MORENIKEJI Episode 11 – 12 by Amah’s Heart

MORENIKEJI Episode 1 by Amah’s Heart

MORENIKEJI Episode 11 by Amah’s Heart

I stirred the food continuesly but it was not turning out the way I was taught.

Something must be missing out.
I have added all the required ingredients but still it was still very watery and light.

What I’m I really missing out?

I have watched Stella prepare it more than twice.
Ijeoma handed the cooking over to me today.
She said I have to be the one to make lunch for the entire house.

Stella endorsed it and I smile so well when I saw what was on the food menu.
This afternoon is going to be the best because I’m fully in charge.

“Don’t cook rubbish o… this one you are acting like you knows how to cook. Madam and her husband will be having lunch, their son inclusive…. that’s the boss himself. Stella won’t be able to remedy it if you cook rubbish. You have been here for more than four months, you supposed to know how to cook perfectly. I’m only warning you ahead of time so that you don’t disgrace yourself and your entire village people today.

Ijeoma said to me that afternoon.

“You worry about me too much. I guess is time to start focusing on yourself more. You are afraid of me cooking rubbish…not to worry, even madam and her entire household will be pleased. You will hear of all the good that they will say about me. Just watch and see Ijeoma.

She clapped her hand together in mocking way but I didn’t pay attention to her.

After she left I began my cooking with so much assurance on myself.
I felt good because I know I was not going to mess up.
I was certain at first that my food will turn out delicious and Ijeoma will bury her head in shame
Not untill I realized instead of turning out fine the soup was very watery and not good to look at.
I can’t run my mouth at Ijeoma and still mess up.
She will ridicule me before dragging me to the mud.

I tasted it again, trying to figure out what was missing but I still can’t tell.

“No… this isn’t happening. I can’t mess up this food. everyone is looking out for lunch…I can’t give story and end up disgracing myself….

I muttered within myself as I continued pacing up and down.

Why is the food still watery… Why is it tasting like this? Why… why…

Questions flooded my head that I can’t answer.

I was in a state of dilemma.

Is almost time for lunch and I’m still trying to figure out what exactly I was cooking.

I’m in a serious deep trouble. I may even get suspended or sacked if my employers finds out that a simple local delicacy as oha soup I can’t prepare it.

Oha soup maybe simple but is one of the most difficult food to prepare.

Ijeoma does it well and it tastes great.
Stella knows how to prepare everything.

I thought making it won’t be an issue because I have seen how it’s been done severally.
Is one of the delicacy that Mrs Kanu enjoys with her husband.

I can’t possibly make a mistake. No, I can’t.

I tip toed to the door to check if I can get any sort of help before Ijeoma will comes into the kitchen but I got none.

I left my phone at my quarters, I could have used it to search the internet maybe I will get the soup right.
Now, I’m left with nothing except a pot of watery disaster.

I said a prayer to God for help but I wasn’t even concentrating on it. My mind was distracted but I just needed to do something quick before it becomes late.

Not this time that Phil was begining to show likeness in me. he was moving close unlike before. I can’t come and mess up now and make him dislike me.

“Oh God help me…. I’m in serious deep shit…

The water has refused to dry, even if is a little. probably it will thicken that way but
No matter what I do there was no improvement.

“Hey Keji…

A voice startled me from behind. I quickly turned and it was Phil coming into the kitchen and walking up to me.

I quickly flashed him a smile before covering the cooking pot and standing in front of it so that he won’t see the disaster that I was making.

“… you are in charge of lunch today? That’s great. What are you making…

He said still moving close. I stood overshadowing the cooking pot.

“Mmm! Oha soup…

“Oh, interesting. Are you almost done or you need help…

“Yes, almost through… with the soup…

I said shakily
He smiled as he came to stand beside me. His warm skin touched mine unknowingly and sent shiver down my spine

“Can I have a taste… please?

He sounded like a child begging for a biscuit with a very cute smile on his face.

How can I even give him a taste of the rubbish I’m cooking?
How do I even come out of this?

Even after putting all the ingredients, it was still looking like a river scattered with oha leaves, stock fish, meat and other things each in a different part of the boiling pot.

“…Is there a problem? Or you don’t want me to be the first to taste the food…

He said again and chuckled.

“Uhmmm! Phil I want you to be the first to taste my cooking but I haven’t added all the ingredients yet…I need to add more seasoning cubes and salt… also crayfish too…

That’s the only lie I could come up with. I wish he can be gone already.

“Okay…no problem Keji. Open the pot let me see the face of the soup. How it looks will determine how it will taste…

I thought of a lie but it wasn’t fort coming. I need to do something so that he can leave the kitchen and allow me strategies on what exactly to do.

I opened my mouth but shut it again.

“…Is there a problem?
he asked concerned.

I admitted with a nod.
His face changed into a frown. I felt at that moment that I can trust him and he will keep my little secret within ourselves

I don’t know what gave me such guts maybe I was just tired of lying to cover up my shit.
I opened the pot of boiling disaster with my eyes closed and he suddenly burst out laughing.

I looked at him and he was really trying to control his laughter.

“…I.. I’m sorry but I.. can’t help it. I’m not laughing at your soup but at the way you closed eyes when you opened the pot…

I wish I can laugh too but my heart was racing. His reaction was relieving but how do I remedy this.

Philip took the spoon and stir the soup. He later dropped it before removing it from the cooker.

“I’m really sorry Phil. I thought I got this but it turned out to be a mess. I don’t know what to do… I’m very ashamed of myself. Even if you understand but others who are waiting for lunch won’t. I’m really confused because I added all the required ingredients it still didn’t make sense. I’m sorry Philip…I really messed up today’s lunch… and I don’t know what to do…

I continued apologizing to Philip who seems like he doesn’t mind.

“Is fine Keji. Things like this happens sometimes…is not your fault. Is not your common tribal local delicacy that you are already used to. Growing up…I usually watch either my mom or our cook back then prepare this soup. I’m not a great chef but I know together with you this soup will turn out great.

I nodded. But if anybody walks into the kitchen and see him cooking that may not go down well with his parents or the entire house.
That was why we are employed as cooks.

It was as if he understood my fear when he later said

“…There’s nothing to be afraid of Keji. I got you covered in this one. I will tell anybody that walks in that you are teaching me how to prepare oha soup…but that’s only if the explanation is necessary…

We started all over. I have to remove the meat and some of the stock fish that was used in my watery soup.
I poured the remaining things away and washed off any sign that will link me to it.

I followed every of his instructions and it was fun working with him.

“The mistake you made in the first soup was that you added too much water and you didn’t add the soup thickener. You can either use cocoyam or the other powder ones that help in thickening soups like this. Next time don’t add too much seasoning cubes. We’re lucky to still have fresh oha leave in the fridge…

I was just nodding to everything he was saying like an agama lizard.

Ijeoma came into the kitchen and I was just about adding the oha leaf which was the last part of the soup preparation.

Philip stepped away as Ijeoma entered and folded his hand in akimbo style as if he was just watching while I do the cooking.

Ijeoma greeted him and did not hide her surprised face when she saw Philip in the kitchen.

“Keji, can I have a taste of your cooking now before I leave…

He said it to Ijeoma’s hearing. I know he didn’t want Ijeoma to find out that he was actually the one teaching me how to cook the meal.
He stretched out his hand and asked me to put some in his palm and I quickly did.

He tasted it with a nod.

“You did so well Keji. I know how difficult our Iocal soup can be but you nailed it. Thank you for putting me through on how to prepare it. next time Ijeoma will include me in the list of cooks…

Ijeoma started laughing so loud as if someone was stroking her armpit.

She probably enjoyed the way Philip mentioned her name.

…. Keji, give Ijeoma some to taste so that she can also confirm of what I said.

I did as she also stretched her palm towards me.

Philip looked at her and asked.
“So…what do you think Ijeoma? Keji nailed it right…?

“Uhmmm! Well sir…she tried. I wouldn’t say she nailed it though because I’m more of a great cook than her. to be frank it’s not so delicious, she used Yoruba style in making it instead of the normal igbo way… anyway, I’m surprised that the soup turned out good though..

Philip washed off his hand and turned to leave.

“In the next thirty minutes I will be on the dining room with Mom waiting…

He massaged his two palm together, winked at me before turning to leave.

A loud laughter from deep within erupted through my mouth as he walked away.

“I came to inform you that is lunch time already. This simple soup took you almost three hours to prepare… well, I can see who kept you in the kitchen for so long. The boss is probably hungry and which was why he came to the kitchen. Instead of you to hurry up so that he can have lunch you decide to engage him in your boring conversation. Even though the soup is not all that delicious but atleast is manageable. Everyone will just manage it like that. My oha soup beats every other person’s… even Stella’s confirmed it. You are just a baby compared to my cooking… anyway, take plates out and start dishing out food, is almost past time. Don’t allow the boss’s praise or his close presence to gets into your head o! You are still not his type and neither from his tribe. Let me warn you before you gets your hopes up. Move out of the way let me pass….mtcheeeeeewwee….!

She sighed heavily as she walked pass me and still didn’t stop talking.

I was too excited and didn’t reply her or even pay attention to her.

That was how Philip saved my ass from being whooped.
He just showed up that day and helped my troubled soul.

What could i have done if he didn’t show up that day.

We get to laugh over it after few days when he invited me to sit with him by the pool side during the weekend.

He asked if I was seeing somebody, like in a relationship. that was the third time he was asking me that within two weeks and I still told him that I’m very very single.

“Why…. ? I’m surprised that you are single..
Maybe because I picture you differently Keji…

He said while looking from my eyes to my lips.
My heart skipped as I imagined him kssing me for the very first time.

I’m so much into Philip that even my body language speaks loudly of it.

Is very difficult for me to hide my feeling whenever we are close to each other.

I guess he knows it too but seem to be acting all cool.
He is very careful in other not to make mistake.
Philip is an articulated kind of person.
I replied him with a smile

“Seeing me differently still doesn’t change the fact that I’m still single Phil. I decided not to rush into a relationship like I used to do. I want something serious with somebody my heart yawns for… a very unique man whom I always want to call mine. I’m single because I want to be not because there’s no man in town who wants me. I want something different from what I used to have…

He smiled and decided not to ask me further questions.
I noticed the juice jug was running out before excusing myself to refill.

When I turned to look back at him he was looking at me and this was like the fourth time I have caught him looking at me from behind.

I flashed him a smile and he smiled back.

As I stepped away to get more juice in a jug my phone started ringing.

I didn’t know until when I returned and he was holding it.

“Kunle have been calling you…and he left a message which shows on your screen.

My heart skipped a little because new messages usually pops up on my phone screen whenever my phone is locked.

I poured more drink into his cup after dropping my phone back to the table without bothering to look at what Kunle sent.

“Are you two seeing each other? I mean Kunle…

“Mmmm! Yes…I went out with him like three times but there’s nothing serious is going on.

He was quiet as he looked at me.

“You hanged out in a bar? Hope you didn’t get drunk Keji? Or you visited his place…I don’t know why I’m not comfortable with the way you made hanging out with Kunle appear…but I guess my major concern is you getting drunk …and somebody taking advantage of you…

I rubbed my two sweating palm together and said.

“I didn’t get drunk Phil. The last time I got drunk was the evening I met you. Ever since then I have become more discipline than ever. I’m no more the arrogant, worldly Keji. I still have a little bit of every thing….crazy inclusive but my better side wins over the other part of me. I hanged out with Kunle in a bar…a very big executive bar and I also visited his place but nothing serious happened… neither did I drink out of proportion…

I said trying to sound convincing.

He took a sip from his juice cup before setting it down.

“Okay. You initially made it looks like you don’t like Kunle. I was even trying to convince you about him but you appear uninterested. I really don’t know Kunle but looking at him that day he was out for fun and had that desirable looks for you but you seem like he wasn’t your kinda man. What made you to suddenly reconsider him…?

As I opened my mouth to speak, his phone began to ring.
He answered the call and it was his mother who wanted him to drive down to somewhere and pick up something for her.

He stood and said we will continue our discussion next time.

I just felt it in my guts that Philip was slipping off again from me.

I looked at the message from Kunle.

“Baby I have been calling. I really missed you my love. Please, try let’s see, either at my place or at the big boys joint. I miss your pretty face Keji, your smile and your soft skin… Love you XOXOXO…!

This Kunle chose to send this kind of message at a very wrong time.
Why now that I’m with Philip who was showing interest in me already.

Something I have waited so long for and it was finally happening Kunle just want to destroy it with his senseless message.

I don’t know why he has refused to heed to the fact that I don’t want him.

I hope Philip won’t take anything about Kunle personal.

Three days later Philip still haven’t invited me to sit with him in the evening like he used to.

I was patient and waited for a week even two weeks but nothing.

He was hardly around and whenever he is he remains upstairs in his room.

I was looking for opportunity to see him but none came.

Untill one evening we were informed to make room and prepare a nice continental dish because Philip will be having visitor.

I saw when he left that weekend to the airport to pick his visitor.

I heard Ijeoma saying to my hearing that is his fiancee who went for her masters abroad.
They said her name was Amara.

Even Mrs Kanu seems happy as the visitor arrived.
I saw the skinny tall and beautiful girl hugged Mrs Kanu so tight.

They all seem happy even Philip was smiling.

She put a hand to Phil’s waist, kssed his cheeks again for the second time.
I guess she whispered how much she has missed him to his ear.

Two of the house staffs came to carry her luggage inside.

I gasped out in defeat. There was nothing left for me to do.
Philip and his woman are back and I guess their next agenda will be wedding.

At work the following day, Stella noticed my sad demeanor and asked if I was alright.
Ijeoma without waiting for me to reply said.

“She thought the boss will fall for her charms but his God is alive. his wife to be, our very own daughter of the soil and beauty to behold is back with a master degree. She even speaks like a foreigner and the boss can’t take his eyes away from her. Unfortunately, our very own sister ofe mmanu here can’t take the heart break…. hahahaha. She thought is by making oha soup or other of her concortion… or looking beautiful, she didn’t know there more to a man’s heart. Keji is suffering from heart breakage. Stella she will be alright…

Stella didn’t pay attention to what Ijeoma was saying.
She walked up to me and asked if I was alright and I told her that I’m very fine.
I even smiled to prove it but deep within Ijeoma was right.
Even though her English sound stupid but I’m seriously suffering from heart “breakage”

I’m just trying to be fine and move on.
I will still not consider Kunle even though I needed distraction right now.
Is probably because of the call and message Phil saw made him kept me at a distance.
I told him the truth without mincing word.

I really don’t know how to deal with Philip and his woman who suddenly appear when Philip was giving me a green light.

The worst was when Ijeoma asked me after two days to take drink to Philip and his Amara by the pool side where they were swimming together.

MORENIKEJI Episode 12 by Amah’s Heart

I told Ijeoma outrightly that I wasn’t going to go and serve them drink by the pool side.

She turned and looked at me like I just spoke Latin.
I decided to repeat myself.

“…I guess you didn’t understand what I just said. I’m not taking the drink to the pool again today. Find another way to humiliate me because I’m not going.

She laughed out sarcastically.

“I guess you are also tired of this job? You can aswell go to your quarters, pack all your baggages and leave. your presence is no longer needed here Keji since you can’t do simple task that your superior asked of you. Then be gone…byeee…

“Superior nonsense….” I said laughing out my frustrations.

“…madam superior you don’t have any right whatsoever to say those things you just said. You are not my employer and we’re all staffs here. Because you are an older staff does not give you any edge over me or right to treat me like I fall from ape planet. Find another person to take the drink to them today or go by yourself… you are not handicapped. Leave me the hell alone Ijeoma and if you can’t stand my guts then take the matter to whoever you wish to. I’m sick and tired of your wide mouth and dirty attitude towards me…

I dumped my apron and cap on the kitchen table and stood.
she came to stand in front of me like she was ready for a fight.

“Is quiet clear that you are tired of this job. You are actually very stupid, So because of a man that can never be yours, a man higher than your class, a man who is your boss, a man even finner than you, a man with a high taste you want to quit your job. You disobeying my orders means this job no longer means anything to you. Your obsession for the boss wants to drive you crazy to the extent of making you misbehave? You really want to start dragging a man with the main Queen herself, our very own Amy…Amarachi the real daughter of the soil, our small madam. You are as foolish as your name sound. For the last time, take this drink to them or watch me go and report you to madam?

I stood without moving or even bothering to reply her.

… fine. I take your silent as a disobedience to the job you signed up for. No long talk, just go and start packing your bag…

She was talking and walking out of the big kitchen when Stella stepped in and asked her what was the problem again.

She started narrating to Stella how I refused to take drink to the boss and his woman because I’m jealous and she was going to madam to report me for such unprofessional behavior.

Stella asked her not to go that she will take the drink instead to them.

She wanted to start arguing with Stella not to do it instead to allow me carry out the task but Stella insisted.

“Two of you should learn how to work together. Enough of all this unnecessary fight every time. Keji, we don’t mix work with pleasure, you have to leave emotions aside and carry out your given task very well. But is okay if you don’t feel emotionally balanced for today’s work. if you are not strong enough for today’s task then return to your quarters and take a rest…I and Ijeoma can handle everything on our own.

I thanked Stella and was about to leave but ijeoma outrageously refused me from leaving.

Stella has to speak to her before she let me pass.

After two days I was ready to face anything and anyone.
This job actually means more to me than anything.
I can’t loose it because of what I feel for Philip.
Letting go and moving on maybe difficult at first but I know I can do anything I put my mind to.

Ijeoma was surprised when I came to apologise to her.

“I’m sorry for my outburst the other day Ijeoma. That was really uncalled for but let me excused my behavior on not being emotionally okay. I’m fine now and ready for any given task.

She whined her wide mouth in a mocking way but I took no offense.

“You just realized that no matter how you try to win over the boss he won’t still give you a second look. He doesn’t even know if you exist and can never…ever be yours even if our beautiful Amara wasn’t in the picture. You suddenly realized all of this and decides to give your head some sense. Good for you but this your apology still doesn’t change the fact that you are a disrespectful “onye ofe mmanu” we are not friends…my friendship is very expensive and a person like you can’t afford it.

I smiled and replied her

“Is okay Ijeoma. I wasn’t asking to be friends with you. apologies and seeking for friendship is two different thing. since we work together, is very much required of us to be coordinated and be at peace with each other so that we don’t end up burning down the entire house with the ignited fire of malice and hate. I respect the boss and his woman and nothing should come in the way of my job. And lastly…for the record, I’m proud to be “onye ofe mmanu” Stella told me the meaning and she said everyone which includes you eats food prepared with oil. So dear Ijeoma crediting it to a particular tribe is quiet crazy. Probably because we do more than the other tribe but whichever way I’m super proud of that and it still wouldn’t reduce my personality or add anything to your ego…

I smiled all through with every word and it peppered her even more.

It was time for breakfast that morning so I went to set the table after I finished addressing Ijeoma.
She wasn’t ready to let my words slide, she always wants to get back at me.

“You see what I was saying? You are very proud disrespectful and annoying human. Is probably why they named you Keji. I don’t need your dirty apology or anything you got to offer because you are…

I couldn’t hear the rest of the things she said as I walked out of the kitchen.

I was setting the breakfast table when Amara came down.
I greeted her cheerfully.

“Good morning Miss Amara, hope you slept well?

She smiled exposing her well arranged gap teeth.
“Yes, I slept well and you?

“Same here” I replied.

“Please call me Amara. I love your skin color. Brown skin girl… your skin like pearl, best thing in the world…! this Beyonce’s song was referring to your kinda color not ladies with excessive skin tone. When they say black is beautiful they were actually referring to your type….

I laughed out at the shower of praise before saying.

“thank you Amara. You are making me blush like a little kid…”

“But is true. I saw you the other day and asked Phil about you and he said that you a friend and also a staff. That’s great! I appreciate good thing when I see one. Please don’t tone your skin for any reason…it makes you unique and special. Please, what’s your name?

She asked. I was full of smile when I replied.

“Thank you so much Amara. Every of your word means a whole lot to me. My name is Morenikeji but please call me Keji to avoid bitting your tongue”.

She laughed out before saying.

“Keji is cool. I will be honored to include you in my bridal train when the time is right…is just about six weeks from now. Beside, I will be leaving today… back to my family house so that I can continue planning for my upcoming wedding from there. I will get your number so that we can talk on phone…is that okay Keji?

I nodded still with a smile.

“Congratulations. I will be very honored to join your bridal train. Let me know whenever you are set…I will be a phone call away…

She suddenly came and hugged me.

My heart was a bit heavy when she mentioned her wedding. But Amara is a sweet soul. Her selflessness is incomparable. You can’t possibly hate her. One may probably dislike her without getting to know her, maybe out of jealousy but knowing her closely cancels all manners of ill thoughts

As she was hugging me Ijeoma just appeared. She saw us hugging and frowned.

“Haaa… Keji you haven’t still set up the breakfast table since? Don’t you know your level….why are you hugging our small madam? This lazy girl…you are just full of nonsense. You are trying to hang your coat where you don’t belong…

Amara shunned her immediately.

“You are really mannerless… Why will you talk to Keji in such a way? I’m actually the one hugging her and not the other way round. My name is Amarachi and I will appreciate if you address me as such not “small madam”. Keji is my friend and I won’t tolerate any form of insult directed at her. Please be guided. What you just did is totally wrong and that got to stop. Bullying your follow colleague shouldn’t be tolerated at all…no matter what. Anyway, since I and Keji are obviously engaged in a conversation you can aswell set up the table. I see nothing wrong in helping out when needed…

Ijeoma began to apologise at same time tries to defend herself and talk down on me again but Amarachi wasn’t ready to hear of it.

She asked her to set the breakfast table and Ijeoma had no choice but to do that.

Philip came down from upstairs to have breakfast. He is really handsome and always dresses smart.
Amara greeted him first but he wasn’t all cheerful like he used to.

“Sleepyhead good morning. Hope you had a pleasant night rest?

Amara said to Philip cheerfully.

“Yea… yeah I did. I slept a bit late though. Had a little work I needed to round up. How are you this morning? I don’t know you were already up. I didn’t want to bother knocking on your door… thought you were still asleep. I could have arranged breakfast in bed though…

Amara laughed out before replying him.

“I have been up since 5am. I was Skyping with Nunu till the full break of the day.

“Ohh! Good then. Com’on let’s eat..”

That’s all he said.
He turned to looked at me and I quickly greeted.

“Good morning Phil”.

“Good morning Keji”. He replied before taking a seat on the table.

Amara went to sit beside him. He poured hot water into his tea cup and also poured for Amara.
They both make a beautiful couple, no doubt about that.
I’m gradually getting used to letting go.

Especially now that I know Amara better and the special way she treated me makes me surrender totally.

I returned back to the kitchen.

Ijeoma came again at me.

“That your Yoruba charm will not save you no matter how you try to renew it. You want to buy over the heart of everyone and poison theirs against me…it won’t work for you Keji onye ofe mmanu….it won’t work. My God will disgrace you. Mother Mary and all the angels will fight for me. That your evil charm will be exposed soon. My enemies won’t succeed no matter how they try. Bring your charm I will Soak my chaplets inside water and pray, after three days you will be disgraced. Just watch and see…

I just gave a heavy sigh and continued my morning duty which is to serve breakfast to everyone.
When is Lunch time and dinner time I will carry out my duty effectively.
I will do it cheerfully, with a happy smile and continue to glow like never before.

If that’s the charm Ijeoma is talking about then I will continue to renew it.

I really don’t know the color of Ijeoma’s problem neither do i care anymore.

All I have to do is to be happy and forget whatever makes me sad.

I know I’m thirty and going to thirty-one. My mates maybe a bit ahead but some of my mates are either in the morgue or burial ground.

I have many reasons to be grateful.
Age is just a number and Ijeoma is less of my problems.

At the right time God will make my path to cross with the right man. But that’s if it’s His will for it to be so.

Untill then I will continue to be the best that I can be.



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Jidda mj
Jidda mj
3 years ago

Nice advice keji, dont mind ijeoma…oh but am sad i tot keji and phil will end up together

1 year ago

Shes such a positive person…