Life in The Womb Episode 6

Life in The Womb by Mummy E | A Short Pidgin English Comedy

Life in The Womb Episode 6
(A short pidgin English comedy)

It was not easy living for 9months in the womb. Agu and Bovi made sure to cause a while lot of trouble for the Ojos. Mrs Ojo couldn’t care less. She had been married for 13years without a child and now that God has finally blessed her with twin boys she was not going to complain about any pregnancy symptoms.

Even though she has not given birth she already loves her boys and will do everything possible to protect them.

Mr Ojo since the announcement that his wife was pregnant has done everything within his power to make sure that he is ready when they finally comes. He works endlessly and tirelessly day and night to make sure he was ready when they came.

The nine months journey had not been easy. They barely ate good food but made sure they bought everything that the kids would want when they finally come. Together they prayed for financial doors to be opened so their kids won’t have to suffer. They both believed in the saying that with the arrival of children comes open doors and so they waited patiently for their boys to arrive along side their open doors.

That night as Agu and Bovi relaxed and planned together, they heard Mrs Ojos voice again. They were already familiar with their parents voices as they constantly hear it day and night.

Agu: Bovi bit this our mama and papa e be like say them go nice o.

Bovi: you day think am? Because me sef don think am.

Agu: I day think am o. Since we day this womb for nine months now, them never quarrel once o. Everything them day do na together.

Bovi: imagine quarrel and fight join this one when we day so, we for don find any alternative to break this door and leave na.

Agu: The worse thing when go fit happen na to go enter house when d mama and papa day fight o. Imagine say them come blow us for here, how we go do.

Bovi: I don reason am before now. Them be nice people. Oya listen listen. Mummy don day talk to us.

Mrs Ojo: my sons, I know you can hear me. I want you to know that your father and I love you guys so much and we can’t wait to finally hold you in our hands, for 13years we waited for you guys and now that you are finally here we promise to do everything possible to make you happy.

Mr Ojo: yes sons, we know that your coming will bring open doors for us, we know that things will change when you finally arrive. We promise to keep you safe and happy forever as long as we are your parents, you will be happy we promise.

Agu turned and looked at Bovi and saw him crying.

Agu: shoo. Why you con day cry na?

Bovi: wetin them day talk day touch me. I feel am. Them love us so much.

Agu: and so? Na love you won chop? If we go there na hunger and suffer go kill us o. You better focus on the plan you hear me so?

Bovi was quiet

Agu: I say u hear me so?

Bovi: yes I hear.

Agu: good.

They both sat opposite each other silent and calm.

To be continued!
Written and composed by Excelrhymez
Aka Mummy E

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