MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 21 – 22 by Jackie

MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 1 by Jackie

MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 21 by Jackie

(Date night!)
I sat down in front of the full length mirror after taking my bath. Brian and I are actually going out on our first date. I mean we’ve gone out on a date before but this one is different. something tells me it’ll be really special. This is the first date that defines our marriage as a romantic one. can’t believe he admitted it that he was in love with me.
I smiled when I recollected all that happened yesterday during the hike. He even said I was cute. calm down Ciara, let’s not rush.

I Styled my hair and did my makeup. but then there was a tricky part, I don’t know what to wear.
D–n it!
I opened the wardrobe and threw the stuff on the bed. Brian opened the door and found me seated on the bed like someone who’s been abandoned by her parents on the streets to die.
“Whoa… did a tornado blow through here” he asked looking at the bedroom and back at me. I raised my head to look at him. he was in a simple shirt and black pants but he still looked handsome. sometimes I wonder how he’s able to pull off his look while I take twelve hours looking for the perfect dress.
“Yeah it did” I replied still not getting up.
“You look beautiful” he said going down on one knee and staring directly at my face.
“Don’t patronize me. I can’t find a single outfit for dinner and you’re already dressed up” I whined
“You can wear this one” he said handing me a dress
“I wore that for your company’s party remember.”
“And you looked gorgeous in it” he remarks
“You don’t understand. this is our first date and I want everything to be perfect.” I said turning to face the mirror.
He holds my waist from behind and places his head on my shoulder.
“I know but the date is for us to be together and not for us to sit down and stare at what you’re putting on. I know my Ciara can pull off any look and I know that whatever you wear, you’ll look drop dead gorgeous.” he said and I smiled sheepishly.
“So” he continued “Will you put it on”
I nod
“Great.” he said kissing my cheeks “I’ll be outside waiting for you”
He lets go off my waist and walks outside.
I put on my clothes and shoes to match.
I grabbed my clutch and walked out to meet him. he stood in front of the car. his face lit up immediately he saw me.
I walked up to where he stood. he drew his face to mine.
“you’re killing it” he whispered and opened up the door for me to enter.
I sat down and he took the wheel.
“So where are we having dinner.” I asked immediately he started the car.
“Um I don’t know. let’s see where the road takes us”
He says and I rolled my eyes in a playful manner.

We drive was almost a thirty minutes one before Brian pulled up in front of a Chinese restaurant. Sauta Voche. we walked in hand in hand and went up straight to the counter.
“Aren’t we supposed to sit down and order” I ask but he shook his head NO.
“we’re not eating here” he tells me and I nod.
we were about to order before his phone rang. He held up the screen to see the caller. I noticed immediately that his face suddenly became pale like someone who’s fallen ill.
“Are you okay?” I ask not sure of what happened
“Yeah I am. here’s my credit card. order what you’ll like and make the payment” he says handing it to me
“I’m sorry but I can’t use your card” I protest
“You’re my wife Ciara and whatever belongs to me, belongs to you and the many kids we’ll have in the future so stop being stubborn Mrs Salter and have it” he says but this time placing it on my palm.
His phone rang again.
“I’ll just take this call okay” he says and walks outside.
I bought the food and had it wrapped up.
I paid with his credit card and took the meal.
“Enjoy your meal ma’am”
“Thanks” I say and walked out. I opened the door only to see Brian yelling on the phone.
“I told you. I don’t want to see you anymore. I’m on a honeymoon with my wife okay”
who was Brian talking to?
I walked up to him and touched his arm. he flinched like someone who’s seen a ghost. he immediately switched off his phone.
“Are you okay?” I ask
“Yeah I’m fine”
“tell me. who were you talking to on the phone?”
“No one. just work related. so I guess you’ve ordered” he said trying to change the subject.
I nod.
“come on let’s go’ he said taking my hand in his. he smiled and I returned it. we entered the car and he started the engines and drove out of the restaurant. the drive was slow and steady. but I couldn’t help but think of what happened at the restaurant.

why was he in such a bad mood earlier? why would he yell so loud on the phone and to whom?
was it probably Janelle?
No, I don’t think so. she and Brian hadn’t been in contact with each other since we got here.
I don’t know why I’m stressing myself over this.
“Ciara you do trust me right”
I heard Brian’s voice and quickly snapped out of my wild thoughts. I turned to face him.
I nod “yes I do”
he smile and held my hand while the other one was steering.
“I’m hungry” he tells me
“that’s why I said we should eat at the restaurant”
“I wanted you to feed me and I know that you won’t do it with many people watching at the restaurant and that’s why we didn’t eat at the restaurant” he explains
“Alright” I say opening up the ice cream and burger. I placed it on his lip and he took a bite.
I cleaned his mouth with the serviette while he continued driving.
He drove to the park and we sat down on one of the benches.
“Remember the first time you fed me burger?” he asked and my mind played back to when I was drunk in that car with him.
“Shut up” I hit his shoulder playfully
“I swear, you are worse than a wrestler when you are drunk.” he says causing me to laugh.
“I can be very persuasive”
“Yeah we know but… ” he paused staring at me “that was actually the first time you kissed me”
“Oh Brian” I say covering my face with my palm.

I was beyond embarrassed.
“Are you shy?” he ask “Come on Ciara, look at me. there’s no one around.” he tells me “I want my wife to look at me”
I raised up my face to meet his slowly.
“when did you notice that you’ve started having feelings for me” I ask
not sure why I did but I just wanted to know.
“Since the first day I met you” he said sincerely
“The first day? how? when?”
“You stood up to me. not everyone can do that. you criticized my upbringing. threw mud on my car and called me a stray dog”
I flushed
“sorry” I muttered
“but that wasn’t the first day I saw you” he said staring at me. I was a bit confused.
“Actually I’ve seen you countless times. but I just wasn’t paying attention until that day” he said
“you’re crazy. you’ve been stalking me?”
“no. I just happen to see you that’s all”
I smile. crazy Brian
“Ciara” he says taking my hand in his “” I know I’ve not been a very good husband but I promise that I’ll make this work ”
“wrong Brian” I correct him “we will make it work. together”

He kissed my hand and I smile at him.
I was fighting the urge to kiss him so bad. breathe Ciara.
I just stare at him. the look was intense. I felt like he was reading my mind because he pulled my face closer to his. he took one look at me and said “I will only love you” before bringing his lips to meet mine. The kiss was wild and the butterflies in my stomach had somersaulted a million times.
He pulled apart after some minutes.
“I love you Ciara” he said trying to catch his breath
“I love you too Brian” I tell him. we sit down for almost an hour talking about stuff before the sky opened up his mouth to let his water pour on us.
We drove home after being drenched completely by the rain.

MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 22 by Jackie

The ray of light from the sun hit my face from the window. I open my eyes slowly to adjust the light passing through then as I rubbed my forehead lightly.

I turn to see Brian lying beside me. hands holding me in place possessively. His hair was scattered like…wait that was me! I did that to him last night. “make love to me Brian… make me yours!!” my voice echoed in my head.
I pulled up the sheets only to realize that I was without clothes and Brian too. oh dear Lord!

“Morning honey” he said giving me a wry smile as he hovered on top of me.
I quickly stood up, wrapping the sheets around my bare body. just then I realized that I had taken the only cover off of Brian’s body and that he was completely naked. But he didn’t seem bothered about it.
“Brian put on something” I say as I turn my face to the other side.
“But why. you’ve already seen me naked so it’s nothing new” he replied. He was right but I’m not used to it yet.
“Brian I need to shower”
“But I haven’t kissed you yet” he protested
“And I haven’t brushed my teeth yet”
“Really Ciara?. don’t worry, I can handle that” he said getting up from the bed but I rushed into the bathroom and shut the door.
“Open up for me Ciara” he said gently banging on the door.
“Um… I’ll just shower first then we’ll talk”
“I want to shower with you”
what did he just say.?
“maybe next time please” I begged
“don’t worry. I’ll be outside waiting for you. don’t take too long. I love you” he said before I hear him open the bedroom door and shut it. I guess he was gone.
“yeah you too” I say not sure he heard it.

I stood under the shower and turned it on, letting the water work it’s way down my body. I scrubbed and washed myself then spent an extra twenty minutes under the shower just letting the water pour on my skin. My mind kept playing back to what happened last night. part of me enjoyed everything and the other part was a bit confused and worried.
I mean I’ve finally lost my innocence to Brian, my husband which was a good thing but I don’t know what he thinks of last night. I mean he’s had sex with countless women so I had, a lot on my mind.

what if I didn’t please him like they did? did he enjoy it? was it up to his standard?
I know I wasn’t the kind of girl to sleep around but I just wanted to know if maybe ours wasn’t as good as what he’s experienced so far.
I turned off the shower and wiped my body with the towel. then I proceeded to the bedroom. I applied some lotion on my skin and wore a light top and sweat pants.
I did my hair into a messy bun and set out to meet Brian in the living room but when I arrived, he wasn’t there. I heard noise from the kitchen so I assumed he was there and when I entered, behold, he was making pancakes for breakfast some of which were slightly burnt.
He didn’t notice my presence till I walked up to him and wrapped my hands around his waist from behind gently placing my head on his back and a small smile crossed my lips.
“Hey beautiful” he greeted and I could hear the happiness from his tone.
“I never knew that you can cook?” I teased and we both laughed
“I’m trying. it’s not easy. even the recipe is all wrong” he said wiping the sweat off his forehead.
I laugh.
“Who asked you to do this?”
“I wanted to surprise you with breakfast but I guess I ruined everything. silly me”
I took a bite out of the ones he made.
“Tasty” I comment
“Don’t eat that. it’s burnt” he said trying to take it from me but failed miserably.
“But it’s delicious”
“you don’t have to say that its good simply because I made it cause I know you’re trying to please me”
“Alright Brian Salter. next time, make something simple. Toast and Jam or peanut butter and tea would be alright for me” I say and he nod.
“works for me too”
“I’m glad we both agree” I say releasing my hand as I took over from him.

I threw his burnt and sugar infested pancakes down the waste bin and took a bowl to mix another flour to make new pancakes. I whisked the flour adding the other ingredients. All the while Brian held onto my waist, acting like a child. I put the mixed flour into his mouth for him to have a taste.
“Delicious” he commented “you’re a great cook no doubt”
“That’s how you make pancakes”
“Who taught you how to cook?” he asks
“My mother” I say trying to pull up my hair but Brian held it with a band.
“You cook just like my Mom. she’s really good too”
“I know. I tasted her food when we went for dinner at their house remember?” I ask giving him a cornered look
“yup” he said placing a kiss on my neck.
I almost flinched.
“Mr Salter, control yourself”
“I don’t have to if it’s my wife” he said and I gave a light chuckle.

I Made the pancakes and served them on the table for breakfast, making buttermilk to go with it.
“it tastes like the first pancake you made after we got married” he said but I only smile.
I had a lot going on in my mind and I guess he noticed it too.
“Ciara are you okay”
“yeah sure I’m fine” I reply
“talk to me Ciara. if there’s anything bothering you then feel free to tell me” he said in a calm but persuasive voice.
“well it’s about last night” I finally manage to say after finding my voice
“What about it?”
“I just wanted to know if you… well if we” I paused again staring at him “If it was as good as what you’ve ever had”
“I’m serious Brian—”
“Ciara… ” he began “What happened between us last night was the best and most special night of my entire life”
“But you and Janelle—”
he cut me off “what I had in the past was just normal but I can never compare ours with my past. you are my present and future Ciara. forever and nothing is going to change. I love you” he said before munching on his pancakes.
“I love you too” I say kissing his cheeks.
Thank goodness, I was married to a man like Brian. I hated it but now, it’s the best thing that could ever happen to me.

After having breakfast, we settled on the couch to watch a movie. A horror movie to be precise. I sat down next to Brian and placed my head on his shoulder but occasionally hid my face from scary scenes.
“Why are you even watching this?” he asked
“Because you like it”
“But you don’t” he fires back
“I’ll try to”
I tried to watch but each time it became scarier, I would bury my face on Brian’s neck causing him to laugh.
“Alright let’s do something else”
“like what?” I ask
“Um… I don’t know. anything?” he ask and I switched off the television and gently placed a kiss on Brian’s cheeks, then on his nose and lip, he placed me on his thighs and continued the kissing.
“it’s better than the movie”
“I agree” I say kissing him back
we were about going all out when I heard my name coming from outside.
“Alex and Jake” Brian and I chorused at the same time as we burst out laughing.
we heard a knock on the door and I stood up to adjust my dress before going to answer.
“Hi Alex, Hi Jake” I greeted while smiling and waving my hands at the same time.
“Hi Ciara. I’ve missed you. Jake is really pissing me off” she said hugging me.
“Come on. let’s go talk about it” I say taking her hand and signalled Brian that I’ll be inside.
He winked at me and I smile sheepishly.
He always know how to get me going.
I close the door once we were inside and joined Alex on the bed.
“what’s up” I ask in a casual voice
“well I should be asking that Mrs Ciara. Brian is winking at you now and you were smiling? how much have I missed?” he ask and I bit my lip.
I didn’t think she’d see that
“well the thing is that… ” I paused “Brian and I have finally decided to give it a try”
“Give what a try?” she asked with a confused face but just then her face lit up “you’re having a baby?”
“No… I mean not now but we’re going on that path cause we’ve finally fixed our marriage” I tell her
“really? I’m so happy for you. I told you it’ll happen. you’re just good for each other. in fact, perfect” she squealed in delight.
I was forced to blush.
“I just hope everything goes OK. cause I’m still a bit scared that one lady would just walk up to me and claim him as hers. what would I do then?” I asked rubbing my hands. I was happy and sad at the same time.
“He’s your husband now. you married him. not just on paper but on love. and you should trust him and any girl who’s f—–g out of her mind and tries to act funny then, you show them who the wife is” she tells me and I nod.
“So what’s up with you and Jake?”
“He didn’t get me my sundae. so I’m upset” she tells me while rolling her eyes.
“Sundae? just sundae! And I thought you had a fight” I sighed in relief
“We never fight. we talk things out and you guys should do it too. it builds relationships. even when you’re so upset that you feel no one can calm you down then just talk it out” she tells me
“Awwn so sweet” I cooed
“I’m so happy for you girlfriend” she said and hugged me so tight that I could barely breathe.

We came out later to join the others only to find out that they were planning on attending a party.
“You’ll come right Ciara” Jake asks the minute he saw me.
“I don’t know what Brian thinks about it”
I glance at his direction
“I’d love to go if Ciara would go” he said with finality
“the ball is in your court Ciara. so what do you say?” Jake asks
“Say yes please. I really wanna attend this party.” Alex says swinging my hands left, right, front and center.
I tucked my hair after giving it some thought. “Alright then let’s do it”
“Yay” Alex squealed in delight.
I walked up to Brian and Sat down.
“Are you sure?” he asks me in almost a whisper
“yeah I am”
“As long as you don’t take alcohol, I’m cool with it” he teased. I was forced to hit him with the puff. Must he bring it up everytime?
what a JERK!


To be continued……

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3 years ago

Wow I’m loving this union

Jidda mj
Jidda mj
3 years ago

This is good yu guys shd enjoy yr new found love

Thelma Edwards
Thelma Edwards
1 year ago

Alex too like the street, she’s always in favor of all the outings 😂😂
I’m loving the new Ciara and Brian relationship but I’m bit afraid cuz we have one olosho Janelle waiting back home