LITTLE SOFIA Episode 3 – Missing Pen

LITTLE SOFIA Episode 1 - Missing Pen


My wife disagreed with my decisions and rather accused me of using Sofia for ritual.

It’s been two weeks now but my wife was still subbing in pain for the lost of her child. I needed some one to care for her because I normally go to work, so I needed someone to care for her when am gone.

I thought of calling my brother, who was in his finals in the senior secondary school sector. I put a call through to my mom and asked him to bring him. She refused but after I promised her I was putting him in a private school she chose to let him come over ( she believes private school are better than government or public schools).

The first day my brother came it was in the morning just about when I was stepping out for work. I rushly took him to a single room opposite Sofia’s room, I told him to tidy the house before I came back.

After work, as soon as I opened the door, I saw some weapons and sharp objects by the parlour centre table. Immediately, my brother came out of his room, I guess he heard the door opening.

“Who owns these knives and cutlass?.” I opened the bag very well “Wait, is there a serial k!ller In this house?” I asked puzzled at the weapons in the bag, because I never brought any of them.

“Uncle that is not all of it, I also found stains of blood in almost all of Sofia’s clothes ” my brother told me.

I asked him to walk with me to the room and together we searched the whole room but there was nothing else found.

While I was at the dinning doing few office work, I instructed my brother to go to the kitchen and prepare me my food. Few minutes later I overheard him screaming from the kitchen.

I left my system and rushed into the kitchen. I found him on the floor screaming and pointing at the fridge. I went forward to take a look and I was shocked to see some ones kidney in my fridge.

My brother tried to run but I held him and swore that I knew nothing about how the kidney got there. We debated a long time on the topic before he decided to stay. I asked him to prepare the food while I go bury the kidney.

I took a shovel and walked to the backyard at the dark hours and dug a hole. While I was digging, I heard footsteps behind me. I waited a while and turned but saw no one.

I kept digging then finally buried it but as I turned to leave for inside, I saw some one running back from the other end of the building. I stood up with the shovel and tried to chase after it but it was aimless, I didn’t see it anymore.

I gave up and returned inside but I stumbled upon my wife cautioning my brother to not give me the food I asked him to prepare. I asked her to let go but she insisted. After a little drag I decided to let her win.

After I was done eating and retired to bed I couldn’t find my wife in our room. I went to my brother’s room but she wasn’t there also. So I and my brother began searching for her.



Every evening

My pen don’t bleed ❣️❣️❣️❣️ it writes…..

©️ Missing pen

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