Life in The Womb Episode 3 | A Short Pidgin English Comedy

Life in The Womb by Mummy E | A Short Pidgin English Comedy

Life in The Womb Episode 3 by Mummy E

The children sat down one night enjoying the cool of the day. They discussed and laughed among then selves. Tboy told them of how much he wanted to go to earth and Andre kept on reminding him to look well before running inside a womb.

Agu: Bovi my friend, I won suggest something to you because me and you na friend. After all this tori when we don hear from Andrea and Tboy so, I say make we plan well before we enter any womb.

Bovi: who be we? Na me and you won enter the same womb.

Tboy: e nor go bad o, una two fit enter one womb na. That way them nor go fit force anybody out.

Bovi: How you mean?

Tboy: if to say we be two for the womb she for nor stab me come push me out. Them day fear two pikins for womb.

Agu and Bovi face lit up as they wore a very big smile on their faces. Agu turned to Bovi.

Agu: How u see d matter?

Bovi: me and you go come get the same mama. I nor like o.

Agu: see this one, you feel say I like, na to protect our interest o, number one make them for nor fit injure us with medicine or use needle shook us out.

Bovi: you get point sha, but na how you won take do am. How me and you won take enter inside the womb when all these hungry lion children go just run fiam enter the womb and lock the door.

Agu: see wetin go happen. We go day practice how to run so that we go fit run the next time we see who don ready. If na me first enter the womb, I go open the door day wait for you. Anybody when near the door we march them out until either me or u reach there we enter and lock the door. But we nor go let anyone first us enter.

Bovi: That ma good point.

Agu: so we get deal abi?

Bovi: we get deal.

Agu: I nor trust you o, nor be say you go enter finish you go come lock me out o.

Bovi: gerrout jhoor. Deal na deal.

And that was how the struggle began, for it was not even up to two days before a man and a woman made love and sperm was released. It was Andrea who saw the door open first, but she was not ready to go to earth yet and so she quickly alerted Bovi, who called Agu and the race began, other children joined in the race.

It was Bovi who first got to the door, he quickly turned to awe if Agu was coming and he saw Agu far behind running to him with both hands in the sky telling him not to lock the door against him. Agu stood firm at the door kicking off any baby that tries to enter, he has kicked about five kids and then he took a look at the womb and just as the 6th kid was coming with Agu behind him, he quickly stepped out of the door and allowed the baby enter. The baby entered and shut them out.

Agu: Bovi! You day mad? I don reach here na, why you come out, allow that small black girl enter.

Bovi: My brother calm down, you nor go understand.

Agu was very angry.

Agu: wetin i nor go understand. We plan this thing together and first attempt he work. You do finish by yourself you go allow that girl enter, wetin you con want me to understand.

Bovi: Bros if you see that womb you self go come out. The kain food when I see inside, e nor day appealing at all. The womb nor fine, e rough anyhow, na one room apartment. I discover say e nor go size me and you so I decide to come out, you remember wetin Andrea tell us, you look before you leap. That womb when I see? Hunger go kill us there.

Agu: Ah you do well be that, I nor want this my fresh body to come go suffer for any womb o. Na white woman belle sef I want make we enter, I nor day for those Nigerian women belle o.

Bovi: Abi o, abeg if na u first enter womb, make sure say you confirm well before I come o, I nor won hear say we go enter person when day suffer belle o.

Agu: nor worry, u nor trust me?

Bovi: issorite sha.

They both held their hands as they walked away.

To be continued!
Written and composed by Excelrhymez
Aka Mummy E

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5 years ago

Very interesting! Kudos to the writer.

Nounyui Mervice
Nounyui Mervice
3 years ago

I can’t just stop laughing but the story is really lovely more grace to you Moda