MISSING Episode 1 – Necelly Newton

MISSING Episode 1 - Necelly Newton

MISSING Episode 1 – Necelly Newton

Two months to our wedding, my fiancé Nene was posted to a remote village in Northern part of the country. She was a resident nurse in the district. Distance made the heart grow fonder so we made sure to keep in touch twice every week when she goes to the urban part of that area just to get a clearer network so we could Skype.

After four weeks of her posting, I stopped hearing from her; she was radio silent for over a week. I became worried sick, knowing that this was unlike her. I called her regional coordinator and they assured me they’d go down to the village to check it out but after two days, they too were radio silent.

This prompted me to alert the state police and they launched a search for Nene and the two agents sent by the regional coordinator. According to them, they combed the area for weeks without any sign of the three individuals. Wedding was cancelled and I assumed I had lost Nene for good. I was plunged into reckless sorrow for I loved Nene so dearly.

Two months later aftermath of the wedding cancellation, I received a call from Nene. Apparently, she claimed her laptop spoilt and her phone too was stolen.

“Nene, you could’ve gotten a smaller phone to reach out to me knowing that I and your family would be worried sick about you” I told her

“I’m sorry Val. You wouldn’t understand, they literary stole everything from me” Nene said and then, suddenly she started sounding robotic “but even if I look at the moon, I wouldn’t still see the stars”

I was bamboozled, paused for a moment. What does the moon and stars have to do with what we were saying?

“Sweetheart, what do you mean by looking at the moon and not seeing the stars” I asked her promptly but she still maintained same robotic voice “but even if I look at the moon, I wouldn’t still see the stars”

“Nene, are you okay?” I asked but she kept mumbling, “The moon not seeing the stars”. I dropped the call.

I called the regional coordinator to update him and he was being nonchalant so I took it upon myself to go find out what’s really happening. I boarded a red-eye to the North. With Nene’s picture I traced her to a local hotel.

“The woman in the picture? I have seen her. She went with some friends up to the hills” the receptionist told me in a local dialect that I barely managed to understand.

I wondered what friends it could be because I was well aware that Nene told me she had no friends in those parts.

“Sir, don’t go up that hills. Its a dead zone” the receptionist warned. “Dead zone? How come? I have to cos my wife is there” I insisted. She uttered something in a local tongue that I couldn’t understand.

I ignored her and went up the hill in search of Nene. The journey up the hill wasn’t for the feint of heart and when I finally got there, I saw a big old house sitting up there. The house was built in the manner of the Nigeria colonial era. No sign of life was found anywhere not even birds or anything could be heard in the distance. A barb wired fence surrounded the house and on it was a warning sign “DO NOT TRESPASS. GOVERNMENT PROPERTY”.

I ignored and proceeded to enter via a hole on the fence. I managed to get close to one of the windows and peeped inside, it was pitch black.

“Thank God I came with a torch” I said in my mind as I proceeded to break in.

With the torchlight I made my way through the house. The owners must be really dirty pigs given the nasty mess that was lying around. I walked deeper into the house as I walked I felt someone was trailing me behind so I’d turn at every slight opportunity to point the torch around but saw no one.

I walked till I got to a door, light was penetrating via the keyhole so I peeped through the keyhole and behold, I saw Nene in a badly messed up kitchen, cooking God knows what. Nene’s hair had fallen off at some parts, her nails were broken and coated with dry blood. She wore a dirty apron stained with blood, the gas cooker she cooked on was darker than charcoal; she looked like someone from a slaughter house. At that point, someone knocked me unconscious from behind…..

To be continued

OpraDre Necelly Newton Necelly Newton Necelly Newton Necelly Newton Necelly Newton Necelly Newton

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