MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 19 – 20 by Jackie

MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 1 by Jackie

MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 19 by Jackie

“I… I don’t understand what you’re talking about” I say feeling nervous and scared at the same time.
why am I feeling so hot? where did all the cool air vanish too. oh dear Lord, what is happening now?
“Ciara” he calls holding my hand but I suddenly flinched leaving him confused and worried at the same time.
“I’m… I’m sorry”
“It’s okay. I didn’t mean to shock you like that”
“Brian… ” I say and closed my eyes for a minute or two
“I’m sorry but I don’t think it’s possible” I say after giving it some thought.
“what’s not possible?”
“you and I in a romantic relationship,” I say in a low voice like someone who’s about to cry.
“I don’t think it’s ever going to work”

I breathed hard.
“And why not?”
is he asking me a question that he also knows the answer to, to prolong the argument.
“I mean we’re both married”
“Signed a contract” I correct him
he rolls his eyes and continues “we live under one roof and we’re both in love with each other” he says and my eyes suddenly flew open.
“we’re in love?”
“I know you love me Ciara” he says stating the obvious
“I don’t love you Brian”
it came as a shock even to me.
“Ciara you’re lying and you know you are”
“So what if I really do love you? what’s the guarantee that you won’t just leave me when you feel like? what if it’s just a bet between you and Janelle to see if I’m completely head over heels for you?”
“There’s nothing between Janelle and I” he points out
“True but she was once in your life Brian. she was your sex machine and you both have history together and… ”
“Forget about Janelle” he cuts me off “I’m talking about us and not Janelle. make the conversation about us. why can’t you give me a chance. let’s sort this out”
“Brian I can’t”
“Because I know the kind of guy you are. I don’t think a man who constantly have sex on our matrimonial bed can be a good husband and love me the way I want him to. cause one day he’ll get tired and repeat the shit again” I say standing up .
I turn to the direction of the bedroom.
“So you’re just going to leave?”
“yes. I’m going to leave and please don’t say this ever again.” I say and turn to go
“Ciara please let’s just talk about this”
“there’s nothing to talk about Brian. it just won’t work out. You’ve always made me cry. you stopped me from seeing my family and I don’t even know if they’re dead or alive. I stopped working because of you. I had to put my dreams on hold because of you. And now you’re saying this is going to work? how? we can’t just start being romantic because you’re asking for it now.
I’m sorry Brian but I don’t think whatever I felt or feeling for you right now is love. it’s stupidity and I’m a fool to fall in love with you despite everything you’ve put me through. please just stop cause you’re hurting me by saying all this. this isn’t love OK.” I say before finally walking out on him.

I gently close the door to the bedroom and slump on the bed. what was he thinking saying all those things to me? I know I’m falling for him but I just can’t trust him. I don’t think he’ll ever remain faithful to me. He has been a flirt for the greater part of his life and I can’t deal with that right now.

Brian didn’t sleep on the bed that night, I knew cause each time I open my eyes, he’s spot was empty and I started to miss him even though I was a fool to admit it. the night was quite cold.

I woke up quite early and decided to have a glass of water from the Fridge.
I walked past the living room and my eyes caught Brian at the far end of the couch. he was shivering really bad.
what’s wrong with him? I wanted to ignore but my heart was in complete control of my entire body.
“Brian” I call but no response. I rushed to the room and grabbed the sheets from the bed. I quickly pulled it up on his body.
this is all my fault.
I guess I’m the reason why he’s like this.
I stood up to go but he held my hand so I had to stay right next to him.
“Don’t leave me Ciara” was all he kept on saying.
“shhh I’m right here” I said kissing his forehead as I laid there, right next to him.

The couch was big enough two so I snuggled up right next to him. at that moment, I forgot all the hurtful things I said to him. I only just wanted to be right next to him. It’s crazy when your heart decides to fall in love isn’t it??.

I wake up the next morning but couldn’t find Brian next to me. where did he go?
I call walking into each room but he wasn’t there.
I finally heard his voice from outside. He was talking to Alex and Jake I guess.
“Hi” I say coming out to meet them. Brian gave me a look I didn’t understand.
“Hi honey” Alex says giving me a hug “we’ve missed you”
“where have you been? both of you?” Jake asks
“We’ve been around”
“So are you both ready for the hike trip?” Alex asks and I gave a slight nod.
“Great but we’ve decided to do it outside the house since Ciara is scared of the wild”
“Thanks a lot jake”
“So we’ll go camping in the woods and eat out here” Alex says and all these while, Brian never uttered a single word. was I that harsh?
“Alright. we’ll go get ready” Jake says and Alex follows. I turn to go inside only to notice that Brian has left without me.
I heaved and walked inside.
“Are you hungry?” I ask but no response “Is there anything you’d like to have? oh I forgot, I haven’t prepared your meal for you so if you want to then I think… ”
“Stop trying Ciara” he cut me off
“excuse me”
“stop trying to act like you care. if this is all just a game to you then just stop please” he begged
“And who said anything about playing games? I’m only trying to… ”
“I know. to make me feel better. to make me feel like you care. I know you’re only doing this out of pity. you just pity me don’t you?”
“that is not true” I half yell
“yes it is. you don’t want me to feel bad and that’s why you’re acting like this. I know you don’t love me but don’t pity me. because when you do that,” he paused staring intently at me “then you’re no different from my parents. so just stop please” he says before finally walking out. I felt the tears roll down my cheeks. the only thing I’d hate now is to Brian this mad at me. I don’t want him to think that I’m a bad person.

I had my bath and stood in front of the mirror to wear my clothes but then I had a problem with the zipper.
it was refusing to go up.
I tried tying my hair up but it was no use.
why now of all days?
Fuck! I hate my life.
“Come on please just work” I said biting my lips in frustration.
just then, I felt a hand on my back. I looked at the mirror only to see Brian standing behind me trying to zip up my dress. a smile played on my lips. he wasn’t that angry with me at all.
“Thank you” I say when I felt him remove his hands.
He nods and walks away. he was tying his towel so I assumed that he just finished having his bath. he walked to the wardrobe, opened it and the next thing I saw was that he kept on throwing his things on the bed at the same time muttering things that I couldn’t understand.
“this one looks nice” I say but he clearly wasn’t paying attention.
he settled for a Plad T-shirt but one button was missing.
he wanted to take it off but I stopped him.
“wait, I’ll fix it” I say pulling a thread on the needle. I stood in front of him and fixed the button on his shirt perfectly.
“There all done. now you can fasten it” I say but I notice that he was just staring at me so I did it myself.
“I’ll wait for you outside” I say but he pulled me back to himself.
my breath hitched. they were coming in pants.
“This is what you do to me everytime Ciara” he tells me but I didn’t utter a single word. “if you don’t love me then why do you keep on coming close to me?”
“because I… ”
“just tell me Ciara, tell me. stop hiding your feelings from me” he yells
“Alright fine. yes. it’s true. I do love you Brian and it’s also true that I’m hiding my feelings away from you because I’m scared that you can never be mine” I said. my voice almost breaking.
“you don’t have to be scared Ciara cause I will never leave you. I promise” he says pulling me close for a hug and I reciprocated.
He brought my face to his and kissed me like his life depended on it. the kiss was hungry, wet and wild…

“Ciara” I hear my name and I open my eyes to see Brian in front of me.
“Um… i… I was just um… ”
“I don’t care. let’s go. they’re waiting for us” he says walking past me.
So it was all just my imagination?
Fuck Ciara. you’re wasted!

MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 20 by Jackie

I met Brian outside after my stupid reverie.
why would I ever imagine that? me and Brian? kissing?
I shuddered at the thought of it. but it kinda felt good in my imagination. I mean Brian and I have kissed a lot of times. although it wasn’t intentional. And my mind played back to all the scenario that brought our lips together.
Like when I kissed him when I was drunk at that party.
And even when we kissed at his house when his parents invited us for dinner.
I smiled when the stupid thoughts filled my head.

“Ciara? Ciara??” Alex said waving her hands across my face.
“Are you okay. you’ve been smiling like a bride who’s excited about her honeymoon” she teases me and I gave a fake smile glancing at Brian.
“I just thought of something”
“you look great. has Brian told you how amazing you look in this dress?” she said in almost a whisper and I smiled cause my mind played back to when Brian zipped up my dress.
“He did didn’t he?” she said but I didn’t respond.
“Um” I cough “He didn’t”
“but you were smiling when I asked that question. I can tell that you’re lying. you know what Ciara. you can’t fool me” she finally said before walking up to meet Jake.

We finally went hiking together. it was mainly for couples like Alex and Jake who was crazily in love with each other and not for Brian and I who were always arguing or quarreling with each other. And besides Brian wasn’t paying any attention to me.

And it became worse when We were left alone cause Jake and Alex decided to take another route without us knowing.
“Where’s Alex and Jake” I ask no one in particular.
“Maybe covering more grounds. don’t worry we’ll meet them later for dinner” he replies and I nod. well at least he’s talking to me unlike before.

We walked for about half an hour talking only once in thirty minutes.
He just pretends like I don’t exist. I got tired and decided to rest. luckily he sat down next to me.
“You’re sweating really bad” I say bringing out my face towel from my pocket to wipe his face but he didn’t seem interested.
“Stop this nonsense Ciara. I’ve told you not to pretend like you love me out of pity.”
“I do love you Brian but not out of pity and speaking of pretend, I know that most times you make out with Janelle was only to get me jealous so you were also pretending” I say earning a glare from him.
“The truth hurts doesn’t it?” I ask again but he doesn’t respond. instead he gets up and starts walking away.
“hey wait up” I yell trying to reach him but I missed my step and came crashing down to the ground.

He comes rushing towards me and carrying me in his arms. it felt so nice. He led me under a shady tree and bent down to examine my leg.
“Fake falling is also pretending right?” I ask with a smirk and he raises up his head to look at me.
“You did that on purpose?”
“I was pretending? and how about you who was pretending to be mad at me? wow Mr Salter, bravo!” I comment
he didn’t say anything probably cause he knows he won’t win this argument.
“Brian. let’s just stop this. we’re acting like high school teens”
“I’ll stop when you do” he said and I almost giggled.
“look at me Brian” I say cupping his face in my palm “I love you but if we’re gonna do this then we need some rules at least for the mean time until I’m certain that you won’t leave and that this is for real” I demand
“First. we’re getting rid of the contract.” I say
“And second, no cheating or sexing any girl on my matrimonial bed alright” I say and he nods.
“And third” he begins “No more rules about kissing and touching. I’m free to do that as your husband and last of all. I don’t want to see you with any guy” he says
“That won’t work”
“Why not”
“cause, what if it’s the mailman or a friend or someone at work” I ask
“I don’t care.”
“that means you don’t trust me” I stress out
“I do trust you Ciara but I’m f—–g jealous. you’re hot and guys keeps on drooling over you” he says sincerely and I blush
“I never knew I was hot”
“Yeah you’ll never know until I kill someone to prove it to you” he tells me causing me to laugh.
“Alright If you trust me then it shouldn’t be a problem and besides I love you” I tell him and he smirks.
“I can’t hear you”
“but I said it as loud as I can”
“Say it again”
“Never” I cut him off
“Alright fine I’ll say it. I love you Ciara Salter”
he says and I smile.

He carries me home and the rest of the evening goes smoothly. Brian and I have finally fixed our marriage.
it was a dream come true to me.
I cooked dinner and we ate with jake and Alex.

After that, we said goodbyes and
went inside to sleep. I took my shower and so did Brian.
we decided to watch a movie together.
but this time like couples for the first time in ages.
I smiled.
Just then the landline rang and Brian asked me to pick it up.
He said the call was for me after I asked him why.
“Hello” I said after picking up the phone. I almost jumped out of my skin when I heard the voice from the other end. “Hi Ciara”
“B-Ben?? is that you?” I ask unsure of what I just heard.
“I’m so happy hearing your voice after such a long time” he said and I almost shed a tear. “I missed you Ben. how’s everyone? mom and dad… ”
“we’re OK.”
“how did you get this number?’
” Um Your husband sent someone here to give us your contact so that’s how ” he asked. I glanced at Brian and smiled “He did that didn’t he?”
“Yup and you’re on your honeymoon. wow.” he exclaims
“yeah. well.. kinda. I’ll explain later okay.” I tell him and he laughs. we talk about lots of things before finally hanging up.
“Was it good?” he ask
“yup. thanks Brian” I say kissing his cheeks and he reciprocated on my lips. that night Brian destroyed all the contract papers.
I guess this time, our marriage is taking a turn for the better.


To be continued…….

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3 years ago

Nice one i hope no one come between them again