The Bodyguard 2 Episode 2 by Tisa Phiri

The Bodyguard 2 Episode 1 by Tisa Phiri

The Bodyguard 2 Episode 2 by Tisa Phiri


I ran outside my heart pumping . I felt the anger in my veins bulging and making my fists shake , I stood in the middle of the road and looked on both sides there was nothing . No sign of that evil woman .

I knew somehow that was bound to happen , only that I didn’t anticipate that Chikola the mother to George would go for our kids . She had met me one day after her son was imprisoned .

You ! She shouted at me as I walked in the streets of Chingola . I had gone to check on some businesses there one Wednesday morning .

I stopped and looked behind just to see her walk to me , do you think I will rest and watch you live in peace after you caused the down fall of my only son ? She scolded me .

Excuse me mam , your son deserved what he got l responded , besides if you wanted a better life for him you could have done a good job when raising him , it’s evident you failed .

She raised her hand to slap me but I held it up high .

Listen to me woman , leave me and Paula alone . Don’t dare me , l will do anything for her and anyone who comes against her will answer to me .

We will see, she snapped as she walked away .

I didn’t tell Paula bcoz I didn’t want to worry her but I had been alert all along . When I realised months went by and it was quite I had come to think that maybe she was now at ease and had come to terms with everything , well I was wrong . Now that I was achieving what I had hoped for since I fall in love with Paula. I made her my wife and I felt complete with her and my two sons , I named them Paul and kim , we had to name them from both our names Paul from Paula and Kim from Ackim .

Running back to the event venue I found Paula sobbing her father comforting her . I felt my heart pain seeing her devasted , I had to stay calm for her .

Come here love, I held her. Am going to find our kids , I whispered to her kissing her forehead .

You have to Ackim , she cried , please don’t let anything happen to our babies.

The wedding was sumarised and after everyone was dispersed I saw a white guy walk towards us as we walked to the car .

Congratulations , he told us looking at Paula in particular . Thank you , I answered still holding my wife . Well , am happy for you guys , he added and walked away . I saw Paula frown but I didn’t ask anything.I didn’t want to start asking questions about some stranger guy when we already have pressure of loosing our boys .

She sat on the bed at our home her face down . What does she want from us babe ? It’s not my fault that my father had a child outside marriage , what am I supposed to do ? These people are just being paranoid , she complained .

I won’t let anything happen to our kids my love l comforted sitting next to her. Am sorry our day has been spoiled , we were supposed to be enjoying this moment this time , I added holding her neck , come on give me a smile I whispered kissing her.Did I tell you that you look extra sexy tonight ?

She shook her head smilling , no you didn’t she responded in a low tone .

Well you do and if It was some other day I could be enjoying you right now but I have to go my love , let me find our kids and then I will come back to finish this I said kissing her again .

She nodded her head and I hugged her for a minute before leaving .

Hello ! I spoke up as the person I was calling answered the call .

It’s Ackim am coming your way there’s an emmergence I announced . I heard a sleepy voice sigh and he said , okey sir see you soon then .

I cut the line and increased the speed of the car as I drove across the city all the way to the army base .

I was reinnstated under special ops department when I reported back the year before , I was working as an under cover in the intelligent unit . My work was to carry out special operations for the government . I couldn’t refuse coz once one was in the system there was no backing out .

I had not told Paula yet because I knew the danger of my operations , I needed more time to tell her what was going on .

From the operations I was well paid and had put some money into the shares under Lusaka stock exchange , as it was I had a good chunk of wealthy . I somehow felt bad I couldn’t tell my wife yet but the excuse was because our relationship wasn’t legal . And the force was against revealing such details to partners we weren’t married to. Now that it was time for me to reveal my secret my plan was defeated and I somehow had to involve the force to help me find my children .

I called two of my friends who I knew I could trust . They both lived within the base but not a lot of people knew they were part of the intelligence unit . I had worked with them on several occasions and I knew they were the best to summon to help me solve a personal matter .

I came to halt in front of the gate to the Mess were I was meeting my friends, intelligent officers . I needed help ASAP , my kids were barely 3 months old and letting them out there for a day would be a big risk for them .

I steped out of the car and went to the corner in the officer’s mess . Sighing , I raised my hand to call out to the man at the bar . I showed him my Id and the man saluted , good evening Sir , he shouted . At ease soldier I called out putting back my Id , am waiting for other guys let me have two shots of the strongest wine you have here , I ordered .

Yes sir, he saluted and left to the counter .

I removed the Jacket remaining with the pale pink shirt I wore inside . I was still in my wedding suit feeling uncomfortable . lf it were up to me I would have worn casual clothes , Paula and her matron had to convince me to wear a suit and I hated it .

I unbuttoned the first 3 buttons of the shirt and relaxed as I grabbed the glass of wine which was placed before me . I took it all at once and closed my eyes as the wine burnt my gullet .

Jim walked in wearing a thin black coat . He greeted sitting down . What’s up ? He asked placing his phone on the table , I thought you were supposed to be enjoying your wedding night this time , he said looking at his watch .

Yeah I should but unfortunately some irritating person just kidnapped my boys at the reception , l told him looking straight at him .

Oh s*** ! Jim cursed sitting back his back on the chair .

Chama , another guy I was meeting walked in as I breifed Jim . He was the guy good with comminuication issues. Give him a computer and he would trace anyone using a phone line and a few details such as NRC and any personal details.

I pointed at a seat nearby and he pulled it towards us sitting his back bend .

So guys like I said I have to find my kids before dawn , l won’t let that woman play me for a fool again , l can bet she’s not working alone it’s obvious she isn’t that sharp to carry out such an action , I added as the guys nodded .

let’s get to it now then Chama started , give me anything about this person I have my computer in the car.

As Chama went to get the computer I wrote down the details I knew for Chikola , I managed to grab her phone number from the records at the time she signed her details at the prison before George was imprisoned .

As Chama started connecting his computer Jim and I planned our next move .

I pray to God my kids are alive I swear am sending her and whoever is helping her straight to hell I snapped .

She made some last call from central town, Chama announced . I think you guys can start from there and l will brief you as you drive to town centre with the rest of the details .

Great , thanx guys I owe you both , I told them grabbing my jacket . Let’s go Jim .

The Bodyguard 2 Episode 2

To Be Continued..
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