LITTLE SOFIA Episode 9 – Missing Pen

LITTLE SOFIA Episode 1 - Missing Pen


They where the ones who forced the police to explain exactly my crime

I was in my cell soaked in tears when I heard the steps of some People but as they walked closer two stopped and was discussing, while one kept walking closer.

Out of the dark revealed sherry in tears, I was pained in my heart, seeing her cry really pained me.

“Why, why did you do it?” Sherry asked amidst tears.

“What did I do I didn’t do anything ” I said anxiously.

While I was still battling to get sherry to speak up on what she must have heard from the police about my crime, the other two people walked in the scene, it was my lawyer and the d.p.o.

The D.P.O. directed two other police officers who were initially at the counter near the beginning of the hallway to apprehend me with handcuffs and escort me to the counter.

At the counter, I was questioned by the d.p.o, if I participated in ritual k!lling recently. I was amazed at his question, but replied negatively. Sherry on the other hand kept shaking her head in disbelief.

I was then taken to an empty room in the station and their I stumbled upon my brother who was almost mentally ill, he was acting as if he had been seeing a ghost. I shaded tears in pain at the sight of his condition.

“We found him in a wardrobe in the hotel room you lodged in on Friday last week. And report states that you also came into the hotel with him” the d.p.o said.

I fell down and began begging the d.p.o, swearing that I had no hands in his suffering, but they all fell on deaf ears. I was later taken back to my cell.

While at my cell, sherry walked in and comforted me. I then recalled everything that happened and I told her. Sherry smiled and promise she was going to ensure I was granted justice.

By afternoon the next day around 2pm, sherry walked into the cell to give me food, I was surprised at how she was able to pass the police men at the counter and walk into the cell to deliver food.

Sherry gave an excuse, but I noticed that there where differences in her voice but she denied that it was just an effect of fluid. We played in the prison for a while before she seek to take her leave and I had to let her go.

Few minutes after sherry left I began to feel strange, it was as if someone was around me. After some minutes I heard dropping sounds of water.

I checked around me but saw nothing. After a while I heard steps of children rushing into the hallways that led to the prison but before they will reach the point where I can see them everything will go silent.

I was there, shivering, when I saw Sofia inside the cell I was, she looked at me with a cold and sad face before letting out a Loud laugh.

“Aaaaaaaaaah……aaaaaaaaaah” I screamed out loud.

The two policemen ran to me and seeing me on the ground crying, they took me on cuffs and kept me on a seat in the station. While was there I got shocked seeing sherry coming again with a plate of food in her hands. It’s just been 30 minutes she left.



Every evening

My pen don’t bleed ❣️❣️❣️❣️ it writes…..

©️ Missing pen

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