MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 13 – 14 by Jackie

MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 1 by Jackie

MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 13 by Jackie

We took a cab at the airport and drove off to only who knows where.
Our tourist guide couldn’t stop preaching about the goddamned place.
Brian was already feeling tired of the ride. it was way out of town.
“The beach here is nice. The sun is magnificent. wait till you get out on the sand with the wind in your hair. you’ll have a great time over here in Hawaii” he said drifting to the left.
“Do they have a, place where you can keep annoying people” I ask making Brian turn his face to look at me.
The driver laughed.
“Most times.” he said chuckling
“great” I giggle

“And hope the clubs are nice too. I heard you have a great night club over here. you know, where you can meet incredibly gorgeous and sexy girls” he said trying to annoy me
“Maybe we could go together. I’ll love to be around those handsome and muscly dudes” I said trying to hold back my laugh. Brian was already flaring up. he started it.
“Are you guys here for a vacation?” the driver asked
“Yes we are. right Brian?” I said but he didn’t respond.
he just folded his hand and threw his face outside the window.
The drive went smoothly until we arrived at our house.
it was beautifully decorated.
there was a garden outside and a swing set in the middle.
the lawn was neatly trimmed with tall trees around.
Someone must’ve put a lot of thought into this, just for a honeymoon.
“Enjoy your stay here” he waved before driving away.
Brian took the bags inside.
I trailed behind him.
“Nice house” I compliment “oh and look. I guess we have neighbors”
“Quit guessing and help me out will ya” he said
“Quit whining. you sound like a child” I said pulling the stuff inside.
The inside of the house was even more beautiful than the outside.
The draperies on the wall.
the kitchen let and the rooms were pretty clean too.
Looks like I will sleep on the couch since there’s just one bed in the middle of a big room.
I glanced at my watch.
it was almost sunset.
Great, one day almost down and many days to go. stuck with Brian.
We both did some cleaning and arranged our stuff.
When we finished, it was already late so I thought of making dinner while Brian took a shower.

I opened the fridge and it was fully stocked. enough supplies to last for a week or two.
I settled for spaghetti and meatballs.
It’s already late so he’ll have to make do.
“Ciara” Brian called
“What is it?” I ask not bothering to look at him.
“Did you see my T-shirt. the one with the purple stripes?” he asked and I heaved
“of course not Brian. we don’t share one luggage and how do you expect me to know about your damn T-shirt” I groaned putting the spaghetti into a bowl.
“It was here a minute ago” he said
“You are impossible—” I stopped when my eyes caught the sight of Brian’s body.
The beads of water trailed down his abs down to his torso.
I gulped.
I’ve never seen Brian shirtless before.
Water! I need to drink something.
I blinked and turned to face the other side.
“Brian please put on something” I begged
“why? I’m perfectly fine like this” he said smirking.
“Brian!” I yelled
“Alright. I’ll get dressed” he said and walked out to the direction of the bedroom.
Be calm Ciara. he’s gone now.
I almost had a heart attack.

I Cooked dinner and served it on the table.
Brian finally wore a shirt and sat down to eat and so did I.
It was already some minutes past nine.
We ate for a while before we heard a thunderstorm followed by a lightening bolt.
“Looks like it’s gonna rain soon” Brian said and I glanced outside the window only to see dark clouds.
I quickly stood up to bolt the window.
“First day of coming to a new country, and it just had to rain” I muttered under my breath
“Looks like everywhere in this world hates you” He said
I guess he heard what I said.
I scoffed and sat down to join him.
We finished eating and I cleared the table, trying to wash the dishes when suddenly the power went out.
“Oh shit” Brian cursed
“Is this some kind of joke” I whispered to myself. I hate the dark.
immediately after the power went out, it started to rain.
“Brian do something”
“What do you want me to do? can’t you see its raining” he asked.
Isn’t there a lamp here or something?
“Brian I’m scared” I blurt out
“Oh so you can yell but you’re scared of the dark?” he teased “unbelievable”
I felt something on my legs and jumped on Brian’s body.
“Brian there’s something on the floor” I said holding onto him pretty tight.
“Really and what was that?” he asked. I could feel his warm breath on my shoulder.
“I don’t know. perhaps a mouse” I guessed
“A mouse on the floor? nice one Ciara”
He tried to put me down but I only held on
“Don’t put me down please. just switch on the light or something” I said
he sighed “ok hang on” he said and walked.

A few minutes later, the lights came on.
“you can come down now. there’s nothing to be scared of” he said and I raised my head slowly to see. my eyes caught his but I looked away.
He gently put me down and the room became awkward all of a sudden.
“Sorry for that” I said and he sat down.
I also sat down too.
I folded my legs together.
I was shaking
“This would’ve been a good time to watch a horror movie” he sighed
This honeymoon sucks. I literally want to go back home.
i almost jumped out of my skin when I heard another lightening bolt.
“Let’s play a game Ciara” he tells me.
I shook my head “no. I’m not in the mood for that”
“I can’t believe you’re this scared. don’t tell me you’re afraid of the dark”
“Of course I am. what if this house is haunted? have you thought of that?”
“yes I have which is completely insane”
“Ever since we got here bad things keep on happening”

“The rain disrupted the power supply so that’s a logical explanation” he said “there is no such things as ghosts or haunted houses. it’s just a myth” he adds
I still don’t believe it.
maybe it’s a sign that we shouldn’t have come here in the first place… damn.
“Truth or dare” he said bringing me back from my quick reverie
“Truth” I reply sharply
“How old are you?” he asked
“Are you scared that maybe I’m older than you” I said rolling my eyes
“Just answer”
“I’m 22” I say. my eyes searching round the house.
“my turn”
“Truth or dare”
“I hate dare so I’ll go with truth” he snapped

“Great. so why’d you get married to me?” I asked and he took one look at me and turned his eyes to look at the ceiling.
“Let’s skip that”
“not fair. I answered mine”
“you know what let’s forget about the game. it’s dumb anyway”
“OK then” I reply
“Great. time for bed” he yawns sprawling out from the couch
“you’re not going to leave me here. all alone. in this pitched dark house”
“sure I can”
“I hate you Brian” I sneered
“the feeling is mutual” he said and started walking away.
“Brian” I yell
“what is it”
“please. I don’t wanna die.” I said with pleading eyes
“Fine” he growled and took a seat next to me.
I felt his arms rubbing against mine occasionally.
It felt pretty nice.
“It feels great to be here again” he said in a low voice
“Be here again? what’s that?”

“This is my parents house. they built it. mom always wanted me to come here on my honeymoon when I got married” he explained
“To Janelle” I ask
“Mom doesn’t know about Janelle. she’s just a fling”
“okay. you’re very lucky you have a family to love you like yours do.” I said
“What about your family. I’m pretty sure they care unlike mine”
“your parents love you Brian. they do. I saw it for myself. you’re just getting it all wrong. I found out that I wasn’t even a part my family. it was pretty hard. I tried to impress them. be the daughter they would be so proud of only to wake up to the reality that I was picked up from the streets. it was painful” I buried my head on my legs as the memories flooded through my head.
“I’m sorry”
“it’s okay. I realize that you can’t really miss the things you never had right?”
“I guess”
I yawned
“Ciara I… ” he trailed off but I was practically dozing off.
He guided my head and placed it on his shoulders and I drifted off to sleep…

MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 14 by Jackie


Episode 15.
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I woke up and was greeted by Brian’s face.
he slept really close to me that our faces were touching
How did we get here? last thing I remembered was—
oh shit!
I fell asleep on his shoulders but how come we’re both on the bed.
He grinned and placed his hand on my hips possessively. he’s forming a habit with this and I can’t risk it. I ran my hands over my body quickly.
I heaved once I realised that I was still on my clothes.
So that means nothing happened between us last night.

I glanced at the alarm clock. it was almost eight in the morning. how did I sleep so late. I tried pulling Brian’s hands from my hips but he tightens his grip on them. I tried to wiggle free but it felt kinda impossible.
He pulls me closer to him as if he wanted to kiss me but I looked away.
“Brian get your hands off of me” I say trying to hit him but he caught my hands and opened his eyes.
I stared at my hand and back at his face.
He looked amused and confused at the same time.
“were you trying to hit me?” he asked pinning my hands on the bed as he hovered over me.
“You were making it almost impossible for me to get up” I grinned
“You were the one who slept so close to me” he growled running his other hand through his hair.
“Get off of me Brian” I yelled
“So you can yell now? some hours ago, you were screaming about how scared you were of the dark” He said through gritted teeth.
my eyes wandered down to Brian’s body only to realize that he was shirtless.
Damn those abs!!
Shut up Ciara. you literally hate this guy. You shouldn’t let his amazing body structure get to you!
“I’m not scared now, so get off” I say and he climbed down from the bed and made his way to the bathroom.
If this keeps up, we’ll be having millions of kids in less than thirty minutes.
I got up from the bed and picked Brian’s clothes from the floor. he has a habit of throwing things everywhere and anywhere he liked.
I waited for him and went in to have my shower.
I changed into something cool and suitable.
The weather was nice.
I was preparing breakfast when I heard a knock on the door.
“I’m coming” I yelled running to open it.
“Hi” They greeted immediately I opened up.

I guess they were the ones living next door.
“Hello” I greeted
“we saw you yesterday but waited for you guys to settle down before we came to say hi” she explained.
From the look of things, I guess she was almost my age or a year older.
“Yeah we were kinda busy”
“I’m Alex and this is my husband Jake vreeke.” she said extending her hands for a, shake and I took it.
“Who’s at the door Ciara” I heard Brian’s voice behind me.
“Our neighbors” I reply
he stuck his head through my shoulders to see.
he wasn’t putting on clothes as usual.
“I guess you guys are busy, we’ll come back later” Alex said immediately she saw his bare skin.
Busy? doing what?
“no we’re not.” I say “Brian please put on something” I beg.
“Alright. come in.” Brian offered and they stepped inside.
He walked inside to dress up and came back a while later.
“what can I get you? tea or coffee?” I ask
“Tea would be very much appreciated” Alex said winking at Jake.
“I’m Brian and that’s my wife Ciara” I overheard Brian telling them
I almost puked. wife?
“He’s your tea” I say placing the tray in front of them and pouring into their glasses.
“Thank you” they said taking a, sip.
I sat down next to Brian and he wrapped his hands round my waist.
I looked at him but he faked a smile as if he didn’t know what he was doing.
“Would you mind joining us for breakfast. my wife is really a great cook” Brian tells them
What is wrong with him?
“Sure we will” Jake reply
“I’ll help you set the table” Alex offered and stood up to follow me into the kitchen while the guys tried to catch up.
“So I guess you came here for your honeymoon right?” she asked and I nod
“We did too. since last week. it was nice to be alone with each other and no one to interfere” she said setting the plates
“that is if you love each other” I mumbled
“Say what?”
“Nothing” I reply sharply
we set the table and they joined us.
We ate our breakfast as conversations drifted through the air.
Alex and Jake are really nice people and I admire the way they acted as couples. I mean envied. I’ve always wanted a relationship like theirs. too bad I’m stuck with Mr_No_Good.
I took a bite out of my baguette and kept on looking at them.
I’m really enjoying their company.
“So I was thinking if you guys would love to go swimming today. the beach here is nice” Alex suggested with a low voice
“I’m sorry but I’m scared of water.” I say
“I guess you’re scared of everything” Brian said in almost a whisper.
I glanced at him and he was trying to hide back his laughter
“that’s okay. we could teach you. it’s pretty simple. I also had that phobia but Jake gave me some pointers and I’m OK” she nods as she spoke.
“Yeah Ciara. we could teach you” Brian said, sarcasm down his throat.
“No thanks. I didn’t come with any swim wear” I protest
“that’s not a problem. I have tons of swim wear I bought from a consignment store. you could check it out. I’m positive it’ll look great on you” Alex said trying to convince me.
I nodded after giving it much thought.
“Great so it’s a double date” she beamed with smiles
“I’ll help you pack lunch then” she offered
“That’ll be nice of you”

We arrived at the beach in Jake’s car.
We unpacked and set up on the beach.
“We can change to our beach wear in that store over there” Alex said grabbing my hands.
“Wait we have to help them set up everything”
“They can handle it. right Jake?”
“Sure go ahead. we’ll manage” Brian said and jake nods slowly
“Alright. come on Ciara”she said pulling me towards the direction of the store.
we got inside the changing room once we arrived there.
” Here this would look great on you ” she said handing me a lightly colored bikini.
“holy shit! I can’t wear this” I cursed
“it’s the beach Ciara. no one cares about what you wear for swimming. everyone is putting on the same thing”
“I can’t walk around the beach in that. it’s just like not putting on clothes at all” I say biting my finger like a three year old
“You’ll be fine trust me. And I’ll be right next to you.” she said handing them over to me.
I reluctantly took it and got inside to change.
I looked like a mannequin in this. I mean I’ve worn something worse than this so it’s kinda similar.
“I’m screwed” I say staring at the mirror in the changing room.
I took a breath before finally stepping out of the room.
“Wow.. you look awesome” Alex compliments
“You think?” I gave a quizzical look
“Brian’s gonna need a baby after he sees you in this” she tells me and just then my mind flashed back to penny and Brian’s mom.
“Great. another thing to worry about.. kids” I thought to myself.
“Come on. let’s go out”
“Out? like right now?”
“yeah. you can’t enjoy the beach if you’re gonna be cooped up in here” Alex Said letting her hair fall loose on her shoulders. she applied a lipstick as stared at the mirror.
“You should totally loosen your hair from the band. it’ll make you look more pretty” she pressed on
“Don’t worry I’m OK” I say and she shrugged.
I managed to come out of the changing room in one piece apart from the lipstick that Alex insisted that I apply.

i noticed Brian eyes on me the minute he saw us walking up to them.
I couldn’t read the expression on his face.
he looked surprised like he’s seen a ghost or something.
“Wow” Jake said immediately we approached them
For some reason, Brian couldn’t take his eyes off of me.
I was getting more embarrassed by the minute.
Alex jumped on Jake’s back begging for a piggy ride. they looked so cute together.
I glanced at Brian and shifted his gaze, pretending not to notice me.
“Let’s have a little competition. we’ll both a piggy back race. last couple to make it back owes the other a victory meal” Jake suggested making Alex squeal in Delight.
“let’s do it. it’ll be so much fun” she added
“No. no no. you guys can go. we’ll be right here waiting for you” I say
“You can’t have a competition all by yourself. are you trying to chicken?”
“Of course not” Brian said releasing his hands from his trunks. That was when I noticed Brian was shirtless again.
“We can do it. right Ciara?”
“no I can’t.” I say sitting on the beach mattress
“Yes we can. do be a fun sponge” he said pulling me up from the mattress.
“Come on. get on my back” he ordered.
“This is literally insane” I say and he bent on one knee in front of me. “I won’t drop you I promise” he adds
I reluctantly got on his back. wrapping my hands round his neck and my legs round his waist.
Brian is piggy backing me?
I tried to laugh but restrained from doing so.
I almost flinched when his arms got hold of my thighs from under. this is intense.

We race there and back with Alex and Jake trailing behind us. Brian was already sweaty by the time we arrived.
I jumped down and sat down next to Brian.
“So I guess you guys owe us a meal then” Brian said causing us to laugh.
“I was joking when I said that. you didn’t take it seriously did you” Jake said trying to hold back his laughter but he blew it and laughed heavily.
“Wow. best beach day ever” Alex Said running towards the beach and Jake followed.
I was about to follow when Brian pulled me back to him.
his eyes wandered from my eyes down to my legs.
“Brian quit staring. you’re getting me embarrassed”
“I never knew you looked this pretty” He said tucking my hair behind my ears “I almost went crazy when I saw you wearing this”
Why is he saying this to me?
I guess that’s what he says to all his numerous girlfriends before having sex with them.
And he thinks I’m just so stupid to fall for it.
“Tell that to Janelle when she comes for a visit next time.” I say trying to break free but he holds on
He reached for my ponytail and loosened the band on it making my hair fall on my shoulders.
“There now you look complete” he says staring into my eyes.
What is wrong with him.
“Brian? Ciara. get in here” Jake yelled from the beach.
“We’re coming” Brian yelled back
“Let’s go” he said taking my hands
“Yes let’s go” I say and we walked down to meet them in the water.
I finally got over my fear thanks to Alex and Jake and Brian.
We got out some hours later and rode the beach buggy.
Then got back into the water again.

After swimming for hours, we packed our things and headed home. Although Alex insisted we stay a bit longer but after being persuaded by Jake, she decided to go home too.
We got into Jake’s car and Brian drove us home since Jake was too tired to take the wheel. I guess today wasn’t so bad after all…


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3 years ago

Getting really interesting

3 years ago

Getting more interesting…Next pls

3 years ago

Hmmm…this is getting steamy… lol ???☺️

3 years ago

Wow..I’m loving this!

2 years ago
