Life in The Womb Episode 7 | A Short Pidgin English Comedy

Life in The Womb by Mummy E | A Short Pidgin English Comedy

Life in The Womb Episode 7 by Mummy E

Agu: This our mother don start again o, she don Start again o. Since morning now she never eat.

Bovi: Me sef tire o. I day H seriously o.

Agu: No nor H, day there day talk of love. Na love you go chop when you go earth. I tell you say hunger go finish us. So the best thing to do na just to die as them won born us. We return to where we for come, then find rich person Belle enter.

Bovi: Na do e go be. Because I nor fit suffer hunger for belle finish then go earth go suffer am. E nor go work.

Just then the whole womb became hot. And they saw their mom’s cervix opening.

Bovi: Agu see o, see o, that place day open o, wetin day happen, since we day here, that door never open once o, which door be that?

Agu: E be like say na today o, she won born so o, time to go to earth o.

Bovi: Jesu……so we never chop and we won go earth. The hunger go tight o, bros I never ready o. We need to chop first o.

Agu: But the door don day open small small so na, wetin we go do?

Bovi: I nor know o, but I don day feel hear here o, see our water when we take day baff and drink don day go outside the door o. If the water finish we must pass through the door be that o. Wetin we go do?

Agu: (thinks for a while) come make we close am, make we close the door.

Agu moves towards the door beckoning on Bovi to come help him push the door and the. Suddenly he felt a force pushing him towards the door.

Agu: Bovi, Bovi come help me o. The door day drag me come abeg abeg, I nor won go. I be your brother come help me abeg.

Bovi jumps up and held onto Agu’s hand pulling him from the door.

Agu: the thing day drag me abeg draw me draw me, use all your power, draw me, nor let them force me go abeg.

Bovi pulled harder, and finally he dragged Agu inside and together they forcefully shut the door, putting a big barricade behind it.

Agu: Thank you my brother, day won force me come out before their plan nor go work.

Meanwhile the water keeps licking out and this worries the boys. Mrs Ojo in the hospital was shouting and whirling in pains.

To be continued!
Written by the writer of the story THE COMPLETE WOMAN


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