorrow. I guess their was no strong bond with her ex because they ended things amicably and she even stayed in their family house over at Abuja for days before returning home. I saw her ex yesterday, that guy is too fine. He’s even finner than Nonso but is not by fine…. is by choice. Amara made her choice already and we are all cool with that. Even her ex is super cool and very supportive. he’s not my kind of ex that we are not even in talking terms. Abeg joor… let’s continue our former discussion. Keji since you are a cook or better still a chef… where did you do your catering?

I breathed in and out as the whole attentions retuned back to me.
I was in a hot seat with Dimma, Patricia and Yvonne asking me different thing even when I haven’t even answered one.
They started throwing in their questions all over again.
The whole thing was choking my breath.

“Let me take the questions one after the other. I learnt cooking while working for this anonymous family. I did online courses on…

I noticed the ladies attention shifted to a different direction.

I followed their gaze and behold it was Phil approaching.

My heart skipped.
Ever since yesterday we haven’t spoke.
He didn’t call or message me after seeing me with Bayo.

I’m surprised to see him walking down alone towards where we were seated or is he into one of the ladies here?

“This guy is too fine. He should just come and marry me already but the problem is that he is too gentle for my liking. He will dull my spirit if we’re together…I need an activity guy.
Said Patricia bitting her lips and making Yvonne to laugh out loud.

” This is Philip na, Amarachi’s friend… former boyfriend, childhood friend and very close family friend… hahahaha. I just spoke about him few minutes ago and here he was. I saw when he arrived yesterday. What is he coming over for… maybe he finally noticed me. He’s single and I’m single we can both mingle hahahaha…. I Love this kind of guys… sweet in the middle with good looks. Come on darling and sweep me off my feet…

Said Dimma making Yvonne to laugh out again.
Yvonne is the cheerleader, laughing at everyone’s speech and hardly speak. She is tall, beautiful and has a nice accent.
She is probably a model.

Philip arrived at our table and greeted the ladies cheerfully.
They responded happily. All eyes on him as they wait to know who exactly he came for.

“Hey Keji, can I see you….in private please.

The shock on their faces was very funny. I almost laugh at Patricia as she looked at me like a dev1l.
She turned to Philip and said with a smile.

“,Oh Philip, you came for Keji… anyway be careful before her Yoruba boyfriend catches you. they share unbreakable bond…

Phi didn’t reply. Dimma frowned and slapped Patricia’s hand.

I stood up and followed Philip who was ahead of me.
I didn’t bother walking fast because I wanted to hear the girls.
I bent down few feets away like I was readjusting my sandals.
I can hear Yvonne saying,

“…Pat that was unnecessary. You shouldn’t have said such…

“Women tearing down women because of jealousy. A man will never do such to his follow guy…

That was Dimma’s voice.

“Bla bla bla… Yen yen yen! You don’t expect me to leave a Yoruba girl to have one of the most eligible igbo rich bachelor in town. No way… Please spare me that…she has her Yoruba boyfriend. She should stick to him and leave our men alone. anyway, I’m hungry… I’m going to go get something to eat.. Yvonne are you coming along…

I quickly walked away to meet Philip who was standing close to the car park and waiting for me.

“Hi…how are you doing?

He asked. I was expecting him to be angry at first after yesterday but he was acting like a gentleman.

I told him that I was alright.

“What’s going on…I mean with you? You told me yesterday that you couldn’t come out to meet me but was surprised when I saw you with Nnana’s friend. How long have you known him…

“Does it really matter? I only met him here and he’s a great guy.

He gasped out.

“Wow… just within a week and few days and he’s already kssing you in public? Is it because he’s Yoruba or because you just want a guy closeby? I really want to understand what is going on…

“Stop asking me question like a kid. I’m an adult and have the right to choose who I want to be with. Yes, he’s Yoruba and I enjoy being with him. Why are you even here… questioning what I do with my life and time? You only have that right when I’m on duty back at your house. I’m neither on duty or at your mercies. Stop bossing over me Phil.

I was getting very angry already with his attitude.
I couldn’t tell what exactly was on his mind but he looked at me strangely.

“I thought you were different Keji. Do you even know this your guy…do you know him or you only knew what he wanted you to know? You met Kunle and acted like you don’t fancy him only to end up going out with him severally even to his house. Now, is eeh… Bayo, I guess you fancy Yorubas more…but funny enough you end up with whoever crosses your path and flashed you a knowing smile. Keji… I’m just disappointed that’s all…

I sparked angrily.

“What do you even care? You never liked me and you are still not happy with other men liking me. I will live my life like I please here… when I return back to work then you can have a say over what I do with my time. Leave me the hell alone oga Philip Kanu…

I turned and started walking away. He called my name twice but I didn’t reply.
I walked away and went straight to my room.

Tomorrow is the wedding, after which I will be returning back to Abuja to resume back my work life.

Philip is getting me all worked up. I don’t even know what exactly he wants from me.

He wants to start controlling my life because I work for him.
I won’t let that happen.
I’m in charge of my life and answerable to whatever I do.
Bayo told me all I need to know about him and that’s enough for me.

Many women like Patricia will die to have Philip and I want to be excluded in that list.
There was a time like that, all I think off morning and night was Philip but gonna those days.
I’m moving like nothing happened.
Bayo got me the way I want and I don’t care how Philip feels about it but he has no right to interfere in my personal life.

As I lay in bed that night with Mr Kanu’s book in hand. My thoughts were far away while my eyes were focused on the book.

I tried to sound convincing but I still think of Philip for unknown reason.

He wants to mess up my head but I won’t let him.

Tomorrow is Amara’s day and I’m glad she chose me to be here.

I have had massive fun and I’m happy that I’m on this journey.

Every of my problems can wait until I return.
Phill is part of them but he won’t kill my joy or the happiness I feel with Bayo.

MORENIKEJI Episode 15 by Amah’s Heart

“..Since you care so much for Israel why not go ahead and date him. Leave your famous boyfriend and date a broke low class like Israel. Whatever you want to do please do but make sure you leave me out of it. Go ahead with him since you don’t want to see him sad. I’m in a great relationship. My present man is all I have always wanted. Handsome, outspoken, caring, finish from Harvard, rich and drives the latest car. What more can I ask than what I have been given already. It was as if God saw my heart and decided to bless me with a man like Tony. Light and darkness are placed before me and I chose light. Nothing can make me return to darkness. I’m done for good. Please don’t call me again over Israel issue or I will trash you aside just like I did with him. Enjoy your life and let me enjoy mine. Don’t be an enemy of my happiness”.

I closed the book and stare at the ceiling wondering why some women make bad choices in men.

Avala in Empty Promises is just one of those ladies seeking for love in the wrong place.
Is obvious Tony is fake and her former “broke” boyfriend “Israel” is the real one who truly loves her but she dumped him and went for the real pretender who is obviously after her money. Tony was a snake in a green grass but Ava couldn’t see that.

Bayo is the real deal for me, Philip is just a pretender.
Acting like a rich spoilt kid that doesn’t know what he wants.

He doesn’t want me to be happy with another man and still doesn’t want to come out open to say exactly what he wants with me.

I’m done with Phil, I’m moving on with my life and I refused to be stopped.

Bayo is the man for me no doubt about that and he is husband material.

Few months from now I will be thirty one. I don’t want to be on this lane of spinster again.
Looking around me, everyone is just finding their happiness and moving far ahead while I’m stuck with fantasy.

Sometimes I want to convince myself that age is truly a number but society doesn’t see it that way.
Ones a woman is thirty and not married they will feel that something is wrong with the lady.
Society, especially in this part of the world will feel either the lady has a high taste in men, or the men don’t find her appealing or something is definitely wrong with her.

No one will even care to know what exactly is the problem.
Their are still some independent ladies who does not want commitment of any sort.
They want just a partner, adopt a kid if they like or live their lives as they pleases.

But that’s not the kind of life I want. No, that’s not Morenikeji, not my kind of person
I want to be somebody’s wife, a real nice man. I’m not after big fancy wedding, not like the type Amara had.
Something simple and fine.
Then I will become pregnant and give birth to a baby, my husband will be happy.
i will also be very happy and if God decided to bless us with more children that will be great.
We will live happily ever after.
The end.

“Keji… Keji the food is burning. What are you doing with a book in the kitchen? Smiling to yourself and staring at the ceiling like a stupid she goat… what kind of careless and senseless person are you…?

I turned and it was Ijeoma.
I rushed to the pot of jellof rice meant for dinner and began to stir with a spatula.

Truly the food was burning and I didn’t even perceived it.
I was carried away with my happy ever after fantasy.

Ever since I got serious in reading this book, I hate to drop it down. I’m very eager to know what becomes of Avala and her fake lover Tony.
I hide the book inside my apron so that nobody will see it.
I will get to read whenever I’m free.

How did I even forget the pot on fire? After adding all the ingredients in the jellof rice, I decided to continue from the episode where I stopped only to get carried away.

Thank God is only the bottom pot that got burnt not the whole food.

Ijeoma continued talking but I was too busy to give a care.

“… Ever since you retuned from this your yeye journey all you do is misbehave. Carrying that stupid book to the kitchen. Reading when you supposed to be working. You just don’t want to behave like somebody that has sense. You will be acting like your entire brain is damaged…

“Ijeoma, you really don’t have to insult me to make your point known. I don’t know Why you are always bitter… listen, I’m not the cause of your frustrations. Go and look for it somewhere else…or better still drink enough water so that you will be urinating constantly to avoid wasting your time in poke nosing in my affairs.

I gave her a long sigh before going to set out plates for dishing of food.

“You are the bitter and frustrated one Keji. I don’t blame you at all…is because we are in this same kitchen together makes you think you have the right to insult me. If you know who I am you won’t even open mouth to talk back at me. Onye ofe mmanu… rubbish human being. Witchy witchy girl. Please don’t bewitch that food oo. I still wonder what everyone sees in you that makes them like you. The only explanation to it is the spell you cast on them…and by heavenly power that is above all powers that spell of yours will be broken into pieces….

She was still talking when I cart away the food to distribute to the other staffs.
The securities, the gardener, the pool boy, those working in the laundry, the cleaners, that’s housekeepers, two drivers, two electrical engineers and three others working in different field.

Ijeoma was supposed to assist but her bitterness towards me wouldn’t let her.

I gave everyone their food before returning back to the kitchen.

I set the dining up and put Mr and Mrs Kanu’s food on the table.

I called their rooms with the land line downstairs to inform them.

Philip have not been around for over five weeks. I guess he traveled out.

As I return back to kitchen to take my food, Ijeoma was eaten a plate of rice.
She had almost finished the food in the plate, I watched her take her chicken with her hand and bit into it before taking another spoon of rice.

She was obviously enjoying the meal but immediately she saw me coming she quickly dump the plate in the sink.

“This rice taste awful. Too much salt and pepper. So, you still doesn’t know how to cook? At your age you don’t know how to make common jellof rice. Haba Keji, you are really good for nothing o. I pity the man that will marry you. Instead of me to eat this kind of food I will rather soak garrri and drink. I don’t want to purge from your excessive salt and pepper rubbish food….

I ignored again.
As I was taking my food, Stella came in and said.

“Keji, Mr Kanu said the food is delicious and he will be needing more.

I smiled and nodded.
Stella took her own food. After taking two spoons she turned to me and said.

“You tried oo Keji. I’m really impressed that you are picking up. nri a di oto…( The food is delicious)

I didn’t understand the last part so I raised an eyebrow at her.

“…I mean the food is delicious. I will arrange one fine igbo bros to marry you. Hope you will like to marry an igbo man…?

I laughed out and was about to answer but ijeoma interrupted.

“Which sensible igbo man will want to marry her?I reject it for all the igbo single men out there. Let her marry her fellow onye ofe mmanu. Igbos have taste and she is not close to that category. Her rubbish food taste like granite in the mouth…

Stella was about saying something back at Ijeoma but I interrupted

“Stella I got this please. Funny enough I’m not even interested in your tribal men Ijeoma, They are proud and too money cautious. I’m very comfortable marrying a Yoruba man. Infact very soon I will send you an invitation. You can keep your high categorize men let me keep my sweet ofe mmanu bobo…

Stella started laughing. She later said.

“But Keji, sometimes you are a real life Savage. Ijeoma actually deserve that reply but let me correct something. Our men are Sweet, they love their wife more than their lives. They pamper her and treat her like a queen. family comes first for them and they are hardly caught in the web of “side chic”…I mean another woman. If they love you just know that you have automatically become their world. I know their are bad eggs, is in every tribe though but the good ones supersede the bad ones. Beside, everyone is money cautious not just igbo. They majorly works hard for their money and don’t spend lavishly because they have a family to care for. So are you considering my offer for a brother…?

I laughed with the wink she was giving me.

“No, I’m still not interested because I already have somebody on ground. But thanks for the offer anyway.

“In case this your main man messes up, holla me… Keji don’t fail to let me know so that I will contact my single fine cousin who’s looking for a wife to marry. His name is Emeka and he’s into buying and selling in Onitsha, Anambara state. He deals in women wears and just completed his two story building last year, he…

“Okay… okay Stella. I have heard enough about this your Emaka… hope I got the name correct. I’m still not interested oo. My man and I are taking our relationship to the next level soon, so look for another lady for your cousin Emaka….

Ijeoma spoke.

” Emaka ko Emaka ni. Better for you oo. Stick to your kind… because no igbo man will find you interesting. Especially this one that you don’t know how to cook anything or pronounce Emeka. shame on you. Big shame…

I ignored her.
I quickly went to give Mr Kanu and his wife extra food.
As I retuned I took mine and sat on the kitchen dining with Stella.
We talk and i laughed so loud and it peppered Ijeoma. She looked at me with a frown.

I didn’t care.
After my food, I cleaned up the kitchen and left with my book.

That night at my quarters, my phone rang and it was Dammi.
I ignored her.
I was supposed to send her money but Bayo had issue with his car.
He sent me a message that he needed to work on his car but having issue with his account.
He requested for seventy thousand but I ended up sending him fifty thousand and he promised to pay back with double.

So once Bayo pays me I will send Dammi’s money to her.
Right now I don’t have any money for Dammi.
She should be patient. I’m not running away. Her whole money will get to her with time.

As I lay in bed I decided to call Bayo.

I called him twice before he picked.
He apologized that he was in the bathroom.
After asking me how my day went and few other talks he then said

“Iyawo mi, fumi ni owo..ejoo” (my wife, give me money.. please)

Why is he asking me for money again? The first one I sent he has not sent it back.

“Bayo, mo ni owo oo” ( Bayo, I don’t have money)

“Oh my love. I really need money…my car is still giving me problem. My mechanic just returned it this afternoon and he charged three hundred and fifty thousand. I just need like fifty thousand more to balance him off. I promise to return it in double anytime I fix my account issue. Mo ni ife Keji” ( I love you Keji).

I gasped out at the amount he used in fixing his car.

“Emi no ni ife Bayo. ( I love you too Bayo) but I seriously don’t have any more money to give you. I’m sorry about that…

He later said no problem as we talked about other things before the call ended.

I’m yet to receive the first one I lend him and he’s asking for another one again.
He should do and return the fifty thousand I suppose to send to Dammi.

after I was paid, I suppose to send the money to Dammi but my boyfriend needed it and I decided to lend him.

I don’t need it doubled, I need it back the way I sent it to him.

I hope he resolve whatever he is trying to resolve in his car soon.

I thought of Phillip.

We had another verbal fight during Amara’s wedding.
He saw Bayo kssing me again after the wedding.
I know he deliberately walked pass where I was sitting with Bayo and saw us.

He wasn’t happy about it.
As I was heading to my hotel room that evening, he suddenly came and pulled me aside.

“What exactly do you think you are doing Keji? I’m not against you dating Bayo or whoever but try and know him first before playing your lovey dovey anywhere you want. For Christ sake act like an adult… like a wise woman that you are…

“If insulting me will make you feel better Philip then be my guest. What is your problem with the man I chose to be with? Why are you coming out now and acting like you care…I don’t understand you. You sound so miserable and unhappy. Do I look like your ex… Why are you carrying out your frustrations on me?

He made attempt to hold me but I shake off his hand before moving back from him.

“Keji, I’m sorry with the way I sound. I’m only looking out for you. I deeply cares about you and do not want to see you get hurt…

A voice spoke from the background interrupting Philip.
It was Bayo approaching

“You will be the one to get hurt if you don’t leave my woman alone. Get the hell out of here fool. I only know you through Nnana and I respected you but I can see you don’t deserve any iota of respect. You coming behind my back to woo my woman knowing very well that she is fully mine makes you nothing but a snitch.

Philip walked pass me to face Bayo.
Deep down I began to pray that the two men will not exchange blow.

“You will do absolutely nothing Bayo. Because if you crosses my kinda person…I will squash you like an ant with no trace of you on the ground. Stick your tongue to the roof of your mouth, meaning threaten those in your league but never…I mean never ever try it with me. Ask Nnana about me and he will tell you who i am. I truly cares about Keji which was why I try to warn her of your type but since she has made her choice, I will leave her with her fate. Stay outta my way because you just crossed me and I will be looking out for you…

As he tried to walk away Bayo grabbed his hand and said

“Calm down boss. guy, don’t take anything I said serious. I didn’t mean any harm…I..

Philip slapped Bayo’s hand off and replied.

” Take your filthy hands off. Remember to stick to everything I just said. I’m not kidding!

He turned and walked away.

“Very proud and egoistic…

I said outlouldy so that he can hear me.
I’m not afraid of him if others are.

” Don’t mind him joor. All this rich igbo kids feeling like they have the entire world in their fingers…orisherishi ( rubbish) mtcheeeeeewwee…

Bayo gave a long heavy sigh before we walked away.

I didn’t see Phil again until we returned back to Abuja.

I dumped the book Mr Kanu gave me and didn’t pick it up until recently when I needed something to distract my mind.

I took it again and resume reading.
This time I became serious with it.

As I resumed work, I ran into Phil like twice, greeted and he replied casually.

He later traveled and is been five weeks now and I haven’t set my eyes on him.

Bayo is based in Lagos while I’m at Abuja.
He wants to come over and see me but I’m not ready for that now.
It will be excessive spending for me.

I’m out to make money. I wonder why he haven’t invited me to Lagos instead.

After sending Bayo money, the remaining money with me will be sent to my mum.

I give my mum stipend every month.

Because Bayo is in another need of money will not make me forfeit the money with me. Never, I still have active brain.

He should pay up the one he owe first so that I can attend to Dammi.

Uzo my friend invited me for her daughter’s birthday.
I will be going by weekend.
I need fresh air before my problems choke me to death.

in this Mr Kanu’s book, Avala should be careful with Tony, Israel is the real guy. Tony is only after her money.
I don’t understand why women makes such expensive mistake in a life partner.

I’m very eager to know how Tony will play her heart like football because of her desperation.
She deserves whatever she gets.

Anyway, hopefully Bayo will do the needful by taking our relationship to next level soon.

Untill then let me continue to hope for a better days.
Hope doesn’t disappoint.


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3 years ago

I’m sure Bayo is like that Tony you are reading about…

Jidda mj
Jidda mj
3 years ago

Bayo and tony are the same, the book is talking to you keji, be wise