MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 1 by Jackie

MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 1 by Jackie

MARRIED TO MR RIGHT Episode 1 by Jackie

“There all done” The makeup artist Brian had told to make me up said to me. I felt the tears coming out from the corner of my eyes.

“don’t you want to see how it looks?” she asked again but this time placing the mirror in front of me. I took it from her and threw it on the floor making it smash into a million pieces.

My life is being ruined and I can’t seem to do anything about it. I can’t believe I’m getting married to this arrogant bastard.

There was a time in my life when I wanted to get married to a, man who would love me for me, a man who would respect me, who would cherish every moment I had with him, who would be ready to love me till death do us part but now it’s just the complete opposite.
Marriage was supposed to be a sacred relationship between two people. it is a second important relationship in a, woman’s life. how would I be able to survive in this life commitment when there is no love.

I never wanted this for myself, I never wished for any of this. please is everything happening right now a dream?

My eyes were all damp. Lily who I assumed was her name kept on telling me to stop crying so as to not ruin my face but I didn’t pay any attention to her.

she doesn’t know what I’m going through, she doesn’t know what I’m feeling now.
my whole life is ruined. all my dreams wasted and no one knows how much I’m hurting. my friends think I’m one lucky girl to get married to a man as rich as Brian but they don’t know the plans he has for me under his sleeves.
“it’s time to get dressed” She said to me. I reluctantly stood up.
She brought the gown and got me all dressed up.

I looked into the mirror staring at myself as they applied the finishing touches to my dress.
Today was supposed to be the happiest day of my life but sadly it’s not.
She placed the bouquet of flowers in my hand and wore me my jewelry and shoes.

Then I was accompanied to the limousine that was supposed to take me to the venue for the wedding celebration.
We arrived at the garden which was fully decorated and after.

Soon enough, the orchestra began to play the wedding March. the guests stood up and I walked down the aisle in the company of my mom who offered to give me away.
Brian stood at the alter looking back down the Aisle at me. he was giving a mischievous smile. one would think that he was happy with everything going on not knowing that he’s not at all getting married for love but revenge.

I looked round the garden and at the crowd.
on the left side were his family and some of his trusted friends.
on the other side were some of the guests and my friends.
As I got close to him, I noticed how grumpy his face had become.
when I reached him, he took my hand and we faced the priest who was to officiate the ceremony.

The wedding kicked off, thereafter, vows were said and we exchanged rings.
About an hour later, we were presented as man and wife.
“you may kiss the bride” the priest said and he turned to face me. he lifted my veil and threw it over my head, then lowered his head to kiss my lips. he pulled his lips inside his mouth and placed them on my lips.
He really didn’t kiss me but made it seem as if he did.

he whispered close to my lips “this is just the beginning. I hope you’re ready for everything that comes after this”
He smiled at me and turned to look at the crowd who were busy cheering.
“he’s going to kill me. this is a nightmare” I thought to myself.
Refreshment were served and after that I went to a place that was supposed to be my husband’s home.
Immediately we got in, he closed the door and and forcefully threw me on the couch.
Then he pulled my hair bringing my face to his.

“Well Ciara. congratulations today you became my wife.”
I had already started to cry.
“please let me go. you’re hurting me” I begged
“that’s the point, I’m here to hurt you. I’m here to destroy you and every precious little dream you had for yourself. I’ll make sure you pay” he said, eyes burning with fury.
“Please let me go”
“you know what, when we’re outside we’re a couple but inside, you have no form of relationship with me. you are only here to attend to my needs and that’s all got it” he said and pulled me up then threw me on the bed.

He opened the door and walked outside. I have never felt this pain in my life, I sat down in a fetal position and sobbed.
I have never felt so helpless in my entire life.
I quickly took off my gown and scuttled to the bathroom to have my shower.
After bathing, I wore my nightie and sat down on the bed.
I couldn’t eat and besides food was the last thing on my mind right now.

I’m broken
I tried calling my parents but he forbade me from doing so.
“you have to suffer alone” he keeps on telling me
so I just got to bed and cried my eyes out.

will I survive marriage with Brian.

I think I just signed a death wish for myself.
And before I knew it, I fell asleep.



“Ciara wake up” Mom called from across the room.
“Please let me sleep a little. I’m having a headache” I lied
“I said wake up” She said in anger and shook me violently. I had no other choice but to wake up like she demands.

“Alright I’m up” I said and scuttled
to the bathroom to have my shower then went downstairs to cook breakfast.
“Breakfast is ready”I call after setting the table. Everyone gathered round and sat down. Seems like everyone is at home today.

I went up to my room and grabbed my bag then rushed downstairs to go when my mom called me
” Where are you going?”
“To work. I’m already late” I tell her
“You won’t be if you woke up earlier than this” She gave me a glare and continued eating
“I had a stressful day yesterday and I came back late last night so I had to sleep in” I explain to her but it seems as if I was talking to myself cause she wasn’t paying attention to what I was saying.

“Why don’t you just hook up with a rich guy and have a better life. I guess you enjoy seeing us suffer in this dump” My Aunt scoffed
“Don’t start with Ciara. She’s always talking about how great she wants her husband to be” Her husband said while she giggled
“I’ll be going now” I say to them as I walked out.

They think I’m just gonna marry any guy that comes across my way.
I know I’ve come of age and that I’m not getting any younger but still I don’t want to rush in and then rush out.
I’m a lady of policy.

My name is Ciara Smith. I’m 22 and the only daughter of my parents.
I come from a poor family. My mom owns a local restaurant and my dad is a simple mechanic.

My family has been through a lot. My brother got fired from work and since he had no where else to go, he ended up with us with his wife who sure knows how to ruin my day.
I work at a local radio station. I’ve always found unending joy being behind a microphone and saying inspirational things to people.

I arrive at work and opened up the door.
“Morning C”
I turn to look at the person wishing me a good morning.
“Darren. Oh hi” I waved giving a bright smile
“Hello. How’ve you been”
“I’m alright” . I reply not knowing what to say anymore.

Darren has always been a close friend of mine ever since I started working here. I realized that he has a soft spot for me. I mean a crush, to put it politely. Although he’s asked me to date him several times but I always gave him the excuse that I wasn’t ready.
“Ciara you have to work on these documents” He said handing a few files over to me and I reviewed them.

“If you impress the guy then you can write yours” He adds
“For real”
“Yeah for real” He tells me
“So I was hoping if we could go somewhere or probably do something” He asks
“I’m sorry but…
” No.” He cut me off “it’s okay Ciara I understand” Was all he said before he walked away. I know It’s just one harmless date but I can’t help it. I don’t want him to be of the opinion that I’m starting to like him or have feelings for him.

I sat down on my small office and started to work. After submitting my papers, I grabbed my bag and left for home.
I stopped by the grocery store to get some stuff for dinner. Then I left for home.
I arrived and started making dinner for the family when I heard a knock on the door. I quickly rushed to open it.

“Welcome mother” I greeted but she only nods
“Dad didn’t come with you?” I ask but she ignored and got inside the house, after fully resting on the couch, she turned to me and said
“No he’s still working. Take some food to him once you’ve served the entire family” I nodded and went back to the kitchen. Sometimes I’m beginning to ask myself if this woman is my mom. She talks to me like a master talking to a guard dog.

I’m trying my very best to work hard and support the family with the little income I have. Isn’t that enough to love me.
I finished cooking and served dinner on the table, I wrapped some for dad and stuffed it inside my bag.
“I’ll be going now” I tell her
“I’m beginning to wonder how I’ll pay off all these debts. It’s choking me” She talks to herself. I simply shook my head and walked away.

I took a cab and drove to dad’s workshop. Some blocks down the street. When I arrived, I noticed the commotion coming from inside.
I pushed my way to the front to see what was happening for myself.

A handsome young man was yelling at dad. I don’t know what happened but it seems like dad ruined something in his car. It was one of the shiniest and sparkling thing I’ve seen in my entire life and I’m sure it’s pretty expensive as well. dad was trying to plead but he didn’t seem like he wants to hear any of it.

“I don’t care what you do but you’re gonna have to replace this car right now” He told dad who was already sweating nervously
“I’m really sorry. It’s all my fault”
“Get your sorry ass outta my face you Dutchebag. You’re just a low life living in the slums. You’re a good for nothing human being. You ruined my car and sorry is all you’re gonna say?” He spat.
Dad just stood there staring at him. If he could endure all the insults then I can’t. I took a piece of rock and threw it at the car breaking the front mirror.

“What the… ” He started off before turning to look at me
“Are you insane?”
“Between the two of us, who looks more insane. How dare you insult my father even when he said that he was sorry.” I yell at him. He shot me daggers from his eyes
“I guess you’ve lost your manners young lady”
“Clearly you have. You called my father a good for nothing right? Let me show you how good for nothing people looks like” I told and picked a handful of mud and threw it at him
He gasps.

“My tuxedo”
“Next time, watch that mouth of yours. I guess your parents didn’t teach you proper manners before letting a stray dog like you wander far from home”
“You’re gonna regret this, I promise” He threatened and got into his car.

“Dad are you okay” I ask trying to hold him but he pushed me away
“You useless child. Do you have any idea what nonsense you just did. Who told you to interfere” He ask
“Dad he was hurting you”
“Don’t you dare call me your father. I can never father a girl that brings nothing but bad luck to her family. You’ve come of age to get married but instead you go about trying to destroy my only source of livelihood”
“I’m sorry dad” I beg amidst sobs
“Leave Ciara.

I hope you’ve done enough damage now” He said
I walk back and took a cab home. I arrived and walk past mom then rushed to my bedroom ignoring her calls.
I fell to the floor and wept bitterly.
Why do they hate me this much? My own family treating me like strangers
So I’m now bad luck even when I stood up for him.
Is that how much he hates me.
After crying, I went to bed and some minutes later, I slept off…

I woke up the next morning but decided to stay away from everyone’s business. I don’t know why they hate me and I can’t force them to like me either.
I went to the kitchen and after tying my hair into a ponytail, I started making breakfast.
when I was done, I served it on the table and went to my room. I didn’t bother calling them down for breakfast. why should I in the first place. if it gets cold then they should eat it the way it is.

I jotted some stuff down in my notes and just then I heard footsteps. looks like they are about to eat.
When I was done I shoved the book inside my bag and proceeded to the kitchen to wash the dishes and eat my breakfast. I have always eaten from the kitchen because I don’t feel like I belong at the table not with the way I’m treated in this house.
After that I had my shower and got dressed up for work then I took my bag and placed it on my shoulder and wore my boots.

“where are you going” the woman who I thought was my mother ask me
“work” I reply without looking at her
“Have you had your meal?” she asked but I simply nodded
“Ciara I’m talking to you”
“you’ve never really cared about anything I say so why is my silence bothering you now? you love me being silent and I’m trying to do just that”
“Are you talking to me like this”

I faced her “I’ve always been considered bad luck in this house no wonder no one likes me, but don’t worry I’ll try to stay away from all of you from now on alright. bye and don’t forget to cook dinner, I’ll be coming back late tonight” I tell her and walk away.
I didn’t bother looking back and I never regretted what I said. if they don’t like me then I can’t really force them to.

I hope everything turns out ok with the people I call my family.
I had to walk since I didn’t have enough money to pay a cab. I sighed immediately he pulled up and paid him his money then I got inside to begin the daily business…


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